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<br /> o .i �
<br /> ir; . 4 � '.M'i .
<br /> y rI' S '1f � �.,. - - . .� '�
<br /> � , �f'YTA� --i� - � � . . , •
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<br /> i
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<br /> .�. .r .�I .-v 1'. � _ ' . J��
<br /> ti .r ...�...�...r � � .� �r.�e..r�.wrNr� "_ __ __ __ .�._... . _.. .... ai � . _
<br />_- I. . . . tf7na�ra�.:+. >r �.��(�lrrJ�1Ft�idac..� ��:Y•�_.t.l:�..,.__ �_ � —
<br /> -_ . .. . . -�--- ����.0�(i�.3 �' �-
<br /> � ►'. �pa�actlon cs?l�ondoe'� Rlphta I� tho P�eg�mr�&y II�orrovrw h��U�to pe�'a�a tfia�avc���nto ond a�rc:��l:a"iq0 f.IIi11G'.itCJ{ii � ,.�:
<br /> thl�s�cui�;y 6�airurasnt, or 4hcra Iz ❑ I�BcI procc�d'ng th�t nuy c!nnl�c�nty ottcst Lm�cr'o rt;;lto l� tho �pu4y(cuch ea � pr�sx:�ap h
<br /> �• bankruQtcy, probato,lar candcmnottan or foriElturo or to cnfore� Lr�a or rc�u!::tlam),lhc�I.c��ci.r n:�y do r.n�A�:y fo�ei�r.t�•rcr I� ncc�s:csy
<br /> to protect tho velue of the Properiy end Lerid�r'o riphta in the Propaty. Lenda°e ecUone Ra�y Indude prytr�p any eurne eecarr[f by �Ne�i , ,,�:
<br /> „ which h�e pdorf;y over ttde Secudh,r Inswment, appeadnp!n coud, p�ylnp reaaonabN ariomsy'o f�u ond ontuMp on Iba Property to nu�he I 3.,��,
<br /> • repnA�e. Athough lender may take aetlon under thta pamgreph 7,Lender doe�not havs b da so. � ==-
<br /> - My smounts diabursed by Lender undar this paragraph 7 eh�H becorne additlond deD1 oi Bonower eacutad by thl� :�uitry t��Qtn�me+it, � +�
<br /> � " U►ileaa Borrower and Londw aflree to other tams ot paymen� th�as�t:wuntn shdl bar htorNt from ih�dat� ot ctl�buraMn�nt at Ih�Not� � �
<br /> ' rnte end ehJi ba pnye4le,with Intorost, upon noUce tram Lender to BoROwer requatt4tfl p�ymont. �
<br /> ���. 8. Mortgage Ineurance. M Lender roquked mod�pe InsunnGO�s � conditlai of rtMfdnp the lo�n s�cur�1 6y tii{a C.�,w::i I ,.---
<br /> Inswment, BoROwor shall pay the prarniuma�equked to ina{nuln tbe mort��InRUranw N MUr+t. II,tw�ny naaoro, thf rnxt�p�lnwnna ��.�
<br /> � coverage requlrod by Lender lapsoa or ceases to be In eftact, Borrower ah�N p�y tha pren�lums requked to obWin cov��oubttsnlWy �
<br /> ��
<br /> equHate�t to the morigugo Insurence prevlously In ehect, at w cost nubaWtaly equMa{ent to the co�t to Borrower o1 th� mortg�p�hiurnc� ; •�
<br /> prevlousy In eHect from an altemuto mortgape insurer approved by lender. II eubatar�ti�My aquNatent mort{y�ae Ineunnce cove�age le not � .. ;„
<br /> • avaAable, Borrower shaH pay to Lendw each month a suni oqual to ono-twoMth o1 the yaady mortpape Inouronc� prasnlum bNnp pald by I ��
<br /> B o rt o w e r w h e�i t i i e 4�s u r a n c e c o v e r a g o l a p:.c s i o r c e a s e d t o b e !n e N o o t. Lender wiM�ec o pt, uee �nd rat�h theae paymml� a� • bt� �, ,r .,
<br /> reserve In Neu of mart�age innurance. Losa reoe+ve payments may no lonper b• rsquk�d, at th�opUnn of L�nda, H martp�p� {n�unnc� i
<br /> coverago Qn the amaunt end tor lhe period that Lender requkes)provided by pn Ineurer�ppto�ed by La�dev �p�h b�coma �v�We�nd ls :� �� ` +
<br /> obtalned. BoROwer ohell pey tha premiuma requlrad to malnUin mortpap0 Insurance In Ml�cl, or to provlde � lo�e r�arv�, unlN Ih• I
<br /> requkement for rteortgage Inauranco ends!n accordance with any wr!tten aqreemari b�twem Bortow�r�nd L�rtder or applir.abl�(�w. °
<br /> � 9. In�peCtl011. Lender or ita apont mny make roasonabb anUlee upon�nd Inap�ctiom o1 th�RopMty. Ur►da �haN pM�Oorrow�r i
<br /> noUce at ihe tkne o1 or pdor to en {nspection apecifyinp reasonable cAUSe fa the Inep�cilon. ,
<br /> 10.�Ont#emnatlon. The proceads of any award or clslm tor damagea, dkect or coneequenllal, In conn�cttan ►vkh �ny '
<br /> i
<br /> •• condemnetlon or olhor taking of eny part o1 the Property, or tor conveyance In Ilou of condetmttion, �re hereby rnalpnsd md eh�fl bs p�id I
<br /> to Lender, •
<br /> In the event o1 e total tsWnp ol the Property, the proceeds shall bo applled to the sums eec��red by Iht� Beaurfty Instrummt, whoth,�r a I � ���
<br /> not then due,wlth eny excesa pald lo Borrower. In the event of e partisl taking of the Roperty In whieh the /elr muket v�lue ot th�Prop�rty � .,,
<br /> Immedlately before iho taklnfl la equnl to or greater than the amount ot the sume secured by thls Securtry IneUummt knm�df�t�ty bMor�lh�
<br /> , ,, takkig, unless BoROwer and Lender otherwise agree In writing,tha sums securod by ihis 3ecurtry Inetrument eh�M be reduced by th��mount i �f�
<br /> 01 the proceeds multlplied by the lollowing fraction: (a)the total amount of the eums eecured xnmodiately betote the fakln�,dAtided by(b)lh� I ... . ��
<br />-� {ak market vatue ot the PrapeRy Immadiately betore tha tuking. Any balance shall be pald to BoROwnr. In lhe event o}� puUd tokkip ol lh• �. �f
<br /> Prope�ty In whlch the falr market value of the Property immediately 6afore the taking Is leae ihan the smouni of tho oum� e�cund fmmedktsly .
<br /> betore the takinp, unless Bortower and Lender olhervvise agree In w�iting or unless appNc�bie kw othawise provide�, the pror.�ad�sh�ll be I 4,'�°.,''
<br /> epp�ed to the euma secured by thls 9ecu�lry Inatrument whether or not the nume are then due. � �' � —
<br /> �� If the Pruporty Is ebandoned by Borrower,or it,after notice by Lender to Bonower th�t the condemnor oflere to m+ke�n award a eMtf� .• ��-
<br /> � clalm tor damafle�, Bortower 1aAs to respond to Lender within 30 days after the aate the nonca ia pivan.Lendar ia auinori:aw iv u�;a�� (—"'.,� �; .
<br /> �ppy the proceeda,at Ite option, elther to restoratlon or repak of tlie Property or to tho sum�eecurod by thl� Seourtry Ineirume�t,whNh�r I ;: ��
<br /> ot not then due. ' "
<br /> Unbas Lender end Borcower othorwlse aflroe In wdting, any app{fcetlon o1 proceeda to princlpd eh�ll not extend or postpon�th�du� �
<br /> date of the monthty paymente reterred to In paragrapha 1 end 2 or chnnga tho amount of such paymente. r' •f
<br /> 11.Bor�ower Not Released: Forbearance By Lender Not a Walvor. Extenslon ot tho time lor psym�►1 or � •
<br /> , modlticaAon o1 amorUzaUon of the auma socured by thls 3ecurity InsWment granted by Lender to rny succesaor In intxest o}8r,now�r th�►N � ' �'�
<br /> '� , not opent� to rete�ao the Ilebllity ot the originai Borrower or Bortower's eucceaeoro !n hterest. Lenda eh�ll not be rsquk�d to cortKnma � wm
<br /> , " proceedinps apainal sny succesaor In Interest or retuse to extend time tor payment or otherwtae modHy amoAlzdlon of th�sum� eecund by
<br /> thle Secudry Inatrument by reason ot nny demnnd made by tho orl4inal Bonower or Bortower's succeseoro in Intereet, a►y forbeu�nce by 'R��
<br /> Londer In exerdatnp any dght or remedy shall not be a walver of or praclude thA exercise o1 sny right or remedy. ,
<br /> 12.Successots and Assigns 8ound; Jotnt and Several Llabllity; Co-slpn�rE. The coven.nta and .preem.nte ot
<br /> � thi�Sewdty Inatrument ehall b(nd end beno6t thA auccessore end ass[gne of Lender and Borrower, subJect ta the provlslons of poraqnph
<br /> 17. 8ortower'e covenants and apreements shall be Jolnt and severel. My Bonower who caatpna thia Securiry IneUum�nt but dos� not . ��:"�"`
<br /> , �:
<br /> , r._—°
<br /> execut�the Note: (e) Is caalgning thia Socurlty Inetrument ony to mortgage, grent, end convey that Borrower'e Intereat in ih� Roputy und�r , �. _
<br /> � tha term�of this 3ecutity IneWment; (b)lo not pereonally ob�gated to pay the sums sacured by thla 3ecurEty Innlrument; tnd(c) �preae th�t �'-•
<br /> Lenda�nd �ny other BoROwer mey agree to extend, modify, forbesr or make any accom�nad�tion� wHh ►ep�rd to lame of thla Securtty , �
<br /> Inetrumenl or ths t�ote wilhout that Bonower's consent. � ��.�:��
<br /> " 13.Loan Chargea. H the loan sacured by this 9acurlry Instrument Ia subJuct to n law whlFh nete nux4rwm loan�harpes,end thot ��
<br /> kw I� flnnly interpreted sA that the Interest or othor toan charges coltected or to be collected {n conRecUon wRh the lo�n excaed th� y
<br /> pem►itted Iimite,thm; (a)any such loun charges shali be roduced by tho amount necossary to rclduce the charee to the pertnMted Y,rnit;and , - �'.. ��i
<br /> � (b)nny aume elreedy collected from Borrower whlch excaeded permitted Ilmits wlll bo re!unded to Borrower, Lendw m�y chooae to m�ice `�►,, t �
<br /> Ihle retund by reducing the p�incipN owed under tho Noto or by makfng n direct payment to Sorrawer. it e retund reduces princfpal, the �
<br /> reductlon wIN be tre�ted ae �partial prepayment wlthout any prepeyment charge under the N�te.
<br /> 14. NOtiC61. Any no4lco to Bortower provided for In thls Socurity Instrument shaN be gtvm by detivMng It or by m+�Wng B by Hret �Y�
<br /> cl�sa m�N unlo�e tppUcQble law raqulras use oi pnother method. Tho notice shap bo ddneted to tho Property Addresa or eny other addrr.se �
<br /> � , Donaw�r doolpnntea by notice to Lander. My notice to Lender shall bo gNen by iirst claos maN to Lender'o nddreae ateted herdn or sny �
<br /> � other nddreee Lender deslpnttes by notice to Bortower. My notice provided tor in thia Securfty Instrument ahaN be deemed to havo beon �
<br /> plven to Donowa or Lcndor when plven es provided In thls pampreph,
<br /> 16� �ovarnln� Law; Seve��bil(ty. Thi� Security Instrument ohali be govemad by tedoral law end tho law ol tho�uds�IcUon In .
<br /> whlch th� Proporry la lacated. In tho ovent that any proviston or clauaa ol this Secu�ity Inatrume-t�t or the Noto contlictc tivith app°cablo!�►v. �
<br /> nuch confllct aha{I not �ttect othcr provlslons ot this Secudty Instrumont or tho Noto whlch cen bo given eflect without the cantflctin4 •
<br /> provlslon. Yo Ihla ond the prav{elons of thlo Securfty Inntrument nnd the Noto aro declared to bo suvefable. �"
<br /> ' 18.Borrowor's Copy. Borrower ahali be given ono conformad copy of tho Noto and ot this Securiry Inatrument. ��
<br /> 17.Tronaior of tha Proporty or a Boneflclal Interet;t In Borrower. If ell or eny part of tho Proporry or eny Interest In . �i
<br /> = u� a,ild nr trandrr�d for U■ benuflclal Interast In Bortower lo sold or tranaterred nnd Borrower Is not e naturel persan) w(lhout 4ender'e ,
<br /> _ - - -- - •
<br /> ' p�tor wdllen caneent, Lender moy, at Ita optlon, roqulro immedinte pnymont In full of all suma securod by thls Socurity Instrumonl. Howeva. ,
<br /> � thl�optlon ohall not bo�xrtclsod by Lendar i1 oxerclse is prohibitod by tederal law es ol the dete af thls Sescudly InaUument. `
<br /> if Lmda oxorclsae lhia opllon, Londer shall givo Borrowor notico of accelemtion. Tho noUco ahall provlde e petlod of not loae than 30
<br /> daye from tho dete tho notico I� dclivered or mnllod within whlch tho 8onowe► mu�t pay nu aums socumd by thla Sacurfy Inetrummt. II ''
<br /> .� „ Uotrawer(efle to pty theyo eume prlor to tho explrvilon ol thls perlod, Lender may Invoke eny remedlos petmittad by this 5ccurity InaWmc�ri i
<br /> . wphout Aihher nutice or damend on Dorrower.
<br /> � ,,
<br /> a
<br /> � Pngo 3 of 5 Form J020 4/DO ,
<br /> ( F1019.I.�dO IIO�JI) ,
<br /> �
<br /> Lr�7 l
<br /> I i
<br /> '� Sat7� ��% ���Q' �
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