. , • G ,�,;j
<br /> • .y.�K;% ' - . . +n1.
<br /> f '-'rt►1AP � � �,i_
<br /> L� .... . . . . . „ .
<br /> • ��n' `-'
<br /> � ys - . �...�n .•L�• �..i�n -�.,a:. .. -_ .. . . . nyAw'1A►R4_dWYii�- - —�
<br /> ..� .:.. ' . .. . . - . .- ,. . .. ' _
<br /> .ro . �t`'7'_—"""_"_......_.._.._.__.'___^�
<br /> _�_.r._._...___�"—..___ _'........ _ . "J:-
<br /> er _ . ..-�C: ._. • - _ _
<br /> _ N -} .��.. � ..r ,����.�9�13 . - _
<br /> 9�. Q�37aG�JCd'0 [31�;ii3 4a �3016�CtG80. If Bor�oe:cr ncc2a ce�4^�eanC'�oaa, �orro°lcr oh=9 h�vo tho dptii to h�vo c�;ore"ac;►t o1 �. .
<br /> tf;:� L'�cu„y lac2i�;a.�t �lscoaUnucd ul eny t�;�� pdor to tho c�d:cr ai: (o) v diya (or cuGh olhcr pc�tod no �p!:c2b'S I:,�� ra:,y cpec'ty tor ' �r"
<br /> rc',i;tc:c,-�:�;it) E�c'nra c_:� o?tha Rtopa4y �urou�!nt to r.ny po:lcr nf ec'a ca�Lnc9 h ttb S�ou�y IncLtins�t; or (b) c�iry o}o j!td�;;ac;.t
<br /> caturcGiQ Ih;� Ss;urity lactrurac�t. 5'hose cond�L'o�o are th4t 8orrower. (a) p�ya Lender �Y eun�o whlch then woutd be duu urdar thls " --"
<br /> CF:urtty I�ietn�merd �nd the Noto�e If no acceloral!cn hed accurred; (b) cure�ar►y dff�ull a!any othc�covenent o�egre�cnente; (d)paya �?�:�
<br /> •�� �q sxprnaa tncun�d fn entardn�thle 9ecurSty Inatrument, [ncludki�,but not Hanllad to,retsane,bt�ariomaye'teea;�nd(c�Wces euch actlon • �'�
<br /> — �e Lender rnay reasomby rsyuko to 8oaura thot Ihe Ilen ot ihla 8acurlty IneWmmt. Lmda'e�fphte(n lha Proporty end BorroHer'e obNgaLbn . �,�;
<br /> to pay Ih� wm� ��xind by thl� S�curity Inovumont shap oontlnw uncha�0ed. Upon rNnstat��t by BorrowK, thl� Security Imtruma►t ;—�
<br /> ,, ond the ohNpnUone n�cured hernby ehoW romaln tulty ettectNe ao If no ncceleraY�n hod occuned. However, thl�dpht to rekiaute eNdl not ..
<br /> �� �ppy In th�caoe of aac�t�rsUon undsr pan�r�ph 17. •–
<br /> 19. 81d� 01 NOt�, Ch�np� o! Loan Servie�t. Tha Note or e putW in4erest in the Note (topether wkh thla 3xurfty � . ��`
<br /> Inetrum�nl) may ba sold one or more l4nea without pdor notice to Bor►owc�r. A aeie m�y reauk in � chanpe In the ontfty (known ae the
<br /> , 'Lo�n 8«vlca'J thtt coN�cte monthty p�ymente dua undu the Note�nd ihla Seouriry Inatrument. Thxe dso may be one or more chu�pes '�`
<br /> • o}Ih• lwn B�rv{c�r unreMdsd to� sde ot tho Nofe. It thae Is s ch�nga of th�6.wn Senfce►, Borrowa wIM bo gNen wrttten noUca of ihe � ' �
<br /> ch�np�In accord�ncs wlth p�mynph 14 �dave end�ppNcable kw. The nottca witl etate the n�me�nd addraae of the new Lan Servker + °
<br /> . arid li►o rdckess to whkh paymente shoutd be made. qhe notice wiN�Iao conUln any otha InfortnaUon requked by appAcfbte law. "�
<br /> „ Z0. Nazardouo Subshncsm�. Bonower shaN not cnuse or pemdt the prosence, uae, dispo�al, storaQe, or releoae of any '
<br /> ' Hwrdoue Subat�ncss on or In fhe Property. Borrower shaN not do,nor sN�w N�one else to da, �nything�ttecUnp the Property thnt Is In
<br /> vtotatbn a1 any Envkonmental Law. The precadlnp hvo sentoncea eheM not appy to the proaence, uae, or atorage on the Propatyr ot srn�N
<br /> qwntN{n o1 Nazudous fwhet�nceo that ara genernly reaopnl�ed to b� app�op�ta to nom�l rasidantlal usea end to mdntenonce of the '�
<br /> . „ Prop�rty. I • �
<br /> OoROwer ehaM prompty pNe Lender written notice of eny Inveatigatlon, claim, demand,l�wauft or other sctlon by eny povemmental or .
<br /> repui�tory �pency a prNate puty InvoNing tha PropeAy end any Hazardoua Substance or Environmentel Law of whlch Borrower hae actuel �
<br /> " knowl�dpe. If BorrowK leama, or la notiflod by any govemmentel or regulatary authority, that any rexnoval or other remediaUon of �ny •> �
<br /> , H�zardou• Subahnce �Nxt{ng the Praperty la nocessary, Borrower ahell promply teke aN necossery remedlal acUons In eccordance viNh _
<br /> . �
<br /> Envkonmental L.aw. „
<br /> Ae ueed In thla pmgaph 20, 'Mazardoua SuboWnces' ero thoae subst�ncaa deflned es toxlo or hererdoua aubstancea by •-� ��'�,
<br /> [nvkarmentd l.ow and lhe toilowinp eubatencea: gesolina, kerosene, other fl�minable or toxla peVoleum producta, toxla pesticides and r �t��
<br /> � hatilofdee, vulatUo totvonta, materlale contefninq enbestoa or formaidehyda, end redloactive matedels. Ae used in thls puayrsph 20, e�
<br /> 'Envkonm�r►t�l L�w' mems fedenl lawe �nd lawe oi the Jurladlctlon wl�ete tnv Property la located thet retnte to he�kh, eatety or
<br /> envkomm�nt�protectla�. `�,:'='
<br /> ��_..
<br /> NON•UNIFORM COVENANT3. Bortower snd Lender(urther covenant and agrea ae toHowa: y'�' .:�.�..
<br /> „ ,
<br /> 21, Accd�ratlan; Ramedleu. Le�der shall glve notica to Borrow�r prlor to sacolwrstl�n fo[lowinp • r •
<br /> -- nr::.^.�O:�L �.�:°v:: v wu� i�v�loi�wi�Q �i iyPeniriui�i in inia aacuriiy insirumsni (oai noi priar to acc�i���qOD — �
<br /> =,;�-� —
<br /> und�c par�prpph 17 unl�s� applicabte law provldes othorwiae). Th� notic� ehal! spectfy: (�) th� d�tautt; ,
<br /> (b) tho �ctlon r�qulr�d to aure the deteult; (c) a date, not leas than 30 days fropn th� dat� th� notlG� Is � � �' �
<br /> aldon to Bqrrowqr, by whlch tha deiault must be cured; and (d) th4t tailur� to cur� th� d�hult �n or � �
<br /> b�tar� th� dat� �p�clflad In the notice may reault In acceleration of th� sums sscund by this Securtty ,
<br /> In�tnim�nt �nd �tal� o}th� Property. Th� notice shall further Inform Borrowor oi the righ4 to r�ln�tat� aft�r . �, '
<br /> �ca�laatlon �nd tho rl�ht ta bring a cou�t actlan to assert tho non-�xlatsnc� of a d�fauk or any oth�r � ;.
<br /> d�f�n:� of tlor�ow�r to �ccoleratlon and sale. If the default b not cu�ed on or bafor� ths data cp�clH�d . "�'
<br /> �� In th� notico, L�ndar at Its optlon mey requtre Irnmedlate payment In tuil 04 all sums �ocund by thla I � � ;
<br /> S�curity Inatrumvnt wtthout further demand and may invoko tho povr�r of aal� and �ny oth�r r�m�dl�s � � ' �
<br /> pumltt�d by �pplicablo law. Lende� ehall be entttlod to collect all exp�nsae Incurrad In punulnp tNa i . �' .
<br /> nm�dl�i provld�d le� thts paragraph 21, Including, but n�t Iimit�d to, reasonabl� �ttorn�ya' f��s�nd cost� I
<br /> i M titl• �vld�nco. ` ,.,.+ �
<br /> � tf th� pow�r of ��I� Is Invoked. Tvuatee shett record a nottce of dofault in each oour�ty fn whlch any � ' ��''
<br /> � psr! at th� Prop�rty 1� la�atod and shall mall uopies of such notice in the manner presarib�d by tppllctblo ;k
<br /> � (�w to 8orrpw�r �nd to th• othor persona preacribed by opplicabls law. After thA tim� requfr�d by .
<br /> i applla�bl� I�w, T�u�to� •h011 give pubEla nottce of eale to tho pQrsons snd In tho mannor prosc►lbrd by ! , ��-,
<br /> •pplla�bl� law. Trust��. without dema�d on Borrewer, shall �olt the Pro e •`%�'-�!
<br /> � p rty at pobllc �uctlon to ths i
<br /> ; hlph�M bidd�e �t th� tims �nd place and undor the terms dealgnttsd In th� notice ai eal� in on� or mon � fa �
<br /> qarc�l� �nd In �ny oedor 1'rustee de4erminos. Truetee may poatpom sal� of �II or eny pareel of ths ! �� ��I-
<br /> P�op��ty� by publlo •nnouncement at the time and plac� of An� prevtouaty sch�duled s�b. L.ondOr or fb j ,;� � r���,�
<br /> d��lpmr mey purahet� th• Proporty at any sale. �� r !�
<br /> �• .
<br />� � lipon roc�lp! of p�yment af the price bld� Trustoe shall dolivor to tha purct�asar Trosteo's deed � � .
<br /> • a�nv�ylnp lit� Proputy. Tha ►ec(tals In the Trustee'o deed ehall bo prim� hcio ovldenc� of t�e truth of � ; ,
<br /> Ih� �t�t�m�nt� m�d� th�raln. Truateo ohall apply the proceede oi th� stlo !n tho Iallowing order: (m) to all � `
<br /> ootta �nd �xpqns�� of exorclaing ths power o! sale, and the eala, Including tha payment of the Trustee's �:
<br /> ; ( 1��� �atu�lly Incurnd. not ta axaoed 3.00 96 of the �srin�ip�l arnount of the noio at tha tlmo of tho � ,
<br /> f t1�olNr�llor� of delault� �nd roa�onablo a�ttornoy's feee as permittad by law; (b) to all auma securod by this ,
<br /> . j H�ouNty Ii�H�um�nt; •nd (u) any oxcasn to the pereon or persona la��lly ontttlod to It. . .,��:
<br /> i2�. Reeanvny�noll. Upon peymnnl 01 ell euma necured by thla Secudry Inctrumcnt, Lender shell request Truetae to reconvoy the
<br /> I'rope�ty enA eh�M eunender Ihle SecuHry Inetnimcnt nnd ell notes ovidencing debt securad by thls Socurity InsWmettt to Trusteo. Truotmo � �
<br /> ahaN retonvey lhs Prespaty vdlhout waironry a�id wlthout chnrpe to tho person or per3ono Iega{y entitled to R. Such pernon or persons ohall ��-
<br /> " �rey�ny ra:orcf�tlon co:t�. . ,�
<br /> 2�� BUIJbt1�Ul� 7'ruett�. Lcndcr, nt Ite optlon, may from timo to Uma remove Truatoo end nppolnt a nuccossor truatee to any �'
<br /> l�uytew e{�pnH�t�d hetn�nder by on Hiatrumenl recordcd In tha county in which thl�Security Instrument Is recorded. Without convavanra ot
<br /> r j Ine�rr�zcary, cuc[oesot truoteo ahutl ouccocd to all tho titla, power end duUos conleired upon Truateo herein and by nppliCabte l�w. '�
<br /> I :!4. ROqlall�l fo!NotI0R0. Uorrower requosts thnt copfoa ol tha notica ot dofauk end ealo�o sen4 to Borrower'o address wht�h ,i
<br /> � t:► ihs ���opx�ry Ackkeee.
<br /> , 1 a6. f7lcl�as to tt�l• 600te►Ity Ir�Atrurnenl. II one or more Hdero are executed by Borrowex and recordod together with this ��
<br /> �� S (�s:iui.ry In�lmmsrq, Ihg G6�stiente and n�rcamc�ite N cach euch ddcr ahall baNcorpareted Into and ohaU nmend and aupplement tho �
<br /> ' �•olw�nnle anA ayreemr�it�01 Ih.� acciirily Instrumc��t ns If Ihe hdcr(o)wcro e poh ol thb SeCUrtly Instrument. 1
<br /> �
<br /> , vnpo a or 3 =o�m 3020 0190 I
<br /> � f Id. 111,!.11��':.17) .
<br /> � �
<br /> I
<br /> � � 911I! �J`/�� ' ` I \11 � • I
<br /> l./
<br /> J
<br />