. i. u Q�"`._ . . .. Y ., �, .........<. ' < .�_..
<br /> , '
<br /> � Y�4. :.t' � . .. . .,t � . . , - r.� .
<br /> . . (S�tb_ . , " " ' . G S � . 4 . ��e` � , i . .- c�.,�_` _'
<br /> . �. " til , _ . ' �� .}Z, . ��. •l._ C l� . _�' ' . . '-`<`-'� . 't.� _
<br /> . . � :Y: ` _ -� ..'t�:._ .;` . _ - . .. '� ` .4 `I,"�1 � . ,
<br /> �, . '� • . . � �M�'�, ' �iiil� I( '`f _'
<br /> �/ -
<br /> � . •. ' � '., � ' , t7. Teanatar ar7 ths Psopeity or a Bor�eftclaf trtteres4!e �atro�rsr.N ell or aRy part ot the Proper4y►ar .•,_:� ,. :'. =—
<br /> .. �`r• eny la4�est�it ts said ar,�ansterretl(or H a b�na8dal int�est tn 9arraw2r ts satd ov transierreQ nnd Bortower ts aot a t�tura! � � �� � � �
<br /> ` •. •` . ,.�:�` peaan)wShovt L�de�a prtcr wAmm�eonse�.Leadar may.at Rs opUon. �equUe tinme�di�te'paymeR In tk�d of a8 sums stauad Ey ,.; '`` ' , .
<br /> . , � Nks fiec�ugy fnst�timen�t.HPNever,this optton shaU not ba�sea try lender B exesdse 9s prohfbfts�by tedaffi(aw as at tA� � � :-- � , �. , ---
<br /> . , d�e+ot Ws Se�cstrity In�Vument � . ` �
<br /> - � It L�end�ex�dses U�is opUan,Lender sha0 gtve Borrower not[ce oi.acceieatton. Th�noUce shall pmtidde a peied ot not ` � • •
<br /> . � • t�s than 8d dayc►6om the date the notice Is deUvered or maited vfithtn vfit�h Borrowee must pay e�au�s aeeuied by this <.. � .�-
<br /> .;�� � :� � .,<�. Sa�urt'tyj InsOument ii Borrawer faQa to pny these sums pNor to tha e�'ratI�an of Wa pericd lender cnay tmotw erry rarte�ea ' _ __..
<br /> ° " ' p¢mu'tted by:thfs Saairi[y(nstrument vaEhout flmher na�tce or demand cn Borrower. � �
<br /> �. �°
<br /> ' � ` 18: @ar[OVY�t's RigQtt tv L�Blnstate.If Bortow� meets certain con�itans, Borrower shaD have the dght to heve � . . • —
<br /> . - _ - . � --�- entorce�cent of thTs Secur@y fn3trwnent�dsconiinued at arry ftme pdar to the ear�er oL (e) 5 dsys (m sucfi athv pe'icd as .. �
<br /> . . , _��.
<br /> � . a.T.• eFDIlsabte taw may spedty tor rdnsist_wne.nQ 6etore sate oT the FcoPeRy Durauant to eiry pow�ot saie cortiatned(n thia Se�uity ,'4.� 1 ; �,
<br /> . . ,', tnsWment ar(b)e�tr7l af a jud�nait�[tor�Ui9 ii�t.s Sec�uHy InsgumertC Those eandc�mis �a that BwTOVrer:(aj pays t�der eD .. . • ' :. �
<br /> � � sums which then woulB be due under th�SewrRy{nsbt¢nen!and the•Note as 8 no eccel�an had occurred; @)Gues arry � „ °�:
<br /> _.. . ; _ de[auti ot arfy othtY cavensnt w agre�ts: (e) Pays aD e�enses Ineuned tn ertfordng tt�is Seetu�y trisCum�t Incd�g,ben_ . f•. ��--
<br /> -. . - . �- - � -- not Umfted te.neasonable eHomeys'feex ena i�tefces such�ctlon as LenQ�mny reasortaDty requira to sasure tl�at the 0�at ` : . , --
<br /> , this Seau3y lnstrumenT. Lender's d�ts in tP�o Property and Bortawer's oblt�tion to pay the sums secured by thia Securliy • . �
<br /> `' � • ' Instrummt sheD continue uncfianged. Upon reinstatemerti by 6ortower,this Sec�aUy f�estrum�rt ancD Me ohQ�ttons seeured : . .. '°�-
<br /> , � � ,... ...G...
<br /> _ . heieby shatl n�natn(UI{y eKecBve as fP no accderatIon had occurted. Howeuer.this dght tn reinsl�e stta0 not appty�fhe mse ,z����`'"'r'�:;�`�-
<br />- . . , ' ot seceterattan�der paragraph 17. , e n . . �_.. .`r''i` __-
<br />_ . . . 19 Sa1q ef[�tote: Change of lman Setvtcer. The Note ar a a parttal tnteest in the Note (togather vr�fi thts . . -__�rt'sx�:
<br /> '_ '• • � Securhyt testrumer►t)may be sotd one or more Umes without prtar naUce W Betrower.A sate may resufi tn a change fn tha e�6ty ' ;"'-�`_—
<br /> . • . �. ._
<br /> .,. .• __°-: ----
<br /> � , (fmown as the'Loan Servlcer")that eo9eeb morrthN payments due under the Note and this Secu�ityr(nstrum�4. Thee elso may . . . ''�����.—
<br /> - ' � �_ De one ar more d�azsges oi tha Lean Sen3cer unretated to�a seie ot the Not�. It there(s a d�ar+ge o}the Lasn Se�cer. '-��°�'__.-_
<br /> - . • ' . Barmwer wID bs gNen wr�te�rto�ce of the ehange k�acoordancs with para�aph 14 abave and aypQcab!a(aw. The nottce wdt • -=` -u- w
<br /> - , , state the name and address of the new L,oar�Servlcer and the eddress to whtch "��
<br /> payme�s shautd Oe maEa The noS�wID atso �.3:,;���:,_�_
<br />- corttein srry ather§�tortnagon required by aPD�osbte taw. ;. - ��� -
<br /> .,:_ .�.`_ " ._ . ...• . . .---- - �-�- --.._ ������_
<br /> , ., ,:. . . - -°-- -.. _.... . .. _ .._.. ...... . . . _ . . ... _ _.._..., ---� ---�- - -� --- ••;1=*.K.�.�r�
<br /> 20. H�BrdOp�SubSYddtCes. Borrower sha0 not cause or pennR!he pr�ence, use.�sposa►,storage,or reta�^_:,e�f "`
<br /> .E , a ��J: �_a�,�.
<br />�- ' ' . eny Hamrdous Substances an or�the PropeRy. Botrower shaU not.do.not e�miu enyone elseto do.er�ytNfig a1fe�'.�.*,�t�e e�+x��""=.
<br /> . . Property that Is tn vlolaUon ot arry Emlronme�f law. Tha precedD�g two sentencas shsll not eDDN to P�Ce�sence.�sep`or *=="-'--
<br /> � . . .. . . storage on the Pcoperty oi sma0 quant�Iea of Hamrdaus 3ubstscices that ere generatly reco�tzed to 6e�prtdte to namia! -
<br />`' ,.,�:.' ��., restdentta]uses anqto mstntenance ot ths.Praperty. ; ��_— -
<br /> :.`_:� . _ . . . � �:��
<br /> � � , : Bocrower sAall promptry ghre Lender wrftten notice of eny imresttgation, claim, demand, tawsuii or other action by arry � „��
<br />_ • - . govemmen�l or regNatory ageney or pfirate party(moivTng the Rrope,riy and arry Hasardous Subsmnce at Fnvironm�Law at �� � _
<br /> • , • ` . . whicb Bortawer has aetual Imowledga H Borrower teams.or ts notlfted by arry gav�n�n�ffil ar regut�t suttiorBy.that eny ` �� ;
<br />_ � . . removal or other remediatlon of any Ftiamrdous Substance affecVng PropeRy ts necessary, Borsower sP��rompfly tako aD �='�
<br />- ..;:`'i::. . , necessary remedial acttons[n accoMancs with Envimnmental law. ' •
<br />, "'''` ._ ' � . As used in thTs para�aph 20.'Hazardous Substanees'are those subsffirsees defirted as taxta or�aiardous subsffirteas by . �,._�;
<br /> . � Ertvfronmental Lew end the toIlm�-a�g subatances: gasoQne, kerasette, other tlammabie ar t�ido peVofeum products. O�a , .. ,, .
<br /> .. ' DesUcldes and herbklHes,votaLTe s�fads,matertals contatr�ing asbestos or tortsialdehyde, end r3dioactHe materlals. As u�t in • • ��."
<br />=°• �� • . para�b 20.'Em�ionmertst Law'r.seans fede�al faws ertd laws ot the JurlscIIctlon wheea the Pr�eperty Is located that�fsta to ' .'.
<br />�� '_.. _..:�----.....---_�. heaRt�.9afetY or�v6onm�tal Drotect(on. ;.• . ;. , .
<br />- , _ � NONaJNIFQAM COVENQNT3.Borrower and Lender tUrther cavenant end agriee as foQows: ' � ��
<br /> gre ', .
<br /> _ � � 21. Acceleredon: Remedtea Lender sflat! give nattce to Bonower pNor to accelerat€on � ,.���. , .
<br /> � . . M1lawtng Bosro►ver's breach of arry r.ovenant or agreemer�! in this Security tnstrum¢r�t (but mst : ,�: • �.;�-�
<br /> ' pNor to acceleratior� under paragraph 17 untess applicab[e law provtdes othenerisa). Tha notica �� E=•.:.
<br />- ���:�.�: •.�' ' � sf�all specify: (a) the detautt; (b)the ac�ion required to cure the defautt; (c)a date. not teas than � ��,':-��. . ,�
<br /> ' 30 daye from tha date the aattce ts g(ve� to Borrower,by whlch tha detauk must ba curod; and ` � s �.
<br /> :..` � ...,
<br />° � � . , (� that fatlure to cure the detault on or 6efore the date specifled In tise nottce may resuH tn ����'�j.'�.
<br /> � . -- � • acceleratfion of ths sums secured thia Sesur Instrumsnt and saie of ttre Pr - '
<br /> . . dY KY oPe�!►.7'fw nottce � � `�.;::• .�_
<br /> ' ' � shafl fuRtnar iMorm 8orrawar oi ths right to reinstata after ecceteratlon and tho right 4o bring a � ._ � � .�5���
<br /> � . • � � court acNon to assert the non-existenc� of a delault or any othor datenss o! 8airower to �
<br />- ' � ' acceferaS�on and sata. ff tha defauit Is nat cured on or b�fore the date spacifled lo� ths notIco. . . �
<br />=-,-' ;;: L�nder at tta option may requlre tmmediate psyment in fntl of all aums seoured by this Sacurfty :t.+.�Y� ."•- �'��
<br /> ��.��- - Ins�mant without turther demand and may tnvoke the pawer of sa"o and any athor �amedies " , . ��-�;:
<br /> -- � • : permitted by appftcable law Lendor shaD ba entitled to coitect a11 expensea tncurred In pursuing � 'r.�' . .
<br />-.'" the �emadtes �rc3rided In this parag�raph 21, Including, but no4 Iimited to, reasonabte attorneyr9' � �
<br /> _ _. • ,,
<br /> � � tees and cos'te cf titie evidence. � :� � � _ � �
<br /> � � � �. � If 4he power of sale E� invoked, Trustee ahail record�a nallc� af detault tn each county in � � � .
<br /> • � � �- which any part of the Pra�erty ta located and shaii map cqples �such natice In the ma��ae �.
<br /> _ � , - � • prescrlbed by appl[cabte law to Bo�nrer and to the other �ersons prescribed by appUcabla taw. � � . �
<br /> • , Aftor the ttme requlred 6y appltcab'e law, Trus�tee shall g�ce pu6Hc notice of sate to the persons .
<br /> � . . and tn the manner prescribed by agplic�bte Iaw Trustee.v��►out demand on Borrawar, shafl sell � .
<br /> _ . , � : the Property at pubtic aucUon to the hTghest bidder at the time and place and under the torms �
<br /> - . , des�nated in the nottce of sate In one or ma'TO parcets and to am�t order Trustee deterec�iees. � � ..
<br /> � ,' �� �. ` Trustee may poatpone sale a} all or any parcei'W the Property by publtc announcemant a3 tt�e . . .
<br /> � � tima and place o� any prevlousty scheduted sai�. �.end�r or tta designea may purchase the '
<br /> � , .��. , Pro�erty at a�sy sate. � . . .
<br /> � � , � Upon receipt o? payment o!the price bid, Truatoe shail detiv�r to Ure purchaser Truato0's � � �
<br />-� � . ._ . � deed coiuveying the Property.7'iie resitals In the Yrustso's dssd shalt be prima facis evidence o! � . • �l.-
<br />-_ � the truth og the statemenfe made therefn. Trustee shafl appiy the praaeeds of the sate In the
<br /> �� ` �, � . � tolfowJng ordor. (a) to all cosffi and expenses of exerctsing tha pawer o! aate, and 4he eafe, �
<br /> .- �• � inctnding the paymeM af tha Trustea's teea actualty tnaurred,not to exce�d threa � �:
<br /> ` �: .,' ._ '- %at the prirtcipal amouM of the ! �
<br /> '�'`� no4e at the time ot the deciaratton af deiauit,artd reasonable a8ornsy's tees as permitted by law; � . �
<br /> , i,�� (b)to all suma sscured 6y this Securlty InstrumeM;end (c) any excesa to tha person or persons
<br /> � � . � tegalty enWted to tL . � � '
<br />:.. � .��.'_.`� � � �
<br /> � _ - .- -,- 0����"�'� t.---. .. ..- - �.
<br />_ ' .:.. ...
<br /> . _ -- r-�----
<br /> � F1318.1M0(10/9M1) Page 4 of 5 !
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