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<br /> 7. Peo4oe91on o4 I.o��1ea'o F31p6i4o 1� 4Eio PPOE�evBy� 11 Oorroercr 4aC�to pertomi tho eovannnro nnd apre�nanta aontn6�ed 6i -
<br /> ' thls 5ccurity Inalrumr,nt, or thcro Is � l�flal procc�dinp lhat m�y otflniitCnnity aff�oi LCndcr'o righto ln q�o properly (CUah no n proCC�d(ttp 4� .
<br /> bnnkNptcy,pro�ato,(or oondomnatlon or fortolturo or to ontatco laws or repulatlons},lhon Lender rtu�y do and poy lor wijotFVx la nG.¢2�ery
<br /> to prateet lhe valua o} the Property and Londers riphts h tha Proporty. Lendere eottone mty holude poyin0 any auma eoCUrod by s Iion •
<br /> which has prlority ovar thi9 SocurRy Inatrument, appearinp In oourt, poylnp r�te�nabb attam�y'� faoe ctnd enterinp on tho PropsAy to mtks „ .
<br /> ropaka. ARhouph Lendor mny teko notlon under d�l� p�repreph 7,Londa does not have tcs t!o so.
<br /> . My amounte dlebureed by Lender under thy pinpnph 7�h�N bsaor� addkbntl Aebt ot Borrowx e�curod by lhk S�curity ImirumenF. • 7arr;.
<br /> Unl�s9 8orro���e�nnd Londer aflreo to other term3 ot paymnnt, lhes�amounte ohall boar Interest from the date o1 dl�bureom�nl �t the Not� _
<br /> rate end shall be payabte,wRh hterest,upon notico hom L�da to 8orrowK requoathp paymont. �
<br /> . 8. Mortgege Insurence. II Londer requked mortQnpe haunnC9 as a aondftbn ot maklnq tho b�n a�cund by thb„S�c�C, ,.:.�:+�;�i%_�°
<br /> � Instrument,Dorrower shail pay the promiums requlred to mehtein the mortqape InsurenCe In eh'eat. If,tor eny retson,tha mortWp�
<br /> oovoreye requkod by Lender lepses or ceases to be In ottect, Bortoww shall pay lha premlums raquirad to obt�h oavK�po iubatsntkly ;;;-Y..
<br /> equlvnlent to the mortpago hourance prevbusy h ofleot,et a aoat substantlaly equlveient to the aoat t�Borrowe►of th�mortpepe hwNnc� ,
<br /> � prevlausy In efiaat, hom an oRomnte mortpage hsurer approvad by L'endor. I}Gubstantialy aqukatent moftpepe Insunnco aoveraQ� b not ; _
<br /> avaltabte, Borrowor ahall pay to Len�er each month a sum cqunl to onatwelfth of the yearly mortgage Insumnce promWm behg pald by
<br /> Bortower when lhe Insurnnco caverafle lapsed or ceased to he fn eflect. Lender wlll accopt, use and re4atn thesa paymente as a bsa ;�,:;�_
<br /> reservo In Ibu o1 moRpngo Insurance. Losa rosenre paymonts may no lonfler be requYed, at tho optbn ot Lender, M mort�aps hsurance � 1::,,,
<br /> i.--
<br /> covorape (h the amaunt end for tho pariod that Lsnder requtres)providod by an Inaurer approved by Lender eyaln beCOmea 4v�14�dM�nd Is �• �«��•:•�.;-„-,;
<br /> obtulned. BoROwer shau pay the premtums requked to malntain mortpnge hsuranco h eflect, or to prpvide a bss reserve, undl the •-+;i�a. ��(,�_
<br /> ' requlrement tor mortpupe hsurunco ends In accordence wfth any wrkten apreement between Bortower and Lendor or applicabte taw. ;. . —
<br /> , .. 9. Inspection. lender or its apon!mey make reasaaabb en4rlas upon and'nopeclbna o!the Property. I endur shall plve 8orrower _,;�,a...�...��
<br /> . noticc at tha tlme of or prlor Po en hspection speoNyhg reasonable cause lor the hepaatbn. ;';�,�.�;�_._..,_--•
<br /> 10. Condemnation. 7ho proceeda of any uward or ola4n for demugus, dkeot or consequantial, h oonneotfon wkh any ��.s`��.�;���_
<br /> , : condemnatlon or other lukinq of any part of the Propeety, or for conveyance in Iieu of condemnatlon,are horoby asstyned end shell be paW ,• __- ,: —
<br /> ' to Lender. 'd'����%'•'�--�
<br /> �� In the ovent ot a totel tuking of tho Property,lhe proceeds sholi be applied to the sums secured bg this Saeurity Instrument,whether or 3r r.
<br /> � not then due,with any excesa paid to Bortower. In the went of a partial tnkfng o}the Property h wh�h!he faY market v81ue o1 tho PropeRy .•i r��^'�.r,,
<br /> immedi�tey before the taklnp is oquat to or greater than the amount of tho sums secured by thl5 SeCUriry Instrument Immedl�toy 6siore the �;� ��,�.,,,�,
<br /> taking, unlecs Borrower and Londer othervviso agroo in wrRhy, the sums secured by this Security Instrument ahell be reduced by ths amount r•}';.��,��;�,':
<br /> of tho proceeds multlpliad by the lollowhp Iraotbn: (e)the 4otal emount of the euma socured Immediatety betore the lakhy,dNidnd by(b)the }��.i�-��_'"_
<br /> fttir mIIrket value of the PropeRy knmedlatuty bofo�o the takhg. My balanCO shall�o paid to Bortower. In the ovont o1 e partl�l t&kinp ot the •� •.�,,.
<br /> Property In whbh tho taM market value of the Property Immedlatoy betore the takhp is lese than the emount af tho sums secured immadiatery .i
<br /> hefore lho taklnfl, unless Bortower and Lender othenvlse aprec� h wrkhq or unless npplicable I�w otherwise providos,lhe proceeda ahnll bo
<br /> . �.
<br />__., _- _, _.__ Tnnrq�i ro thn sums securnd bv this Sacurity Instrument whether or not the sums uro then due. ' ��� .
<br /> ��.
<br /> If tho Property I;abandoned by Bortower,or M,efter nottce by Londer to Borrower tnat tne condemnor oici�s i:,ra�s:ss;��d�►`-°ts!6 �; - '--'�'��
<br /> a clakn for damsges, Borrower lefls tn rospond to Lendor withh 3A days akor the daio the notice is ghron,Londer Is euthorizad to collect and
<br /> • eppty the proceeds,nt Its optlon,oither to restoration or ropair ot the Property or to the sums socurad by thls Security Instrument,whether �,y';�.�
<br /> . or not thsn due. �.�? �1��
<br /> Unlese Landcx and Bortowar otherwise aqree h wrkhp, any applbatbn of proceeds to pnc�ipal shall not exter►d or postpone lhe due � �.Y
<br /> dato of tho m�nthry�ayments ret�rred to In paregraphs t and 2 or Chanpo the amount o1 such payments. � .,
<br /> �� 11. Borrower Not Released: Forbearance By Lender Not e Weiver. �e�sbn ot cne time ror payment or ;
<br /> modit3cutlon of emortlr�tion of tho sums secured by this Securiiy Instrument qranted by Lender to any succesaor In hterost of Bonowor ehall � �,,,
<br /> not oparnte to robase th� Onbfiity of the orfyinel Bonower or BoROwors succossors h hterest. Lender shall not be roquYed to commence
<br /> procoedhAs agahst nny successor h hterest or rotuse to extend tYne tor paymont or otherwl^,e modNy emortizatbn o}the sums securRd by i" ,�,,,��f
<br /> thls SecurNy InsUument by roason of nny demand made by the ori�inel Bortower or 8nrcower's suCCessors h htorest. Ony forbeeranco by j , �.� :�
<br /> Lander in oxerclslnq any rl�ht or remedy shali not be a wallor of or preclude the exercise of any rqht or remedy. i. ,
<br /> 12. Succeaaor�and Assigns Bound; Jeint end 3�verel Lleblli4y; Co-signera. rne coven�n�s and aqreernencs o� I � .�,��� _
<br /> thls Socudty Instrumont shuli btnd end benefit the successoro and osslgns of Lender nnd Bortower, subJect to the provlsbne of paraqrgph � , ,� ��
<br /> 17. Barrowor's covonants nnd agroemeats shnll be Joht and sovernl. My Bortowor who co-slpns thh Securiry Instrument but does not � .
<br /> • oxocute the Nate: (a) Is aa•sipntng thi9 Securky Instrument onty to mortpnge,grant,flnd Convey that Bortowors htersst In the Property und0r i
<br /> tho tertns o}this SeCUrily InsWment; (b) ts not personaLy obiipated to pay the sums seCUred by thls SeCUrity InsWment; and(c)agreos thnt �..
<br /> Lendnr nnd any olhot �orrower mny ngrc�e to extend, motlHy, torbEwr or muke nny accommodatbns wkh repard to tertns of thls Security ���:
<br /> Instrumont or the Noto without that Bortowers consa►t. ` �'
<br /> �. 13. Loan Charges. If tho loan socurod by this SecurRy Instrumont Is subJect to e law which sots maximum ban charyos,and thut , „ '�
<br /> law Is finnly htorpreted so that the tntarest or othor bun charpos coilectod or to bo coitocted n connoctton vrith tho ban exceed the • r'• -
<br /> I pnrtnit ted Iimits,then; (a)an y suCh loan chnrpos shell bo roduCed by the Etmount nocossnry to reduce the chnrpo tu tho pertnRt�d IimR;nnd ��": ,,
<br /> (bJ ttny sums utroady collectod Bom Bortower whlch exceeded portnittad limft3 win be ratundod to Dortower. Loider muy Choose to mako
<br /> i this rotund by roduchp tne prinClpfll owed undsr the Noto or by makhq e diroct puymont to Borrowa. If a refund reducas pnc�ipal, tho
<br /> • ; raduction wfll bo Uonted es e puRtal prepaymant without any prtapayment churqe undor the Noto.
<br /> � 14. Noticea. My not�o to BOrtower providnd tor In thls Socurity Instrumont shnll ba g�ran by dolhrorhp k ot by mallinp ft by first
<br /> class mail uabss npplfcabb law royuYes uso of un�thor mothod. Tho notice shall bo dlrocted to thc� Proptxty Addross or any othor nddross !
<br /> Bortower dosignatos ty notfco to l.cnder. My notice to Lender shaA bo gNen by frst class mufl to londor's nddross stnted hereh or nny
<br /> othc�r Rddross Londor dast�natos by not�e to Borrower. Any notice providod for h thls Socurity Instrumont shall bo deemud to huva boon .*
<br /> gNon to Bortower or Lender Nhai pNan es provklad h th�s pareyrnph.
<br /> 16. �overning Law; Savere�billry. This Security ins8tmieat s�aA be po�emed by fadaral law nnd tho l�w of the luri3dictbn Fn
<br /> whfch tha Property is bCatod. In tho event that eny provision or ctauso ot thb SoCU:ity InsWmont ar Ihe Note confiiCts wilh oAP���� �W�
<br /> SuCh COnllict 6hnll nOt nifoct othor provisbn9 01 thfs Securiry Instrumon! or the Noto whtch can bs pMen oMect w�houl lhe Contl�cthp y�
<br /> provMbn. 7o thts ond thB provisbn9 ot this Securiiy InsWment end tho Noto nre doclarod to bo sovorabb. ;,
<br /> 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrowor shnll bo pMon one contomed copy of tho Notn and ot this Socurity InsUumont. j
<br /> y7 T.�nrl�► n1!tia D�nefnrEV(1P l� RP.RO}ICIsI (I1tNf@Ot I�1 BOKOWG��. If flil or nny part o(tho PropOrty or any htorost !n .
<br /> . - _.---- •_�-'-s - =_ "
<br /> ' it is sotd or transtorrod (or II n banof'�cL�l IntoroSt h Bortowor IS So1d Or transtortod nnd Borcowor Is not u nnturnl person) wdhout�anaers
<br /> prior written consont, Landor mtty, at its option, roquiro Imm3dl�to paymont h (ull ot oIl sums socurod by thls Security InsWment. Nowcvor,
<br /> this optlo� sh�ll not be oxcrclsod by Landur H ozarciso 1s prohaltod by ledernl taw us of tho dato 01 thls Socurity InsWmsnt.
<br /> 11 Londor oxorctsas this option, londcr shnll gNo 8ortowttr notfcc� 01 accobrntbn. Tho not�e shall provfdo a poriod of not bss than 30
<br /> � days Irom tho dulo iho not�u ts dt�liverod or maibd wRhln whfch tho Borrower mu3t pay ull sums securad by thls Socurity Instrument. II
<br /> Borrower tails to pay lhose sums prtor ta lho oxplratton of thls paiod,Lendo►may Invoko ttny rertindias p��ttod by this Socurity InsWmont
<br /> without furthar nolk:0 Or danend on BOrrowet.
<br /> � , .
<br /> � Pap��ol S Form 90YE O/90
<br /> F�0:9.1A10(tO1D1)
<br /> � OS __
<br /> .___—`-—----
<br />