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<br />.. ,r. `---s-�-'.'�-�'°'"`i.'. '- -'- . ' : - � - ' . . . . . - - . , _ . _ . .. �:..--. . �,_:
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<br /> -3't G� c�? - . � - . ` , .!�'�+ . . �` t�� � _
<br /> -�-�.,,.�' k �:.�°!°� condemnation u��ther tzkir►�of any pan of the Pmpeaty.at for cvnveyance in tieu of�cand:mnadon.ate heieby�signed aad . �Y __—
<br /> u
<br /> '' - �• s�all�pai�to Leader. � . • -_
<br /> :i� ,�. . � Cn.the evcnt of a tota[ raking oP the.Ptvperry.dhe proceeds sha11 be aPAlied to the sums secured by this Security. . ' ' _
<br /> .i.- �': : ��� �..^::at��oz stsu�t��'.�'.ss�ig-���•;;a a�.--�w�;..�'�`t�-event of a partIal'taking of the Property in .. -
<br /> � .,`4-, . `,;" _
<br /> �� .. t � .� `• . - -w6fch�R fair ts�rket value.of the Pmperty immediat�I}r before the taiting is�equal to or gteatet tftan the am�unt of the sums . , ' . • . -_
<br />. . ,..`.r. sesured by this Seruriry insuurtsent immediately before the ta�Ing.unless Harrower nnd Lendcr otAerwise a�e tn writins. � .. �
<br /> .` ,� �`:," . ,� the sums secured by tQ�is Security tnstnuagnt shall txi reducxd by the amotint of the proceeds multiplied 6y the folfawing . . ..�-
<br /> xi
<br /> ,•r.�` - . � fmctian: (o)the toiul mnount of the sums secured immesliatefy bcfore the taking.divlded by(b)tfi�e fa�r market vatue of the . ,. _ , _ ; e-..-
<br /> ,:• ' • [�ropeRy immedi3tely Iv�fore ihe taking. Aoy balance shaU be�Said to Boirawet. in the even3 oF a.partia! taking of the �"__
<br /> <_ - - _ ��ia wh�ch t�f�t a��_ya(ue�f th�.Ptr��erty imrt�ediatefy b�fore the�Wkin&is less than the rur►ount of the sums �
<br /> L . seeured iminediutely before the taking,unless golruwer and-I.ender otr2nv�se agee in �vriGn�or untess Bpplicubte l:,w f-
<br />' � othenvise provides.the proceeds shall be appiied to the sums secured by this Security Insttument whetlter or not the s�nas are � � . '` �'��
<br /> ,.� . , =__
<br /> . .: . then dae. .. � -=
<br /> _ .. � . (f the Pto�rty is ab:r,�oned by Borrower.or if.after nntice by Lender to Bomwarer.ihat the�ndemnor offeis to mahe � "
<br /> � � °' � � • an award or settie a claim far damages.Borroa+er faiIs to respo�to I.ender within 30 days a8er the date the narice is given, „ : , ;;�.
<br />:���a_ �. , ._
<br />,-.;f ;.•� � � Lender is authorized to colieet and apply the pmceeds.at its option,either to restorarion or cepair of thc Fmgerty-or to the . ,��
<br /> .e.;. . , sums setucied 6y this Secwity[nsuwmeat,whether or aot then due. s:
<br /> -� • � .Unt�.ss Lender and Borrower nthenvise agree in vvritiag,any applicadon of proceeds to prIncipal shall not eatend ar , .�F
<br /> ::.� . � . .. , postpoae the due date of the monthly payments cefers�d to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such payments. � � �"�c
<br /> -� � ' ' Il. �arrmver l�iot Reie�sed; Forbearauce By 1 ender Na! a �Vaiver. �tension of the time fos payment or • • ,'_.-'=:-�_�-�
<br /> ,��. . ,,. .,.. :
<br />:,.�:,`.', • � modificatian of amort�ation of[he si�ms secured by this Security[nsmiment gcanted by Lender to any successor m intemst •;_ •.•., ,
<br /> of Barrower shall qot operate to ielease the liability of the original Barrower or Bonowers successo�s in inte�s�Ixmier :5---�'..°•,�•��"
<br /> � • shall not 6e ued w commence t an successor in interesc or sefuse to extend 6me for payment or �� �.�,�:�="4_-�`
<br /> �N Proceedin&S a8'ains Y -
<br /> p..� � . othetwise�odify amastizatton of the sums secured by this Security L�swment 6y ceason of aay demaad made 6y the original ��z>`_�.�-
<br /> � . � Bormwer or�orrower's succcssors in interest. Any forbearance bp Leader in eaercising any ri�ht or remedy shall not 6e a a ". '^`-�'�"
<br /> ' ' waiver of ar prectude the exesise of any right or�emedy. �`�
<br /> , ����.
<br /> T -- 1Z. S�ccessors and Asstgns Bonnd;Jorot�ac9 Several Liabilitq;Co-signets. 'f'i►e cwenants aad agreements of this - �.r�$.�.,-
<br /> •.} Security Instrument shall bmd and f6c,mefit the successois and assi�ns of Lender and Borrower.subject to the provisians of ?;r�j`
<br /> . paragraph 17. Borrower's coveuants and agieements shall be joint and several.Aay Bomo«er who co-signs this Secwity . _:°_�
<br />