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<br /> �. PY(Dt�'�11101i ilf(,0i1[�EP'��3I[��iiB(�l �Ilfl k�P6�lP,Y�j�. 11 Oorro:ti��+(a(�:►to�:::rton���lho'� ,�[�'s�tt7 �ea �i K1:�d 6� `�,.;��.�':�?��Y��
<br /> I IhIJ Ctouruy Inaln�r�,Gi1, dr lhc:J l7 Cl l=�'il�)fOC,".:>li61p lil;:l 67:1y OI�f1Ii�;.^.il�hf Q(i.�ol Q.C�I�::''0 Il;jill9 L� lho 4�;n;:�,iy (CU(:.il qJ fl(iiC=ii4i::�.:;)�,1 I ',.,•— "..�::�::�-
<br /> i Uankruploy,pPObot�,fAr oondo+nnetton or�arallura ar to�itarcQ�iwa �r rvwu�ttane),lhF� LRndGr raay do an6 pay tar whitbv,N H nac�f�Ary
<br /> r> " ,, i lo pralwl Ih� vsluA�f Ihw Property and 6�nd�e ri�hto 6� th� f�rApwty, I.endw'� Qatbne niwy w�aiud� �xyYip tny i¢n���cure0 Fiy� � _`°'`�wri°�
<br /> ; • „ whbh h�e prbrky ovsr thN 8scurNy Inetn,menl,�Npe�r�np In oou�,p�ylna r�wrnn�bw �ttorn�y'�I�NO And N1t�iny un ti��Propaty ta m�1c�► __
<br /> repAke, AAhouph Loncfer mny tnke noltqn undnr lhla pnrapraph 7,Lander doea nol heve to do ea _m ____
<br /> - - �ny �mounl� dltbur�ed by I.ender under IAID p�npr�ph 7 1h�N b�CprYb�ddKloml d�Dt ot 8orrow�r e�cur�d 4y Ihfs&�owRy In�Uum�nf. ------
<br /> � Unleaf 8orrowar nnd l.cnder�flrea to othor terma qf pnympnl, th�s�amaunte oh�ll bar Int�rs�t from lhe dete of d�bure�rr�t �I Iho Wot� ���,,,_:__�
<br /> r�fa cntl shaA b�p�y.b{a,wilh 6�tsrest, upon rtotl��fr0ai LG�ttla;lo Darrow:r rc��:�ec�y Qayr�t:;�t. �_— — -- =
<br /> ' • d. Mnrtye�e Insurance. 11 LMd�r r�qulr�d mortp�� Infunnc�u �condNbn af m�kiny tha io�n i�ourW by QhN 81CU�ky
<br /> InatNmBnt,Gonowe ehell pay the premiuma�aquked to meA►Uln thp mortQap�hsaranc�in oHoat.If, lor any ronon,th�mo„p�pr k�suntnc� _
<br /> coverepa requk�d by Lendev lapses or ceaeee to be In ettact, 8orrowe ehaA pey tho promiume �equded tw obteh cawr�p� wbattntkly °=
<br /> equlvulent to the mod��ye hsurenco preNoualy h aNeat,at e cost subsltntially equtviknt to tho cost to Boaow�r ol lh�moripap kisur�nce ,�,,,.�..�
<br /> •� ' prevlousy In eHaat,from en eRamate�nartya�e Insurer approvad 6y Lender. II substsntfaly equluet�nt mortsayo InaurenC� oavru��N no! -------
<br /> avalinble, Borrowor ehall pay to Lender eaoh month a sum equal to ons•rivolkh o9 the yearlyr moR�ege inauru�ca prembm b�„p p11d by r14:ti,4� _
<br /> ° Borrower when lhe hsuronco aovarapo laps0d or ceased to be In eNeat. Londer wiY sccept, uee nnd retaln th01i paymlr►ts�s � bie �{���� _—_.
<br /> resExve h Aeu ot mortqepe hsurance, Loss reserve paymente may no bnper 6e requYad, at the optbn ot Lendor, H mortpaQ�Inauransa ;�:;��
<br /> ' coverage (In the amount and tor the porbd thttt Lender requfres)provided by sn hsurer approved by Londer ap�h bacames waU�bN�nd b ����a ��
<br /> obteined. Borrower shall pay the promiums requtrod to mninteln mortpape Inaurence h eHeot, or to provids e lase ras�, untu tho .z�w��
<br /> � ° roqukement lor moAgaflu Insurance ends h accordance with eny written apr�rtwnt betwean BoROwer and Lenda or appikebla law. "°�`��� �i ��
<br /> 9. Inspection. Lender or Rs agent mey make reasonable enVies upon and hapactbns of the Properly. Lender shaN phro BarowK ,r-._.=_�__��
<br /> , " notice at the tkne of or prbr to en hspectbn spoaityrhy reasonable cauae for tha hspeatbn.
<br /> ' 90. COiid@iiiflilil0ii. The proceads of any award or atatn for damaqea, dYeat or consequentiel, h connecti�n with eny •3�!�__-°��
<br /> condemnatbn or oiher takhy of eny part of the Prapertyr,or(or conwyenca In lieu of condemnntbn,are hareby essipned and shtG bo pald =a0�"��- —
<br /> ;;t _�
<br /> to Londer. -_==--�--°
<br /> In the event of e totnl takinp of the Property,the procoeds sha0 be applled to the sums seoured by thts Securlty InsWment,whethor or y°�=�'�"����
<br /> , �� not then due, wNh any excess paid to Barower. In the event of a partiat tekhp of the Propwty tn wh�h the fairmarket vclue of tho Propaty -==-===
<br /> ��r� r. .�
<br /> ., Immediately before the taking Is equal to or preater than the amount of the sums 5ecuret� by thls Security Instrument Immediatety before tho • .n °�:;��
<br /> = takfnp,uniess Borrower end Lender othenvise agree h writing,the sums seCUred by thfs Securiry Instrument sha0 be roduced by lhu emount �"���'. =��
<br /> ��. --
<br /> � of the proceeds muApttod by the(allowinp hectlon: (e)tha totel amount of the eums secured Immedlatety before the tekinp,dluWed by(b) the ' �,.,o.��:r��
<br /> faP market value of the PropeRy tmmodtalety bolore the tekUg.Any balance shall bo pald to Bortower. In the event of e�parttal tekhp oi the `� ��*�''�•_—___
<br /> Property In whi.h the taV marF,ef value oltho Property fmmedifltey before the taktng IS tess than the amount of the sums 68CUred Ynmedlately ,.�. ��.
<br /> • �� beforE�the takine, unless Borrower end lender othanvise sgree in writing or unl9ss appl�able law othervvise provlde9,th6 proCeed9 ohell be - —�
<br /> epplled to the sums 6ecured by thls Security Instrumant whether or not the sums are then duo. •�µ
<br /> . . �- . ..-
<br />