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<br /> =��,�: :}.��::i�`'_' S. I�azard ar Prop�rty�Iasar,aace:, Borro�ver shall [ceep the impmvements now existing'or hereafter erected on the
<br /> Y'-f=�z'- � .,,, . .
<br /> _::°:'s . •.�.'� � _�. Property insueed against toss by fire.i�azatds insluded within the term exteaded coverage'.and any other hazards.inclading
<br /> `��� " ` flaods or tloadin for which Lender requires ins�.irance. T6is iasurance shall t'se maintaiaed in the amuunts apd for the periads
<br /> ' r.=�"� � that Lender requ't�res.The insurdnce carrier providi�g the insuiaace s3�f1 6e chasen by Borrower subject to I.ender's approvat
<br /> �_:::;:1>,s_,:.; wiucfi shall not bs unreasonably Writhheld. if Borrower fails to mai�atain coverage describe8 above, I�ndef may. at Lender's -.
<br /> `*�::�-�- �'.�' , apaon.obtain coverage to pmtect Lender s rights in the Pivperty in accordance wit6 paiagraph 7.
<br /> � �'�" AI!insuiance policies and�newats shall be acceptable m Lxnder and shall include a standard mortgage clause. i.ender
<br />=���•�'�;' �'•'::`' � sha1D I�ve th;right to hold the policies and renevs+als.If Lender requires.Borrower sl�al]PromptlY give to Lender ali receipts of
<br /> ; •��,�.� .�: .' '
<br />-�:��};Y�s-;; paid premiums aztd rettewal notices.In the event of loss,B�rrower shall give prompt norice to the insurauce canier and Leader.
<br />_ ���»�;:�.�•.:t r:,>��...� L,�nder may matce proof of(oss if not made prompdy by Bnrrower. �
<br />`='�<.�`�`3�``:_.,_R`� Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing,instiraace pmceeds shall be applied to restoration or repait of the
<br />-`��-�`�'�'�t c- pm dama �f the sestoration or air is eronomicall feasi'bie aad Lender's securi �s not lessened.tf the restnrarion or
<br /> -.:-,tiz�t.�:.< ._.f: � PertY ged.' � Y ��
<br /> i;.� .:.,�.�4.�..�.;_� repaie is c�oi economically fe�te or Lender's sQCUriry cvauld be tessened.the ensurance pmceed.§shall 6s appl:�co tfie sums
<br />._ : . .t.;;�-�::, secured by this Securityr ins��ent. whether or noi the3 due.nrith any excess paid to Borrower. ff Borcower abaadons the
<br />_-,��n •-.:`�;=:,'�- Property,or does cat answer wit6in 30 da�3 a nouce from Lender that the inswa�ce carpier has offered tif settle a cleim,ths�
<br /> . . :�rr:���ti:-"'�:. • Leader pjay collect the insurance pmceeds. Lender may use•the pr�ceeds to repair o.* reswre the Property or to pay si.e�. •
<br />-_" -"' '�'''°��"� seaired by tbis Security Inst�ameni,w�ether or not tAen due_The 3Q-day period wilt begin when the notice is giYen.
<br />--� ��:`��`�`` '•� Unless Lender and Born�*er othe�wise agrae in writing, an}r application of_r°rs.�-eeds tn princigal shall not'extend or
<br /> .�f �^.Y� ,,. • , postpone the due date of tlte montiily pa+�s referred ta in pamgr^^y,,ks 1 and 2 c�chauge tt�e.amount of tha payments. If
<br />. .`�.�._.;,�,_,--- -
<br /> .. -T .-F -T . . under.paragTaph.2l.�he.Property:.is acquir��.3�I.snder,.Bor;ower's ri��*r:a_an3!,insatance poJicies�nd pruCe�ts�esuIdng fro�h ,.
<br /> , • .. daroage to the Praperty prior w the acquisi+.�e3 shalt pass to I:ender to the extent of the sums s�d by this Security Instrumeni
<br /> ` `'.'�.:�'."' � immediately.prior to the acqaisition. � �
<br /> ,°" , . 6.QavPaneg.Preserva3�cn.Mafntenaace aadl Protertion of the Propertgr:Borr�wer's Iaan ApgilcaHonp Leaseholds.
<br /> � _—-_ _—.— Bormwer shall accupy.e��tablish;and use the Property as Borrower's principa!residence within sixty days after the execu6on of
<br /> • � �'. � tivs Security Instrument 8nA shall continue to occupy the Property as Borrower's principal residence for at least oae gear after
<br /> 'the date of occapancy.unless Lender othee�.�se agrees in writing.which consent shall not be dnreasonably withheld,or unless
<br /> � extenuating circumstances ex�t which are beyond Barrower's conuol. Borrower sh�ll not destrog. damage or impair the
<br /> ' . ' Properry. allaw the Propert} ��deteriorate� or co� �-aste on the property. Bore�rer shall t�e in default if azry forfeitnre.
<br /> action or proceeding. whether civil os cri�=.ral, is begun that in I.ender's gaod fait6,r-�gment coutd result in forfeiture uf the
<br /> ; � • ' Property or otherwise materially impair the I'sen created by this Sewrity Instrument or�.ender's security interest. $orrawer mav �
<br /> • �� � ' cure such a default and reinstate,as provided in paragraph 18.by causing Ne action or procee�ing to be dismissed with a ruli�
<br /> ' : that, in Lertder's gaad faith determiaaiian. precludes forfeiture af the Eorrower's interest in the Property or other maoeriai .�
<br /> : •�.• •� '� � impairment af the lien created by this Security Instmment or Lender's security interest. Borrower shall also be in default if
<br />��-�-1.- .s.,;:._�.,. .
<br /> , Eortower,during the loaa application process.gave materially faIse or inaccurate infom�ation or statements to Lender(or fait�
<br /> • • �." =�;..�= :. • to provide Lender witb any material information)in connection with th.�loan evidenced by the Note,including, but�tot limited
<br />-`y� '� ' to.representadons concemin Borrower's o an of the Pro ert as a nnci al residence.If this Secarity Instrument is on a
<br /> '-; �� ..�.` 8 � �Y P Y p� P
<br />-;r ��''��% �. �' teasehold, Borrower shall comply with all �he provisions of the leass. If$orrower acquire.c fee tide to the Property. the
<br /> '::�'Y`�'��' leasehold and the fee title shall uot merge untess l.ender agree.s to the merger in writi�.
<br /> --:;-:�.xx -u._ .
<br /> �� "'��y�'� �= ' 7.Psotectton of Lertder's Rights in the Froperty.If Borrower fails to perforaL d�covenaats and agreeme.�sontained in
<br />:.:�{_4���n,Y
<br /> _a�.si•�••�'_� �� this Security Insuume�t.ar there is a legal pracceding that may signif�eandy affect i.ender's rights in the Pm�e��y (suciv as a
<br /> ==.�.^�:??,'*r�.`�� ' proceeding in bankn►ptcy.probate.for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulations),then i.ender may do zc�'
<br /> - - • .. pay for whatt�e�r is necessary to protect the value of the Property and Lender's rights in the Property. I.end;rr's ac�ions��
<br /> - . •• ir,�lude paying airy sums seeuied by a (ien whlch hzs priority over this Seeurity Instrument, appearing ia cc::rt. payina
<br />:�.•''.;: , rea5onabte aitomcys'fees and entering on the Property to mske repairs.Although I.ender may takc action unde.�is paragraph
<br /> ' •� - � 7.Lender daes not have to do so. . �
<br /> ����'•t� " • ' My amoants disbursed by Lender under this yaragraph 7 shall becvme aQditiona� de6t of Borrower secured by this
<br /> -- -�,,. ,.';}
<br /> _'_;..;,::-•�.� , �. :�':' Security instrument. Untess Rorrower and Lender agtee to other terms of pa}+m�en�these amour.ts sh�ll bear interest from the
<br /> '' • date of disbursement ai the Nate rate and shall be payable. with interest, upon nntice �'rom Lender to$ortower requesting ---
<br /> z���r:.,. ; �'• Payment. ' � �-
<br />-- -�--°��i.:;L.:r��--_ S.Mortgage Iasurence.If Lender required mortgage insurance as a condition af ma[cing the loan serured by tlils Secnriry =
<br />-;�Ta�_::�. � ; � Inswment. Borrower shall pay the premiums reguired to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. If. far any reason. the `-�
<br /> -_ w-4.1Mt. ,n.. ,., . . -
<br /> �;w=�„i�� ` mortgage insvrance coverage recjuired by Lender lapses or ceases tv be in effect.Borrower shall pay the premiums required to _
<br /> Ws:;,���,_ LL
<br /> :_�.�•�t;�;�"::�,. abrain coverage substantialty equivalent to the mortgage insnrance previously in effect,at a oost substantially equivalent to the �
<br /> _:��YrN�Zi+C' ':�ti"_ =
<br /> �:.,��,•�,_s� ,r-�., • cost to Borroaer of the mort�age insurance previously in effect.from an altemate mortgage insurer approved by Lender. If
<br /> .;a-�'=�' ;'.�;"•,'`'�'�"r'� � substantially equivalent mon�;e insurancc coverage is not availabte,Bonower shall pay to Lender eacfi month a sum equal to �
<br /> ;i'�`.';`.������`�:''1: one-twelfth of the yearly mortgage insurance premium being pald by Borrower when the insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to �
<br /> � 5i.
<br /> -�a��-'•• �==�-* •��� bc in effett. Lender will accept.use and retain these payments as a loss reserve in lieu of mort�age insurance. i.oss reserve
<br /> _.�:.:.,�.;;.'�_...`:_`.
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