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<br /> ��. �orrocrev'o ��Ipi�t 4e EJol�ct��4s. II Dorro�lcr m��t0 ctrtnln oondlllono, QorrowCr ohnll hav� Iho rlght to iiav� cn(oroCr�l�nl ol , .
<br /> Ihl� Socurity Inntrumonl dlsoonUnuod nt csny tuno prlor to the earllar oh (e)8 �leye (or nuch other per�ad aa appl�cabk� Nw rr.ay opcaly for -
<br /> relnetetemeni) botore anb o1 Iho hroporty purauant lo any powK of al� conteintd h lhl� 8ocurNy lnotNmonl; or (b) �ntry of � �udgm�nt
<br /> anforohp l?�le 600urity Ineirumonl. Thoae oondRbn� ar� Ihet BorrawH; (a) pay� l.andar ��I 4um� whbh Ehin would hf du• undlr thb
<br /> • �ocurity Inetium�nl ond Ih� Nota as II no ecceieretlon had accurrdd;(b)r,urea any dafpuk of eny other oov0rtanl or Qpreemmte; (o)phye ,
<br /> � pi1 or.pone�e Inourtod h onforolnp ihl�&eourNy inatrum�nl,IncbdL�y, bul nol IfmR�d to, na�onabM�ttom�y�' (M�: �nd (d)tlk�� �siuh �Otbn , _ --
<br /> � ae Lendar mpy rcaconat�(y rCqul�o to e�curo thOt lhe I!�n c} thl� t3eourNy lnatrumont,Lendsro rfphro In the Proparty nnd Borroware oblip4tbn �� ___
<br /> to psy tha eam� eeeur�d by thp 6eCUrky InstNmMtt •httl eonthu� uneh�nyed. Upon ninstetemont by Borroww, ihb S�curity Inttrurnent =__.
<br /> and the obllQatlom securod hereby ehall remah tuly�Hacthro as M no�ccoWr4tbn h�d occurted. Howwor, thfe ripht to TaMetl�t� �h�ll no! ,..
<br /> eppy h lha aase of acoaleratbn undor parapraph 17. ° ����'
<br /> 19. SlIIC O} NdLE� Chenge of Loen Servlcer. Tt�e NOIe ot 9 pertifll Inte�eet h the NOte (tGpether wNh thb Sacurity �� �
<br /> Instrumont� may he eold one ot moro tfmos wRhout prlor not�Ce to Burtower. A sale may resuR in B chanpe fn thv entky (known ee Iho �V
<br /> "Lonn Scrv�cr') thnt coilecta monthy payments due under the Note and thls Sacurlty Inetrumont. There also mey be one or man ohanp�s ,�R
<br /> of the Loan Service�unrelnted to a sale of the Nota. If there Is e ohan�e ol the Loan 3orvica, Bortowa wlil be pNen wrl;ten not�e of the _z,.
<br /> ohnnqe In acaordnnce wfth parapraph 14 above and appllaable lew. Tho not�e wfll state lhe namo and addrosa of t�o new Lonn Se+v�w •• - ,;,.
<br /> and the eddress to wh�h pnyments should be made. The not�e wlll eiso con4aln any other Informatbn requred by appl�able Itw. ;+E�
<br /> 20. Hazerdoua Substencea. OOrtpwer ehell not Ceuse Ot permk the ptesenCe, use, dlsposttl, stornge, 0� rel0ase o} eny ,
<br /> Hazardous Substances on o�h tho PropeRy. Bartowor aha� not do,nor eibw nnyon�eise to do,anythhp afteothp the Proporty that fs h � �y
<br /> vlolatlon ol any Environmantnl Law. Tho procedhp two sAntenaes Bhall not npply to the presencn, use,cr s:oraQa on the Propurty ot small �,
<br /> quantlties ot Nazardau� Substences that aro floneralry rocognlzod to be approprlate to nortnal rasldantlai uses and to matntenance of the . ^�
<br /> Property. ., , .
<br /> Bortower shall prompty glve Lender written not�e of any Inv�stipatbn, clakn, demand,lawsuk or olhc�r actlon by eny povammental or , ���
<br /> regukstory agoncy or prNato pnrty Invotvinfl the PropeRy and nny Ha�drdous Substnnce or Environmontal Law of wh�h Borrower hns actuP.l
<br /> knowk�dpa. It Bortowor leams, or Is notHled by any qovemmontal or reputatory authority, that any removal or other remediatlon of eny ��s .t�-
<br /> Hazurdous Substnnce aftecting tho Property Is necossury, Bortower sholl promptly tako nll necessnry remocllnl �cttons h ucoordanco wkh � �__
<br /> .�:
<br /> Environmental Lt�w.
<br /> L
<br /> As usod h this paraprnph 20, "Hazardous Subatunces" are those substnnces dofhed as toxb or hazardous eubstances by
<br /> Environmental Law and tho lollowinp substnnces gasolho, korosone, othor ilammabb or toxb potrolaum produots, toxb pest�ldes and � ' •�
<br /> herb�ldes, volattle soNOnts, motertals contalning esbestos or fortnaidehyde, wd iadloactivo materiols. As used h thls para9►aPh 20, �� ,
<br /> . ��I.
<br /> 'EnvYOnmontal Luw' means tederal Iaws and lawe of the Jurisd�tion whero tho Property is bcatod that relute to heaRh, satoty o7 � _
<br /> nnvironmentel proteatlon. } ``s1• _ -
<br /> NON•UNIFORM COVHNANTS. BoROwer nnd Lender tunher covenant and agree a3 tolbws: -`���`�i. �
<br /> 21. Acceleretlon; FEemedlea. Lender shell �Ive �otice to Borrower prlor to ecceleretlon following �• .� � '�'
<br /> I ��.`�.
<br /> Borro�ver's breaoh ot eny covenant or agreernent In thts Security Inatrument (but not prior to eccoleretlon
<br /> under paregrAph 17 unless applicebla I�w peovides otherwlse). The notice shall specify: (e) the dofeuit; i
<br /> (b) the actlon requlred to cure the default; (c) e date� not less thnn 30 days from the dete th� notice la
<br /> given to Borrower� by whiah the d�fault must be cured; end (d) thet fellure to cure the default on or f
<br /> " betore the dete specitied In the notice mey result In acceleretlon oi the summ aecured by th{a 5ecurlty � ;
<br /> InsVument and sale of the P�operty. The notice ahall further Inform Borrower of th� �ight to relnatete atter �
<br /> acceleretlon end the Nght to bring e cou►t ectlon to asaen the non-existance oi e default or any ather , ���
<br /> defense ot Bor�ower to ecceleretlon and sale. Ii the defnult im not cured on or before the date apecitied • ,
<br /> fn the notice� Lender at its optlon may require Immedlete peyment in tull of ell suma secured by thla , ,,
<br /> Security InaVument without further demend end mey invoke the power of selo nnd any other remedles
<br /> permitted by epplicablo law. Lender shall be ent(tled to collect all expenRee Incurred in pursuing the � ; � ,��
<br /> rem�diea provlded in thta paregreph 21� including� but not Iimited to, reeAOnable ettorneya' teea end coats - ,;.
<br /> of tltte aatdence.
<br /> If the power of aale Is invoked, Trustee shall record e notice of default tn e�ch county in whlch eny
<br /> part of the Properiy Is loceted end shall mall coplea of such notice In the menn�r prescribed by eppliceble �'. :
<br /> lew to Borrower and to tho other persons prescribed by applicable law. ARer the time requl�ed by . i
<br /> epplicable lew� Trustee atiell g(ve pubUc notice of sale to the persone end In the manner preac�(bed by ,�
<br /> appilcable lativ. Trustee, wlthout demend on Borrower, shatl sell the Prapertyl et pudllc euc�ton to the ', ,'
<br /> h�ghest bldder at the time and ptece end under tNe terma destgneted In the notice of sale In one or more ,� ' '
<br /> parcels end in any c�rder Trustee dotermines. Trustee may postpone salo ot ell or eny parcel oi the � - }
<br /> Property by pubtic ennmuncement et the time end ptace of eny previovsly echeduled sate. Lender or its
<br /> , deslgnee �nay �ourchase the Property at any Bal¢.
<br /> . Upon recelpt ot p9yment ot the price bld, '�rusteo �hall deltver to the purchaser Truetee'a dee�t .�'
<br /> conveying the Praperty. 7he recltala in the Trustee's deed shall be prime facte evidence of the truth of �
<br /> ' th� stntemenis mada ther�in. Troetee shall apply the proceeds of the sate in the tol[owing ordeP: (a) to ell
<br /> coaia end e�enses of exerclaing the power of sele, end the sale� including the payment of the Trustoe'a '`
<br /> teea actuelly Incurrod, not to exc�od 3 9b ot the princtpel emount of the note et the tlme of the .
<br /> � declaratton of detault, and re�aonablo attorney'a feea es pernNtted by law; (b) to all suro�s aecured by thts
<br /> Securtty InsVument; end (c)eny exaess 4o the person or�OCrsons legslty entiUed to IL
<br /> ' 22. RECOnveyanco. Upon paymont of au sums secuurud by thls Socu�ty Instrum[mt, Lendor shuN roquost TNStoo to roc:onwy tho
<br /> - Prpperty nnd shn8 surrondor tht�Sacurity InSWmont ttnd nN notas evidt3nchfl dobt 5xured by this $ocurity InsWment to Trustoo. Yrustoo �'�,
<br /> shnll rcconv�y tho Proporty without�varmnty nnd wRhout chnrga to tho porso�or porsons leflaly entitlud to k. SLch parson or pcxsons shnll • ,�
<br /> ` - ----' pny any recorduiion cwis. -_ -
<br /> 23. SubSlltUtC TrUSteC. Lendor, nt Its optlan, may hom timo to timo rctmove 7rustee and eppolnt o succossor trustQO to any ,
<br /> ' ' Trustoe apputntod horoundor by nn Instrum�nt rocordod h tha county h whtch this Socurity Instrumont Is rocordod. Without convoyanco of
<br /> tha Property,suCCOSSOr tnrstao shnll suCCOOd to ntl the titb, powor end dutbs Conterrod upon Trustoo�oroh nnd by epplicubb Inw.
<br /> , 24. Requcst tor Nottc�a Borrowcr roquesls lhat copies of tho not�os of dnluuR ttnd sub be sont to Bortowor's uddros�which
<br /> is lho Property Address.
<br /> � 26. Rider�to thla Security InoVument If one or moro �dors nro �ocutod by Bortuwer and roco�dod tupothor wRh this �
<br /> •• S��rily Instrumant, tho cmronants nnd ngroecnents of eacn SuCh rider shnll be ltcarporutod hto nnd shnil nmond nnd supp�ement tho
<br /> � covano�ts nnd uproam¢nts of thts Socuriry Inswmont a3 N tho ridor(s)waro a part of this Socuriry In3trumont.
<br /> Y
<br /> I �
<br /> �
<br /> • P�q�4 of 5 Form 30Z�9/C0
<br /> . i�^:B.Lh1U(t0/W11 �
<br /> �---� �, �� .—
<br />