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• „�st�� . ..:.��. <br /> .,�;�,. , <br /> , s .. ��..._ <br /> �., �S W+�,.. �. . " ., • . °-_°-° <br />, - � . . -,a� � .. � .. � . � wMtlFrn- . <br /> .�. <br /> _ � • . ...... . . . ._ .. -_. <br /> _. ' r. .. .,�� ....�,.....���...... ... -a:.,.,..�_...-�..�_--'-'—'—"�__.....__-.-. . � . .._ <br /> � <br /> �. .'-'-..._.._.. ...... . <br /> - � �'-..�._�'IC�q/�ll�►�l r�"�(�,'�Wt.�.'__.___ _.. ..._..'_—'_'�""'_' . . ., . .... <br />__ , � .. � V�� ���G.l�'� T. . . ..t.:.�w.;;,.: " ____.. <br /> not to' oxcc�d tho nsu6��um smAUn! e fsncf�r for e faricrat;� r.,tatcd mo�4g1Q� ton�� nay r4uiro for 0orro:::,�a c�croer escoun4 undcr th� �� �, �;i�; <br /> tcu�t�'�I F;'�I Cot�t� f'�:li.i���ill RP�C�fSllfC�Rc! 01 tff�4 es en�nd�d itom tu�o lo t6�fl, 12 U:9.C. 2i,01 c.t ccq. ("Rx&r A"),u�tF�aa another tav� I' �,±'{;�. <br /> ` (Pl,ul CQj1;:.;� f0 tt1� FUOd� CLIO (l �::�C:7 C6lIIU�I. 11 U0, LC71d�1 G19y� [11 Clty 1L719� COI'�ut end h019 F����o Ll Cil Qfil0Ut1! f101 �0 G::CC�(� �i1D �,�• <br /> bssR►amount. leneler m�y e�tim�t!lha emount o1 hmd� due on Ih! bds19 0) CUREPII dYS� flrtd fAQ60l1Eb10 O9t�"t1YtR9 01 �i(p8i1dICJf60 0? � , ^_ , <br /> " futun E�Crnw Ittmt or eth�ewk�U atcordusca wHh appl��bN I�w, <br /> 7h�Fund� ehatl ba hNd fn M k�stkulbn whoso d�poeNe Rri hsured by� hdoral age�soy� 6fl6INIMPItI�ky, or antky(halutlh{�l.endM, H <br /> L�nd�r f��uah �n inttRution)or b onY FK}�ral Homf lan ��nk. Lendet shau eApty th� Fundo to R�y the Eecrow Item�. LonMr may not __ <br /> ohup� Bcrrow�r tor holdk�y�nd �pptyk+0 ths Funda, annualy amyzY�g the escrow acccx�nt, or vKiyhp th� E�crow It�n�,unM�a L�nd�r . <br /> , . p�y� Bartow�v Ntorael ori lh��un�:.end nPp•".crbl:ur1 p=rmfto LCnt�tr to m4ke euoh e oherde. However,Lend*r may requk� Borrower to i:ts;-_ <br /> p�y�on♦tirtN oTarp�fa en Y�dpmd�nt nal esttt�tuc nporttn9 aerv��us�d by 4�nd�n c �ann�Ctbn wRh thf�bin,unhs��ppWc�bM law _ <br /> �� providea oth�rwfa�. UnMas �n �sKn�nt h mads ar �ppitcabb Inw rsquk�s fnterest to b� pald, Un� eh�N not b� roquirKl to pay � <br /> Bortowu any htKSSt or�uninps on tho Funda.Bortower and Lander may�pree tn wrkhQ,howw»r,thu fnten�Y ehfN ba p�id on ths Funda. <br /> l,�nd�r ehaN pl++o to BoROV�,wkhout ehupa, �n annual accountinp of the Fund�, ehow��p eredks md dabile tA th�Funds �nd th�purposa ,yr�- <br /> � (or whfah�oh debk to lh�Funda wae mtde. Tha Fund�aro piedped as tddRbn�l securfty tor tli sum�saCUrcd by thl!&eaurky Inatrum�nY. s <br /> If the Funda ha�d by Lcnd:r �:cc;d tha amounta p�rmRtecl te he hek! by appUCabh �w, 4ondw ehtll aoaount to Bortowx tar thm ::��;, <br /> �o Fundf In�ccordance wkh th�nquir�nents ol�ppHc�bb 4w. II the+�mount o!the Funds hekl by L�►dr,�at iny tim�Ia not su(ffcf�nt ,��� . <br /> to pay the Hacrow Itema whm dus,Lende► maY ao notNy Borrower In wrfthp,and, h such cRae 8ortower shall pay to LendK tN�amount �:;...; <br /> nqca3aary to m�ce up ths deticbncy. Borrowar shall make up the defiaienoy h no more thon hveke monthy paymente, 81 L811dOf�6 6UM T�"'�� <br /> . ri 4� <br /> , dlscrotian. "" <br /> Up�n p�yment h fuN o1 aY eum� a�curod by this &ecurity Instrument, Landar ehall prom�.y rnfund to BoROwa�ny Funds heid by , . <br /> Ls�der. It,und�r pu�pn�ph 21,LendK ehaM acqulro or aeH the Property,Lender, prior to�the acqubHbn or sak o!the Prop�rty, ah�H�ppy � � <br /> • eny Fund�hNd by LendM at th�tim�of�cqubk�On or stb as u creclit eQuL�st ths eums cCCUrcd by thb�urky IneUurt�!nt. .,,�.�;�-== <br /> ' . 3. AppllcnUon of Peyments. Un�e�e�ppNc�bb taw provides otherwlse,all paymants recehwd by Lender under pcnpraphs 1 artd ,� , T-��• <br /> 2 shtll bo apA�bd: nat, to tny prsp�yment charpes dui under the Note; second, to amou�te ptyabb under porapr�ph 2; thkd to Intenst ��ti, ~ •�.� <br /> duo; (ourth,to principtl dw;tnd kst,to my 4te ohtrpes due under the Note. , � "� <br /> ' 4. Chsi�EB; (.tOR�. 8onowa 6hall p�y aH te�xea, assossments, aharpos, tines end Impaskbna attrbuttbN to tha Property whbh _�� <br /> � rrNy attain prbrky owr thb Securky InsUUment,and leasehold paymenls or pround rente, If any. 8orrower shall pay these oblipatbns In the �__ <br /> mtnner provldod h ptnpnph 2, or M not pald In that manner, Bortawer shall pay them on tYne dlreaty to ths pereon owed p1►ymont. ` <br /> Bnrrower shr.11 prompty fumish to Lender ali notfces of emounte to bo pald under thfs panyraph. I� Borrower makes thsso paymonts „� . ��� <br /> dincty,Borrow�r shaN prompty tumish to Lend�r recepts evidencfnp the paymente. "'��� �� <br /> N:o; <br /> Dorrower shtll promptly dfsOharpo tuiy Ilen whbh has prbrity over thls &ecurity Instrument unlesa Borroxer. (a)aprees h wrkinp to tha {���,/_�_ <br /> payment ot the obl�tbn secured by the ilen In a mannor acceptable to Lender; (b)contests in pood fakh the Ilen by, or detends a�hst � „ �.,� , <br /> – =°-_=',_-__._ _. . . . ---- � ....., o i n n�ran knm ' <br /> � 6nf0�Certlent of the Ilen In, fepal proceWnys wnic� n the Ler�dar'e opniu�i��+mato it��i"...��'tt.!',�.�.1�t�.T.�.z!Q!St!_!°�t;-��-� --- ���� , <br /> tho hafder of the iien nn apreernK►t e4tbfactory to Lender subordY�athg the Ilen to this 5ecurMy Instrurtwnl. If Lw�der detem►Irtes th�t�ny <br /> pa�t oi ths Property Is subj�ot to a I'�en whfch rtwy aY�ain prbrity over thls�ecurity Instrumont,Lende►may pNe Bortower a not�e IdentRyinp • �, <br /> • � the Ibn. Borrower shall eatisfy tho Ikn or take one or more of the actbne set forth above�vfthin 10 days of the qNinp of not�o. v <br /> 6. Nazard or Property In�urence. DottOwer shell keep thA Improvorttente now existhy or hereafte� ere0ted on the Proppty , R ' <br /> , insurerl apahst bss by (Iro, hu�rda included wRhln tho term "extended coveraye" and any oth�r harards, holudiny fbods or tbodfn�,tor I 4�; •'. <br /> ' whl�h Undet requkee Inauruic�. Thla Ineurancs e�tll be mahtahed In the amounts and for the perbds that Landor requires. Tho hsuruic� -. <br /> � cartier provldhp the hnurance shall be ohosen by BoROwer subJect to Lenders approval whbh sh�ll not ba unrenson�by wkhhald. If � ' , <br /> Bonower falLa to mahtah covenQe described abovo, Lender may, ot Londere optbn, obuh cowintla to protact Under'e rlphts In the ��. ' <br /> PropeRy in nCCOrdance wfth pareproAh 7. I ; <br /> AII hsurance polbies nnd renew�ls shalt be ncceptable to Lender and shall Inotude e standard mortya9e alaus¢. Lender shall havo the � , <br /> � rtpht to hold the pol�Ma and ronew�ls. It Lendar requ6res,8orrower shau prompty phre to Lendor aU recelpts o}pald premlums and renewal ; „�i"�' <br /> �.,��� " notices. In the event ot bso, Borrower ahall qhro prompt not�CO to the Insurence caRler and Lender. Lender may make proof of bss fl not ; ,. <br /> rrude prompty by BoROrn�er. ' <br />° Unbss Lsnder �nd Bortower otherwise apree h wrkhp, lnsurenco proceed� shail be epplled to restoratbn or repak ot the Property � • j'j• '. <br /> dtm�ped, M the rostoratbn or ropaY Is oconom�ally leaslbl� end Lender's seourtty Is not Iessened. If thp restoretbn or repalr Is not � r, �.." <br /> � � economlcaly (otabb or Lender'e securiry would be k+saened, thn Insurance proceeds shall be applled to the sums socured by thls Securky '� � <br /> (' � �;,`� <br /> Inbtrument, whether or not then due, wRh any exCass pHid to Bomower. If Borrower abandons the PrOpsrty, or doau npt en9wer wkhln 30 , � <br /> � rlays a not�o hom Lender that the InsurtnCe Canler hes ottered to 68tt1e a claim, then Lender may Collgot ino insuranCe proceed9. Lender ' �' }. <br /> ''�; may use the proceoda to repaV or restore the Property or to pay suma cocured by this Securfty Inctrument, whether or not thon due. Tho �''� •?� v <br /> 30�da,y perbd wfU�eph when the not�e Is phlen. �-�, <br /> Unless Lender and Borrowa othonvlso aproe In wrttinp,any o�pplfcatbn ot praceods to princpal shall not a�ctend or postpone the due ` <br /> `''�•,� date of the monthy paymente reterred to In puayrYphs t Bnd 2 or chanyo tho amount of tho payments. If under parapreph 21 the Property . ` <br /> " � !s aCqulred by Lender, Borrowere rfpht to any hsurance polble9 and proceods resuftinp hom damage to the Praperty prtor to the acqulsltbn <br /> shall pasa to Lender to the extont ot tho sums secured by this Security Instrument knmedktey prior to the acqufsRbn. � <br /> � B. Occupency. Prcaervatlon, Mtintonance end ProtecUon of the P�ope�; Borrower's Loen �� � <br /> A�1�IIC0U011�LliiChOlfl�.Borrower ehall ocCUpy, ostabii�h, und use tho Property es Bortowars prholpal resldence wRhin sbcty dayo '7 <br /> aRor tho executbn of this Security InsWment and shall conthuo to occupy the Property as Bortowors principn{ residence tor at laas! one <br /> .� <br /> ' yeir QRar the dato of ocaupanay, unlQaa Londcr othnmise agro9s In wrkk►p, whbh constmt �heti not bo unreasonaby wlthheSd, or unless : <br /> •� aQenutttny ClrCUmstenCes oxtst wh�h ere beyond Borrowere cnntrol. DoROwor sheil not destray, demage or Impalr the F'roporty, nlbw tho <br /> Rroperty to deterlorate, or commk wasto o� tho �roporty. Borvower sheli bo In defauR H eny tor}eflure aatbn nr proceedhg,whethet cNil or ,� <br /> � crimhab le bepun thnt h Lenders pood fnit?�Judgmnn2 coutd resuK In foAekure o1 the PropeAy ar oth�wico matarhly MnpaP the Ilen creeted � ti�� <br /> by thls Sscurity InaWmiN�t or Lendero seCUrity hl9rest. Oorrowor mny Cure suCh fl detfluh and relnbtato, ns provided In pnrEtgraph 19, by • , <br /> ceuslna tho nnuun or nrecondhn to ba dL4missed wfth a rul'ng thet, In Lender's good faRh detertn{natbn, procludos forfoituro o} tho <br /> -- _ _:_ _ _ _- - _ . <br /> tlon�oNer's hterest In the Property or other materlal Impalrmont of tho Iion crented by this Security Instrumerit or Londor's socuriry lntnrost. <br /> Bortower nhall al�o bo M dofauft M Borrownr, durinp tho toan npplfcaHon pror,oss,gave mater4►ly false or Ineccurete k►toimatbn or stuteirx�nts , <br />- to Lender (or Ipfled to provide Lender with any mtte►al htormetbn) In connectlon wkh tha ban s�idenCed by the Noto, hCludhp, but not <br /> limkod to, represant�tlona concem�ip BoROwaro occupanay of the Prepony a� u pnc�p�l nasldence. I} this 5ecuriry IneWment Is on n , <br /> ' locsehotd, Borrower ah�ll compy wHh n9 the provl�bne ot the iease. If Borrowor acqulms foe tRlo to the Property, tho leasehold md tho <br /> le�tkb ahall not merpe unless the Lender ayrees to the merpo►In writing. , <br /> afff �� <br /> � - Pap��ot 6 Form 909E C/DO <br /> - Ft620.lMU(t0/W) <br /> �� •aoioe� <br /> _ _ <br /> . __ " _ - _ ___C. . <br />