, . .� `A_ � j �c;•: t.}i ; �., • t� . ,...r ,.
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<br /> � _ � ' .,fi•nn• . _ '•'sii. •. . ` .r . _ �.�,' - — .d. _.. , '�i'_ r�'''._.r'c f ---
<br /> -4 C� • ,u • ` � . . �' ' L.�/�,`4,.`-
<br /> . . � - � `��5� .S.R', i-��
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<br /> 'o. . �'� � �. -�
<br /> . J . ,.` 11NIFORM COYEHlAM9. 6or�Orier and LenEer eavenent e.nd agrea as faCawa: � .
<br /> ._ : .�-� .:.�„ ;
<br /> t �d �(:<i�.E'�tt@ t��;':
<br /> ; � . . 1., Paymant of PWttcTpal and tRtarost:P►opayrrtont anA L�ade Chargas: Borrawer aAall P�A�DaY wRe�due the �g`??�`��ry_�-�-_-
<br /> ' ~ pdncdpaf ot arsd tnierest on the�deht evtdenced by th�Hots end srsy prFpayment er,d I�e chargss due und�t8a Nota � t�-: ,�, �
<br /> 2. �uttds for Tente9 8nd.1198urance. Subleet to app,.eabte taw ar to a v�wah'ra!sy l�nder.Bosro�nrae shaR pay ts I.�r►der on L�� ,.�--�
<br /> � �` �• tt�e Csy montliry Paymans sre due under the Atote.unL7 the TVote�s pald tn AN.e sum(°FUnds•)tor.(a)Yearty t�e�end assessmenis wts:ct�� ' � ``:t u
<br /> �, ` . < may aueU�prEc�ity,over thls Secudt�/Instrument as�e Den an the RroD�Y tb)Ye�fl�easehaid payments or�aurtd r�nts cn t�e PrcD�Y• :,a'�;-�-�.:=�y�•�`'._
<br /> . � - �1�►lf.(�Y�Y hazard or PmA�ty►1'n�utAnCe Premtums:(d)Yea�N 400d tnsuranca preminms.U e�►Y: (e)Yeazfy►rtmrt�Se tnsu�tcs Presnll�rts, , �.� ;; .� ;-_,
<br /> � �-�— ,- , H any:end(fl any sums payabte by BoROwer to Lender,fn ar.eordanee wtth the pmvtsiona ot paragapl�8.(n deu af the payment ot mart�ga � � ~
<br /> ,,.r. , T •<r �'- '}E,� r-t �--
<br /> . , tiis�ran�pcemlums. These ftems ece eaCed'Escrow tiems'. iErtder rt�y,at any ttm�coQed end ga[d Funds in en amaunt na!to exeeed � c'..;�.�':�..'£�'-„F;:`:.- ;`___.
<br /> i. . f . . �. :�a�-7iriv�
<br /> � tha rt�drtwm sma�mt a I�der tor e t�deraIIy�d mortg�ge toan may rec�trs tor Bmtow�'s.'es�ow eccq�l�t under tAe tedea!Re�d t ..
<br /> . . � �< ` � ' Esffite SetlSemerR PrQcedures Ilct at 1874 as am�ded trom ttme to tiina,l2 U.S.C.�2601 et se$.('RESPA'�.uniess e�tother Isw that eppIIes to =_ �'�� --
<br /> ,�iib?•',�_;,h-=°.-_--
<br /> ` the Funds sets e tasser amount If so.l.ender may.at anlr tim�calleet erid hold fuada tn en eniourtt rtat to exazd the tesses artrounL Lertdes j s�.��s.,.
<br /> � (t �• may esKtmate the emourd ot Funds�e an the basls af curter�t Qata and reasartabla esttmates o1 expendC�res at tYrhue EscroHt(tems ot alhentiRse ' c-�r:�.c�,�""
<br /> �':._�'�.�r a --
<br /> �..,,`. . :� in axordance w�Th eppllesbls(aw. � � �_.
<br /> The Funds shaD be hdd tn en ins�utlan whose d a�fts ere tnswEd by a tederaJ eg�ncy.instr�tetttaGly.or�yl(inc�udng t...�1�H tender '� __
<br /> � th�Fun�is to the Esc�ow ftems. lender may r.�chafge ` �,�."x��•
<br /> � � � {s sveh an instih�tIan)or in am/Federal Home Loan HacY. lender sfia9 aPDN PaY � �r�,.;�',...�v �,
<br /> � � Bnmamrer for halding and aGpN�ng the Funds,annuaIIy�.atyiing the esaow aecouttt ot verit�Mg the Escrav�It�s.��ss La�Ca, Bartaat� ;_, �.�-=�
<br /> � ..=�cz===----
<br /> �' fi�9't°J ta Fay�r.aCratUlle Cts� .•'_� � _
<br /> tnt�est on the Funds and appIleable faw pmrots lend�r to make sur��ehasge. Hawe�rer,Lend�csaY c24�ire �;:f:4F���=—
<br /> for an indepen�t reai esffite tax repotttng service used by Lendef i�a�tedtfln with this la��ur�app�ca*:a�►�-ahs o2.�:a�� Urd�s „.:!.�`�;�,---
<br /> �.� ��ar_�.._
<br /> , en agre�nent is made ac�1ca61e taw requfres tnterest to 6e pstd Lender shaB rtc;�requtrcd ts pey Barro�r�..y i�terest ar e�nings on'� !
<br /> ' : �'� Funds. Borrower and t��may agrea fn wrtUng. how�r�that Irtteres!shaP 6e��on the Funds. Lender st�9,cyve to Borto�rv.wfthaut �� � �-_ �°
<br /> � rer �`
<br /> ..--��- -_:---= - ... ...ch�rgs.an.ennual aceowrttng nf the funds sbowing credds and d e D i t a to t he Fim d s mi d t ha p u r p o s a f o r w h i c b e n c h d e D R t o t h e Ponds _.. �.-;�
<br /> _ . __._... . .... _.... . _ . .. .. ._ . . ...... ,;� T
<br /> .was made. The Funds are ptedged a,sddiitanal security tor aD sums sewred by this�ecurity Instrumen� � . .,,�,�,�:-
<br /> . . . . tf the Funds hdd by Lender�cceed the amourts pertnitted to be held by appAcable taw.Lender eh�aecoutri to Botrowe►toc the areess �,:��"�?� � _
<br /> � Funds fn eccardance wEh the requirements ot eppltcabte law. !t the amount of tde Fuads held by Le�er et arry tlme Is not suNident to pay ttie ,;.---- �
<br /> .. �' Es�xaw ftema when due,-Lendei may so ootity Borrawer In wr�ng�ana.In sueh case Borrowe►ahal!pay to Lender the amauni necessary to matce �`�,�f<� _.
<br /> ',`r.,• .
<br /> x �, --
<br /> -'--- ....� ,
<br /> ' , up ihe defi�ency. Bortovrer shaB make up ths defldency in no more then twetve momAty payments,al L,e�ndet's sato disaaUon. '��; . " . :
<br /> , '. Upon payment in fuA of eD eums secured by thts Seariry tnswment Lender aha0 prort�IIy retund to 8orrowcr any Funde hetd by L�fdar. 11 ;��� �_-
<br /> ' under para�aph 21,Lender shaU acqufre or seD Me Propedy, Lender,pdor to the ac�Isltlon ar eaEo of the ProperQj.sha8�ppiy any Funda hetd :;;�� . '
<br /> � by Lender et the ttme ot acqulslUan ar aatb es a credit agatnst the suma securea by thfs Secudty tnstram�L �'� .
<br /> . - . : - - 3.�dppitaetton of Paymea�te. Unlese appOcahle taw provtdes othenertse,ell psymenm reaeHed by Lender unEx P+���1�nd 2. :;� ,
<br /> • • shaU b0 appUed:fus�to any pre,paym�nt chacges due under the Nate;seeond,to amounta payabte under paragraph�thkd,.to Interost clue; -
<br /> � fourth,to pdndpat duo;end fas�to any late charges due under the Note.
<br />� � . , . • 4. Charge� !lena Botrotiver shall pay eU taxes,assessments,eharge9,ftnes end tmposttians attitbutebie to the Piop�ty►whtc4i may
<br /> . . _.. . _ . athaln pdodty over this Securiry►nsUUmenL and Ieasehotd paymerrts or�ound rents.H anyr. Borrower shaU pay these obligaUona tn the manne� r,� ' ;
<br /> ' pmvIded In para�aph 2 or if not pald in thal manner,Borrower shali pay them on time dUectly to the peson owed paymen� Bortorver sha9 � . '�--
<br /> • � .. prompty tumish to Lender fill notices of emounts to he pald under thfs paragraph. If Barrower makes these paymerrts directy.Borcower
<br /> . , � . , sflall promptty fumtsb to I.ender receipts evldencing the payments. • •;�i' .
<br /> ., ' Borrower sha8 promptty dlseharge arry Iten which has pdortty over this Secuclry Instrument ur�ess 8orrower. (a)agtees(n wriUng to the pay- `: �
<br /> > � me�t of the obligaUon secured by the lien tn a manner accepta6le to Lender,(b)contests tn good taith the Oen by,ot detends agaUi�st entarcement , w
<br /> ' ' , of the lizn in,tegal praceed(ngs which in the Lenders opinton operate to prevent tbe entorcemem.o!the Q�:or(e)sewres irom the holder o?the ; . �„ s-""
<br /> i..
<br /> 6en an agreement saUstactory to Lender subordinating the Gen to thls 8ewrNy Instnsrr�nL It Lcmder detertnlnes t��atry part of the Properly Es ��= '4�
<br /> � _ • subjeet to a Iten whlch rtsay attaln pdortty aver this 3ewAry InstrumenR Lender may ghre Borrower a notice Idertylrs�the tlen. Bortower ahaA ��-.�
<br /> • , � '� . saUsty tha Oen or take one or more oi the acttons set torth above within 10 days o1 the giving at�=�c� �`,,.��._`;. ,�
<br /> � � � ` .� 5. Haza�d O!Prope�ly Qnsurance. Borrower sha0 keep the improvements now e�s`Jtsg or hereefter ereeted on!he Propett�l insured . ���
<br /> . '�• • • agatnst toss by Qre,harards IncluQed wilhln the term'�ended wverage' and erry o'her ha�rds,tndudfng tloods or iloo�ng.tor whlch lendei . ��.
<br /> � �. • • . • , requires insurance. Th{9 insuranee ahall be malntaU;ed in the amourrts artd for the pedods that Lenda requUes. The InsuwnCe Cat�ter D►otrldtnB , , � • '�
<br /> " ti � the Ins��ce ahalt de chosen by BoROwer subject to Lender's app:��I whlch shaU nol be unreasonabry withhetd. tl6orrow�fz3s to malntaln �' ' *--�
<br /> ' . . ' � eovera�C��xfbed ebove,Lender may,at Lender's opUon,obtau►cc�r�rage to protect Lender's dghta(n the Proparry ln accorda�zce with .� '�`�- ,- -�, •.!i;
<br /> t�
<br /> �; � para�aph 7. . ,' -
<br /> • AU insuranee polIdes and tenewals shaU ba acceptab(e to the Lender and shall inctude a standard mortgage c(ause. Lende sha➢have ths .
<br /> •� { , , , right to hold the policles ertd renawals. If Lender req�irea,Barrov�er shaU prompUy give to Lender all�eceTpts o1 pa[d premlums and renewat . . • _ ,,
<br /> . � ' • • rtoUces. tn tha event of loss,Borrower ahatl give prompt notice to the Insurence canler end Lender. Lender may make proot of tosa it not made .
<br /> . prompUy by Borrower. � • ' , , �.
<br /> . � Untesn Lender end Borrovuer oth�vulse agrcre in wriitng,Insurance proeeeds aha11 be applled to restoraUon or repair o1 the Prope�ty dantaged,H • •
<br /> - • the resteraUon or repalr is economlcafty teas(bte and LendePs securlig 19 not(esaened It the restoratlon or repaU Is not ecanomt�alty teaslhle �
<br /> - � �, or Lender's securiry would bo tessened.the Insurance proceeds shatl be applted to the sums secured by thls SewHty tnstrumen�vfiether or not � . � ',. ' '
<br /> . . . � � then•du�wfth any excass pald to BoROwer. N Borrower abandona the Properly,or does noi enswer withtn 30 days a noUce irom Ler�der thet the
<br /> ' ,{'. Insurance earder hao oHered to settle a ctalm;then Cender may coVecl tho I�surance proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to rapab or restoro . �
<br /> � the Property ar to pay sums secured by thl9 Seeurity fnsUument,whether or not then due. The 30day perlod w1111 begln when the notice Is given. ,-
<br /> ;�" � � � ' � Untsss Lender and Borrower otherwlse agree in wrlUng,any eppllcaUon of praceeds to princlpaf ahall not oxtend ar postpane the dua date � . � •
<br /> � , � • of tho morrthry paymienis re}erred to tn paragraph t end 2 or ehange the emaunt of the paymer►ta. 8 under paragraph 21 the Properiy ls . _
<br /> , •.. ecquUed by Lender, Bmrower's dghi to eny Insurance poltctes and proeeeds resutttng irom damage to the Property pdor to the aequlsiUOn '��� , .
<br /> =. 1;... -� � ' shall pass to lender to the wdent ot the sums secured by thls Secudty(nstrume n!i m me d'a t e ry p r E n1 to t he a c q u 1 s 1 U o n. � •
<br /> ,: �°.� , . 8. Oeaupaney, Pre$ervation, Malntenancg and Proteetlon ot tho Proparty;Bonower's Loan Appllca4ion; �
<br /> : c � . � Leasehofds. Borrawer shalt ocWpy,estabUsh,and uso the Property as Bortower's pdnctpal resldence vrithtn stxty days after the executlon of
<br /> ' � ' ihls Security tnsuument and shall centtrfue to aeeupy the Ptoperty as Borrower's pdnctpal residence tar at least ono year efter the Qato 01
<br /> _.' � � .� . oeeuFr.cy,unfess Lender otherwke agrees In wriUng.wlflch cons�:!shaD not be uncessonaby withhefd,or uNess e�Renuatlrtg cUcumstanees e�8st c�• � � -
<br /> -, ;� . . . whicfi�.�beyond Earrower's eontro). Bortawer sha0 not desWy,damage or tmpaU the Praperty, aUow the PropeTty to deterterate,or comm;t
<br /> ��� � • , , waste on tha ProF=:cp. Bonower shall be In iletaufl H any forfeiture acUon or pre��Cing,whether ehri!or criminel,ts begun that ln Lendefs good �
<br /> �' �. � ` . ; -
<br /> - . '. '
<br />, � , • '
<br /> ._.� __._ _,.._.---�
<br /> . �:,
<br /> .� . • . 3Q2Bf.ftm(3A1) u�go 2 ot 5 Fortn 5628 9J90 -••-- �--,,;
<br /> . . �• . • ' : iY��'�� .
<br /> �� . , .
<br /> ,��.�_ .---- � — -- --�_: -
<br />