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� � . <br /> '�i - - <br /> ''� _. . . .. <br /> -;:�r. <br /> - , .� � 1084U8"`��;��.�r;��_ ��}-. �.�,� ,x�;�� <br /> , <br /> , i6: Covenants o/Trustvr wfth RespeCt to Leases. Without the prior w►itten consant ol BenellClary, 1'rustor shall not,directfy or indirectly, <br /> , with respect to any lease a/space In the Trust Properiy,or any porUon thereof,whether such lease!s now or herealter in existence: <br /> (a) Accept a permit any prepsyment,discount or�dvanc�pay►nent o�rent hereunder in excess o�one month, <br /> (b) Cancel or terminate the same,or BCCept any aanceliBUon,termtnadon or surrender thereo/,a permit any event ro pccur whlch would <br /> occur thareunder to terminate ar cance/the s�rre,other then termtn�tion tor nw�payment ol rent, <br /> (c) Amend or modify the sema so as ro reduce the term therec�t,the renta/payable thereunder,or to change any renewa!provislons <br /> therein containod, ' � <br /> (d) Wafve any de/ault ther�eunder ar breach thereal, <br /> (e) Glve any consent,waiver or approval theraunder or take any et're�ac6on!n connectlon therewith,ar with a lessee thereunder,whlch <br /> wauld have the Blf�ct ol impairfng the value of the lessor's lnterest thereundar or the properry sub/ect thereto,w of impairing d►e <br /> positipn or Interest of Bene6clary thereln,or <br /> (� Sell,assign,p/edge,mortgaga or o�erwise dispose of,or encumber its lrrtarest!n arry;�si�lease or any rents,issues,profits issuing <br /> or erising thereunder. <br /> i7. Wafvar vf Siatute o(Umitations. �me is al the essance In a!I ol Trustor's obltgae'ons ar:d dudes hereunder,and ro the extent permitted <br /> by law, Trustor waivas all present or future statutes o!limita�ans with respect b any debt,demand nr obligafi�n secured hereby and <br /> any action or proceeding for U�e purpose qf enforc7ng this Deed of Trust or arry rights or remedles coirtafned hereln. <br /> 18. Assignment ot DeposlGs. {n the everrt consh'ucdon oflmprovements!s contemp/ated by the loen evidenced by the Note secured <br /> ' hereby,as sdditional securfty therefare, Trustor hereby transfers and assigns ro 8ene(�clary,sli rlght,tfUe arzd interest to any ano sll <br /> monles dapasited by or on behal(ot Trustor with arry clry,county,public body or agency,sanitary district,utility company,and <br /> any other body or ag�ncy,for the lnstallatian or to secure the Installation ol any utiliry hy Trustar,pertalr,ing to ihe Trust Propnrry. <br /> 79. Corporatlon or Partner;hip Extsler,ce.I/Trustpr is e corporation,general pam�ership,or limltad parinersh�p,it will do all things <br /> necessary t�preserve its corporate pr perpi�rshlp existance,as the case mey be,and all rights and prlvileges under the laws ol the <br /> St8t9 DI itS InCpl�7dr8hoR oI ol�afTlZ8tiOf1. <br /> 20. Forbearance by eenehciary Not a Waiver.Any forbearance by Bone�rciary!n exercising any right or remedy hereunder,or otherwise <br /> atforded by applicable law,shall not be a wsivar r�f or preclude the exerclse ef eny such right or remedy. The procurem3nt of <br /> lnsurance a the payment of taxes or ihe dlscharge of 1lens or cherges by BenaBclary shal!not be a walver ol Beneliclary's rlght to <br /> accelerate the maturfry o�the Indebtedness. <br /> 21. Remedi��Cumu/adv�,A/l.r@medies provlded!n thls Deed ol Trust are dlsdnct and cumula�ve to any other right or remedy under thls <br /> Oeed of Trdst or.a/forded by!aw or equity,and m�y be exercised concurrendy,lndependently or successively. <br /> 22. Successnrs`end�Assi4gns Bound;Jornt and Severa/L.lablPity,•Capdons. T'he covenants and agr�ements hereln contained shelf bind,and <br /> the rlghts hersunder shall inure to,the respecNve succassors and 2sslgns o►Beneliclary, Trustae,and Trustor./!1f covenants and <br /> agreements of Trustar shall be joint and several. The capdons and headings of the peragraphs ol thls Oeed ol Trust ar�lor <br /> convenience only and are not to be used ta lnterpret or deflne the provlsions hereol. <br /> 23. NoGce.Except/or any nodce requlred under eppllcable ladv to be glven!n another msnner, (a)any noNce tv Trustoi provlded lorin thls <br /> Qeed ol Tiust shall be glven by malling such nodce by certl�ied ma11,re!vm rocelpf requested addressed to Trustor�t Its malling <br /> address set laKh above or at such other addrasa as 1'iustar may deslgnate by notice to BeneBclary as provlded here/n,and(b)any <br /> nodce to BeneNclery or Truste�shall be glven by certified mall,rehrm receypt requested,to 9aneqclary's and Tiustae's maAing <br /> address stated hereln or to such other address as Beneflclary or Trustee may deslgnate by notice tn Trustor as provlded herein.Any <br /> nobce provlded for In thls Deed o/Tiust shall be daemed to have Ceen glven b Tiusror, Bene�rc/ary or Trostee when glven!n the <br /> manner designated heieln. <br /> 2a. G�veming Law;5everab111ry. Th/s Deed ol Trust�hal�be gavemed by the laws o�the State ol Nebraska.In the event any provision a <br /> clause ol this Deed o�Trust conflicts with epplicable law,such conflict shal!not af►ect other provlsfons ol fhls Deed ol Trust whlch can <br /> be gJven eflect wfthout the con�lcting prov/sions and to m!s end the provtsfons ot thfs Deed o/Tiust&Ye declared to be saverable. <br /> 25. E'vents o(De/auli. �ach o(the following occurrences shsl!constitute an event ol defeult hereunder, (here/naRer called en"Event <br /> of pefauli"): . <br /> (a) Trustor shall lail to pay when due eny pnnclpal,lnteresf,or principa!and!n!�rest on the Indebtedness; <br /> (b) My warranty pl NUe made by Trusror herein shall be unhur�, <br /> (c) Trustnr shaf!fail to observe or perlorm any ol tha covenr�nts,agrclemant�,or conditions!n thls Dead ol Trust, <br /> (d) Any representation or warranry made by Tiustor on any 6nanciul staYaments or reports suhmttte�i ta E�nw�iclery by or on behal!ol <br /> Trustor sha/l prove/alse or materle!!y misleading, <br /> (e) Trustor shall fail to perlorm�r observe any�(lh�cr;venant5,condi��ns ar agreemsnts cnr;islned In,or binding upon Tiusror under <br /> any building loan aqreem.enf,sacur�ty agreemenf,loan agra�mant,�inanclrr�r stat�ment,or any a.dhmr��reement,dnsbument or <br /> dpcument exec�rted by 1 n�stor In conn�cdon wlth the loan evldanced by th�Nnte, , ' <br /> (� A hustee,recelver or liqulds4vr a/the 1'rust Piope�fy or ol Trustpr shap be appolnted,or any ol the cred!lors or PR-rstv�shall llle e <br /> petition!n bankruptcy ag�nst Trustor,ds/vr th9 reorganlzativn ol Trustmr pursuant ta the�'ederai 6ankruptcy Coda,a any similar <br /> law,whether/ederal or state,and!f such nrc�aar or peddon shall n�vt l±e dischargad w dlsmiss�d wt�hln thlrry(30)days albr the date <br /> on whlch suct�order or petldon was�rled, <br /> (g) Trustor sha!!file a petidon pursuant 10 the Federe/Bankniptcy Gode or any slmlfar law,lede�-sl or statB,or 11 Trustor s!►all be <br /> adJudged e bankiupt,or be declarc�d lnsolvent,or shaq make an asslgnm�nt for thm berrffifit ol credlrors,or she11 admrt In wridnq!ts <br /> Ineb�liry ta pay!ts debts as th0y beCane due,or shaCl consent to tho appolntment ol a recelver ol aR�r any par!�f tha Trust properly, <br /> (h) Finel fudgmant 1or the psyrnant ol mon�y ahell be rendered agaln�t Trustor and Trustor sl,a!!not dlscharp�the sser�a,or cause!t ro <br /> be dlscharged, withln thlrty(30)dxys alter the entry Nr�ieol,oi sh.�ll not ap/aeal tharelrom or lrom the order,dscrpe vr process upon <br /> wrhlch ar pursuant to wh/ch se:d/ud9ment wes grented,based,or ente,-ed,nnd secure a stay of Bxecutivn p�ndln�such eppeal, <br /> (1} Tru�tor shall sell or convey t,he Trust Property,or any pert therdol,a any lmterest thereln,a shall be divestad a�Its d.".e,�r any lnterest <br /> t,hereln,!n any mannar pr way, whether voluntarlly orinvc�untarfly, wlthout the wrftten consent ol Bene/lclury beJng f�rst had end <br /> obralne�, or ' <br /> (j) II Trusror!s a corporation or partnershlp and more tl►sn Hlty p�rcont(50%)o/the sheres or beneficlal lnterests!n such corpastlon or <br /> • partnershlp,as the case rnay be,shall be trens/9rred or conveyad, whather voluntar�ty or lnvofuntarlly, wlthout N►�Written consent ol <br /> Benvliclary being flrst had and obta/ned. <br /> 2E. ;ceelerntlon o/De�t;Foreclosurs. Upon th�r occurrence o�nny Event of�c!ault,or any dme thereafter, f�enelfclary rndy,at Its opNon, <br /> der,lare al!tho lndebtodness a�ecured hereby Immedlately due and payable and the aamo shall beerintarost at the del�ault rat[+,ll any, <br /> sat lorth in tho Nota,or ofl�env(se et thv h/qhd8f rnf9 pBrmJtted by law,and,lrraspecNvn o/whether Benellclary axercl�as s�ld opKon,!t <br /> may, dt!ts opNpn end In It�sole dl�crrdon, wlthout any luriher nodc.e or demsnG'to or upon Trustvr, d�one or rnoro p1 tho hNlowJnq; <br /> (a) 6onollclary may ontor upon, tak�posseaslan ol,m�snapa end opernPa the Truat Proparry ar er�y part thereo/,•rr�akn repalrs and <br /> nfferatlons end do any acts w�dch BenHllclnry da�ms proper to protuct tho Racur�ty thereoL end either wlth w w/thput taklnq <br /> possesslon,!n Its own namo,suo lor pr ptherwlsa collecf nnd rocolve rents,lasues end prollfs,InC1udlnp fnoso ppst tluo end unpald, <br /> and appty tha sama,loss casts snd axpensos ol operntlon end cullsct/pn,lncludlnp reesonable ettomey/ees end BBnaNClary's <br /> costs,upon fhe Indobtodnosa�ecured Ytieroby and In�uch order bs Elonof�cinry mey def9mtln�. U�ron reryuest ol BeneNclery, Trusta <br /> shall assnmble and shall meke avalleble b L'enallclery eny ol!he rrust Property whlch hua been ramovad. The enteNnq upon end <br /> taking possvsslan o/the Trusr property, the collucdon ol eny re►nl�,fgsues end prolits,nnd the eppllceNa►thereol es eloreseld,shell <br /> � naf Cure or Walvo any do/ault theretoiw�e oi ther'�Bd/ter oCCUrlinq, or ahecf nny noNce or'delaulf or notico ol sela hereunder or <br /> Inv�!ldate any act done purauent Io eny�uch noNca.Nohvlth.stsndlnp Benallolery'x aontfnuance!n possesslon or rocelpt and <br /> eppl/cadon al rvnfs,lssues ar proNts, BeneNc/ary shbll be�nb'ded to exerclsa every rlght provldeci/a!n thls Deed o/Trust or by law <br /> upan or e/t4r tha occurrence ol en Fvent ol De/ault,Including tha rlght ro axerclso:he power ol sale.Ar1y ol the acNons rplerred ro/n <br /> this per�graph may be taken by Banallclary a1 auch dms as Benahclary mey deM.mrina wltnout rogen+ro the edequacy ol any <br /> securlry la the Indebte�Onesa secured hereby. <br /> (b) 8enepciary sha/l,without regard to the adequecy ol any aecuNry fbr the lndebtednass secured hereby,be endtfed ro the 1 <br /> appolntment ol e r�celvvr by�ny Court having/urisdlCdon,wlthout notica,to take possesshor►p/,protect,and menage the Tiust <br /> Property and aperete the seme and collect tha rents,lssu�s end proNt�therelrom. <br /> (cJ Benellclary mey brfng any acG�rr!n any court 41 cbmperent/urlsdlcdon ro/aeclose thls Ueed ol Trust or en/wce any of the <br /> covenants hareol. <br /> `_. <br /> ,,_. <br /> i . er?'�rW�'�..�,,-^,��r..r <br />