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. , �'dxy{�c .�< ... . : . . ' . ,..�_ �.. .. . _ .�i ,F .�.–� <br /> ,w Y . .� . � .` r _ .. , . . - '� o' . � _— <br />, . �M `f�— r - t_ - ; i " . . � . �..� L . � �. . � .ic� �f ` � . � . � .„' .. . � '� -- <br /> � . '�,�F y rc' • . ��` . .. . . . . ,,. . , " " � �k�. .. . � <br /> . . �� , `C y�� t�.1C.,(' 4 . L' t� .. � t h `.t �._,_ <br /> - ' _ . . -t-��' . .. �.TaJ <br />� � .. - 4 ' ' � ` • � , i�. :�.�_° <br /> 1�t,.4•�:.5 .F , •• ' . ' . �� •O ����� ` .. ���_� <br /> ' .a . �.?�` .. . " . . . �." <br /> � , U � �aitA ludgment couid resuR in todefture ot the ProAerty or athc�wise•maimrtaBy�mAatr the Iien aeated by tfiis Sec�y InsCument ar Lender's � •°•,e_ `� � v� <br /> � < . ascu c+c y ir►teresi Borrawer rt�,air eure sueh a deiautt and rnlnstate,ag ProvUded tn paragruph f8.Ey esustng tha acUmi or praeee�ng to be , . <br /> tGsmisssd with a ruGng tha�In Lendde geod taltA determinatlon.precfi�des todei�re oT the Borrovier's teKerest 6�Me Rroperl�►or ether matertl) '�� �, `; ;�.•: __ <br /> • � impatrment ot the Ven exeated by this Seauityl Instrume.nt or Lendsr§sewciry Int�sl. Boaawer aheU atso he tn detaub i!Bortowe�ring 1he . .;• �r. <br /> d <br /> . . � . (aan epp4eatic�process.gave mat�ai[Y faisa or[natanafe tntormation or stat�arts to LFnder(or tait2d to pravida Lertder w$h etry mate�l ` . -�' <br /> (nformattony tn cflnneetion with the ioan�vtdeneed by,the Note,tndu�ng,but not GiNted to.�+rese�i[ona eostcemin$Bornnver's oeacpancy o1 ° , � • ;�'��' <br /> . - • ` :' the PropeRy as a pc(nrJpai residence. lt U�fa Sewrity Instrument is on a teasehold Bonow�shaD comply/with eA the pmvisians o!the tease. .°f^�� <br /> : .. :- ,,, • , . <br /> 'T=— -�_. ff Borrower aequires tea titts to_tha Propelty.ttie te�set�atd snd tka tes 6tte st�!aei m�sga untess tender agrees ta the ciserg�in v�ting. ` <br /> � � � ?. Pratecdon af L9nder's R�gMs t�thQ Prepe�/. H Bortawer ta9s 4o per[nrtn the cavenaMs and e�e�n�►ts eontatfied —` .,,`` .:.� . � <br /> ,. t. � : ` �, <br />- '. in Nts Securlty fistrument.or there is a legai procee�IIng thei may sIgn�canUy effect Lendds dgfits(n the PmPertY(auch as a proeea�rtg . ?. ,..�; : .� . <br /> � ' .; � • in 6an[aupt�y,pro6ate.for condenr+atfon ar fodeiture or to enforce taws or reguiatIons).then Lend�may do end pay tor whate�er Is necesss�y► � � :�. <br /> ., . .. • to protect the vateta o!the Properiy end Lende's dghts tn the Property. tenders aWans may fncfude RaY�9 enY sums seaued Ey a IIs�whieh .�: . .` . .;r. <br /> � . • has prtmity reasonabte attomeys'tees and enterirtg on the Prr��ty ta[r�ke repaTrs. ��'.. . � - <br /> . over this Securfly InstrumeM.appeactr►g in eourt.P�9 ` ,: , �"" <br /> � t• . . . A�hnugh L�tder may mke acHon under this patacgaph T.Lender does aot haue to do so. • �'' ',.,. . �:'�;: <br /> - ,�..- ��`,��,. <br /> ' My amounts�shursed by Lend�ursder Ws paragraph 7 shaD beca.:s addittoc�a)debt ot Bortower secured Dy Yn�52a..��* '�i..t.�'".une�t '.-:�;��.4,-'�..- <br /> t :r•�---- <br /> . Untess Bortotiver and Len�er agree to other tams of p�these v^�ost�ta shafl 6ear tr�teJest from 6�e Qate cf��rsems�t et tite . ��;r,"i�,j:,°',�� <br /> • � NotB rate and shaU be R=��with�iterest.upan�tice fiam La:�af tm Sa�vre��esUr►9 pgY�L +�=��-'-- <br /> , , �:.E—�_�� <br /> • . � 8. MartgBge (r.5u�ra.3�'d. If t�,,.ia req�i.-e�c:r�3gaga;�su-�r.�as a conSt.yz of maidng the loan sec�uEd by thb Security tnsQmstait, .; �.T^�-_ <br /> . • " Bortower shatl pay the pr��ms require�ta mainmfn tF2 martgage ins�.ance in eftect ff tor any reason.the morttgage Insurenee cmrerage � _ <br /> Sa <br /> �;r, • ivatent to the ��, <br />';,.« requtred by I.ender tapses nt eeases to be fn eftect.Borr�wer sha(1 pay the premiums required to obtatn cav�age suLsfantteBY equ <br /> , . . mortgage insurarice previoi.sly tn a cost suhstanUatry e�Ntvalent to the cost ta Borrmver of the mnrtgage tnsurance ptevlauaiy�eftecl. ' •.�__ <br /> • � trom an aftemate mortgage tnsurer epproved by Lende►, 1t substant?ally equtvalent moR9age(ns�ce coverage ts not ava�tHie,BotrOwet sluD pay ��`--'�- <br /> ._ . �,_', � to l.endes each montFi a suiri equal To btt�-tW�ttfr ofthe yeazly mortgage Msurmtce�premium�being pald by�BoRO�ser wh�nn-ths insttrtnca Caveiage �::_ <br /> . . ' tapsed or cnased to be in etfect. Lender will euept.use and retaln these paymer►ta as e(oss resenre in Iteu a!martgage Naurenc� Losd resen►a ��,-=�: <br /> • '�r payments may rto Ionger be requhed et tAe optlan of Lendw if mortgage Inauranee cavera8e pn the emourrt an�ier the p�[ad Nri I.�nder -- --- <br /> � . re�uires)proviQed by en Insurer epProved by Lender again beeomes avaUabta end(s oblak�ed. Borrower sheA pay the preMums teqtttred to �- <br /> � � - malnCaln maRgage Insurance(n eNec1.or to provtde a foss resetve:until tha rcquirement 1or martQege(naurance es�ds in.acco[d�ncs w1iA utU <br /> wt(tten egreemert 6etween Bar�ower end Lender or eppUcabie tavi. � _ --- <br /> • , 9. InapecNon. Lender or(te agent may make reasonabte entrtes upon and inspecUon9 of the Pro�erty. lender s0sfl gNe Bocrawer ��;�,_ <br /> • ' notice at the Ume oi or pdor to sn tnspectton spec�tytng reasonabte cause tor the fnspecUon. � _ <br /> • 10. Condemnation. Tha proeeeds of any award or da(m tor Qamages,direct or cenr►e�ttan�th any condenu�stten .+ _�-_ <br /> � � or othe�tak(ng of arry part o!tha Properiy,or for convayance in Deu o1 condemnation.ere hereby assi�ed and shall ba pald to lender. �".�� <br /> �:. <br /> ' in the event oi a total ta{dng of the Prapedy,the proeeeds ehall be appCed to the sums secured by this Securiry Instru�neit.virheth�or not •�.-;•:. <br /> , ' . • then due,wiLh any e�ccess pald to Bortawer. In the event ot a pardai taldng of tt►e P�roperiy fn whtch the faU market value of the Rrop�rty � -.;, <br /> � tmmediatety bdore the takfng is equal to ot greatev tfian the amount at the sums seeured by thta Security tnstrumenc5tnmedtatetY betoro fhe mtdng. y '. : <br /> - �" � --�-- '- - '- uniess Bartawer and Lender othawfse agree tn wriUng,the suma seaued by this Security Instrument shail be reduced by the amaunt of the , , �;..'.,�; <br /> proceeds mult¢�lied by the toAowing iractlon:(a)the totai emount o!sums secured immediatety before the teking,dtvld8d by(b)Uib tair metkel i( ,' :,r <br /> • . � vaiue ot the Property immediately tr�fore the taWng. My batance shall de pafd to Borrower. In the event ot a paNal taWng of tha Propetty in •}_ <br /> ' which the tair market vatue ot tfie Prop2rty immediatey betora the taldng is tess than the amourtt of the sums seaired tmmedtately betare the � s <br /> . • � tefdng,untess Bortower and Lender otts�wise a�ee in wdUng or uniess app�ca6te law athemisa provides,the proceeds shall be appaed .;,:;�_ - ..: <br /> � to the sums secured by this Security fnstrument wh�:her or not the sums ere then due. `� ."- __ti=~°- <br /> '. • �� Jt the Properry is aba^doned by Bartower.or B,aRar notice by i.ender to Bonovrsr that the condemnor oNers to make an award ar sattte t • �a,� <br /> '� a ctaim for dsmaSes•Barrower tails to respond to Le�d_r v�fithln 30 deys after the daTe the noUce is glven.Lender is authorized to eoIIect ���_ <br /> • ` •�� � ' n or r r ot ths Ro ar to the sums secured by thts Securfty InsL�s.,^r.g►t. -�' <br /> . . . and appy the proceeds,et its opUon,either to restoraUa epai P�Y <br /> • ' whether or aot tt�en due. a�(� <br /> • Untess Lender and Borrower otherwisa ag�ee In�g,any applicaifon oi proeeeds to pdncipat sheU not extend or pastpane the Que ''j`;. . �';.;:-- ° <br /> .� � � ,. date of the monthy payments reterred to In para�apt�s 1 and 2 or change tha amour�t o}such payments. `�}f y`- � <br /> - - 11. Bor�ower Not Released; Forebearance By Lender Plot a Waiver. E�ens'son o1 the tl:ne tor paymens or mod�tcatton :.� ''�--`� <br /> •�, :�,-,.,.�: <br /> ' � of amortizaUon e1 the aums secured by th3s Security Instrumer�t granted by Lender to arry sueeessar In interest o2 Borrower shaU rtot }�� �-. <br /> .� _ '" operate ta release the 1'iability o1 the origtnal Borrower ar BoROwer's successam(n intereat Lender shaA aot be requYed to commence , if:, <br /> �' � proceedings egah�st any successor In interest or retuse to extend Ume for payment or otherwise modiry/emortiretion of the aums secured <br /> � . � by this Secudty InstrumerR by reason ot ariy demand made by the odgirtal Bnrrower or Bortower's suceessor9ln fiterest. Any forbearance . , w <br /> , by Lender in axerGsing any dght or remady shail not 6e a watver of or preciude the exercfse of any dgfit or remedy. r . � <br /> � . . - . 12. Successors and Asslgns Bound:JoJnt and Sevaral Ua6Qity; Co-sigrtera The covenants and a�eemerrts af ., • �, <br /> r � . thts Secu�ity Instrument shall bind and benefA the successors and assigns o!LenQer end Borrower.subJect to the provisions of para�aiph , _ <br /> . 1T. Borrawers covenant�end agreements shatl be jolnt and seueral. My Bortower who co-slgns this Security tnsWment but daes nat � <br />.r � ' e�ceeute the Note(a)is co-slgning thts Secudry fnstrument ony to mortgage,grant artd convey that Borrowe�s lnterest in the Property . •• <br /> ' : � under the terms of this Seeurtty Instrument;(b)Is not personalry obllgated to pay the aums seeured by this Security tnstcument;artd(c� . <br /> � � egrees that Lender and�r►y other BoROwer rtlay agree to extend,madity.torbear or meke eny accommodaUons with regard to the terms of <br /> . � . this Secudry InsWment or the Note without ihat sorrowePS cansent.. � � • � , - <br /> � • ' 13. Loen Ch8fge9. it the toan secured by this Secudty tnstrument is subject to o Iaw vfilch sets mexlmum(oan charges,and� <br /> ;; . � • . that taw Is flnaflyy interpreted ao that the Interast or other taan charges coVected or to be coliected in eonneeUan with the loan exceed : <br /> = t � • the permitted Itmits,then:(a)any such loan charge shaU 6e reduced by the amount necessery to redueo the charge to the pemiitfed <br /> IimN;and(b)any sums eUeady coUected irom 8oaower which exceeded pemiltted timits w'U be refunded to Bortower. Lender may ehoose �I � <br /> . l.' � fo make this refun0 by reducing the pdncipal ovred under ihe No2e or tsy making o dlrect payment to 8orrower. H a�efund reduces prfn- . . <br /> s ' � ' � c(pa1,the reducUon wiU be treated as a partlal prepayment without any prepaymeM eharge under the No2e. <br /> ; i ; �• � 14. NotiCe9. Any noUce to Bartawet prov]ded tor In thls Secudty tnstrum¢nt shafl be ghren by deDvering it or by maIDng it by tirst , <br />- `� cfass mail unlass epptieabta Iaw requUes use ot anciher method The naUee shell be directed to the Properiy aC�ress or a�y other adQress � <br /> s ' <br /> , . • <br /> �, '. • <br /> � • <br /> � <br /> � ' 302B2.trm(3/91) Oapo 3 ot 5 FOm13028 9J80 • <br /> 1 . <br /> '__""._..._.... .._._ .. . � <br /> .. —_-- __"__ — <br /> . 1 . • . '_"'_ ' '--_.___ <br /> .. - , .. •. � . <br /> •�'• - ,i � . r � .. <br /> _ • . <br /> � . . .. . _ . . . . .. .. . . . <br />