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' ��__. <br /> • ' � � � cJ�� 1�.�190 . , i .... �; <br /> _ . . _ <br /> ,. , . . <br />_Y�<--_ '- - 9 Iaspettlon.Lender or its ageat may make ieasona6Ie mtries upon arcd.impecttona of the Prap�ty.Leuder shai! gtve _��_ c..(.-.- ;- ,_ :�_ <br /> ,-- � ' � ' Borrower notiee at ttae dme of or prfor to an inspection spedfyIng masanable eause for the�SUpecdop. `• <br />� ' t0 Caad;camatfon. The proceeds of aay awfud or claim for damages. direct or consequentia!„ ia connecifoa a►ith aay � f�<t`, _ <br /> _ , r. . . _ <br /> -_ �� ; � _ , coademnation or othee taking of any part of We Property.or for coaveyance ia lieu of condemnation,are t�ereby assigaad and . ,.° Y '� <br /> ;, ,: . , _ . . . , shaU be paid W Leader. . ' .,- '`�- <br />_� �..� .. : '� . t�. <br /> .. . In the evqtt of a total t�king oi the Property.the proceeds shall be applied to the aum�secured by this Stcuriry Iastnuaeab <br /> ' -,. cvhether or not thea due,with aay eacess Paid to Botrovver.In the event of a parBal t�kLag of the Ptoperty ia whfch the fair � .- <br /> .,�, . ' • • market value of the Property immediately before the tak�ng is equal to or greater thaa ttie amount of tt►o sums eecured 6y Wis , ;`., �,, <br />-�P . � •. : fiecurity Instrument immed�ateIy Isefore the taWng,uaiess Sorrower aad Lender otherwise agree ia wrltiag.ttte sums secured ,. � ,.� <br /> _:?� � , by this Secvsity Inswment sh�ll be reduced by ahe amount of We proceeds multiptled by the foltovimg fsaetion:(a)the total . . �z �;f`�'�`?��Q`_=- <br />-?�-• < � amo�mt of the sums secured immediateiy before the takfag,divided 6y(b)the fair tnariset vaIue of tht Acaperty immediately ;�Y 1 t�:_=. <br />_� • , <. _ before the taking.Any balance shali 6e paid to Borrower.Ia the event of a partla]taiu�g of ffis Pcoperty ts�avhIch the fais _ : �-"`�i.:' <br /> � ��..w�,z <br /> :; ;. u . �arket vaIue of the Property immediatelq 6efore the taking is less thau tfie amouat of the sums senued immediaufy before the ` .'r�..'-_= <br />:.�. • � ` takiag,ualess Borrower aad Lender othziwise agree iu writing or�nless applicable taw othera�se�e proaxds shaU ����_-� <br /> '� � � ' be a hed to tne sums secured b,this Security lns�meat whether or not the sums are then dur. � � �'�c��`��`:��,_, <br /> _;. ,,. •.,: , . PP� y _ti-- -,_.- _ <br /> : .:=::, <br /> �-- ,-- , _ ._ _._ IP the Property is abandaaed 6y Sorrower.or if',afttr notioe by Lendet to Sorrowtt ti�at the oondemnor offets w maice an .- _ - _ <br /> � • • � • award or seule a daim foi damages,Boaower fa�s to respond to Lender�wiWiu 30�ays after�tlie da�tha nat�ca�is�gtve� � '' = --- <br /> Lender is authorized w coltect and appJy the tta option,either to restoretIoa or ceQair of ttte Property or to tha � , <br /> ,' , . • ; sums secured by this 5ewariry 1ast�umenL whether or not Wen due. ,-. - <br /> �?�"'��- <br /> - ' Ualess Leader aad Borrower otheiavise agee ia wrlting.any spplieatton of psoceeds w principal shall aot estertd or gostpone �"';�-� <br />,:. .. . •... . .,- . . <br /> . �;�.. the due date of ttie saonthly paymeats referred w is�paragraphs I aud 2 or chaage the amount of suc4 payments. � <br /> :y-:• , • , ���� <br />- . � , 1 i.Borraxrer Not Ee�eased;Forbwrance By L�d�Not a Waiva.Exeeasioa of the dme for paymenc or modificafloa •�-: <br />_! . of amor�uoa o!'the sums seaued by this Security tastrumeut ganted by I,endes to anq suecessos iu interat of Boaowet �� <br /> • ahall not ogerate w retease We liab�ity of the original Borrower or Bonower's snae,rsor� in t�ttetes6 l.esder shall aot be '�` <br /> .` � �• � � required w comsneace proceedings against any successor ia iaterest or refi�se to eatend time for payment or otheswise madiij� �� <br /> � amortization of the sums seciued by this Sewrity Iasuumeat bq reasoa o�'aay dcmaad made bq the orl�at Hmrower ar �' <br /> " ' ' Bonower's successors in interest Any forbeareuce 6y Leader In eaercish►g aay right or remedy shall not be a waiver of or "�?i�� <br />_�, • , • preclude the exercise of any rlgt►t or remedy. ��. <br /> :.� <br /> � � >;�. 1Z. Sueeessors aad Astiigns Boand; Joiut and Sev�l I3�biliBty; Co-siga�s.'I'tie cov�aats and a�senents of ttds •� <br /> � ._::_..,..:�...._..,...-:--:.. ... Security Insm�ment ahall bind and benefit the suceessors aud assigns of Lender aad Bosrowes,subject to We prov}siona of ._ - <br /> paragaph 17.Borrowera covenaats aad agreements shall 6e joiat aad several. Aay Botrowet who co-signs this Security �u; <br />�' � tnstrument but does aot execute ftie Not�(a)is co-si�ing tLis Seauriry Insuument only to mortgage,grant aad convty that :,��rs,;-,'- <br /> � ' • Bonowee�s i�r.erest in the Property under the terms of ti:is Se�urity I�svumen�(b)is not personalIq obllgated w pay the s�uns �'t• ; <br /> ��;�� . ' - - • secured lsy tvs SecarIty instsument;aad(c)agrees tHat Leader aud any other aorrower may agrce to eatend,madify.forbear _ �'�-•_ <br /> �.; � ' or make any accommodations with regard to the teraas of this�e�urity Iaswment or the Note without that Botsowrta —� <br /> �� . . � consen� �s�� <br /> , i : � 1$,Lpai!Ch�ige9.If tfr�[oan secuted by this Security Insvumeat is sub}ect to a!aw whtch sets maaimum loaa chatge�.aad �"�"- <br /> �. '� . �":�4!���, ' , � that!aw is finally iaterpsgzd so that the iaterest or otIIer loaa charges coIIeeted er to be collected in wnnection aith the toun � <br /> � . exexed We peaniued llmits,then:(a)r�ag sach loan charge ahall be reduced by the amouai necessary to seduce the chasge to =,=,°'"'�"� <br /> � • ` the pennitte�limit;aad (b)any sums airc�c3y coltected from Boaower wtdch eaceeeded permitied Ilmits wiII be nfunded to �_-�.� <br /> r. �. ' � Botsower.LeaGer may choose to make this refuad 6y reducItr�the princlpal owed nnder tha Note or by making a direct � �.':-__ <br /> '��;• . . ' • payment to 8orrower. If a refund reduces princi�al. the reductton will be uear�d as a pardal prepayment without any ;, . •. <br /> ,: ��"'_ - <br />-�.�. .. �repayment charge underthe Note. - .��qr__ ,-_=-°--- <br /> _- -�—• <br /> t^�' ..' 14.Notict�.Any notIce to Borrower provided for in Uiis Security lnstrument s4�afl be given by deliverlag it or by mailing it • � �� j.,��_ <br /> -dt � � � 6y tlrst class mail unless apptirable taw requires use of another iuetPeod The notice shail ba direcied to tho Property AdQrtss • • • •- ��,J,�;-�:: <br />�..:... . . ° ,. <br /> � or any other address Borrocver designates by notic:e w Lendet.Aay aotice to Leader shaU be given by firat class mail to .r,. <br />���• � Lender's address stated herem or any other address Lender designates bp notix w 14orrower.Any aotice provided for in thia . ,,��..: � <br />� . ' ';..<;" Securlty Instrument shali be deemed to have 6een given to Bo�rower or Leader wh�gtven as provided in this paragrapl�. „ . � • ,- <br />� •`, . . . l5.Gaveming Law;Set�era6iljfy.This Security Instrument shaU be govemed by federal law and the law of the jurisdiction . . � °� � <br /> in whtch the Property is located.In the event that any provision or cta�ase of this Sewdty Instrument or the Note contlicts aritt� . . f <br />�g � � . . appllcable law,such conllIct sha11 not affect other provision9 ot tiils Securlty Iruwmeat or�ke Note arhich can be given efPect � <br /> ' � • without the conflicting provision.To thls end the provisions of tlds Securiry insuument aad We Note are declared to be , � • <br />� . .. • severabte. � <br />� . . ' 16.Borrotret�s Copy.Borroaes sha11 be given one couformed copy of the Not�and of this Securaty IasWmen� ' ' � �'. ;� <br /> •� � ' 17.TraRSfer af the Property os a Beaeftda!Intcrest in Borrow�.If all or any part of the Properiy or any interest ln it • �; <br />— . .� � . ' � is aold or transferred(or if a beneficial interest in Borrower is sold or transferred siad Boaower is not a natural person)without � `-_:. <br /> _ �. , � �-. <br /> r^? . � , SI►t��ftmiry—FHlY1AliH1![C UHICQRl�Iti9T8UAlENT FORlf 3� 09f90(QSg��0!8 adgsej . <br /> ,= , � . NE81tASfUt ECB�L Rev 04/04/9t . ' .' <br />__� - . , . <br />�. = ., . . � ... __ .. • . . — _.____„---- • -- --: � ' • . <br />-=�-- ��• - . — ..�... , ' .. w ' . . .. . • . <br />- .i`. } . . • . ,_ • <br /> i. �: . • . � . . ' , . � • ' . , , . , • <br />.'t.�� ' • ' • . .: . . ' � • . . • • ; • . <br />� • � <br /> , . • . , , . � . <br /> : :.__.._, _:. -------.—�_. .. ._ ------ --.. _ .__ ..._ �_.— ---- - - — --- - -- — -- - — <br /> -- - -- ' � . ' � ., <br /> - �� :�. . ._.. •..—...._.+—:._.—.=_, . � <br />_ . : _ , c . . , <br /> . <br /> . � •� • ' . , � ' . ' ' , . <br />� . . <br />_a . ... � . . _ . � . . . <br /> , . <br /> . <br /> � , . . . . . . - � . . ,. _ - <br /> � . - . _ ... . .__..._..__. . __'___' .__. _ ____. ..._ __ <br />