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, . �-m. <br /> .. .,.;�. <br /> j ; :;R.,.. . , . � ,. . ` ..- <br /> -- � - ,, . ,, <br /> . ,. _ ., . ----- —.� <br /> ., '� .��.>.:.,... ;,,. ,; � _..,.. _ ...---. ._._... ._.... _. _. ... . .._ . .._ _..--- � - <br /> .. .. . . <br /> .. ;. _---..._ _. , <br /> -------...__---.....------- �- <br /> .-_......._._. ._��:..._...,.____....._._ - <br /> '� � � . ` ��4� �C,�3�� . . . �- <br /> t: <br /> 7. R�ot�etio� of Le��lep'ra E�Ip6iYU� iii 4i�o i���pe�8y. If 6ortar:cr tal!�to perfarm lho covcnenta end c��c�m�nta conWlned h � �- <br /> . lhls ��euriry Inctrumcn►,ar thero Is n k,�nl precnadtr'+fl that may ok�nlli�Mtf�ntPact Lcndufo ii�hto �� tho PropuRy (auah nn n procc�d'�fl�i ;�- <br /> b^Nuuptcy, prab�to, for condcmn�tlon or(orf�iluro or to cnlorco lauo or rcUulattano), thcn Lr.nd�r r���y do and pay tor e,h:d�vcr Iz r.ccc3c^ry t' <br /> to prateat tna value o1 ths Praporty and I.vx�ders rlpht����'c urt up�y�o�eaconnb�ct�auomey s �e�adand enlerhp on he Propertyba m�ke --- <br /> whbh h�s prlorfty over thfs 6xurky In6Wmatt,appetr p _ <br /> " repa{ro. AHhouph Undx rtwy take actbn under lhH plrp�r�ph 7,Lertdor doa9 not hiva to d0 so. - <br /> My amounta dlsbure�d by I.ond�r undsr thie parapraph 7 shiq bocome eddkbnel debt o1 Borrowor secured by Ihls SecurNy InaWr�nL <br /> UnMss 8ortawK�nd Undw aprM to othe� tc�ms of payttwnt.theae amounte ehtll bsar htK�at hom Ihe date o1 dtsburswnent at tho Note �-- <br /> rate and ohall be pnyable,wflh htsrest,upon not�e from Lender to 9orrower r�uestin0 PaY��• �� <br /> 8. {�AOft�aQO ItiWAPafi�@. II Lendsr rsqulr6d �norip�s� NSUtCtICO A9 n eondklon ol mskhp the k►an socured by Ihl9 SlCUt'ily '*�'�T <br /> Instrument, Borrotiw►chtll psy th�pr�m�uma required to mahtlth the mortpapo inaunnce In 6fhot.N,for any rNean,th�moRpap� in6unnce . <br /> covenQe roqulred by Lender I�psea or caases to be h eNeat, Borrower shall p�y the prerniuma reUuYed to obt�b cov�rtq� subettntMy •�� <br /> equlvaknt to lhs martp��e t�sunnce prwbuay In eitect, �t s cosl substant►¢Ily equNalent to the cost to Borrows��f�uh�en�'rt�pa� a�o' � „ `� <br /> prevbusy h eHect, ham en aRernate mortpipe fnsurer approved by Lender. If substtntkky equNtlent mortp�p� <br /> ' avAllsbie, Bortower ehell pay to lender each month e 6um equal to onatwehth ot the yeaA�l moRpa6a hsurance premtum b�hg pafd bY � <br /> Bonower whan tne Inauranca coverage lapsed or cwsed to be b eNect, Lendar wlil accept, usa and rotain theso payments n�e+��� -- <br /> , reserve In liau of moRpape hsurance. l.oss reserve p�yments may no Ionper be requlred, Rt ths optbn ot Ls���, H mortpapa ..: <br /> h the nmount nnd 1or the period that Lender requkos)provided by an Insurer approved by Lender ep�fn becumes�villabM�d b �'� <br /> covera�e(• `"_ <br /> obtatned. Borrawer shall p�y tho premiums requkod to mahtain maRgege insurnnce In etfeot, or to provide a bss rasenre, untll th� �- <br /> requirement lor mort�npe hsurance eads in accordance wfth nny wrkten agreamant behvean Borrower and Lender or applicabie law. <br /> 9. Inapectlon. Lender or ka oper►t mery mehe reeeonnble en4rbs upon and heRoctbna of the Property. Lender shell pMO Bonower :. <br /> not�e at the tkne ot or prbr to tn hspeCtbn epeuNylnp re�sonabl�cause tor the hapectbn. �. <br /> 10. Cond�mnaUon. The proceeds of Qny award or claim tor demapey, direat or c�nsequential, h oonneatbn wkh Ny �� • ,�x <br /> condemnat�On or other takinp of any pnrt of the Property,or tor conv�ya�ce In I�au ot cond;mnstlon,are here4y flsak;nHti and shall ho pUd ., . _�`_=_• <br /> •�=u:: <br /> to Lend�r. ` ' <br /> • In the evont of a total taichp ot the Property,the proceads enall be applled to the sur�s secured by this Securky In6Wmen1,+vhether or . y, ' '� <br /> not thsn duo,with any excess poid to Borrower. In the event ot n purtlal taking of the Property In whloh the falr market value of the Property , <br /> Immedintey botor�the takhp Is equal to or pre4ter thpn Ihe amaunt of the sums secured by thb Security InsWmer►t Immedlateiy bNara the ' <br /> takhp,unless Barrower nnd Lender otherw►se apree In wriUna, the�ums socured by this Security Instrument shall be reduced by the amount �-�_ <br /> �� of the procoeds mukplpd by the(albwinp haotbn: (a)the total ernount of the sums secured Immedl�tey betore the tafchp,dlvided by(b)Ne �� <br /> tatr market valu�ot the Rroperty knmedlatety bafore the tnkhp. My betence shell be pakl to Barrower. In the eve+►t ot a paRt�l takiny of the �� `'��.,• <br /> Property In wh�h the feM mistcet value of the Property Immedlatory beforo tho takhp Is less than the amount of the sums socured ImmadaUy „����.}',�Y <br /> betoro the takhp,unksn Bortowar and Lender othe�wise epree h writlnq or unbsa eppliceble law otherwtse provldes,the proceeds ehall ba F r �q'_'°= <br /> tpplled to the sums 6eaured by thls Securky Inetrumont whether or not tha sume nre then due. ... �- <br /> It the Property is abendoned by Bortower,or k,Qfter notfco by Lendar to Borrower that the condemnor ofters to make en award or seltls _�Tti,,,� <br /> a cklm for du►wpes,eortower faiis to respond to Leniro�w`n���� ���ia���r��:���s rQl�°-!`:w°"�LnndOr L9 flUthO(IzBd t0 C0119C1 Bild __`CTM^_��r <br /> . eppy tho proceeds, et ks optbn, ekher to restoratbn or repar ot tho Property or to the sums securod by thls Sscurity Instrument,whether ti' .1i <br /> or not then due. � ' <br /> � • Unlesa Lender end Borrower otharwlso aQree in writhy, any appl�catlon of proceeds to pnc�lpal shell not c�xtend or postponm Ihe dae 4 <br /> date ot the monthy poyments ro(errad to In partprephs 1 and 2 or ahenge ttie amount ol such payments. <br /> 11. Borrower Not Released: Forbearence By Londer Not e W�Iv�r. 6xtensbn ot cne ttme ror payrn�l or �r; , � <br /> � . modil�atbn of amortludan of ths sums secured by thls 5acurity Inst►ument grentad by Lender to any successor In Interest of Borrowe►shall ' •�I : <br /> �• ' � not opente to reioase the li4b�ky of the orlpinai Bortower or Borrower's successors in Intorest. Lender shall not be requked to commance ' <br /> � proaeedinys aptJnst ony successor in Interest or refuse to extend tNr+e far payment or otherwise mvdHy amortiratbn of the sums secured by b;� . <br /> this SeCUtity InetNment by reason of flny dem[nd mtde by the oripinal Borrower or Bortower's eucc�ssore h intwast. My forbeartnce by I i � <br /> Lender In exerclshy nny rlyht or remedy shall not be a waHer of or prectude tho exerciae of any right or rertwdy. I <br /> 12. Suceesaora end Aeslyns eound; Jolnt t►nd S�varel Liebility; Co-aiynere. Tne covoonn�s and egreemente of ' � <br /> thls Seourky inatrument ehall bad and bonefR the successors and asslgns of Lendor artd Bortower, subJeat to the provisbne of parapraph i � �, <br /> 17. Bortowero coventnta tnd agreementa shall be Jaint and 68vOrul. My BOrrOwBr who co•slyns this Security Instrument but does not I �� �p'� <br /> execute the Note: (a)Is casfpnhp this Securky InstNment only lo mangupo,grant,and convey that Borrower's intemst In the Proporty undor � <br /> the terms of thl�Securfty Instrument;(b) Is not personnlry oblf�eted to pey tho sums ec+cured by this Socurity Instrument; and (c)agrees thnt , . <br /> Lender and any other BoROwer may ayree to extend, modly, lorbear or make any accommodatlons with regard to tertns of thls Securky , �;,,, <br /> �.,.. <br /> instrumont or the Nole without thet 9ortow�rs consent. � '� �: <br /> 13. Loen Charqes. It the ban seaured by this Securdyr Insuumant Is subJoct to a Inw whbh sete mexknum ban aharge�,and that : � �� •.: <br /> law Is tlnalry hterpreted so that the Intcxost or other ioan charpes solbctod or to be coltected In conneatbn wfth the loan exCaed the �.,,, <br /> pertnitted 1lmits,then;(e)Any suoh ban chnrpes chall bo reduced by the nmount necessary to reduce the charqe to tho prxmRted Ilmk;and ,� s <br /> (b) any sums e�oady coUected trom Borrower which axceedod pertnmed IUnits wlll be relunded to 8onower. Lender may choose to make , <br /> thls refund by reduChp the prMCipal owed under the Note or by making a dUect paymDnt to Dorrower. If a refund reduCOS prinCl�sal,lhe <br /> roductbn will be treatod as e pnrtlal Prepayment wkhout uny propayment Charge under the Npte. <br /> 14. NoUces. My not�e to Borrower provided tor in this SeCUrity Instrumont shall be gMen by dollverinp It or by mniling R by Iirsi • <br /> ot�sa mail unfess epplfcable law requlres use of anather method. Tho notice shull be dfrectod to the Proporty Address or any othor address ' <br /> gpmower designat�s by not�e to Londer. My notfce ta Londor shall bo pHon by tlret class mall to Lender's address stated horoh or any <br /> other address Lender desi�nat9� by notico to BoROwe►. My notVice provided for In this Security Instrument shall be doomod to heve boen �� <br /> qhren to Sorrower or Lender when pNmn as provlded In thN paregraph. ' '' <br /> 16. Governing Lew;Severablllty. Thfs Socurity Instnimont shall bo povemed by fedoral luw and tho law of tho Jurisdictbn in � <br /> whbh the PropeAy Is ioCtted• In the svant that nny provl�lon or ctause ot this Securky Instrumont �r the Note conflbtc with npplicnble law, , <br /> 6uah conflbt ehalf not nftaat othw provlsbns of this Security Instrument or the Note whbh can ba gNen eNoot without the Contl�thq <br /> provisbn. To lhls snd the provlabns of thls Securiry InaWrrsent flnd lhe Note nro dec4�red to be coverebb. . .`` <br /> 18. Barrower's Cflpy. BoROwer eAnA be yAren one conformed coRY of the Nota and ot thH SecurRy Instrument. • �,-, <br /> 17. Trenster of the Property or a Beneficlal IntC�eat In Borrower. I}flll or eny part of thu PrOpOrty or nny hterost fn , ��� <br /> __ fl Is sotd or tranaterted (or if e benetblal hterest In B�rtower!s sold or trans(orted and Borrowar Is not n nntuml porsun) without Londor's . <br /> l prbr written cansent,Londor may, et ffs optbn, requiro Ynmodlato p3ymont In tull of ail sums socuroa dy tnis 5ecurrty ins[rumeni.i-+vwbvi.-i, _ <br /> this Optbn shall not be oxercisod by Lendor N exe�isa is pronbited by(adorel!Aw us of thu date of this Sccurtty Instrumcnt. ' <br /> If Londer oxercises thls op:bn,Lendor 8hall 8No Borrawer notico ol nccolerntlon. The notico ohull provldo a parbd ot not bss than 30 <br /> ' daye hom the date lhe nottce is delNerod or malletl w�thh whfch lho 8orcowor muat pey nll cums soCUrad by ttils SoCUriry InBWmont. If <br /> ' ., Borrowor telis to pey thoso sums prbr ta tho oxp{ratlon of thls pnrtad, Lendar niay invoke sny romodles pertnittod by thls Security Instrumont - <br /> wkhout Purther notke or dQenand on Bonowar, , <br /> � ' � • <br /> 4'��( <br /> '� .. <br /> Pwp�9 0�5 Fo�m�02�V/00 , <br /> � F1090.LMU(10/W) <br /> � -eso+oe, <br />