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<br />.�r:��:_ �'g� , TC)GEI'H�R l�1TTH nit the impmvemerua a�aw or dec�ifter erecte�oA the propeny,and al!casements.appunenances,an4 -
<br /> ___ -t,-�r;�,;;.Y4�� fixtures naw or hereat3er a part of the.pmperty..�411 repla�cements nnd additians shaf! also br wvered by this 3ecurity
<br /> ,,' i:�`��:' Inswmfn�.AU of the f�regoing is referred to in tbis�S�urity[astnuuent n�the"Property." � •
<br />_�,:;.��,�.,y : BORROWER COVENANTS thrit�orrower is ta�vfully s�ised of thc estate herchy convcyeQ a�d has the rigl►t to grattt actd =
<br />-.r�:;�...: �;:�...a coavey tAe Property and tAat the PF+opeety is unencumb�red.except for encum6r.anc�s of recond. Bormwer�warr�its c�nd�viJi --
<br />-.- .�,� ' defeM generaUy the ritle to the I�ropertY against all claims and demands,su8ject to any encumbrances�f tewrd. ' _
<br /> ''`°`�,:�•-'-'; 'i�IIS.SL•CLtRPFY�tS'IqtiTMENT combines uniform cove�ts for uatiomi uay anct naa�unifurm cuven�sts wit�limi�ed
<br /> ; _�-2:.T —.
<br /> _�- ° �� variaiions by jurisdiction to constitute a aniform seamty insbxment covering ceal property. —
<br /> ..�..:r; ..� �--•
<br /> �'• : --�`-�a -}. UNlFORM COVENANt'S.Borrovr:er and Lender covenam and agtee as follows:
<br />:=;��;y,��� �:� � l. P$Jmgnt bf Fdncipal and Inierest; Prepaytaent and I.aie Char�es. Borrower shall promptty pay when due the
<br /> "==-:����:-`�� principal of aad interest on the de6t evlder�ced by tfle Nate and any prepaycaent and late,charges dae under the Nate.
<br />'�-�:��, �_` 2.,Faads for Taxes aatllnaueeure.S�bject to applicabte taw or to a written waiver by Lender.Borrower shaf!•pay to
<br /> -=-=`-.�_��'��- Lender on she day mpnthly payments are due under tAe Note,unal the Note is paid in full,a sum F"Funds")for.(a)yearly taaes
<br /> --- ---- .�
<br /> � °,,,� �= aad ass�.ssments which may attain pteority over this Security Inswment as a Gen ors the Property:(b)yearty teasehotd paymencs
<br /> �'' ` � ar grouM rents on the Praperty,if any;(c)Yeariy�aTard or pr6perty inswance premiuins:(d)Yearty flaod€nsurance premium5.
<br /> '''�'���� `. if any: te)YeariY mortgage�insarance premiums.if any:and(t}anJ+sums PaYable by Barrower w Igader, in arsordance with� ,
<br />`-�...;�yz�},�__��
<br /> ::�•=��,-. -�• the pravisions of paragrapb 8.in Geu of We payment of martgage insurance premiums.7�ese iteras are ca]Ied"Fsccow Items.'• �' .
<br />�:=:�,,;;£� �'��� Icnder may.at any time. coltect and hold Funds in an amount not to e�ceed the maximum amount a lender�far afederatly.
<br />����..:;��.�;° r��lated mortgage toan may reqnise for Borsower's escrow account under the federai Real Estate Settterneat Pir�cediues Ast of
<br /> ._���..�L:..E•r•,.-
<br />� ..,,° �.,. 1974 a�arnended fr+nm time to time, 12 U.S.C.Section 2601 et seq. ("RFSPA"). unless another law that appl�es to the'Funds '
<br />' ?�''-'-`-:�-{_--:...� , sets a tesser amouat. If so,Lender may.at any time, cal�,ct and 6old Funds in an araanat nat tar.excerd.the les5es aasowi.
<br />:-,.;,1r_:�:-::- -. .,. .. � .
<br /> ..� ,:.. •• �Lender�may-estimate the amour�t of�Fun�s due�on�th�b�s'`�s tsf�u3rent�data-aiid rea�onabte estimates of expenditures of futura
<br /> .;,,�,.,•. Escrow Items or otherwise in acoordauce�s�appiicaHle law. • . .
<br /> "; ';,o'�• ',' ' 'f'he Funds shall be held in an in�^..�an whase deposits are inssured by a federal agency, instrumentality, or entIty
<br /> . - � . �"s�nding beuder,if I.ender is such an ic�srirstion)or,in any Federal Home Loan�ank.Lender shap agply the Fuuds to pay tfle
<br /> •"�_;...�;=,° ., Escrow Items.II.end�r may ac;ebarge B�rrower for holding and applying the Funds,annually analyzing the escrow account,ar �
<br />.'';F:;-;: verifying the Escrow Items,untess Lender pays Borrower interest on the Fuads and applicable law permits I.�ender to,make sacb
<br /> • • a charge.Hn ... r.Lender�ay requite Borrower to pay a one-time charge for an irzdependent rea!estate tax reponing setvice —
<br /> -+���•�� ' used b Lender in connectnc� wlth this loan, ualess lirable law rovides o4herarise. Unless an a
<br /> �:., ..�..°_ • Y �rP P gre�ment is made or
<br /> �� �'� �'' �- applicable law requires intere�to he paid.Lender shall aot be r+equired to pay Borro�z an}+inferest os earnings on the Funds.
<br />'''%��'"`` � '"' Borrow�r and Lender may agree in writi however,that interest shall be aid on thz Funds.Leader shall �
<br /> ''•�:�`c��<�.;; nS� P give to Barrawsr.
<br />' r�'•���` "".�'':',`'��'" withoui charge, an annual accoundng of t�e Funds, showing crediu and debits ta the Fuaids aad the ptirpose for which ezc�
<br />_�.:�..;^a� "'?�
<br /> "' ��'`�' debit tu the Fands was cnade.'I'he Funds a:.z�2edged as additioc�al security for all sums secured by this Secusity Insuumen�
<br />'�'�`�``` �''�' If the fiunds held by Lender exceecf the amounts�e:r.iltted to be helQ by appticr.�le law,Lender s�a1i accvunt to Bomnwer
<br />"'�"�'�'�`;`` for t�e exce�Funds in aceordance with tGe rec{uire�`.�af applicable law.If the�unt of the Funds held by Lendec at arry
<br /> ,`^t_�;;� . .
<br /> ' '� •� � ' ' time is not sufficient to pay the Esaow It�s when due,l�.ender may so notify Borrower in wriung,aad,in such case Barrower
<br />��" �"�� � t• shall a to Ix�der the amount necessar�:w make u the deficien Bomower shall make u ffie deScien
<br />-` ''�°�'�` p Y p cy p cy in no more thar►
<br />- �v,_;�,,,.,._ .
<br /> ::�;�;.,�..;�'f,: nveive montlily paymenu,at Lender s so:e discretion. ' .
<br />�«���'' ..` Upon payment in full ef all sums secured by this Security Instrumen� Leader shall pramptly refund to Borrower any
<br /> =_`�f�''='•�� �'� Funds held by Lender.If,undL�r paragmph 21,Lender s6all acquire or sell the Prog:-cty.Lender.grior to the acquisition or sale
<br />.�_=�.,:�,�--r,�f.:.�•.
<br /> ���?�"�.- of the Property, shall apply z.ny Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit against the swns secared by
<br />--_--=''�s��',- this 5ecurIty Instrument. .
<br />::,���t��'..r`:'�' 3. A catton of Pa � .
<br />__„_ _ pp1l yments.lTnless applicable iaw provides otherwise.all payments recei�•�i Dy Lender under paragraphs
<br /> =r;:�;"�� "�� 1 and 2 shall be applied: first. to arry prepaytnent charges due under the Note:secand.to ari��:a��s payable under paragraph 2;
<br /> `•�=r��`� ti8rd,to interest due;fourth.to principal due;and last,tn a.ny late charges due under che Note. .
<br /> _.i. 4:.!:. '... . _ _
<br /> - �� 4. C6arges;L�ns.Borrower shall pay all taxes;�s:.ssments,charges.fines and imposidoas a,:�ibutable to the Property ___
<br /> �-.�- �.-�•�e•., which may attain priority over this Security Instrurn�z, and leasehold payments or ground terms. if any. Borrower shafl pa�r --
<br />;:;:��: �- thess obligations in the manner provided in�;�.-agraph=.uc if not paid in that manner,Borrower shrill pay them on time direeti�
<br />__ , .�;•�.V'' 'to the person owed payment.Bonowershall pramptiy fumish to l.ender all notices of amounts to 6e paid under this paragraF�i r�:,
<br /> r y t • • �f�3orrower makes these payments directly.Bonower sh�l[�romptly furnish to LertdPr receipts evidencing the payments. °'
<br /> �:''
<br />,.:�:...:��..,: .� � P P Y S Y P �3' tY grees in �'_..
<br /> ;�_: �-.--•- •- Borrower sha11 rom tl dischar e an lien which tr,:s rior► over this Securi Instn�ment unless Borrower:(a)a
<br />������'� writin �to the a gati y cceptable to Lender;(b)contests in good faith the tia�
<br /> A�„+.y,.;,��, .:. g Q yment of the obli on secured b the lien in a manner a
<br /> by. or defends against enforcement of t�e Iien in. legat proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent tlre
<br /> _ �'����' enforcement of the lien:or(c)secures fren the holder uf the lien an agreement satisfactory to Lender•subordinating the lien to
<br /> ''=:.���'�• this Securiry Instrument. if Lender determines that any part of the Pro e � y p ' y �'
<br /> .-.F -���_ p rty is sub'ect to a lien which ma attain norit ovet a:
<br /> �"'��' th�s Securiry Insuument.Ler.der may give Bonower a notice identifyin�the lien.Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take one or {`°
<br /> =°�`�'���� more of the actions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of notice.
<br /> *k'.*'Is_-b-• , Form 3U28 9J9a
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