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' . . . `,_ ' <br /> •, .. , , ,' , ' '. a��� �.��0 � ;: �. , " `� <br />.� ;,',.a_�� <br /> . � . . � -_ <br /> . �� : . . � . � :.�: <br /> . ... .-...'.__ ��shall aat he unreasoaably wiit�etd if Borrovret fa�s w maintai�coverage descn'bed above,Lender Lender's ` ��'` <br /> "'^ .-�"=�-i.— optlo�,obtain wverage to pmtect Leader's rights ia the Froperry in atcardaace with pas�g�gh?. � ,`�:` <br />. ��--...�,'.`_�_`.: ., Att iasurance po3ides and renewals shaU be acceptable to Leader aad shall iadade a standard mortgage ctaus�I.eader shall `" ` -��� <br /> • — � 6ave ihe right w hotd the poltdes aud reaev�als. if Lender requires,Bormwer shatl promptlY give tu Leader atl receipu of ��rr.�.T�'�!!' <br /> ' ,'` ° , :�� r paid premiums aad senewa]notices. Ia the event of loss.Borrower shall i aotise w the iasuranco carrier and - k�•� <br /> .�` . . r Lender.t.ercdcr may wake proof ofloss if uot made promptlp lip Borrower. �p�P •�� --° <br /> � <br /> , . .�° Ud�Lender and Borrawa ottcerwise agee ia�n�ance pmceeds shall�be applFed to r�LOratIon or repair o4'the . . i'�'��'- <br /> . ,x.•.,- ---_ <br /> . . propertp dama8ed.if the restorattoa os repair ia economica]Iy feas�2e and Le�der's secs�dty is not tesseaed if the restosation �- _ - - - <br /> � ° . or repair is not economicaUy feasible or Lender's securiry wouM be lessened.the Insuraace pruceeds shaD be applied to drz =--- - <br /> �.:�—=�..�.., <br /> ' . soms secured by this Seatt�ity Instnimen�whethes or aot then due.wIth aay escess�paid to Bosrower.lf Bonuwer abandons _ ___-----_- - <br /> �• the Property,or does not aruwer withia 30 days a notiea from Leader t�t the�nsaraace cazrier has affered tar seule a claim, --__ �_- <br /> � � . ., chea Lender may coltect the���+�*+�nee ploceeds. L.euder may use the�rarceeds to repair or reqtore the Fropzrtyr or to pay -__- - <br /> � ' s�,ms_ecuied t•Wis Sec lrit; Instrur.�t,whethec or uot ih�dnte:The 3Q-day pettod��L beg�n what ttte notise is given. --- <br /> � . � , lintess Lender and Borrower otherwise agree ia writiag.a�aPPlication oY pracxeds t�psrineIpal shall not ea[tcad or gostpoac � -- <br />. ' �. � the due date of the moathly paymcents refened to Ia para�aphs i and 2 or chaage rlse amuuut of the Qaymm4s.if niadex . _--- <br /> .' . • para8raph 21 the Property is acquired by Lender,Boaowet's right w aay�ce goflc�"mca praoeeds sesolriag from -°._ <br /> ,r :, ., . . ..`. :, � <br /> .---:--,:--..--._..__ . . _ . . damage�to the ProP�Y� the.acquisico�shail.pass w Legder_to,the exteat of the sums sewred by t2as Secmiiy <br /> . . . . _ . . .. .. . . .... ... . . <br /> . . � Isuuument immediately prlor to t6e acquisiuon. • . ' _ -- <br /> , • ' ``' . 6. Oerapane!►. Preservattam. Mainteaaace and F�otectlon of ttte Fcapaty; Ha�rowers Laao A�ieaB�; . — <br /> • . : , }�, ' L�sehdds.Bonowee shall occupy.establish,and use the Property as Sotrower's prladpal residence withia siaty aays after <br /> =. ... , the eaecution of this.Sec�nity lnstruanent aad shall continue to accupy the Prbperty as Boaoweds prindpal reaIdmx for at <br /> _ . . -.- - - - teast one year aRet the date of occupanry,ualess Leader otherwise agrees ia writiag,�h coasent shall not be vareasonably _ <br /> , . � ' withheld,or unless extenuatiag clrcumstaaces eaist which are beyond Borrowefs coatrol.Bo�rowu shall aot des�roy,damage -- <br /> • � or impair the Propertq,al2ow the PropPrty to commit waste oa the Pto�.8orrower shall be in default if any. �-- — <br /> � ' • . fodeique actIon or proceeding. whether civil or �a3,is begun ffiat in.Lende�s good faith yudgaent oould resutt in <br /> _ ..- .- � fortbtture of�e Property or otherarise materlally Lngair the liea ae�ated by Wis 8ei�itq Instrament or Lender's secutity . — <br /> � • - lnteresL Borrowec may cuse such a default reinstate,as psovlded in paragraph caasing the acqion or praceediag w __- _._ <br /> • • , . 6e dismissed vrith a ruling that,in Lender s.3oad faith determinafion.p�des forfdwre of the Borrower's iuterest in the . —�� <br /> � � Property os other materlal impairment of the lien cTeated by this Secµrity fus-�ument or Lender's securiry interest Bonower <br /> � • shall atao 6e iie default if Borrower.during the loan ag�.; „on process.gave materiaily false or inac�urau Wosmation ar <br /> • „ �_.:�.- .�---,- statements to Lender(or failed to provide Lender aith ang matc�al informatioa)ia coaaection wirh the loaa evidesct�d by the ��=� <br /> � ' � � rlote.including,but not limited to.representatioas coaceming Borrower's oecupancy of We Properiq as a priudpal resiQen¢e. �_�,r <br /> If this 5ecuriry lastnament is on a teasehold,Borrower shall comply with a11 the provislons of the fease.If Borrower acquires <br /> � ' fee tIUe to the Property.the leasehotd and the fee d@e shall not merge untess Lender agrees to tlte merga�writiag• . �,,�' <br /> . ;� <br /> . . � . 9.Profectlon of I.endeYs Rlg6ts in the Property.If Borrower fails to perform the wvenants aad ageemeats cantaiaed in =- .'-•►.-..i <br />�" this Security lastrument,or there is a iegal praceeding tLat may significantly affect Lender's rlghta ia the Propercy(such as a =- — <br /> � � � proceeding in bankruptcy.probate.for ceademaation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulatIons�Wen Lender may do and ,.,._�' <br /> • � pay for whatever is necessary to ptotece�e value of the Propetty and Lcnder's righta in the Property.Lender's acKions may —= <br />.. . , � � include payIng any sums securea by a tima artach has priority over th�i Security Instrommt,appearing in eeate. paY�B -- <br /> ,. . � r , reasona6le attorneys' fees aad enteriag en the Progerty to make repairs. Altliaugh Len4er may take acHon aader lhis . -� <br /> � , �' , paragraph 7.Lender does nos�ave to do so. � <br />;,'� � � . My a:nounta disbursed by Lender uader this paragraph 7 shall becoate addiflonal debt of Bonower secured by this Security � �'=— -- <br /> n <br /> .. : lnswmen�Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms ot paymen�these amouats shaU bear interest ftom the date of �+ ���` � `;�_;= <br /> ; ' , disbutscment at the Note rate and shall be payable.with lateresb upon notice from Leader to Borrower requesNs�g payment �••.,.�;,._- <br /> s �_. • - <br /> �«�. •�', <br /> , 8.�lortg3ge Insurartoe.IP Lender required mortgage insurance as a¢onBiHon of making the toan secured by this Security r;f� 'f�'��'�r <br /> - .��`�,'� "( lnstrumen�.Honowet shall pay the premiums required W maintain the mortgage iasurance in effecK.if.for as►y reason�the �' �, <br /> + '�.,� � �,_ mortgage insurru►cs coverage requlred by Lender lapses os ceases to 6e in efPecb Borrower ahaU pay We premiums requirc�d to � . -_¢- <br /> . � t'• obtain covenge substandaUy equivalent to tlie mostgage iusutauce previousIy in effec�at a cost substan�ally equiva2ent to ttte � <br /> cost to Borrawer of the mortgage insuraaae previousIy in eft'ect,fiom an alteraate mortgage insurer approved by Lender. If ,. • . = <br /> 1 � . substantlaify equivalent mart�age inswance wverage is not available.8orrower shall pay to LenGer each month a sum equal '. . � ' i- <br /> to one•twelfth of the yeati�enortgage insuraace premium being paid by Boaower when the insurance coverage lapsed or „ '_t <br /> . eeas e d to be�n e P F e c L L e n d��c i i l a c c e p�u s e a r t d r e t a i n W e s e p a y m e a t a a s a[o s s r e s e r v e i n l i e u o f m o r t g a g e i n s w a n c e.L o s s ° <br />� } :. � �� reserve paymeats may no tonger be the option of Lender,if mortgage insurauce coverage(ia the amount and for • • • . <br /> ' " • the pesiad that Lender requires)provided by an inswer approved by Lender again becomes avallable and is obtained. •� . <br /> • � . Borrower shafl pay the premiums required to maintain mortgage inswance in effect.or to provide a loss reserve.�sntil the <br /> ° ' requirement for mortgage insurance ends in accordancs witb any wrIUen ageement between Borrower and Lrnder or : _ <br /> .,. , � . appficablo law. '•_ <br /> ' ' �- ...Y <br /> _ �. .. , <br /> I � ' <br /> V <br /> -. y, .. .:, : r ' _ <br /> 4 <br /> Stmj�Fatniry—FHMAIFN!!LC UNIFOR6/1N9TRUI�EHT FORE13028 09190(PSg�3 of 8 Oage�) . <br /> : 4 . p@SNA91W fiCe99t Rw.U9/09/91 .. <br /> $ , ... . � . -rr---rr . . . .. . . . . . ._ • ___ . . ' <br /> �. . . . . , . . . <br /> •�. . - - � -. • - - . ' • . ' � . � - --: . . , <br /> � " � '_ . � , .. . ' ' . . '. � • . ' ; ' �: . ' . - <br /> .� • . � • . ' i� ' , . . • � . .. • . � � ' ' ' <br /> .. . , . ' . . , . , <br /> �._ . . . .. . • . , ' ' .. . . <br /> . . . . . <br /> -.- - .... - _ _._._ . . � . . <br /> ` .. . . . 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