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<br /> ' nct tc, cxcc�d the r►�a.KL�um a�„ouna a Icnc;�r (oP n Oc�c�o!;y rc,atcd noYtp�g� Incn m�y rcy�t:r� 4or Bo�raric7'a cacr��:i cccount u:�d�r tho
<br /> tcdcr�l ttc�l Eet:t3.:c,t!cnw;�t Prer,e���;e� 11c1 01 1074 �a�em��d�d ha:0 I!i�19 t0 1J�10, 12 U.B.C.2�01 d oeq. ('RESAA°), un!:�n art�thu I:;:� � �~'
<br /> „ Gi�t c�a"�� to li�o Ftsnd� cc:� n I��ccr ta;Dt!311. 11 00, I.CiidtP fd:1v, tt cny t"ma, cu"�at Cnd hn:�9 Funda In cn cmou�it not to c:c_cd th�
<br /> lesec�r �mnunt. Lxndar mey eat►mate the e��aunt o1 tunda due an the baale o} current data end r�aeonabte estlmatee o} eMpendiNrea ol �' '—'
<br /> - tuturo Eacrov+Itom�or olherwls�In�eaordaince wNh eppNc�+bte law. „ • �'�
<br /> � �•�° The Funde eh�N be hefd in en Ine!Nut{o�� who�o depneNe ah Inaured by s tecierN nsency, InatrumenUNty,or entNy(Nicludin8 Lender. It -__
<br />,, Lender Is e�ich�n inatkmbn)or !n ony F�clK�!Nor�ie I.om Uwnk, Lendar ehdl appy tha Funda to pay the Eacrow Item9. Lender mry not „ � _-_
<br /> '.; �� chW�BoRawK fa hotAnp �nd �pp7ying th�Fund�, �nnwly an�lyainp th� seaow �ccount, a verftylnp the F.acrow Item�, unl�te lendsr --
<br /> U:.yz Ooso�l:.l 11Z:7.:�t ai !Pt�FLI1C�� C11C1 �r��C�h!���:���rm!tn Len�^�to melce euch e ch�rfle. 6iowwa,Londer may requka Bo�rower 4u • '�"�
<br /> ' My� on♦tkn�charp�la�n Ind�pmdm!rea)st�t�t�x reportkip o�rvlce utotl by L�ndar In connecUon wflh thl� lan, unteae�ppl{c�ble law ' �"P
<br /> prov{d�� othewl��, Unlo�i �� tps�anenl h mnd� or appNahb Isw r�qukee Intereet to be pald, Lendar ahaH nat ba requked to pay • .-�.�,
<br /> ec�rtrtowK iu►y In1Knt a�min��on th�Fund�, Omrower and L�onder rrwy eprme In wrtilny, however,that Irrtereat shsN be pald on tha Funds. '�,
<br /> " Lend�v eheN ptv�to 8ortow�r,wllha�ri chupb, a� �nnu�l acr,ounifnp o1 the Funda, nhowk►g credite and debRe to the Funda�nd the p��pase •� �°
<br /> � tor whkh wch dab{t to�h�Fund�wa�rrwd�. The fund�an pl�dpsd u additlon4l sacurity for a11 euma secured by thle Securfty InaWment. .���.
<br /> .. If the Fande he!d Cy Ltnde!r exceed tho unounis pertt�tlt�d to d• hdd by �ppYcable luw, Lender shaN account to BoROwer tor the '�,;�
<br /> exaae Funds M acccrd�nc�wtih Ihs nqukemmte ol appNrabk G�w. II tho arnount of the Funde hdd by Lend�r at any time Is not aufAdent , y=:
<br /> to p�►y the Eecrow Ilami wh�n due, Lrnd�r rr�y ea notHy Dortow�r In wrttinp, end, In euch ratae Boirower shaN pay to lendw the unaunt J i�
<br /> ��:
<br /> neceneary QA rvNke up 1h� deBcloney. Bortowv oh�A msks up Ih� de!Iclency h no mom thrn twdve monthy paymenta, at Lenda'e eola ,. .
<br /> .. � discretlon. . . a
<br /> Upon payment h }uN a1 �N �um� e�cund by ihle 8�cusity Inri�ument, L�nci�r �h�il promptly rePund to 8ortower any Fund9 hdd 6y •
<br /> ' Lender. It, unda p�r�pnpb 21, Lenda ahrW�cquke or aeN the Property, LendK, prbr tu the ocqulakion or eaie of the Property, sh�ll n '� '♦ �''
<br /> PPN z___.
<br /> �ny Funde held by Lender �t tf�e qme ol acqulalilon�r sota as a crdY op:inet tho cuma eccure�by thfa S�curity lnaUument • ��{
<br /> 3.Appllca4lon o! P�yments. Unlesa eppllcabte I�w provldee othawise,aN paymente receNed by Lende►under parepraphe 1 and , �•.�;f;t '
<br /> 2 eha�N bs app8ed: 1kst,to my prep�ymant chorgea due under th� Note; eecond, to emaunte payable undar paragrnph 2; th(rd to Intereet „ W . _
<br /> ,
<br /> due; fourth, to prfnctpsl due; �nd laet, to any late chargee due under tho Nota. �: �--
<br /> 4. Charge�; Uins. Bortower shaN pay aN texea, �eaeeemente, chuges, f{nee �nd kr�pesiUons atiributable to the Property whlch • ,
<br /> � may ettain pdorlty ova Ihia 3acudry Inatrument, and leaeehold peymente or pround ronte, If any. BoROwer sha8 pay these obNgationa in the - .�"�-_'_`
<br /> " mmner providod In panpraph 2, or il not pald In 1��t manner, Bonower ehal poy them on ikne dkectlyr to the pexaon owed p�yrnent. "
<br /> Borrowa a�h�M prompty tumlah to 4ender �A noticee o} �mounte ta be pold und+w thle para�sph. If Bortower make� theae p�ymenta . ;.ri��'�:��`
<br /> � . dirsclly,Borrowx ahaN prompty tumish to Lender recelpte evldencinp the p�ymento. `���'�r��-
<br /> Bnrrower ahaN prompty dlacharga any Ilon which hae prlo�ity over thls 6ecurity IneWment unlese Borrower: (a)agreea h wdtk�9 to the �•`..� �.
<br /> 1 . . . . .
<br /> payment of ihe obNpation secured by the Ilen In e m�nner ncceptable to 4ender: (b) conteste In pood taith the qen by, or de(ands ap�4nst , .�"�—
<br /> , �r.
<br /> _ -- ---------'- • - �^" ;�: �C.:�:stg'::h!Ch�!!h9 i�sl�"i'e L•••�^�^i! ^^�rn�.en nr.v.nt th�wnfnrcwmmt ot the Yen; or(01 senues hom ',-..rnx-°- ---
<br /> _ ... qt=v�aim�rtn��v=�{io{=m�ni = . °! �....._ �._._._
<br /> � " the hoidx ot ths Aen m aproer.ient eatlsfactory ta Lende► aubordlmtlnp Ihe Ilen to thl� 9�curtty Inatrument. If Lender detamkiee thtt eny �,�,�� �'•
<br /> part ot the Properly ls eubJect to� Ilen which m�y�tteln prlortty ova thle 9ecurfty Inatrument, Lender may glve Borrower a noUce IdentN�Anp �.�-
<br /> the Iien. Bom�wer ehaN aatlsly the Ilen or tal<e one or�nore o11he ectlone aet toAh rbove wRhln 10 daye of the glvinp of notice. f� ; :��r
<br /> R �' 5. Haxard or Property Insuranes. Bortower eh�N keep tho Improvomente now exlet{nq or hereafter erec4ed on the Property :4',,�
<br /> Insurod ayainat loaa by Me, huarda Included within the term 'extended cov�xap�' and �ny oth�r huards, Inckeding tlooda or flaodinp, tor ;:,-..
<br /> wh�h Land�r requk�s In�unnce. Thia lneurn�ce ehaM be malntolned In lh��maunte�nd tar th�p�rlod� that Lender requkea. The inaurxnce �, , ;,�� , �
<br /> , • cartier providinp the ineuranee ehsll be choaen by �orcoxer sub�oct to Lenda'� �pprov�l whlch ehril not bo unreaaonaby wilhheld. II f
<br /> Borrower faHe to matnt�h coverage deacribed �bove, Lender may, tl landM'� optlon, obtaln covuraps to protecl Lenda'e �ighta In the ' ' ,�,
<br /> , Property!n accordance with peragreph 7. '"'�f�''� '
<br /> All{naunncs pGic{ea and►enewela u1�aA be acce{=tablo to Lenda and ehail Inc�ud�• et�ndard moRpaye dauae. Lender shaN hnve the ` . � .
<br /> dght to hold the poWclee�nd rencwala. I1 Londer roqulrea, Bonower ehall prompty Qlve to Lr:nda�N tecdpts o} psld premlume and renewd �-.s
<br /> noticea. In the svent ol{oss, Borruwe� ehnll glva prompt noUce to the Insurancs canlw ond Lendw. Lendar may make proof of losa N not . ;;y.'��'�'
<br /> made prompUy by Bonower. � ' �� �
<br /> Unle�a Lender snd Bortower otherwlse egree !n writinp, lnaurance procoede eholl be �ppAed to rastoratlon or rapak of the Properiy '��"` -
<br /> dam4ged, If the reatontlon or repak Is economicalty (easlble end Lender'e eeoudty �a not Ie�s�nM. It the reatoratlan or repek la not , �
<br /> " economically te�sfbb or Lender'e seeudry wouid be lesaened,ihe lneur�nce prac�ada ah�N b��ppYad to the euma eecured by thla 8ecurfly ' y.,-;;`'`-.
<br /> Inatrument, whethe►or not then due, with any oxcesa peid to Bortower, II 8orrow�r�b�ndone the Propaty, or doaa not enawa within 30 � � ,��
<br /> daya s notice from Lender that the Inaurance cnrtler haa oftered to aettle � clAkn,then l.ander rrwy coMect the Inaurence proceeds. Lende► i �+�
<br /> � " . rtu►y uso the proceeda to repdr or restoro the Properiy or to pay aume eecurod by thla 9xurNy Inetrument, whethw or not then due. Yhe ` � �..'�r�;
<br /> 30•day period wlll bepSn when the notice Is glvon. j ,�'" `• ,� I
<br /> Unless Lender and Bortower otherwisa agree In wdtfng, any appNcation ot proceeds to princfp�l sh�B not extend or postpona the due � '� �
<br /> dato ot tha monthy paymente ratcYr�sd to In peragrephe 1 and 2 or chenpe lhe amount o!Iho p�ymente. II under puagrsph 21 the Property I r '
<br /> , la acqu{rud by Lender,Dorrawer'o rlght to eny Inaurence policles end procoade roaufltnp hom d�rtu�pe to the Properry pdor to the dcqulsRlon • ' ' f�
<br /> . ehall pasu to Londet to Ihe extent oi the euma aecured by thla 9ecudry Insirummt Immedi�t�ty pdor to the acqulsHlon, � �
<br /> 6. Occupancy, Preservation, Malntenanae an�i Proteattoe� of th� Prapsrty; Borrowor's Loan i ;
<br /> � Applica4lon; Leaseholde.BoROwer ahall occupy, estebllsh, end uae tho Propeity oe �orrower'e p�tnc{pN reeldence withtn sixty days ' '. '
<br /> efter the oxocutlon af 1hls 3ecurlry Inatrumont nnd eheH conllnua to occupy th� P►operty os Oot►ower'e prlr►clp�l raelde�sce icr at least one � i�,
<br /> � year after the date ot occup�ncy, unlosa Londa othorwiao agroe� h� writlnq, which consent eh�tN not be unroaaonaby wRhheld, or unteae ;
<br /> ,. � extenunting circumstence9 exl�t whlch are beyond E�ortower'e conuol. D�rtowa ehsM not dsatroy, dnmag�or knp�k the PropeHy, eHow ihe j � ';
<br /> � Prope+ty to deteriorate,or commft waste on tho proporty. Dorruwor ohall bo M default I1 any tortNture nctlon or procee�ing,whatha dvil or ,
<br /> crkntnel, Is bogun that in Lendex'e good fatth Jud�ment could raault In fo!?e!!!!re o1 the Rroperly o� othevwte� rn�terlefy knpek the Ben created 'i �,�k��
<br /> by thle Secudry IneWment or Lender'e aecurity Intereet. Bo�rowe► mey cure eur,h e AeSauM rnd raineEate, se provlded In pslagrnph 19, by � � .j;
<br /> cuusing the action or proceodlny to bA dismisaed with e ruling Ihnt, In lcnder'a �oud f�,ih dete�mNiatlon, precfude� forleituro of tho � " • °��
<br /> ' - -- - .
<br /> - - -
<br /> - - _ - - _ .
<br /> Borrower'a Interesst In Na operry ar ot er mut a rnp9 rment o t e Ilen create y t n ecu nntrumenl or en er e aecu eras. . . :.•+
<br /> � BoROwer ahall elso be In dei9uft 11 Borcower, during tho loon npplicatlon pracose, pave materl�lry ta!u or Inaccurrte q�tarrn�tlo�or aLtemente � ���
<br /> � „ to Lender (or lafted to provlde Lender with eny meterial in(ormallon) In connoction wlth the loen evidencecf by the Noto. Inciudinfl,but not �
<br /> ` Ilmited to, reprosenleUons conceminp BoROwor'e occupancy of the Property ae a princlpnl resldence. It ihl� �acurity Inetrument la on e ���
<br /> c leusehold, Borrowe► ahdN comply with nA tho provlslane o1 +ho Icase, i} Oortower ar,qukes (ee tltla to ihe Droperty, the leaeohotd tnd tho I
<br /> � too titla shall not merge un�ass tha Lendcr ngrcca to the morpar In wrillnp. ' I
<br /> � . Pnqo 4 0}9 �rvm 3020 91.� ' (
<br /> �
<br /> F7029.1fd0 t10/8I) , .I
<br /> ,•� _.y '. �
<br /> , SanT �r � ' I��� I
<br /> � i
<br /> . .�
<br />