- ,� - ?� �: r � . . `. f . .. .. .� '-' - ..... >. � 't. . . ..__ . —:.
<br /> -1�„ - `._ t < _ . _F . `'1'i• ^ . c_e . � � `�L_. �'- ' `t �� ' ��` -
<br /> �}.`..;.'-c C, ' .�`.4Q -.t � . , c} . . . .. .< <� t` �p 1 .;�, . .t, �'_ � :.� c - � ` �L-.v _
<br /> t • F a .• . , <- � .. , ti
<br /> .. Q. ��t'`.. . . ,� . __ '-�f-- - c�. ` -
<br /> . • ..5: � . u.�� . �
<br /> - � .. ' t•( • • . . . � +�'T ��V - .,r�:.�� .. ,. `�..
<br /> . Barrow� mqy cura sueti a dsfauft end resstate. i�s PrmAde�In paia�apA 18. b1►csusing tlta ecHan or proceed;ng to be .- . . _—
<br /> . � �smt�s�wSi�a rt�"r�g tAaC�In lend�e good�aHt►determ�na�cn.Predudes fo:let0ire ct the Botra�r�'s tnteres!tn tIIa�o0�f/a� ' . ' -
<br /> .;�< , . � • ,othet ma4e�a1 tmpalrment at the�en�aasted by th� 3esaaity b�stru�t cr Len�'s se�ity Urteest Borrower shaB aiso ba In � `. - • _-
<br /> ' ' ' '` ` � �detaull a Ho�raw�Eurtng tAe toan epplicatfon procesa,9ave ma4ednliy talso or tnaccvrate tntam�atian or ss�as�ems to Lender(ar . `
<br /> ' • '' fiaII�sd tc provtde L�der wi:b any, matc�iat G�tortnst!on) ln conrtec�f[on�ih tlie toan asridencQd Dy the IYot�e.Incfu�ng, b�!nat . � , :�_
<br /> r , ` � : ' < fi��I£ffid to. �PresentaBons.coneemirtg 8orrower's accupan�7l af the ProA�ll ds a Prtni�at�ICenee. It t�is �ec►�ity► . . �•`•
<br /> ' ` � tnsuumc�ni Is on a[easehotQ Botrower ahan eompiy wUA e�ttie pmvistans of the tease. R Bocmwer acQuhes fee t81e to tP�e ;' ` y, , —
<br /> . � t Propecy.tha teeseAoJd and tAe fee t9te sha0 not merga untess lender c$rees w the merg�tn w�@tng. -_
<br /> .. � . � . .. • 7.ProtecNon o'�lender's�84�a tn the Prop�rty.tt Borrower fals to P�(orm ffie cpirenanffi atld a�eQntente � �``. .. �
<br />_ �` , ecc�tned In this wecu�► Ins4urn�1.or there Is a tegal ptaceedIng thai may si�Htcantly aHec!Lendu's dghb tn tha Fropaty , , '
<br /> . � ' (suct�as e procesrQng tn bmQwptcy.probai�tor condemnffiton or faAeR[ve er to entoroe t�ws or regutaHons).the�i.�de niay • . ��.,-
<br /> _ ,.'_ .. . .. _ .
<br /> .` .--•-- � . . . -;`.. do and pay tor whatever Ts ne�s�ry►to Pt�tect the va�e of tho Prop�ty and Lender's dgAb tn the Pro��ly F.ender's acttans
<br /> - ` . may fnd�2de paying ar+S►sums secuced by a Qen whtcN has piforHy ovsi thGs SeauHy h�sRUment aPP�9 in � P�B '-' .�=;
<br /> . • re�dsonaDte atiameYs'(ee,s end enbaU�g on tha Prop�tY to maks repalra.AShough Lend�may take adion und�tNs para�aph . __
<br /> : . 7.LenQ�does nut have to do so. , . . ..
<br /> . .._- . ... My amourtb �sb�ars�d by lender under para�fi 7 shaD beeome addtlanai d�t a!Bnrtowe►seeuned by thts Se�urtly - • ' -
<br /> . _ - k�sirument UNess BOttow�and t�nder 8gtee to other terms ot paymenY,these amOtmts ShaU besr 4rtereat trom ffiA daDa at . ' • ',-�_-.
<br /> .. . . :-, r dLsbursemart at the Nate rale en6 sha0 6a payabie:wfth interest.Wan notice from Lender to Barrarrer recN�9 D�� • , =r
<br /> • . .. ,. 8. Mortgago (nsusance.Ii Len�er requUed martgage inssuar�ce as a conddton ot matdng the toan seaced by thts . � ;�•� �..�
<br /> . ..rL•:>�:_...
<br /> � � Seau�y(nstrum�Barrow�shaG pay the premTums cequUeO to mattrtatri the maRgage insuranee tn eSecL H for arty rwsan.tns ' � ; -:�.•:., ,:_,�_
<br /> , , .��;�...:`':_r,.�:_--.
<br /> � mortgaga insulance coverage requlred by Lends��apses or ceases to be tn eftect.Borrower shsll pay the prentums e�ed to � ",
<br /> • • �: obffiin cov�age svbst�tiaIIy ectui+relrn!tn tha moRgage insurance prertousy in eReet, a!a cosf substantls9y equNaiertt to the : .•' . �`�
<br /> .•. £�` ;• ,�'c cost to Borrow� �the mortgage Insurartce prevlousty fn eftee4 irom an ePtemate mortgage tnsurer approved by I.e►de it .;_,:;�.a:��,
<br /> - , - � . su6stentts�y►equNatertt mortgage insu�nce caveage ts aot avaBabte. Botrawer�haD pay to Lend�esch rt�nfh e sum equat to :;;a�`�:_.__
<br /> � � � onatwdfth of the yearty moRgaga(nsu►ance prerntum heing patd by Borrawer when the tnsurancs cov�ge(apsed or ceased to .,;;:;,�sr�_-�.—
<br />-- '' � be tn etteCt Lend�wm acr�pt,uss end telatn these paymertls as a loss fesetve(n Qeu of moR�ge fnsw�tc� Las9 t�terYe =-_
<br /> � , . .• ,. � paymerrt�maY no tnnger be�ired.at tha optton of Lender.H mortgaSe 6�sutance coueraga N�the amourn�d tor the pgrtad , -___-:�
<br /> that Lender ce4utres)Provided sy en in3urer approved 6y Lender egatn 6ecomes a�aIIabte and ts obtatne9. Bocrower slta0 pay '�•„��T+1__-:
<br /> `� •�' ,• �e premLnns�equUed to malr�[n mortgage insruenca tn eKect. a to provide a Wss resenre,ut�tr7 the�eqake�nett fus rt�+o��aga . �,�..���_
<br /> , .�._. _.. ...._.:. . ... .._.. . � _
<br /> . insurance ends in eccordaiice w3tli ariy wr3fEen a�eemeM�tie�iveen B-omowei and t:�f8�i-o3�gppRcabi�.Iaw.._. _ .. .. ....._ .._.. ..._. . .------. - C�i`,--����.
<br /> ;�_, . � . , 9. InsAectton.Lender or its sgent may malce reasonabte sr►trles upon and tnsp.,�etlons oi the Froperty. Lerder shaD gtve .::_;i_,t'�'�°-.
<br /> . . . 9oaawer noYtce at the ttme oi or pdor to an i�specUon sPeciiytn9 reasanable cause far the(nspectlan. � y:�-__
<br /> ' '� . . 1Q CCLZdBmDatlOn.The praceeds a}any award or ctaim tor dasnages, �rect or consequentlal.(n connec9on w@b eny =-°—
<br /> • ... . � • condemneGaa av oth�,�fig ot any part of the Fraperiy.or tor cornaysnce in neu o?conderrmatlon.are h�eby esst�ed and , '_��,h`�"�`
<br /> _.- :. ' • stieD�e pafd fo Lendei � : - �.-_.:�
<br /> � • � In t�e ever�t of a toffil taWng ot the Propeny, the proceeds sh�li be eypGc-tf to�tha sums secured by ffiis 3ecurfl�► :'
<br /> �, . Instrumsn�whether or nat then due,wftA anY excsss pa10 m Bormvrer. In the evart ai a pactlal takfig of the Praperty in xfifct� _:..s, _ '•
<br /> _ • ' � the fair madcei vaNe ot the Properiy immediatey 6etore the taldng ts equai to or greater than the amnunt oi the sum.s seaued :.
<br />� ..... . ,'- by this 8ecu�(iy frtstiumerrt (mmadiatery bsfore tRe tafMg, untess Bortaw�r and Lender otherwise�xe in wrtting, the sums t}�, .,
<br /> ' ' � secured Dy t6fis 8ecurity Ir►strument sha�bs redi[ced by ihe emourn of t:�a proceeds mufflpRed by t.�EeIIaw(ng tradlflrr. (a)the � -
<br /> total acrtount o1 the sums secured Immedafefy before the taidrtg. divided by(b)the(aU maricet v$fue ot the Propesty itr.me8edey � ':�.. .
<br /> � � � � before the taWng.My batar►ce sha0 be paid to Borrower.In the event ot a partlal taking of the Froperty in which t!a'�!r martcat ':..,: �
<br /> , ' � value of tha Propergr lmmed�tely befora the taWn9 ts tess than tAe amourrt of the sums seraued tr�unedtately ba[nta the teidnp. .
<br /> � • �unte.ss Botrower and Lectder othenvis�23ree In vrtftfng or unless �IIcabte taw othetwise ptoNdes, the pracxeds sha0 be .r'�
<br /> .._•_--..-.---.._._...:� �ped to the eums sewred by this Secacfiy instrument whether or nset�;e sums ere then due. . �.'
<br /> , . �• .
<br /> � B the Property is abandoned 6y Bartower.or H,affter notico by Lc�der to Bortower that tho ccndennor offes to make en
<br /> ` •' " . � award or settlo a dalm fot damages. Borrower faJls to respond to lender within 30 days after tha data the notice is gtven. ,�;; '� "�`
<br /> � ' ' Lender fs euthar(zed to co�ect and appty the proceeds,at fts opUon,elther to restoration or repaU of tha Property or w tha •` p"� "
<br /> � ; �� ' sums secured 6y thfs Sewr:.y Insdument,whether or not then due. ' �
<br /> • . � Untess Lender and Bortov�er oih�r:se a�e tn wrrtb�g, arry epp➢eation ot procee�is to principai shaD not �tend or � •�^,��•
<br /> � � " � � . postpone the dua data ot tha morrthfy p::,:v�ta referred w in peragisyt�.1 end 2 or change the art:�amt of such payme�ts. . �.•� .. ��
<br /> � ' � .. 11.Borrower Not Reteasod;�arbearance By Lender Not a Waiver.6Ge�sio:s cf the tfine for paymettt or . �'`"�_,'.-"°='
<br /> ' � ' ma�flr8tlon af emaRi�tton of the sums secured by Ws Security tnsVUmeel granfed by lender to eiry successor Ea issFFerast ot . '� , -
<br /> _ .. ' . _�.. Horrawer shaD not operate to�etease the Qabillly of the oAginal Borrower or Borrawer's suceessore In interest lend�shaD not ��'^a '_
<br /> be requ k e d to cortunence pro c e e�i n g s a g a U�s t a n y s u c c e s s o r i n i n t e r e s t o r r e f u s e t o e�d e n d t i m e t o r p a y m z n t o r o t h e�w i s e ' "`�,�:...': ��_
<br /> •� , . modiTy amort�tlon of the sums seared by this Securigr tnsUument e�y reason o!eny demar►d made Dy the odginal Bormvrer or .'�'.'� • ' S�-
<br /> � Borrawer'o successora tn (rterest My torbearance by Lender in ex�rctstng ar►y rtght or remedy shall noi be a wahrer o!or �-� • • '+,�d
<br />. . . � prerdude ths exerclse of anY dght or remedy. ,'," -�".' "�
<br />-= � �� 12. Successors �.n� Asstgna Bound; Joint and Several IJablltty; Casignera The covenama ena r_"�'`
<br /> �+ • - -• ayeemerrts ot this Secur�+�nstrument shafl btnd end benefit the suceessors and assl�a of Lender and Borrower,subjee!to tAa �� � rr.
<br /> • ' provisions of paragrapb 17. Bonawer's covenants end agreements she}i be jatr►t and saveraL My 8orrowet who co-st�s tlils ,� . �� zi-
<br /> .�Y' � Secadty (nstrument but does not execute the Nnte: (a)19 co-signing this Securfry Instrument ony to moRgage,�ant and corrvey . . •
<br /> � �t • ' that BortowePa Interest(n the Ptopc�ty urtder the.tertns o!this Se ;, Instrumen� (b)is not personnUy o6Qgated to pay 1he � . „
<br /> � � sums seaued by this Securtty tnstrumen� and(c)agreea that I.ender and any other Borrower may e�eo to extend. modAy. . . � • �
<br />' � . . forbear or make any accommodatlons vifith regerd to the tertns of thls Security fnstrnment or the Note wlthout t,"a2 Borrower's . .
<br /> : � • consern. •
<br /> � �� , � - 13. LOatt ChAfg68. H the toan secured by thls 3ewriry tnsOVment is subject to a law whicb sets ma�dmum toan .' • .
<br /> �..�� � . charges.end that faw Is MaIIy interpreted so thaL the interest ar other taen charges cotlected or to be coUeGed In connectlon
<br /> � '44�� � wStA the loan exceed the permitted�rn(ts,then: (a)any sucA laan cAerga aha0 be reduced 6y the amount aceessary to redurs � ,
<br /> , the charga to the permitted Qmik and(b) any sums olready eo4ected trom Bortower whfeb exceeded permftted Qmits wAt be . �
<br /> • ". �. , � � �ebunded to Bortower. Lender may choose to make thls retund by redueing tM pdndpal owed under the Note or by maWng a
<br /> - ' . ' . .. �ct payment to BaTrower. If o miund reduces prtncipal,the�educttan wID be Veated as e parHal prepayment wfthout eny . •
<br /> � prepaymcnt ehargo under the Hote. �
<br /> � � �� ' 14.NotICe9.My notice to Borrower proylded tor fn tfiis Secur(ly Instrument sha0 be ghren by dHNedng R or by malHnfl it , .
<br /> r � . by first e4ss maU unlesa eppUcabfo law requtres use ot enother melhod. The noUce shaD be dlreeted to the F�roperiy Address � . �
<br /> ' � " or any other address Borrower designates by noUce to Lender. My�noUeo to Lender shaU 6e gh�en by 1Ust dass mail to • �. � � .
<br /> - � " � lender's addresa stated hereln or any other address Lender designates by noUca to Borrower. Any noUce provided fot In lhia • .
<br /> � 8ecudty Instrumen!shM 6e deem8d to have�been�hren to Borrower or Lender wh¢n ghren as pro�IQed In this patagraph. '
<br />- ' � 15. Qavamtng Law; Sevarahility.This Secudiy Insttument ahall Do gov�ned by tedmel f[rH end the tmv o1 ihe �
<br /> � jurlsmetion in whlcb the Properiy Is toc�teA. In the event that eny pro�ision or cl�use of thts Secuzity instrum�t or the Note � . -
<br />_ ..� _�._ _ .•�_ ,� � � ean8lets vfith appncabte taw,sach canfIIct aha,7 not aftect other provislons ot thTs Sewrfty Instrmnant or the No2e which cen 6e � '.
<br /> . "ti � � ' ' given eflect vdthout the cont¢cting provtsion.To this end the provistona ot thb Securiry fnstrument and the Note ere aeclared to ' �
<br /> � � . . � . ' Ee severahte. ! �
<br /> • �� � � 16.8orrow�r'8 Copy. Borrower s6all be given one contortned copy af the Noto and of Nis 3ec�rity Insbument. � • ,
<br /> !_
<br /> -, • ", {
<br /> �,r _ ..:_ ___ � �� .�
<br /> ' � �1316.UA0 pOJ34) ' PagQ 3 at 5 ��G��� a!d' ---� '- .
<br /> '��. � • � � � .
<br /> i .
<br /> 4 _12g !.
<br /> ,��:.. ._ . .
<br /> - •. , . .. �'
<br /> � .
<br /> .
<br />