. . ,r._ _ , .
<br /> �� ��°s"' � � � �'i,� f '�� ' . � `' 4- ` �" , < ,�__;, r,= G� � •�_
<br /> �° - .. , . � ' . ` .. .. _ rv � ` , � � �< �� � .r, . ' - :�,, . �.. .
<br /> .� . �f: ,.+- _.. � . ' . . ,. . � . .. , � ,`sm�. -�i , .�. -
<br /> Y r�4 � . `i ���Y:7�ie�� . ,�; ` r t � -
<br /> , 1 , . . . , . � ` ` " , _-
<br /> � � � ; , . TOGETFtSR Y1RH ell tha tmprovem4mtn nati�or h�rea?iv er�oteA on the proA�Y end r.�essc�r!�ta BPDurtwt�scg. and . . . • ' =-
<br /> • , .._• V >' �tres now cr h�trr a part of tha P�P�f►.A8�eEmertis artd ads&�ctss sha8 efso 6a dovered by tNs SeciuBy trt�trunsent �� , .
<br />— �. !'�!49 fli@�f2gOd1lJ L4 t01�Tld fD�1l 1hL1$p:f711�fy�lt3VUfitEfll 83 tT10`�A�� , , :�F''-
<br /> - �'`� . � BOAROWER COVENANf9 that Barrorrer[s ta�rf�y aesed ai the e�ate hereby comreycd�sd has ths dghi to pr�n!ert� <, . ` `
<br /> - . � ' - � �nvay ttia PropeKy►and tAsi the Rro�(s uneacumbered. exceyt tar�ecaim4mnces oT rccard Bor�iver wur�rrta and'wa . �
<br /> ' . � ��. � . defeid gartera'1y the titte to the Fraperty egsList a7 dalms end demand9.subhcl to erry eacwr+brar�c��of reaard. , ''..� • . ,
<br /> . . . � �• • THi9 SEG4lfliiY IN9'TRUMEl�Fr eamhr�es urtYortn covenams tor na�onat us9 end narwnibmt cavenint� wtth Cmited , �' , _
<br />- • • ' va�tlona by jurfsdctfon to aanstituta o wttatm fiecurpy(nstniment covednp mal proaerty. • . • .' ' . , . . .
<br /> . UNIFOArA COVEPVANT8. Boirower end LenEer eovenant end agrea es[a�owa: ' . • �.; .• , --
<br />_ � . � 9.P�erct ot�incipal and tn4arest: Rr�payment as�d t.ate Charg�a ewrower cn�9.om�D�►�ay when ,. , ` �� �-
<br /> _ . ' . .. �duo the 9rtncfpa!ai and t�Rerest ar�the QeDt evtdmeed by the Mote and any prepalRneM eud late charges�se und�tho Neta� � ''• � .
<br />_ . .. _ �^. Feut ds f O T Te�t99 8st t�[n3utetiae.Subject to apa 4 e�to t a w ar to o w r f tt e n w a ker E y l�d e r.Bocrowe�e h a 0 pay `�,'
<br /> �` _ �O �EIIdEf OR ul@ Qd�l QIOJI�J/�}IR1B/1�8 8I1B d1t0 YlidCl US8 HOTB.Uli�U18�Ot@�S QSTd�11�8 9UR1('�rU7lQ4')tOT. (8��(@81� : r ? .
<br /> - • taue,a end essessments wPitoh rttay att�►Gdar�ry ov�ttd,s Seaufty f�6urrten'i as a de� on the ProA�Y lb)Y�t/tetse3�oid _ '� --
<br /> � �� . . < , Payments or�nund�ents an the Rroperty.H anY. C�1 Y�Y h�d or proP�'+�Y insur�eo prantiuns: (�Ye�ry itood k�suranee � ' � •` ;��
<br />- � . � prerNums.M at►Y (e)YeartY mort�age insurance pt�?�s.B mry;an8(fj atry smr�s payabie 0y Borrow�to Lettd��8ecotdartce .;TM h. _. :--;?__
<br /> . . . . . • wYth tfia provlslosfs of para�ayfi 8. fn Ueu ot tha paymem of mort�ga insu�artce prerR,'+�ms. These [tems ere e�Yed 'Eacaw ; _ .;._:�_;'-;'=_
<br /> '. .... „ Iten�.` Letd� may, at eny Bm� coIIeat enQ hotd Funds(n en amowit not to exneed the ma�drtomf ema�nt a l��r for a F. ". :�J�',�;:ri-5k�--_
<br />� .�� • � � ' tederaLy retated mortgage toan may requlre tor 8orrower's es�e aceouM under the tederaf Rai Estate 3efftrmenf Pras�tres �
<br /> . Act af 1874 as amended trom tlme to time.l2 U.S.C.�2601 et seq. (`f�PA'j. uniess enothe taw that epp8e.s to t9te Funds ..r�::a��i�±��=:-
<br /> - ' sets a less�amowt H so.Lesd�may,a!arty tTme, caIIect and hald Fun�tn an amount not to exued the(esav emosmt •``"''"'a"��`� -
<br /> . _ '<'>'�rr,�""�"'�`
<br /> •Jf--_
<br /> - � � . Lend�rtsay esHmffie the amaimt af Funds dne on the basts ot current data end reasonebte estLnffias o1�endC�as af htture . �,-.g-: .-.
<br /> ' . ' ' Escraw t�ns or otherwise in accordance wiib appacable taw. � • :-'.-�*.�:'�=�' --
<br /> . ' The Funds shaH he hdd fn er�Instf4rttan vrhosa d�osits are Insured by a tedaal ggatcy.In�umente�tY.or e�L1y(�du�rtg� .>�:.;;�---=�`�%rsa�=s_-_:
<br /> ,:':t:''�'--=�-----
<br /> ' , , L�td�tf lender ts sucN an(nsSMion)or tn Fed�at Home loan Bank Lend�shali ths Funds to , �.r.--=_
<br /> �71 �pP$► Qal/tlta Csetow _ t< --�--
<br /> . • �8ems.Lend�may not ehesye Bmrawer tar hot�ng end ePPM�iI the Furtds.�annuaUY enely�n9 tha.escrow exaimL or veity(n� =f1 -.-
<br /> . the Escrow Kem.s. uniess Lender pays Borrorva tnte�t on tha Funds and epDaaabto Iaw pemfts Lender to mqke such a -
<br /> � charga. However. l�da ma}►�e B�rwrer� pay a anatirtre eharge tor an ind�ertdent nmi e.state Lax repoNng aecvlte _
<br /> y- . � used Isy Lender tn cenrtectton with this loan. unt�s epaUcable taw provFd� othetvutse. Unisss an agreartPrit is mada or '.-:�•�_
<br /> ` � . ,. appRra6le taw requtres interest to be paid.Lendc�shaD not be requhed to pay Barmwer any trrte�est or eam6�gs on the fimda �_ -_'-'-
<br /> . , _ ;�
<br /> ,:._ _ • , . ... .Bamower_and.l.�der_.may_agree_in_w�Ing..ha�nra�t�,_tktatJ►rt�est_sfiaU 6a paid.on_th�E�mds.._L�tdBr.�aY�ive.to._8o►r.qwd,...----.----.- �-_ -
<br /> . without charge, en annua!aeeaut�ting of the F�mds.shavrfig�aed�s and debfts to tha fursda end the pu�pasa tor whicq �ch ����
<br /> � debtt to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged ms addrUonaf sewrAy tor efl smns secure�i 6y the Set�►fnsfi[mrnt =�=-�'`''-�'�'�`--�°-
<br /> • � • � li the Funds hdd by Lender wcceed the amounts perm(tted to be hetd by appUcabte law.L.�fder shaA acco�nt to Borrower . ��, �__----_
<br /> , . far the excess Funds tn aaordanee wfth the requlrementa oi appAcabie law. It tha amoimt af tRa Funds he11!by t�fdel at et�y � _ -
<br /> . . . - • • tUne is not sufticieM to pay the Esaow ftems when due, Lender may so nal�y Bortawer fn mfting.and.�in such ease Borrow� _- --
<br /> , sha➢pay to Lender i�ie amount necessary to make up the deHdency. Borrower sha0 in87i�up th�Ceftcten�l In na more than - �
<br /> i
<br /> . . tweNe mordhlypaymet►te,at Lender's sole dtsaetton. `-:�
<br /> uPo�Payment In Ar8 of a0 sums sewred by this 3ecudty InsuumenL Lender shall pmmptly reftind to Bertowa mry Funds . ••�.i_�:,� .
<br /> � . he�.i by Lender. {t,unQer para�aph 21,lender shafl acqufre or aeli fhe Property, L�der,pdar to tha acquisHton or sate o!4he :���•.,
<br /> � . � Pr�/. shaS ePPN�Y Funds terf by Lertder at the Ume ot acqufs�on or sale as a cre�!�att�st the aums secured by thta '' .
<br /> .. ' . . Seaaity Instrumert. • `':� .. .
<br /> �� 3. Applicatlon ot Paymetlte. Unt�s apPAcabte taw provides et�t�w�isa, aD paym�ts recelved by Lenc�er under ::_��
<br /> . , . Pauagraphs 1 and 2 sha0 be app4ed: first,to enY Prepayme.nt chargrs dua c:.�the Note;secaa�,to amounts payah!e under , �
<br />_ � . � � pe�agtapb�thTr�to fnterast due:fourth,to princ�pat dae:end tas�to arry lafe c.`t�rges dua under tha Note. • .,'{_ .
<br /> . . � 4. Ch8rge3; L18ns. Borrower s�atl pay aU taxes, essessments, charges, fines a�d tmposi�ans attr(bumbfe ty Ehe
<br />- ._..._._ . ..:.----- . Pre�rty whiofi may at�pdortly over this 3ecw(ry Instrumertt, �d f�sehoid payments or gJUrtd�enb,N arry. Bormna shall ' ...
<br /> . pay these obQgattorts in the manner provided tn parayapb 2, or H not pald tn that manner,BoRUwer shaA pay the�ea trtte '
<br /> � • dirieecty to the peraon owed payment. Bortower shaU promptty tumtsh to Lender all noUces af emourtts to ba patd under thts �% � �
<br />-; - , parsgraph. if Boirower malces these payments dQectiy. Borrower shall pmmptty Mnish to Lender rece�'!s e►idencing the •.;r,�,_
<br /> -_ . ' DaYments• . '.�t .
<br /> ' . %:, Borrower shall prompriy mscharpe aay tien whtch has pdo:»y over this SecNity(nsCument unless Borrower: (a) a�ees in � .. a .•. _
<br /> � vrcSW-�to the payment ot the obli�tion aeeured by the lien in a nanner accepffible to Lender, (b)eontests in gaod fa32�the � ..:�;�� '�-"-
<br /> ' �en or defends agafiEt eMorcemer►t of the Aen in, le � �'°�
<br /> , by, gaf proreedings whtch tn the tender's o�tnton opeqate to prerertt tho �,� '�=� •
<br /> • ` _, : , erKoraement ot the 11en;or(c)secures ltom the hotder o}the Ren en a�eement sattsfactory to Lender subordinat(ng the Aen ta ,��:�� �
<br /> ' th(s Sea�r(ty instrument fl lender determines thet any part of ihe Property is su9Jecf to e Ren which may atfain p8orfty over thfs •• r•:�`°��
<br /> . . . _, Security tnstrumeM,Lender ma�r ghre Borrower a notke identitying the tien.B�owee sha0 s�tUsty tha Oen or take one or more of _ . . .•� ��
<br /> the acflons set tortb above wNhtn 10 days ot the ghring of nmlr.� �. „ ..�'y,�_
<br />- � 5. Hazard o�Property Insurance.Borrower sAa3 keep the Mprovements now e�dsUng or hereafter erected o.�a the ' -
<br /> . � , . � Praperiy insured against►oss by ftre, ha�rds inciuded within �:s tertn'e�dtended coverage'end arry offi�he�rds, Inclu�ng � � 'r�,�.
<br /> � ftoads ot iloodirtg,for which Lender requUes insuranca. This insurance aha0 6e malntsined tn ihe amounts end tor the periods � ' �, �-
<br />-�- : : that Lender raquires. The insurance carrl¢r pra��ding the insurance sha11 be ehosen by Barrawer subjeet to Lender's appro�al �Y � ��' �'`
<br /> �- • • � � . whkh sha}I not be unreasonabty withheld. 8 Bsrrower ta7s to mafnlaUi cov�age desraihed ehove, Lendcr may.at Lender's � �" �• �'�
<br /> opUon,obtain co�erage to protect LendePa�Ights in the Property In accordance with paragrapb 7. { � - ... Y��•
<br /> a� •� All insurance poQcies and rereewals shaU be acceptable t� tendes and shatl inctude a atandard mortgage cisuse.tender t
<br /> y � .� shall have the dght to hold the �a5des and renewafs. N tert�reQuires,Borrower shall promptty ghre to Lender&A teceipfa of � �
<br /> _ , • ' pald pr�mLrms and renewai notiees. In the event o1 toss.Bortrnver shall gire Rrempt noUce to the Insurance carAer end Lender. � � •
<br /> " � Lender may maSce proot ot foss N not made promptty by Bo�rower. � °
<br /> _ � � � Untess lertder and Bortower othenNise egree in wriUng,irtsurance procereds shaD bo app4ed to reator�os�o�repah o?the �
<br /> _ _ .:.4 : . . Property damaged,(1 the restoratton or repait is economtcally ieas�le and lender's securtty ts not tessened. H the restoratlon or • �
<br /> . re�a�ts not¢eonoMcally feastbte or Lender's sewrity wouid be le,ssened,the insuranee proceeds shaD be appUed to the sums { �
<br />_� , seared by this Sea►rity fnatrumenf. whether or nat then due, witb eny excess peid to Borrower. If Borrower abandons the � :
<br />- � .. � Properry, or does not enswer withln 30 days a noUce from lender that tAe insurance caMer hss oHered to settte a daM,then ' �
<br /> • ., Lender may coQect the Insurance proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repair or restore the PropeRy or to pay sums �
<br /> � � , • secured by this Sacurity tnsUumenf.whathar or not then due. The 30day pe�lod wiU beg,n when the noti�e ts given. � '" .
<br /> " � - Unless Lend�r and 8orrower otherwise agree in wriUng, any appOcaUon o! proceeds to pdnGpaf shall no1 e�Qend or i ,
<br /> -- � • poslpona the due date o1 the monthy paymertts referred to(n paragraphs 1 end 2 or chanQe the amount oi the paymerrts. N : •
<br /> - . ,. . urtder pata�aph 21 the Ptoperty(s acqalred by Lender. Boaower's�ight to eny tnsurance policies and proceeds resutting irom ' �
<br /> -- • • " ' dartiage to the Propetiy pdor to the acqulsitlon sha� pasa to Lender to the e�dent of the sums by thls Seeurlty inatrument �
<br /> _= tmmematety pdar to tAo acqulsiUon. ; . • .
<br /> _ � =- . � : e. Occuparicy, P�esersration, Malntenaace end Prntectton af the P�oserty; Borrawes's Losn �
<br /> - . 4.�-� AppllCetIon; L,saseholda Borrower shqU ocapy, establlsh,end use the PropeRy as Borrowe�s pMcipal resldence wiihin � �
<br /> sixty days after the executfon of thts Secarlty Instrument end shafl eonEnue to occupy the PropeAy as Borrowefs prirtcipal
<br /> `' . �f : ,, residence tor at[east nne year efter the date o1 oeeupancy.uniess Lender oth¢�wtse agrees N vnfting,whtch consen!sha.9 not ; �. . �
<br /> _ __ , bo wreasona6ty wtthhdd.or uNess e�denuffiing dccumstences sxist whtch are beyorYd Borrower's controL Borrower shall not ! '
<br /> °° -. �.' . dEStroy,damage ot impaU the Property,eltow the Properiy to detertorate,or commft waste on the Property. Borrower shaU be In ' . � '•'
<br />-� ' Qefauit H eny todeftura action or proeee�ng, whether eiv'�or criminaf,is begun that in Lender's goo0 falth(ud�neni cou(d resuti � °
<br /> ' ' in foAeitura ot the Property or othetwtse mafedaity ImpaU the�en ereated by thls Se�rity Instrument or LenQer's seauHy Interest ' ' �
<br /> . �
<br /> f I
<br /> �
<br /> �--- ,--- -,--=-.-_— F1J18.II/!O p0/9d) Cago 2 of 5 ������ - .�.-°-'--�- _-- - '.
<br /> . , , i' .
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