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<br /> =_=�_— paymelus may nn Eonger i��equim,d,at.the option of Lender.if mortgage ins�uance ooverage(in We amnunt a¢d for tlte periad
<br />_,`����.x;:� � t�at Lender requi:rs)pmvided by an insurer approved by Lendar again 6ecames avaifa6ie and is o6tained.Borrowes shall paY
<br />`�'�,;��`�,�?, tite premiums reguired to�mainiain mortgage insuranee in effest,or m provide a Ioss tesecve,until the requin�nent fos mart�;age �_
<br /> ` � insurance ends in accordance with any a+ritten agreeaaei}t between Sortr�ower aad Lender or apglicable law. �
<br /> �,"`��� � �i.intipecitoa.Lender or its ageat may arake mdsor�abte eatries upon and inspections of the Froperty.I�ader sfr�ill give ` .
<br /> t�'��.T Bonower notiae ak�e time of or aor to an' nsp � '
<br /> '.r;�,, �,�, P � !nsPecteon specifying.reasonable casse for tha i e�tion._ . .
<br /> �a 10.Cond�natfoa. 'IY�e pra�eeds af any awanJ or slaim for•damages,direct or oonsequential, ia cannection with any+
<br />�.y,�;•._y •
<br /> '��� condemnation oT other taking of any part of the Property.or for¢onveyance in[ieu of candemnation,are hemby assigttad and
<br />-_____ sha116e paid to Lender. ' ,
<br />- � ?�r In the event of a total taking of the Pmperty.the pmceeds shall be'applied to tbe snms secared tsy tir�s Seca�rity Instramenr,
<br /> "— -- whether or not 4hen due. aitb any excess paid to Borrower:In the event of a partia!taking of ttte Pragerty m which tbe fai� `
<br /> -$""`�"""� matket value of the Pra �iatel befoce the taldn �s
<br />:_".�:_..•_.: , . P�Y � Y g� equa►w or greater than the�mount of W�sums secated by this
<br />-_'���'' Security In+tnsme►it�rnmediateiy isefore We taking,unless Borrowes�utd Lender aiherwise agree in writing*the sums secat�d by,
<br /> � s,�y.�t;
<br /> -_.�.�,.�.:1 tl�is Seamty Insm�ment shall 6e reduc�!by the amount of�the prooeeds,mWti�liat 6y the fotiawing fraction: (a)t�total
<br /> `��``��'•` amount of the sams secured immediatei before the divided b (6)the fait market vaiue of t6e Pro immediatel
<br /> ,�7,�;���} • y �, y �� ' v
<br />::#;.x_-�`�, before the taltimg. Any batance shall 6e paid to Borrwza. Ia the event of a paatial taking of dt�Property in w ch the�air �
<br /> ���_``: . mdrket vatue of the Pmperty�ly before the�g Is less than the amonnt of the snms'secar�d i+�Q.t:am�befare the
<br /> pT��°i=r� , taking.untess Borrower aad Ixnder otherwise agree in writing or unless applica[rie law othenvise�Srovides,the�prnc�eds shall
<br />`-""�'`" �`;j 6e leed to the sums se�ce�i t8is S � ' �
<br /> n�,,,�; aPP bY e�itY Insor�whether or nnt the sa�s a.r�ihen dae. . .
<br /> •;.,��,::.. �� � � -If the Prbperty is abaidoned by Borrower.or if,-���no�ice by Lender fo Ea�ower thaf�ih��cnndemnor offers to make att
<br /> ""•,�,e�x�; , award or setde a claim for damages. Borrower fa�s t�.respond to Leader vritinin 30 days after the�tate the notice is given;
<br /> �`'?;�.'���r Lender is aathorized to collect and apply We proceeds.at its optaon,ejth8r to restoration or iepair of the Property or to thx sums'
<br /> �.._.�.L�,:;r. secuied by this Security Instrument,whether or aot then due.
<br /> - -• = Ualess Lender and Boirower.otherwise agree in writing,any�application of proceeds to grincipal si�l1 not exEend or
<br /> ;•.•;�,-'';.' Fostpone the dtFe date of the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs i and 2 or change the amount of such payments.
<br /> , . ;q, ' 11.Hormwer Nat R�leasecl;Forbeatance By I:eader Nat a Waiver.Eatension of the time for payulent ar modifccation •
<br /> .<- �ya;;��., � of amorti�as of tf�e sums sc�ured by tFes Secunty Instrument gr-�a�ed by Lender to any succ�.�i in interest of Borrower shall ..
<br /> � �' aQt operate�o�.�ease the liability of t�°.�:±ginal Borrower or Bom:n:�'s successors in intetest.kr�ader s6a11 noi be required[o
<br /> ,� ,���;; kr�
<br />, '.,,,�;�r«:• cornmence proce�ngs a�-sst.any.suc�ssor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment ar otherarise modifyi ainortization
<br /> '• '•� af the sums secured by �:s Security Instrument by reason of any demand made by tt►e origiaal Eorrower or Borrowe,r's
<br /> :�'�- ;''�� succe.ssors in interest.
<br />.;;.�.�,�.,;., Arry forhearaace by Lertder in exercisirag any right or remedy shall not be a waiver of or prectude ttte ,
<br /> � "+���# exercfse of any right or remedy. �
<br />"�.r.�7��'�'•�� I2.Sncce�sors and As�igns Botmd;doint aad Sevetai Liabillty;C The covenants aad a eements of this
<br />_`�;�z��,� o-sf9aets• Sr
<br /> 1=`��• -- Security Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower, subject to the provisions of
<br /> ..r��,•,�• � .
<br /> paragraph 17. Borrower s covenants aad agreements shall be joint and several. Any Borrower who co-signs.this Security
<br />'"='?���`:�� Instrument but does not execute the Note:(a)is co-si ty y gage.grant and convey that
<br />-..: ,�;` gning this Securi Insm►ment onl to mort
<br /> "�"� � ' perry un¢er the tetms of this Security Instrun►ent;(b)is not pe�sonally obligated to pay the sums
<br />_;;,�: � Boaower s interest in the Pro
<br /> , _�:� ,:
<br />:�;;;�,��, secvred by tl�is Security Inswment:and(c)agrees that Lender and a,.�-y oWer Borrower may agree to extend.madify.forbear or
<br /> "���-=—=- make any acaommodations with regard to the terms of this Security lnsuument or the Note witha:t�}iat Borrower's consent.
<br />�R�.�+s I3.Losn Charges.E€t��e loan secured by t6is Se�rity Irutrument is subject to a law which scis maximum toan eharges,
<br />�� �..-�d that law is finally:r�za�::eted so that the interest cr cther loan charges collected or to be collected in connection with the
<br />'M�'��`� - loan exceed d�e tted limits.then:(a)an such loan char e skait be reduce�b the amount nece
<br /> ";,:.;,;�;.. P� Y 8 Y ssary to reduce the charge
<br /> •�- }.•: to the pemu'-�limit;and(b)anY surr��'ready collected fi'om S�r�wer which exceeded pemutted limits will be refunded to —
<br /> ' Borrower. I.ender may choose to make this refund[;J reducing the principal owed under the Note or 6y making a direct -
<br />-�°s�,��.�': payraent to Borrower. If a refund reduces princ�aY. the reduction will be treated as a partia! prepayment without any -
<br />