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<br /> Y K � � , of the�roperty or nny intetcst in it � �.� �Y�""�
<br /> ,-���-?� �` 19.Transf�oi the P�rop�rty or e Bene�idal intet�st in Borwwer.If a!I or any Put �`�'`-
<br /> ��r ra _;<.=t: � � is sold or aaasferred(or If n beneficial interest in�orrower is sold or transfcrred and Sorrower is not a natur,il person)withou! ��r� .� ._
<br /> � F.`�'`�•��� ' Lender's prior written consant, Lender may. at its option. require im►aediste pay�ent in fqtl of alf sums.securcd by this � -
<br /> � � � � �� ' Security Inswment.However.this option shal!not be ezercised by Lender if e�cercise is prohibitud by fedea�l taw as af!he date , � y r;}��s�-
<br /> ;,� � �:. ` ' of thLs Sewsiry Instn�meTU. < j .. �-'�'�-
<br /> If Leader exec�ises this opdon.Lender shall give Sorrov{er natice of accelcradon.7he notice shali provide a p�riod of not • �t��3
<br /> � �
<br /> -- -- tess than 3Q days fram tt�date ti�notIoe�S delivered or m�ited within which Bnrrower must pay al!sums secured by tGis � �,'
<br /> � -
<br /> Security Inswmea�.If Eo:rower faiIs to pay these sums prior to the expiration of tbis periad,Leader may i�voke any certtedies �c x�_�.�'
<br /> , 'f_: ' permitted by tbis Sgeari;y Inssrumeat without furiher notice or demand on Borrower. � „� =
<br /> n
<br /> ��.�, _ �:` . 18. Borrowr�s,�it�ta Ifdn�tete. If Bomnwer meets certai� condidons. Borrawer shall have the Rg�t to have • --- �-----
<br /> -,.:z--:, enfor¢e�eat of tvis Seqic}ij6s�s'tcament dlscantinued ai anY time[srior to ihe earlier of: (a)5 days(or suc6 other periad as __
<br /> ��, �
<br /> . ��� �-. ,. applic�ble law may speeify fot'reinstatement)before sale of the Property puisuant to aay power of sale.contained in this -- --
<br /> `• '•s � �• �� Security I�sva�*+c;or(b)entry of a jad�r n ent e a forcing t fl i s Security I n s U V ment.Those conditcons aTe that Borrower:(a)p ays
<br />- � r'� � Lender a1l sums which then Noald be due uader tbis Security Insuument and the Note as if uo accelecation 6ad occurred:(b)
<br /> _ _s��_:...,,,.. .
<br /> `�:sc�;--:'- :'��"�`" ,, cures any def�lt of any other covenants or ageements; (c)Pays a!1 expenses ina�med in eaforcing this Security Instrument,
<br /> -::i.,k" �: _ including,but not luuited to.reasona6le attoraeys'fee.s;and(d)takes such aaion as Lerider may masonably requue to assure ---
<br /> '`:` :A' t6at ti�i�en of t6is Sewrity InstnuQeut,Lende:'s rights in the Praperty and Bonov�er's obligutinn to pay the sums secitted by
<br /> `'�'. ' � • ' this Security Insuvment shali oontinae uncbanged: Upon reinstatement hy Borrower. tWs Security Insuumem and the
<br /> � ����•��'='•`�'' obligatioas secur�d hereby shall r..�aia fuliy effective as if no acceleration bad oaurred.However,this nght to reinstate shali
<br /> • ` , .. not apply ln the case of aoceleratioa uader pardgraph 17. '
<br /> gra
<br /> • 19.Sate of Na3�Cbange�Loan Seriacer• 'T6e Note or a panial interest in the Note (together with this Se�urity ,
<br /> ' ' " Instiument)may be sald one or mcra 6mes without prior notice to Borrower.A sate may result in a change in the entity(tmown
<br /> � :,,� • ' as the"i.oan Servicer"j tl�at cotle�monthtY PaYments due under the Note and tiris Securi InsoruuTem.There aLso may be one
<br /> _._.
<br /> u
<br /> . �, .. . _or.�q�.��nges of the Loan Senric�r muela�to a sate of the:�Iote.if there is a chanDe o�ffie Loan Servicer,Botn►aer will be .
<br /> `'�'� � ' given written notice of the change�iccardance witli paragra,����above and applieable la�,r_The�noticc�will state the r.ame and
<br /> � ""- � addtess af the new Loan Semcer and the address to whic�pa}ments should he made.'k�ae rtot�ce will also wntain a�y�other
<br /> ' - information require�k�+y applicable IaW. '
<br /> �. 2E}.Hazardo�Suhstances. Borrower sha�mot cause or pemut We presence, use, disposal. sto�age,or retease of aay
<br /> - ��=�.---�• Hazaf�c.ans Substances on or in t�e Prope�ty. Barcower sha�not do, nor allow anyare else to.do. anything affecting the
<br /> . � ' Property Qiai is in violation of ar�-y�Environmental•Law. T[ie preceding two sentences s5a'�aot apply to the presenc�, use,or
<br /> ' . stoiage on the Property of smal�;.:andties of Ha�ardous Su�ssances that are generatly r�qgnized to be appmpriate eo nom�al _
<br />" � � •� ' residential+ises and ta mvntenance of the Prope.rzy. —
<br /> � � � Borrower sh�13 r:omptly give Lender wnr�noticc of acry inves�gatica.ctaim.e�emand,tawsvit or ot�action by any
<br /> � . governmeatal or re��.atory agency or private gazry invoiving the Property�.,�i aay Ft�a.�ous Substance or Envi.*a;�ntal Law
<br /> � of which Borrower has actual Iccc�r.ledge. If Borrower leams,or is notified by any gove:nmental or regulatpry aut��ty.tt�at �
<br /> ' ' any removal or other remediatioa of any Hazariious Substance affecting the Property is neaessary:Borrawer shall pre-��tly take
<br /> ..s.� � att necessary remedial actions in accordance arith Enviivnmenial Law.
<br /> • As used in this paragraph Z0. "Sazardous Substances" are those substances defined as toxic�or hazardous substances by ,
<br /> •..,�`,, �;�' � Environmenwl Law and the following substances: gasoline. kerosene. other fla�unable or toxic petroIeum products. toxic __
<br /> - pesticides and herbicides.volatile solvents,matesials containing as6estos or forn�aldehyde.and radioaciive materials.As used ia
<br /> 'b., y _�� • this paragraph 20, "Environmenta! Law" means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is tacated tt�at —
<br /> �•. relate to heaith,safety or ernironmental protecaon. .
<br />`_ �� '�-'-""� NON-OMFORM COYENAN'TS.Boaower and Lender further wvenant and agree as follows:
<br /> ;- �.�:.�r',-;: .
<br />�-�."�`-• � -•t=• 21.Acceleratldn;Remedies.Lender shali give rtottce to Bonower prior to acceteratton foilowing Borrower's 6reac6
<br /> ,,,��� ..� . ce
<br />---`"- r� " of any covenant or agreanent in this Security lnstrument (but not p�tor to acceieratTon undes paragrapb 17 nnless -
<br />.-::-�-e: u+��r:__ .
<br /> .:-r--:.�r:;. appl[cable Taw�rovtdes oiherwise).The notice shall specify: (a)the defaWt;(b)the actton r�quire8 to care the defaalt; �
<br /> .." �'• " (c)a date,aot tcsg than 30 daya from the date the notice Ls given to Borro�ver,by whfch the default must be cur�d;and �_
<br /> '='���` � (d)R 6 a i f a i l u r e t o c a r e t h e d e f a z r L t on or before thc date s p e c[fced in the aotice ma y resalt in acceteratlon of the snms �
<br />-`
<br />