. . .
<br /> .. :'��. �� .. � . . � ���,-..,.�:'.s-=_ - _---
<br /> r . ' :� U .. ' . . ...�. _ . . , �7 Y4 �-T �.., ��... _.._.�._....
<br /> . � �,
<br /> j.' , w3:.. , . ..,. .�.,r.�..,.. .,. .,�..,. ...:. ,,..,...ww« . _ �....�._
<br /> � . • , ., ,. . , . .. ,. -_ -- ---• -----_„�,...__ _.....
<br /> �... iv� .� . : ,�I�Ii� �v.�rr�,,. .� . _ ,�. ,� ., ..t,,..r��•, -._��..._.__.._L_.....,_Y.�_.. ._. _. __
<br /> _. .:����:.__a._ _'-. �_' :.„�...f.�.�:.'r.,.�......�....,.—._..�'-_;�3�:si�hiteDF"A..''.-..�.fYLsevr=-+'° . — .
<br />.;-�� �. . - a�ssv�.....n- -�-_-_
<br /> „ .. .. �e��b� ' ;#.i�i�l���� � 7:<..:�.::.:-�-�.-�: °�.
<br /> ;�;���•.n=...._
<br /> 90. �OPP�CJCP'0 Rl�i�i4 4Q F�CI�104A40. If Dorrowcr rn��ta ccRn�n condtlonn, [lorrorrcr ahaA ii:,��li�o����i�P lu Nc.ea��d,.,�.::.,..��1 cf n , - -.:
<br /> � .,,
<br /> this Seourtry inatrumont dt�conthuQd at m►y ttme prlor to tho esriar of: (a)6 daya (or cuch alhu parlocl uo appl�cabl�!a•��r�iay c�c����,� �ar _...__- . - .-�-•> �
<br /> ° rehstutenzen!) befora sale of tho Praporry pursuant to any poww of sate contalned h thls Sc►curRy Instrument; ar (b) ontry ot N Judqmml !�M�-_
<br /> , entorohp this SeCUrRy InsWmenG ThoSe condKions ere that Borrower. (a)paye Lender aN 6um9 wh�h then wouW b� du� undw thlt = __
<br /> - Security Inntrumont ond tho Noto as If no accebra2lon had occurrod; (o)curas any delauR e}any other covanant or agreamsnle; (o)p�y� �=^n,�__
<br /> ell expense� hcurted b enlorainy this Saourky lostrument,hcludhp,hut not Ilmlted to,rwsonebb altorn���e'faos;and(d)Wc�s suCh aaflon -
<br /> ..
<br /> ns Londer muy rousonubly roqutrEi to assuro that tho Iten of thls Sscurity Instmrnert, Lendore rf�hla h Ehe Properhr and Borrowere ObNpntbe �;-;=��,_—
<br /> to pey the sums secured by this Securiry Inatrument shall conthue unChanped. Upon rehstatomont by 9orrower, thls Seour3ty InstrumK►t `-_- -
<br /> and tho obllgations sucured hereby shnil rem9h tully eHeolNe aa N no acceleratton had occurred. However,this right to rohst�b thtM not ,
<br /> " , appy h tha caso of ecceterntton under pamgraph 17. - --_
<br /> 19. SS10 Of NOtB� Change of Lnan Servicer. The Note or a p8rtl�l hterast tn the Note (to@sther with thb SeCU�Ny =_--
<br /> Instrumenq may be sold one or more t(mes without prlor notice to Bortower. A sele msy resuk N ca ohenee In the entiry (knawn ae the �°�
<br /> cr�::=_-__.
<br /> "Loan Serv�er")thst collaots monthry payments due under the Note and this Security Instrument. There elso may be one or mor9 ohan9ia F=LL-.----
<br /> of the Loan Servfcer unrelatad to a safe of the Note. It there Is a chunpe of the Laen Serv�er,Bortower wfli bo phren wriiten noilco of tha `"""""' __ --
<br /> �--__--_
<br /> " . �� ohsnqe h scoordance wkh parngraph 14 abn��e and applbabi� law. The notice wtl!stete the neme and address of the new Losn Serv[cer °"�`�� —
<br /> and the addresa to whlah p�yments shoutd be made. Tha no:ice wul also contaln uny other hformat�n requYed by epplicab�i law. ,,�;�-----
<br /> 20. Hazerdoue Substanaes. Bortowe�� shaU not cause or pamk the presence, use, dISp09H1, storeQe, or relwio of eny �"."•�_
<br /> Hesardoua Substartces on or In the Property. BoROwer ohall not do, nor aqow enyone else to do,anythlnp sNecthp the Prop�9rty lhet le fn '��;,;�
<br /> vblatbn of any Envfronmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not nppy to tha presence,use,or stArape on the Pro�ur}y of smtM "-`"�- _
<br /> M"• q;e.�rt�.•=--
<br /> quanticie9 of Hnrardous Substances that are penerely recodnized to be npproprlate to nortnal resldentlal usos end to rt►ehtantnca o! tho .e;'���'-`___
<br /> , Property. 'R;,.;: ---�- - - -
<br /> i.:
<br /> � Y..��r.ti r'----
<br /> Borrowar shall promptry ghre Lender written not�e ot nny hvestfgation,claim, demand,lawsuk or other aotton by eny qovomrne�tAl or =�"-
<br /> ' regulatory up9noy or pclvete peRy tnvolving tho Property nnd eny Hamrdous Substanco or Envkonmental Lnw of whfch Bortower hta eatual -•� _-_____
<br /> . knowtedpo. If BoRawer leams, or 1a notified by any govammental or regulatory authority, that any removal or other rCmndlati�n of cny - - -_---
<br /> . ' Wnzardous Substance sNecUng the Property Is necessary, Borrower shell prompty taka all necessery remedial aCtiona fn aceordar+Ce wRh �°"=�s/�+��-_-_�-
<br /> � Envkonmental Law. ��=""�`W.
<br /> F�'s
<br /> As used h thls paragraph 20, 'Hamrdous 3ubatances' ore thOSe substances defined as toxb or hnzerdoue BubstanCes by ��:�
<br /> v..
<br /> Eovkonmenml Lnw and the following substances: gasolino, korosene, other flammable ar roxb poUOlaum produate, toxb peetbides and -��,��M-
<br /> herbbldes, voiatile sotuents, materlals contain(np asbestos or formnldehyde, und �adloaotNe materiats. As used h this partpraph 20, r_�.t�l?��`"�
<br /> "Envkonmentul Law" means federel laws and laws ot the JurlsdlCtion where thp Property Is bcated thet relate t� heaNh, eetory or �,��;°_;�__
<br /> ��_:,
<br /> . onvlronmental protoctlon.
<br /> °- °- `--- NUN•UNIFUFSM C:UVtNANIS'. norrower ano Lendar iurtner covenani anti apron as iviiowb: 'f� '
<br /> 21. Acceleratlon; Remediea. Lender shell give notice to 88rrower prior to eoeeleratlon following ��=:-' . �r;;:
<br /> Borrower's breech of eny covonant or agreement tn thia Security InsVumont (but not prlor to ecceleretlon '� �� _
<br /> �_;
<br /> under �eregreph 17 unless applicable law provides otherwise). Yhe notice shall speclty: (a) tha defAUlt; ;�;�� � �
<br /> � (b) the actton �equi�ed tu oure the defeult; (c) a dete� not less than 30 days from the date the notice la �•F � ;j
<br /> gtven to Borrower� by which the defeult muat be cured; and (d) that failure to cure the default on or � :
<br /> before the date apecifled in the notice mey result In acceleretion of the su ma secured by thle Seeurity �'� ��
<br /> InsVument end sale of the Property. The notic¢ �h�ll further Iniarm Borroinrer of the right to relnetate efter ���" ^' , '
<br /> eccelereUo� end the rl�ht to bring a court eaUon to eaaert the non-exietence of a defeult or eny other ,
<br /> defenae of Borrower 4o ecceleretlon end sale. It the d�feult Is Hot cured on o� b�fore the dete specliled �,
<br /> In the notloe� Le�der et Ite optlon may requiro Immedtato payment In full of eIl sume aecured by thls •�� �' �
<br /> Security InsVument without turther demend end mey tnvoke the power of sele end eny other remedlea ' �' .�
<br /> �� permitted by epplicablc law. Londer ehall be entitted to coilect ell expenses fncurred In pureutng tha
<br /> remediea provided in th(s paragraph 21� Includtng� but not Iimited to, reasonable ettorneys' feea end coete ��. ���;,;,,�
<br /> oi titic avidenca. I -� � '� °_
<br /> Ii the power of sate ts invoked. Trustee sha10 �ecord a notlGe of detault in eech county Ire whtch eny ���
<br /> part of the Property Is loceted and shall mail copies of such notice In the manner prescribed by appltcable � J
<br /> law ta Borrower ensl to the other persone Nrescribed by appliceble law. Aiter the time requlred by s ��� '
<br /> ' applicable law, Trustee shall give publ(c notice ot sale to the persons and in the manner prescribed by i ,� �� �
<br /> applicebte Isw. Trustee, withou4 demand on Borrower, shall sell the Property at public auctfon to the : � . ..
<br /> �" higheat bidder et the time end plece and under the terma designated in the notice of sele In one Qr more ' ,� �-��
<br /> � parceis and In any order Trustec determines. Trustee may postpone sele of all or eny percel �f the . •�. ����
<br /> � Property by publto ennouncement at the time and place oi any prevlously scheduled sale. Lender or Itc � ,''
<br /> designee ma� purchase the Property at eny sale. �:. ,
<br /> Upon recelpt of payment of the price bid, Trustee shall deEiver to the purchaser Trustec's deed
<br /> conveying the Property. The recitals in th� Trustee's deed shail be prlma tacie evidence of the Vuth of .
<br /> the statements mede thereln. Trustec shall apply the proceeds oi the asle In the foilow(ng order: (a) to nll �,.
<br /> costs and expensea oi exercisfng the power of sale, end the sale� Including the peyment of the Trustee's �
<br /> � fees a�ctually Incurred, not to exceed 3 °,b of tt�e princtpal amounl of the rtote nt the time of the � '
<br /> , " decleration of default, and reasonobie attorney'c feec mc permitted by law; (b) to nll sums secured by thla Y
<br /> Seaur(ty Instrument; end (c) any Pxcess to the person or perso�s legalty entitied to it �
<br /> 22. Reconveyancc. Upon paymant o}a�l sums secured by thls Security Instrument, Lender 5hali rsquost Trustou to roconvey the
<br /> Proporty and ehflll &urtonder th19 Security lnsWment und nll notes cnridenchp debt Qecumd by thls SoCUrity Instrumont to Trusto9. Tn�sleo ���
<br /> chall reconvey the Proporty wRhout wnrmnty nnd without churpo to the p�mson or persons kagnly ontrttad to I¢. Such person or persons sAali -
<br /> nnv nnv rc�cordatinn costs.
<br /> ' 23. Substitute T�ustee. Lender, et its opt�on, may (rom time to time remova Trust� end eppotnt a succossor trustes to any
<br /> Trustoo oppolntod hemunder by an InstNmont recorded (n tho counry In wh�h thls Security Instrumont Is recordod. Without conveyance of :
<br /> the Proporty, succosROr trustoo shall succeed to all tho titla,powor nnd dutles confortod u�+on Trusteo horen nnd by applknble law. � ,
<br /> 24. Reque3t for Noticea. Borrower roquests that copies at tho notfces ot defauft end Snle 6e 5ent to BorrowerS EiddrBSS whfCh
<br /> � Is tho PropoAy Address. �
<br /> � 25. Riders to thls Security Instrument. If one or more riders ere oxecuted by Borrawor and rocordod toeother �vith this �
<br /> � , SecurRy Instrumont, t�o covonants und agreements ot each such ridor sheil 6e incorporatod into and shall amend and supplement the
<br /> covonants und agreements ot this SeCUrity Instrument as if the rider(s) wero e part of this Security Instr'ument.
<br /> � , P�p�4 0l 6 Form S02!BlUO � '
<br /> �
<br /> . Pt070.LN0(10/Cl) I
<br /> � � I
<br /> I �s
<br /> i - - -- -
<br />