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<br /> .BY...:�.,:. . , . .uc ' ,F Ww hu.•:di.Law:.vvM.��_...iu...�..n_.. .; ..^'.- . �.lvn __ - ' ' __
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<br /> , not to excc�d tF�o mtidmum amount o I_ndcr lor o I�d�rally rct�tcd rnoRpaQo loan m�y rcqutro lar DO��.s��c'C-;�cr�5�'�fl9� u:t��ir tho
<br /> (J�a;:t�l R�;11 GO1C1�0�;�ill]fil:�l PfOCCt�UfC7 11C1 OI 1�J74 �0(l4t�ild�d (lOf�l ILi1J l0 (lfit�, 12 U..�i.C.2001 Ct CCQ� ("(;;�CP11"), UOI�S�CIl01�l�i 1:lY
<br /> . tnal cFUI'�� to Iho f�und� eCio a t�aocr amou�t, If oo, Lcnda raay,at any tl,�i�, aol;ccl and hold Funds In an ar�iounl nol Qo saec�d fho
<br /> leaccr nmpunt. l.Qndat nlay esthi�to Iho �mount o}Nnds due on Ihe h[sl� o} currenf da4a and �oaennabb e�l�nato9 0l oxp&nd�usoe ml
<br /> tutura Gar�w Il�m�or othww(q�In accordtncs wHh�plb�bM bw.
<br /> ' The Fundn eheil ho hold In nn Inotilulinn whpso dopodl!e or@ Inoured by ca fmderal epency, hotrumentaliiy, or enllty(hobdfnp Lendgr. li
<br /> ., l�nd+�r I� suoh an In�tNutton) or h any Fedwal Horrw Lo�n Btnk. L�ridir�ht8 lippy ihte �unde lo p1y th�Eeorow Itimt. L�nder m�1y�ol _
<br /> Chttrpo �onower far holding nnd npptylnp the Funde, annuully annyxhp tho esCrow account, or vertyhp Iho EeCrow Itoma, �n19sa (.9ncf'sr
<br /> pRy�Borrowe hthoat on the Funds end epplicabb law pormke Londor to make auoh p oheope. Fiowaver,I.ender m�y roquira Borrowe to
<br /> pc�y�on�lMne oharpe for en Independent real eatate tax reporth0 service ueod by Lender h oonnectton wkh thie tonn,unkst applic�bM law �,:.
<br /> � provldee othenvise. Unteos en agreortiant Is made or applfcabte law roquke9 tnMrest to be peld, Lender ehall not be requk�d to pey
<br /> Borrower any htorest or enminga on ¢he Funds.Borrower and Lender r.�ay eyrea h wrkhp, howaver, that �nte:est shuii be peld on Ihe Funds. �'
<br /> • Lendsr shall pke to Borrowor, wtthout oherpe,an annual ecaountinp of tha Funds, ahowiny crodke and dobNs to the Funds�nd th�purpos� ��
<br /> ,. lar whbh eaoh debk to the Funda wns made. 7he Funds are ptedyed as oddkknal eeourNy for�A aurns secured by thia Security InsUummO. •�=�
<br /> II tho Funds hetd by Lender excoed the amounts pertnkted to bs hetd by eppliceble law,Lender shaU account to Borrower for tha ��
<br /> exoeaa Funds h acaordenco wkh the requ►remonte of nppibable law. If the amount o}the Funde hald by Lender at any time is not auNblent u: ,
<br /> to pey the Escrow Items �vhen duo, Lender may so notfy Borrow�r in wrilhp, and, In suah Case Bortower shall pay to Lender!he amount '�'-�
<br /> ��''
<br /> necessary to make up the defloienoy. Bortowar shau mske up the deltaienay In np more than hvelve monthty paymonls, at �endera eole v"�%-
<br /> dlscrotlon. �'_�
<br /> U.- _.
<br /> Upoa peyment N tull of nil sums secured by this Sacurity Instrument, Lender shall prompty relund to Borrower eny Funds held by
<br /> Lander. ff, under pamgroph 21,Lender shall ncquira or soU tho Property,Lendor,prior to the ncqulsftlon or sata ot the Property, shall eppy �_ _
<br /> eny Funds hetd by Lender at thu tlmo of acqulsRion or saie as a credit against the sums secured by thb 3ecurity Instrument.
<br /> 3. Applicatlo� of Payments. Unless applbabie law provldes otherwise, aIi peyme��ts receNed by Lender under parngraphs t and
<br /> 2 shall be applied: fir�t, to any prepayment charpes due under the Note; seCOnd, to amounts payeble under paragraph 2; thlyd to Interest =__
<br /> due;tourth,to principal due;and lest, to any late aharpes due un�er the Note.
<br /> 4. Chargea; Ltene. Borrowor ahall pay all t�os, essessments, oharpes, Iinos and Impasttlons ettrWutable to the Property whiCh --
<br /> may nttetn prbrity over thls Securfty Instrument, and leasehold peyments ot pround rents,�any. Barrower shall pay theso obltpttbnl tn tha --
<br /> � manner provtded h paraqraph 2, or M not patd h that menner, Borrower ehaM pay them on tlme dY�oty to the peraon oweti ptymm�
<br /> Borrower shail prompty tumish to Londor ell notices of smounts to De p81d under this paraprep�. ff Borrower mukes thess payments
<br /> dlrecty, Borroaier shall prompty Nmish to Londer recelpts evldenainq the psyments.
<br /> � Borrower 8hall promptty dlsoharge eny Ilen wh�h has priority over this Securky Instrument unless Borrow�r.(a)spreeg h wrRhp t0 the
<br /> paymont o} the obliqatton secured by the Oen fn a manner acceptable to Lender; (b)aontests h pood talth the Ifen by,or detende tt9�hst =
<br /> _- - --
<br /> enforc�t of the Iien h, feggl proceedings whYSh In the Lenders opinbn operste to prevent the entorcement nf the Iien;or(o) sdcuraa kom �
<br /> tha hotdor of the Ilen nn agreement satlsfaatory to Lender subordinathp the Iten to thfs Security InstrumenG It Lender determtny that any �
<br /> part of the Proporty ts subJect to�Iten which may etteln prlority over thls Security Instrument. LendBr may pNa Borrower e notice kfentiryhp
<br /> � Iha Oen. Borrower shall setlsfy the Iien or take one or mure of the ao:bns set torth ebove withln 10 daya ot the plvinp of notiC9. _
<br /> b. Haze�d or Prope�ty Insurance. Bortower shall keap the lmproYements now exfsthp or hereafter ereofed on th� Propxty �
<br /> Insured epatnst bss by tire, hazards hcluded withh the tertn •extended cowrepo" and any othar her�rds, hoqdhp Ibods or fbodinp,tor _
<br /> • , whkh Lender requires Insurenco. Thts Insuranca ehall be malntahed h the nmounts end(or the perbde thet Lender requlre9. Tha hsuronce �;
<br /> , canior provfd(ny the fnsurnnc� shall be chosen by Borrower eu6Ject to Land�o opproval whbh sh�n not bo unroason�by wkhhNd. If ��
<br /> Bo+rower tells to maintah coverege descrbed ebove, Lender mey,Rt Lender's optbn, obtah coverege to proteot Lend�e rbht� In th� --
<br /> " Property In flcCOrdance with paragreph 7.
<br /> All Insurance polbies and renewals shell be ncceptuble to Lender a�id shall hclude u etandard moApaqe oiausa. Lend�r eh�N hive the �.�__
<br /> rlyht to hotd the poli�tes end ranewals. If Lender requlres, Borrower ehall pramptry gMe to Lvnder all rece(pls of pald premiums end renewal f;�s�-
<br /> nottces. In the evont of toss, Borrower shell gtve prompt notfce to the tnsumnco carrbr and Londer. Lendor may meke proot o}bss N not ��
<br /> 1�f��-
<br /> , mado promptry by Borrowor. -_
<br /> Unless Lender end Borrower athorv+ise agroe in writNg, Insurance proGeeds shall bo app0ed to restoration or repeY of the Propatyr • -
<br /> damaped, (t the restoratlon or repatr Is econcm�nlly teasible and Londe�s securfly Is not lessoned. If tho restoratbn or repaV Is not � �%=
<br /> xonomlraly toasfbb or Londor'a sscu►ky wouid be lessened, the Insurence proceeds shatt be applfed to the sums secured by thfs S�curdy -
<br /> In�trument, whother or not then due, wkh any excess pald to Bartower. It BortoHer pbnndons lhe Property, or does not ensww wahh 30 ` .
<br /> � . `� days n notbe from Londer that tha hsumnce curtier has of(ered to sottie 4 cluM, thon Londar may callae;t tho Insu►anco prac�ad9. Lender _-
<br /> ' may use the proceeds to repaM or restoro the Property or to pay eums secured by this SecurRyr Instrument,whether or not thsn duP. The
<br /> 30-day perfod will beph whsn the notice Is gNen.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower othenvise egrse in writin0, any epplkatbn of procoeds to principnl ehalt not extend or postpono the due
<br /> " date ot the monthry psyments roterced to tn paragrephs 1 and 2 or chanpe the amount af the payments. If under pt►ragreph 21 the Property
<br /> Is acquPctd by Lender, Borrowets right to any hsuranco polfcies and proceeds rosufthp trom dnmage to the Proporty prtor to the acqulsNlan
<br /> shall pass tc Lender to the extent of the sums secured by Ihis Security InsUument knmodlntoty prior to iho acqutsklon.
<br /> ` �. Occupancy� Preservatlon, Maintenance and Pratection of the Property; Borrower's Lonn
<br /> � ' ApjfIlCBttOt1;Leeseholds.Boirower shall occup�, ostablish, and use the Property ns Borrowor's principal residenco withtn sbdy days �
<br /> eRor the exocution of thls Security Insuument and shall conthue to occupy the Property ns Borrowe�s pnc�tpal rosfdonce tor et least one �
<br /> • year flfter the date of occupancy, un(ess Londsr othorwiso agrees h writfnp, whfch Consont shell not ba unreasonaby wkhhRtd, or untess I
<br /> oxtenuating circumstancos exist whtch ere 6eyond Borrowor'� control. Barrawor shall not destroy,damsga or tmpair tho Pr�party,atbw tho
<br /> PropoRy to dotoriorato, or Commit wasto on the Property. Borrower shall be In dofauft i}any fortelluro uc4lon or procasding, whother clvil or
<br /> �� crtmNnl, 19 bogun thnt In Londer's good latth Judgment could rosutt h IoAofturo af the Proporty or othonvise muterialry Ynpalr thv Iien Created ,
<br /> ". by this Security In9trumont or Lendars security interost. Bonower may cure sucti a default and relnstate, es provtded In pnmgttiph 18,by
<br /> �� .;a:;o:.y a:�'v ai,i�vi� �i Nivvoo�io�y iG uo uia�iiian6ii rrn� a ruimg �na[, � i.enoors gao0 tartn determmation, pIQCIUpp9 tOttpllUfp Of 1110 -
<br /> Borrower'o fntorost In tho Property or othor matort�l Impnirmont of tho licn c�eatnd by this Se3curiiy instniment or Lenders security Intereat. ,
<br /> BorrowOr Shull niso bo in da[suR H Bortower, durNg the loan applictttlon process,pave malerialty fstse or inaccurete inlottnntion or statements
<br /> }... to Lendo► (or ftlibd to provida Lender �vilh nny matartal IntOnntltlon) h conneCtlon �vith the ionn evidenced by thp Noto, fncludhg, Out not
<br /> + Iimited to, reprosentetians concoming Borcowcr's occupancy of tho PropeAy cts a ptincipal resldence. If lhls Security InSWment 19 on t1
<br /> `� 18aSah0ld, Bortower Shali Compty with QII the provislons of the lease. I} Barrower eCquUes feo tilte to the Property, tho leesehold end Ihe
<br /> t . .
<br /> feo tilb shull not mergo unluss the Lendor agreas to tho mrngor h writhg.
<br /> �
<br /> It Pap�2 of S Form 702E ClCO
<br /> t � FiQ20.lM�(f0/941
<br /> � 75
<br />