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<br /> , 9F1. �i0PPf3tVEY'(d E�QgE�4 4� R�IIi�t�3t0. If Borraeru m�cto ccrinln conditlono,eortoricr aha�l hsv�Ih�rbht to hsv� cntorcement o1 I ' ---
<br /> , Ihls &caurity Inatnrmsnt d'�contGwcd a1 any tL-�io prlor to tho carllcr ol: (a) G dayu (or auoh athsr p;rlod aE CtpplSCabb l�ei m�y o�ocliy �or I ��„�
<br /> rr.not�tCmcnt) bctoro eQi] of Ihq Pro�crty purouant to any porrcf of oal� eontnln�ct tn Ihla S�ourily Inotncr�cnt;or (b) omry of[i Jud�s�l�nt ,. '
<br /> ,. enforohp this Securfty Instrument, Yhoao conditbna aro that Borro+,cr. (a) payo Lcndcr al! aum� erhlch Ihan riould t�� eiu� und.r thb w __
<br /> Socurky Inatrumunt and ih�N�te tf N no accoNntlon htd occurted; (b) curos any dafault ot tny oth�r covantn! or aproer�wnts; (o) paye , ;=�"
<br /> �II a�snaea tneun�ed in �ntarelnp thls fi+eur►ty Inetrument, Ineludhp, but not I'mft�d to,n�aonabb attomryp'feae;and(�)I�k��euoh actlon � . �;,.
<br /> ea Lender may reaaontby requlre to oeeure that lhe Ifen of thls&ucurity Instmrtwnt, Lendero riphte In lh� Prop�ty and dorrowa�e oblipatbn I 'iu.
<br /> a`.�
<br /> to p�y th� eums e�eur�d by tha &�curky Inatrur►�t ahaN oontlnu� unehanyed. Upnn rohst�lwnent by BoROw�r, thls &�eurRy lnetrumont i ___ -
<br /> and tho obllnelbns s�ured hereby ehali remefn tul;y oNeatHe es H no nccmNrstlon hrtd accurt6d. Hnwwur,thle right to reMsute ehall not I' ��n
<br /> �ppy h lhs ctss of�ccekrntbn unMr panpnph t7.
<br /> • 19. �Sle o7 Note; Chanpe of Loan Servic�r. The Note or a p�rtbl Int�r63t fn th� tiloi� (tOp�lh�r wkh thls S�CUrky �
<br /> Inawm�nt) rtuy be so{d oni or more ttrnes wkhout prior notke to Bortawer. A sab may resuN in �ahanpe h the enlity (known te lhe
<br /> �:
<br /> "Lotn Servfcor') th�t colbate monthty p�ymants due under the Note and thls Security Instrument. Thore Qtbo mty be one or more ahanpe� ., y�
<br /> of the Loan Serv�er unrglated to a sale of the Note. If thero Is tt ohanpa of the Loan Serv�er, Bortowir wlll b�pAren wrilt�n notfce of the ,r
<br /> chnngo In accordtnce wfth parayreph 14 abovo and sppl�able law. Tho not�e will state the nnma and Addi898 of the nsw Laun Sorv�er ,�,�
<br /> and the address to whbh p�yments should be made. The nolfce wlll aiso contain any other inforrnatbn requred by applkabR�tativ. ; �
<br /> Z0. Har.ardous Substence�. Borrowe� shall not cause or permk the presence, uso, dbpoeRl, etorepe, or release of nny :� t �
<br /> Harardous Sub�tances on or in the PropeRy. Bonower shall not do,nor ellow anyone else to do, anylhinp aftecthp tha PropOAy that h In
<br /> vblett�n o}any EnvUenmentel Law. The precedlnp hvo sentences shflll not appy to the prasence, use,or stArope on the ProFerty of small ..
<br /> quantkles of Heserdous Subatonces thQt are penerelry recopnirsd to bo appropri�tu to nortnal resldenttal uses and to malntanance of the
<br /> Property. •:�,
<br /> Borrower shan prompty gNe Lender wrkten not�e of any Investbatbn, olaYn, demand,lawauR or other actbn by any povemmental or �
<br /> ropul�tory aprf�ncy or prNate Rarty InvoNhp the Property and any Harardous Substance or Envkonmont8l LQw ol whbh Borrowar has eotual ( . ,•_
<br /> knowfedpe. If Bortower Ietms, or is notifled by any povsmmental or regutatory authortty, thnt any rernovat or other remed�tbn of Qny f ��
<br /> Hasardous Substance atfacthy the PropeAy Is necesoary, Bonowor ahall prompty take all necesaery remodi�l actbns In esccordance wkh I ., �
<br /> Environmental Law. ���
<br /> l.j`-
<br /> AS used In this partprQph 20, "Harardous Substances" ere thosa substnncos d�fined ae loub or harardoua substonces by * �
<br /> � Envkonmontal L.aw end the folbwhg substances: pasolhe, keraseno, other fiamm4ble or toxfc petrolaum products, toxk; pestialdes and ; , '�r'°
<br /> horb�ides, volatib sohrents, materials aontahhp asbestos or (ortnaldehyde, and rsdbaothre materlals. As usad I,s this parapraph 20. . �"
<br /> , ,�1 K
<br /> "Envkonmental Law' means federni kws end laws of lhe Jurlsdbtion where the Property is Iocated that rel�te to henith, sttety or h ��'�_�
<br /> � .
<br /> environmental protectbn. '" � - —
<br /> NON-UNIFORAA COViENANTS. 8orrower and Lender further covenant and agree ss folbws: � .�
<br /> 21, Acceleretlon; Remedles. Lender ehall give notice to Borrower prlor to ecceleretlon followinq �+�"-.
<br /> w ��. w. � •w � w� � � �• �}fff� ._���._L_.J .
<br /> Borrower'a breach ot any covenant or a�reemeni in in ia �c�u��.�i i��a�t�no:�. (5�...a. .. !c. t c ..r.z_!_r_.!_._ , . --
<br /> under pera�reph 17 uniess epplicable lew provldes otberwiaej. The notice ehail apecity: (e) tha detault; � ` i
<br /> (b) the acttfln �equired to cure the detault; (c) a date, not Isas than 30 days trom tho dete the notl�e es I
<br /> glven to Bor�ower� by which tho default must be aured; end (d) tluat tailure 4o cure the deMult on or
<br /> before the date apecified In tha notice may result in ecceloretlon of the aums secured by thla Securlry ; .
<br /> Instrumcnt a�d �alo ot the Property. The noUca shell further Inform Borrower of the riqht to ratnstate etter , ;
<br /> �1 aceeleratlon and the rt�ht to brin� e aourt aotion to easert the non-exlatence of e deMult or any other I . � � .
<br /> de fen�e o f �orrowe r t o a c c e l e r a t l�n e n d e a l e. If the default la not cu�ed on or betore the dete apeclfled f , s,; •
<br /> in the notice� Lender at its optton may require Immediete peyment tn tull ot eli suma secured by thls , ,
<br /> Secur�ty Inatrument wlthout h�rthe� demend end mey invoke tNe power of �ale and eny other remediea i � ;,
<br /> permltted dy eppllcAble law. Lender ehnll be entitled to coltect ell expensea Incur�ed In pursuln� the
<br /> remedlea provlded in thls paraproph 21, Including� but not Iimlted to, reaaoneble ettorneys'feea nnd costs ; �. � �. �
<br /> et title evidence. '"� �"�
<br /> � It the power o4 eale la invoked, Trustee ahell record e notice of detault fn each county In which eny
<br /> pert of the Property Is located and ehnll metl coplea of such notice in the manner prescrlbEd by applieeble
<br /> lew to Borrower end to the other person� preacribed by eppiicabte law, Atter the timo required by f;, ;=
<br /> appliceble lew� Trustee ehalt give public notice ot aale to the pereona end In the manner prescribed by --
<br /> epplicable law. Truatee, without demand on morruwer, shall aell the Property at public euction to the r.'. :
<br /> hiphestt t�ldder et the time and place and under the tarms deaipnated In the noUae of wle In one or more ', �,
<br /> parcels end In any order Trustee determinea. Truat�e may poatpone aale oi all or eny parcel of the ,� `' �!
<br /> propertyl �y public nnnouncement et the time end ptace of eny previouely aciaeduled aate. Lander or Its �
<br /> deaiqnee mey purcheae the Property at any aaie. �
<br /> Upon recelpt of peymant of the prlae bld, Trustee ehell deliver to the purchaser Trustee'e deed �i"
<br /> conveylny the Property. The recitets In the Truatee'a deed ehall be prima tec le evldence of the truth of ,
<br /> the atstements mt�de therefn. Tru�tee shall epply tho proceeda oi tho aale In tF�o tollowin�order: (e) to all
<br /> costs and expensas of oxercisln� the power of eale, end the sale, Includln� the payment of the Trustee'a �
<br /> ' tees nctuelly Incurred� not to exceed 1096 9G of tha p�inclpel emaunt of the note et the tim0 of the •
<br /> declersttan of detault, 8nd �esaonsble ettorney'a feea ae permitted by law; (b) !o ell sums seaured by thim . ,
<br /> SeeurN�y InaVumeni; snd (o)eny exccas to the person or pereons leflelly entitled 4o IG ,
<br /> 22. Reeonveyanee. Upon payment of eli sume soaured by thts Security InsWmont,Londar cltall roquo3t Tntst�to reconvey the
<br /> Property flnd shtll surtonder this &ecurity InsWment nnd all noto� ovldoncinfl dabt sscured by this Security InsWment to Trustee, TNStee �
<br /> oha0 reaonvey the Property wkhout wouranty�id wfthout Ch�ryo to tho porson or persona lepaly ontkled to it. Suah pereon or persono 8hull . .+�
<br /> pay eny racordatlon coato. `�
<br /> , 23. 5ubatitute TrustBe. lender, at its opt�on, mey trom timo lo t4no romove Trustee end mppolnt a succossor trustec� to any ,
<br />__-'.__
<br /> . _ _ ._ Tn�afm annn�ntnd hnrm�ntlor hv an InttVUmont rocorded Yf the COUIItY Ut wh�h thls SeCUrRy Instnimont is recorded. Without ConvoynnCO of
<br /> tho Proporty,cuccossor truetU9 ohall auccoed to nll tho tltb, powor and dutbs contorrod upon Trustoo horoln and by appi�Cable Iaw.
<br /> r
<br /> �4. Requcst tor Noticca. Bortov�or raquosts thnt copiss of tho notfcos of dofnutt nnd seb bo sent to Bortower's addross wh�Ch
<br /> ;
<br /> Is the Propsrty Addroso.
<br /> , 2&. Rldcrm to thia Security Ins3rumen� If one ot more rldor� are oxecutod by Bortower und reCCrdad togothor with thts
<br /> . ' Securky Inelrumont, the cov�nants and agresments ot oach such rldor shall be incorporated into and shau amond and cuppbmont tho �
<br /> cavenent8 and agreemunts ot this Securiry InsWment as M tho ridor(s)wero n part ot thls SocurRy Instrumont. _.
<br /> . rr� '
<br /> �\
<br /> page�ol 5 Form 302�P/CO `
<br /> �- Ft0Y7.LMO(10/Oa)
<br /> � �a�oiue+
<br />