`.�._ �'4 T�•� �e ` . �. . : • .t c' . '. :.c , ... � � . , .x ° . _ �. . � .Q:.;,b+.��
<br /> � - �H - . �7 . .. , .. . - . ' ' < < . � . .;:�, ` ' . . ..0`• . w . � . .4 r�i����.
<br /> `. . � � ��' ' .r .�fr- .c _ • . . ` ` . �, .:< . �,.. � < < < �. _.
<br /> . ' " ' � ' � ` c �{p .
<br /> ��. ; , . ' ' . . . � °� .� � t =;
<br /> �,� � ":F�� � � `'� , . � ' � . � .!°�14-a��.ttg e� ' � � -;4 4 • `�a_
<br /> �:
<br /> .. . F( .fa'i . . - . _ }�d.
<br /> - ,: ` 8artow2r.dest�ates by►noUee to Lertder. My noUce to lend�shaD be given by fust ctass matl to LendeYs address stated�er�n or erry • . � �� _
<br /> _ . s.
<br /> . other ad�ress lender desi�ates by noUce to Borrowar. Atry no8ca provlded for ln thls Seaufry Instrument shall be deemed to havo Eeat � � '�
<br /> ' � � '` . glven to Botrower ar tendet wften g+ven as provtded In this pata�eph. ��+
<br /> � � 15. �GOVBRnin L81M; fieVer3bil Thts Seeurily Instr�unent sha0 be gwemed Dy tedera3 taw and the taw of tha j�utss�ctinn in . ` ` ', "�
<br /> � � . • which the Properiy is lgaqted. in tfie evart that an}►pcavlsion ar dause ot th(s Searity fnshumeM ar the Nnte�eon4tds wfth app9mbia . � ,.'•. '.��--
<br /> .� � • law,sucA confitc�shaU not afted oiher provts(or[s af thts Sec�irity(nstrument or the Note which can be gtv�efieet vrithaut tAa car�t�c�ng . � . � '��
<br /> � � pcovis[on. To thTs end the prov(stons af this S2curity Instrume�t and the Hote ere dedar�d to 6e severehte. �'�'�� � , `_ ' _ _ ;
<br /> _ � ' ` - ,--
<br /> —�'�.-�=-= —=`�= 18. BOrPESwB�'s Co�y. Bo�wer shaf{be given orte contorm2d�eopy oi itte Note end oi thls SQCSUIIyt(nsfiunenL =_�-_,�-�-,�--:. _-
<br /> - : , 17. �'fansfer of the Progerty ar e BeneRcial lateres![n Borra�xee B aD or atry part ot the Ptop2rty or eny 1t�terest ; . � � _
<br /> in it is sotd ar transtened(or ff a bene5dat ir►terest tn Botmwer Is sold or tansterred and Batsotver is not a nataral peisan)wRitoui Lend� �� � '
<br /> - . - ds prfor�v�tien consent.Lender may.at its option.�quire tmmed'iate payment in 1�0 0!eil sums seaued by tt�is Securdy Instnm►mt ;� '.. .,.:,,��_
<br />- - .. . " .. Hawever,this opiion sha0 not be exerdsed by Lender it exerdse is prafi��ed by fedaai Isw as of the date af t'is Seam3yl It�strumertt _. . :. �'4'...
<br /> r � [f Lend�exQre(ses th(s optlon,Lender shall give Bomower n�cs af accele*ation. Tha notic�shall pmvi�a a pe�riod of t�at less tfian 3D � � si }� i'
<br /> � j � '� d3ys to?�r ttie dafe the noUee ts dai"iv�2Q oi rr23_'d w3htn w�::..'s s�:oweT mrist psy sU sums s..=a..*2d tsy i^.�S�tu$y tnstrumerti fl •.� ; � F ..
<br /> ':� ."r � ' Soaawec fs3s ta Fay ihzss�y^�s prlcr.Sa Lze o�i�n af this pesiod.Lender may imroke atty�es•pers:�d by thfs Seariry tnsbu� �.� : �. . - -
<br /> <. ��''- , •: :�5�' ment w�thout further notice or de�d on 8ortower. t , ` .
<br /> ' ` 18. BoROwet'8 Rtght to WelnsiSte. If Borrower meecs certain condr�ons,Bormw�shall have the right to have erAorcement , •;�
<br /> '` �' �� ".`. of this Sewrity tnsfinnent rfisco�tnued at any Ume prtor to tfie earlier ot(a)5 days(or such other pectod as applicabte lavq may s�ediJf �
<br /> ' ' far reinstatemertt)betore sate o1 the Properiy pursuazit to a►ry pawer of sete cotrtained(n ti�is Sacut�y fns�um��o►(b)entry of s(udg�rtent � , :���;` . •
<br /> =� . . , entordng this Sewdry tnstrument �Thase canffiUons are that BoROwer. (o)psys I.�d�a1!sums which theu wauld Oe dua unQer thl� , .. . .�. _�
<br /> ' � Secudty instrument and the Note as H nb aeceteraUon had occurred:@}cure3 any daisuft ot sny other cav�anta or e�ente;(a)prya �A u":�- �_
<br /> . , r.
<br /> . �� � mcpenses incurted In eniordng this 3ecudry tnsuumenx(neluding.6ui nat limited to,reasanabta attameye'teee:end(�ukas euch aCtton . � �' • �
<br /> ti'.'..:..'..._�. _..
<br /> �.- � - s�"leniter�say rE�orabry�requlro to assuro�that t�oiien o1 thi9�Sdcurit�r fnatrumanir LenQer'e dphts Fn�t1�e�Property;nd 8ertowere�bNqx�� � ��;3„�
<br /> ` , � don to pny tho nums eecured by thf�8awdry lrfatrument ahail canUnuo unchanged !!po»relnatatCment�y BarcGwer,thl�3eCUAty ;r,. • _
<br /> .;� �.�i��=•;'�
<br /> � ` '" � InstrumeRt and tho obllgaUon�secured he�eby sha(1 rsmain Nlry offacU+ro ne il no aece3erettan had occurted. Hawover.tAts dpht to rainst�2�. , .;-,p,
<br /> � sha0 not eppry in the easo of acceteratlon under paragreph 17. � . --
<br /> � 19. Sata of Note: Change at Loaz�8orvieer. Tho Noto or e paNai interest In the Hote(together wltA Ihi�Secudty - -��;�--�
<br /> � InsVument)may be sotd qne or mora thnes without pdar noUce to Borrawcr. A sate may resuli N e change L�the entity Qimawn as the .�
<br /> 'Loan Servlcar► thet eol;ects mnMhty payments duo unQer Iho Nota end th(s 3ecutiry InstrumeM. Thare afso may ba ona or moro change�of � ' x
<br /> ^.� .•:
<br /> • ' � �� � the Loan Serv(cer unretated to e sate ot tha Note. U there Is e chenge of Uie Loan Servfcer.Borrower ariU be qhr�wtftfen nottce o!the ct�ange '�'� '
<br /> . . ::x��.
<br /> (n accor�dance with paragraph 14 above and applirabta taw. The notice wllt state tha nama and eddresa ot tha new Lo�Senrtcer and tha , .
<br /> . � admress to whicl�paymeMs should be made. The nottee will etso conta(n eny other trdomfatton requtred by epDU��e law. �;�,
<br /> 20. Hazard0us Substances. Borrower shell not eause or perm;t the presence,use,dfsposal,storage.or retease oi any Hezardous .�.z. ,.
<br /> : ,.
<br /> = ' substanees on or in the PropeRy. Bortower ahail no!do.nor aUow snyone e(se to do,arrything aftecNng the Property that ts(n vtolatton af t �,��x� :
<br /> . � . • - any Environmental Law. The prece�ng two serrtences shall not appty to the presence.use,or storage on the Property W smaD quantitlp of _;, '� � -
<br /> -�-�- � �---- - Hatardous su6slences that ere generaUy reca��ed to be a{spropr(afe to normal testdenttaf uses and to mafitenartce of the PropcYty. ����J~ �
<br /> 8S
<br /> ° , • Borrawer shali prompty ghre Lender wr(iten nottee of e�ry hrves8gatton,cJa(m,demanQ lawsuit or o.he►actlon by arty gavenmesttal or �
<br /> e
<br /> � , , regulatory agene.y or private party trno(ving the Propeery and anyr Hamrdous Substence or Emlrortmental Law of which Borretver ha9 acNsf ����;rr� � �'•�°•
<br /> � • ' �. , , taiowtedga tf Borrawer teams,or Is notified by any gavemmental or regutatory authoriry,tQBI'4t1y[BRIOY B I Of O t j l�fClit E d�3 1 10(1 O t 8Ily/H 3�'i I�0U9 , .
<br /> .� Substanca aNectmg the Properry is necessary.Borrawer shalt prompty take aii necessary remedtal actlons in aceordance w8h ErnUonr.�e.'�t�.aw.
<br /> , . � As used in this paregreph 26. 'Hanrdous Substances'are those substances defined es toxic or harardaus substances by Envttonm�fta! _ ����
<br /> ,. ' � Law acsd the tol[owing substances:gasoline,kerosene,oth�ftammable or to�a petroleum protuets,to�o pesNcides an�hdb:ddes,vataUle � .1";"'''�`
<br /> , . . soMents. matertats contaiaing ssbestos or fom�alQehyde,end radloactt+ro materiais. As used in tdis paragraph Z0.'Enviror.�►tal Law' _==--
<br /> -„ _ ,. � . means tederal lawe and laws o}the judsdicUon vfiera the Properly is located that reiate to heatth,satery or emr(ronme►tai psotecHon. �;;=-��
<br /> � IVON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenartt and agree ar3 fol�ows: �2,�.r.e.�
<br /> • ' 21. Acceteretlo�; Ramediea. Lender shall give notice tv Bcrrower prlor to aceelaratlon tolfawing �.'_"—��-�
<br /> �.:�-_---
<br /> • . � Borrowar's breach af any covenant or agraement in this Securi3y InsLrumont(but nat prior to accetoration ,..�,�_ - ,�
<br /> ` � � under paragraph 17 unless applicable Iaw provides oiherwise). The e��aa0 shall speaify: (a)tha dsf�utt;(b) - ��--�
<br /> -� � :';� .�.��"
<br /> . . .. . the action cec�tred to cure tho defaul� (c)a date, not leas than 30 days irom t]�dato the notica Is gtv�n do
<br /> � � Borrower, whteh the dofault must ba cured; and (d)that taitura to cure the cdeiault on or biton th� date � �.± '' • "tr°��.
<br /> ,a . � � s�acifted In the notice may reaut3 In acceteratlon of the sums secured by thls SBeurity instrumant��d aata �.��- ����3'�.
<br />— . � �f the Property. The netlee ahall turther iniorm Borrawer o!ths righ!to reins3�te afte�sees'srtitlon sued � . �.' '`•;
<br /> � . � the rtght to bring a court actton to assert tAe nan-existence of �defau�!ar arry othar defenao of Borrow�r , : • .T�`
<br /> � �. '� to acceleration and sa1e. ff ths defautt is no! cured on o� betore t�e date s�e�6fta3! in the notice, Lend�r . '. � �
<br />- � . at it� optloa may require Immediato payment in tull of all suma secured by this Securlty Instrumont wlthout • : .. �;:
<br />- further demand and may irsvoke the power of sate and arry other remedtes permittad by appllcabf� `
<br />" s � ' . law. Lender sha11 be entitled to coltect aU axpenses tncuned in pureulrtg the remedtes pravtd�d te this � '��
<br /> " � �. , � paragraph 21, incWding, but not 11mtt�d to,reasonahte attomeys'feas and coats a!titiv evfcdanc�. � . " ,
<br />