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� , . . ...,. . � '�_u <br /> ,,;�w,,� . �, . <br /> „ <br /> � , „ - - <br /> ., _—� ---- ----.� —..-- �---- ._ <br /> �:. , � .--- - . - . : . _ „ . . _ �:�,,� Sti . <br />_ s. . - ,F.u.Y��l-.� . , . . l�._,��f 41 )..>,v. .l" . . I • •.�1lMi7111Y�,0.. . �... . . — <br /> r <br /> ...n.. .�«r... . � .. . �. <br />� .... � -� � a, — <br /> �� ' '.Y'_""'_"_" _ ._._...._._._...1L..�_._.i_...."_""_.__...._.___...�_�_......-_..._.....___.....__._._.._.."'_'_""'__'_"._.�.._.�...`.._�...._.�-_._.._�..... .. <br /> ^pwH.e' ���? _' <br /> f <br /> , �. �4�- �„0�3�� 4- ...r�,..- ,.. __ <br /> . :, <br /> nol to �ucr.�d Iho maximum amounl n h:ndcr for n fadarnity rcated morifleD� loan may roquko far BortoL�:r'n cacrow account undcr th9 , `=���` <br /> ,-. <br /> ' I�d:rnl���1 Cctnto �.ttt�mcnt Proccdaro� Act of 1fly4 0o cras�nd�d hom tt��to lin�, 72 U.S.C.2f,fl1 ct coq. ("R�S�AB),unF 30 enolh�r I�w `_'''-`-°' <br /> - thol oppl!�o to Iho Fundo ccto a I�secr emount. 11 00, Lc�da nt�y, at cny tUr�a, enl'�ot end hold Fund� In r.n enounl not to C::C:.�d iho '�"��`_ <br /> I�scar umount. Londo�• may oatlmate tho amount of Nnde due on the bsals of eumanl date end reaeonabla eetYnnte� of o�endkaree of • • -- <br /> tuture�ocrow Iloms or othervvi�o In acoordance with�pp�icobN kw. — <br /> The Funds ahaq bo hotd h nn Instkutlon whoee duposit�aro hsured by a lederal apaiay, hstrument�tlky, or ontky(hcludlnp Under, N � , <br /> ,. lender Is euch pn InetHutlon) or h any Federal Homf LaRn Benk. Lkntler ahall eppry tho Funda to pey the Ea�row Itema. Lw�der may not .. . <br /> .. charpe Barrowor for hoidlnp and apptying the Fundt, onnualy�nRy:hp tho oscrow account, or vorHyhq the Escrow Itomi,unlett Lender ' ''������ _ <br /> - paye Borrower hleresl on Iho Funds und oppitictsta�w per�n�l�L:adcr to n:�ro nuch a ch:rp�. Norf�v�r, Ltndcr m�y rc?ufro Borroti•icr to .. ,--- <br /> pay e one�time oherp�for nn Independent real e�tat�t�x reportHp tMVic�uaed by l.ender In canneatbn wkh thb btn, unMse Rppl�c�bN Ww ,;r",h;��: <br /> •• providea othemiso. Unbss nn aproement Is made or applic�ble Mw requkes interost ta ba pald, Lender eh� no! b� requk�d ta puy ,, yy '• <br /> Borrower eny Interest or earnlnps on the Funds.Bortower end LAndar may apree In wrkinp.however,that Mterest ahall be pakl on thd Funds. , ... ,u�,- <br /> Lendor shnll pive to Borrower, ►vithout oharpe, an annual accountinp oi tho Funda,showinp aredRe and debke to tho Funds end the purposa '.'���•i� ��� <br /> (or whlah aach debk to the Funds wns made. Tho Funds tre pladgod ea additbnsl eecurfry for�N eume secured by this SecurRy Inatrum�nt. _ , .�� <br /> If the Fu��dS hatd by Londer oxcoad tho amounta permitted to bo hetd by appticabt9 Rnw, Lender oheN account fo �ortower for tho •• �••'! <br /> � y.•_a.�... <br /> or.coss Funds h accordanco with the raquirement� 01 appl�able law. If the amount o}iho Funda held by Lender et cny thw b not sutffotent •._..�;�,.,�F�.-��..'``---- <br /> � to pc►y tho EaCrow Iloma whon due, Lendor mey so noti(y Borrowor In wtithp, and, in such ca69 Bortower sh811 pay to Lender the amount �•- "�-`' <br /> '•�k:;:X�;?'��;�.. <br /> neceseary to n�ake up the delblency. Bortower ehull make up the defbbnay h no more than tweNO monthry payrnent3, et I.snders sole << ...��Cf:� <br /> dlsCrodon. ,Me', •,��_y��' <br /> ' Upon paymunt in (ull of all sums secured by this Securfry lnsWment, Lendor ehall prumpty relund to 8onowe►any Fundo hotd by �o�,�;.:-.!���'�`-� <br /> Londer. II,under paraflmph 21,Lander shall acquke or seH tho Praperty, Lender,prbr to the acqufskbn or eaie ot the Rroperty, ehell eppy ' '''"—°' <br /> any Funds held by Lender at the time ot ncqulsitbn or sale es s credit ayahat tho aums secure�d f�y lflls Securiiy InatrunanG �";�� <br /> 3. Application of Peymenta. Unbss appUcabb law provldes otherwise, flll peyments receHod by Lettder undar parflyreph8 1 Ond � �-�'��`` <br /> , 2 shan b� applbd: f4st, to any prepayment oharpes due under the Note; ets�ond, to emount�payable under parepraph 2; thYd to Interest �•s".�- <br /> due; tourth,to princlpal due; and lasf,to any late charpes due under the Note. � �''�'�"'�- <br /> 4. Cherges; Uene. Bonowor shall pay aH texes, assessment9, oharpos, (Ines and imposRbns ottrbuffibb to the Propatty whbh +��j� �"--" <br /> �•�",�',.,':� „ <br /> mny attoin prlorily over thls Sc�curiry Instrument,and besohold payments or pround rants, if eny. BoROwor ahall pay these obligattons h the '�_�_;,;.���: <br /> �� <br /> ` mnnnor provided In paraqreph 2, or it not pald h thet mnnner. Bonowe► shall pay them on tlme dhectly to the pereon owwi payment. :'�'�`-_�=---- <br /> „ Borrower shnll prompty tumish to Londer au not�Ces ot amounts to be pald under thts paregraph. If BoROwer makes lhos� paymenls � ?'a --�� <br /> dlreolty, Borcower shall prompty fumish to Lendor reculpt8 evidenclnp the paymenta. .� � <br /> Borcowor shait prompty disaharge any Uen whbh has priority over Ihis Security InsWment unleas Borrower: (e)apreos h wrHinp to the <br /> pnyment of tho obligatlon securod by the Iien h a mannsr accepteble to Lender, (b) a�ntests h pood fnkh the Ilen by,or defends apahst �� _ <br /> '6 ;� <br /> ---._. .. _�-� --�-'- ��- ,:.�.,:....'.: ' <br />-- , - - eniorcemeni oi ihe��an �.iegai procneu'a�y5 wn�;n 'v�tiin i.rnwn�o �F.��vr �p'ta2o.�pto.��t ih8 mifCi�r�sii C!ils�!`'.,:i;Or(Cj t^° Cst� "'` ' <br /> �� <br /> the hotder o( the Ilen nn epraement setfslnctory to Londar subardlnatinp the ilen to this Security Inatrument. If Lender determinoa tha!uny <br /> part of tho Property Is subJect to a Ilen whtch may attnh prlorily ovor thls Security Instrumont, Lendor may gNe 8orcower e notice IdentHyhp <br /> the Ilen. Bonower shull satisty the Ilen or take one or maro of the actlons set torth above within 10 days of the glvhp o}notico. -!, ► � <br /> 6. Nazard or Property Insuranae. Borrower shall keep the Improvemonts now existhg or he{e8fter 6reCted on th0 Property � <br /> , Insurod ngatnst loss by tke, harnrds Included wRhin the term "extended coveraye" end any other harards, Inaludlnp floods or fbodhp, tor � �� � ,�: <br /> whlah Lender requires Insurance. Thls Insurance shaN be maNtahed h the emounts end tor tho periods that Lendet requiroS. Tha hsuranCS ��.'��. <br /> canbr providinp the Insurance shau be choson by Borvower subJect to londers npprovel whfch shall not be unreasonaby wkhheld. If � �f <br /> '" Borrower fnils lo mulnRaln coverepa doscribod ubovo, I.endor may, nt Londars option, obtnh ooverape to protect Lendere ri�hte h tho '��'"�•� <br /> o . <br /> Proporty In accordnnco wkh peragreph 7. <br /> ' All tnsuntnco pol�les and renewals shall 6o ncceptable to Lender and shall hclude a standerd mortgaye clauso. Lsnder shall have the <br /> rlght to hold the polbles end renownls. If Lender requfres, 8ortower ahnll prompty yNe to l.ender ull recepte of pald premiums and renewul �`�= - <br /> noticos. In tho evant of loss, Borrowor shnll gNe prompt not�o to the hsumnce cortbr nnd Lender. Lender may mako proof of bss k not <br /> " „a� � <br /> mndo prompty by Borrower. � - - '•� <br /> Unfess Lender end Borrowor othervelso eqroe In writhp, In�urenco procetids shatl be applbd to restoretbn or repalr oi the Proporty <br /> " demaged, H the resloratbn or repaP Is eoonomfctily teesible and Lenders security is not lessened. If tho resroratbn or repaY Is not I �� <br /> ocunom{caly foeslbb or Lenders security would bo bssened,the Insuranco procoeds shall be epplied tn tho sums secured by thls SHCUriry .,4�� •` <br /> instrument, whether or not then due, wfth nny oxcnss pald to 9ortowor. If Borrowor abnndona the Proporty, or does nat en�wex wkhin 30 i '� �` <br /> days n not�e kom Lvnder thut the InsuranCa carrier hes offered to settb a olalm, than Lender may collect the hsuranCe procoads. Lender r�; '" <br /> • mny use the procc�eds to ropnlr or restoro tho Pruperty or to pny sums securod by this Socurky Instrurriont,whother or no4'.hen due. The ���"• t <br /> � i" <br /> 3adny perlod wlll bapin when tho not�e is plvon. •�;" <br /> Unbss Lander nnd Borruwor othorvviso ugroo In writing, nny npplfcatlan of proce6ds to prinoipal shall not oxtond or postpono lhe due � <br /> dnto o} tho monthty pnymants rotenod to h parnyrnphs 1 and 2 or chnngo the nmount of the peyments. if unc�er parnpraph 21 tho Proporty � � <br /> ts ncqutrod by Londor, Bortowor'a right ta nny hsurenca poliabs nnd procoeds rosuRhq trom d�mayo to tho Propo+ty prbr 4o the ecquisltlon ' <br /> shnll pasti to Lendor to tho oMOnt of tho sums socurod by thls SE�cu�ity InsWment Immadlatoty prbr to the acqulsklon. � <br /> � 8. Occupency� Pree.�rvatton, Metntenanco end Protection of the property; �orrower'a Loan * <br /> , Appllcetton;Leesehoide.Bortower shell occupy, ostsbllsh, end uSe the Property a� Bartowore prfncipal rosldence wkhlri ebcty days � <br /> aflor thv oxocutbn of thfs Socurfty Instrument and ehatl cortthuo to occupy the Property es Borrowers princpal residcxice lor et bast ono <br /> ' year efter tho date o1 occupancy, unf�sc Londcr othorwiso aQroaa In vrrittnp, tivh�h consont sha!! not bo unrpssonnbty wkhhcid,or unbss <br /> ' extonunttnp CkcumstnnCO° oxist whfch nro beyond Bo►rowers conuol. Bortower shaH not destroy, damage or ImpaM the Proparty,a0ow tho . <br /> - Property to deterloreto, or commit wusto on tho PropExty. Borrowor shnll bo In dotauY M any fodokuro ection or prococ3dhp, whother clvil or tf. <br /> � criminal, ly bogun thnt In Londors good faith Judgmont coutd rosuk in foAokuro ot tho Proporty or olhawiso mutwfaly impafr tho Ibn cronted „ � <br /> � s <br /> + by this Socurity InsWmont or Londors socurity htarost. Borro�vcr may Cure such a dotnuR end roln9tato, ns providod h pnr¢prciph 10, by • ' <br /> - _ causino tho acUon or nrocendho to bo dlsmissod wkh n rulhfl that, In Londars pood fnRh determhutbn, pracludos IoAolturo of the t__ '; <br /> - , .. - -- <br /> 8orrowora Intorost h the Proporty or othor mntaial Impahtwnt of tho Uun crontod by this Socurtty Instrumont qr Londers socurity htorost. <br /> �� Borcowot shnll nlso bo In dotault If Borrowor, durinp tho ban nppl'�catbn proco�a,pnv�mntain�y�a►so or Nnccumto h}ormntbn or atatamonts <br /> ' to Lendcr (or (a0od to provido LanCnr with ctny matorLal htormatbn) h Connectbn wkh the tonn evidonced by tha Note, hcludhp, but not <br /> � I'mitod ta, mprOSentntlons concominp Bortowc�e ocCUpenay� of the Proparty as a princ(pat rosldonce. It this Sccuriiy InSwmont Is on n <br /> �•� I�a�ohotd, BortOwor Bheit Compty wilh all fh0 provfsbns of the ba59. II DOrrOwpr BCquiro9 f0e tRk�lo tho PropoRy, tho basohold and tho � <br /> � foo tltl� shall�ot morpo unlass the Londer 8Qroe9 t0 thp men►er h wnthp. <br /> , <br /> � <br /> Pa.a o�e Form 90Za V/GO , <br /> � f't010.1M0�10/GI) . <br /> n <br /> � ' ; <br /> �' 05 <br />