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<br /> rnsurance premiums,ground rents,�nd ai!afher charges whatsoever levied upon or assess�d,placed or made against the Trust
<br /> Property. Trustor luriher agrees,upon written request by Ben6ficlary,to promptly defiver to Benelfclary ali receipts/or the payment o!
<br /> such chargas. Trustor/ikewrse agrees to pay all taxes,essessments and other charg�s levied upon oi assessed,placed a made
<br /> against,or measured by,this Deed of Trust or the recordadon hereol.
<br /> 5. Appiication ot Payments.All payments r�celved by Beneficfary as to any debt,riability or aWigatlon owed to 8enefic�ary by Trusta
<br /> may be applred by Bene�ciary tp the peymertt nf d�e Indebtedness vr to any such othar debt,Ii�biNty or ob7iga6on,in any ade►Or
<br /> manner of applicallor:which Beneficiery,in Its absorute dlscretion,deems appropriete. Unless otherwlse efected dy eenercjary,arty
<br /> such payment sha/l be dsemed applfed first to the payment ol�ny debt,liabiliry or obffgatfon other than the Note. �
<br /> 6. Charges;Uens. Trustor wlll keep the Trust Properry Iree from a►i!lens and encumbrances which In any w�y may,�n the judgment ol
<br /> Benef;ciary,have prionry aver,or impair the securiry ol,this Deed dl Trust but Trustw need not discharge any sucn lien so long as
<br /> Trustor shall agree,�n wridng,to pay the obligadon secured by such Ilen in a manner acceptable to Ber►eliciary and shal!in good laith
<br /> contest such fren by appropriate lege!pmceedings eHactive tn prevent the en/orcement ol the lien and the Idss ol arty lnterest in or
<br /> pBrt o(the Trusf Prope/ty. r:z
<br /> 7. Haza�d Insurance. Trustor shel/keep the bulldings end other lmprovements now existfng ar herealter ereG�ed on the 1"rusf Properfy
<br /> insured by insurance carriers sadsfactory[o Beneficiary against loss by nre,hazards included in the terrn''extended caverage"and
<br /> such other hazards,casualties and condngencfes as may be required by Benefrciary,in such amounts and.lor such periods as may be
<br /> required by 8enefciary. The palicy ol insurance shall be in lvrm acceptab/e to Beneflclary,prov�de di8t the same m8y not be
<br /> . cancelled ar modined wrthout�rfteen(15)days prior written notice ro Bene�rciary,and shall hgve lass payab/e provisions in lavor o�and
<br /> in form acceptable ro Benerciary.A/l premiums on insurance poficies shal!be paid in the manner provided under paragraph 4 hereol
<br /> or,r1 not paid in such manner, by Trusta making payment at least frfteen(15)days prior to dre due date,directly ro the insurance
<br /> carrier. eene�iciary shall have the nghi to hvld the polrcies and renewals thereol and Trustar shap prompt/y lumish ro Beneficiary ell
<br /> renewa!nodces and al!paid premium receipts recelved by it.!n no event shaU BBnerciary or Trustee be held responsible lor tailure ro
<br /> pey insurance premiums or for any loss or damage arising out o(a delect in any policy or erising out of any/ailure ol any insurance
<br /> company to pay lor ary loss or damage Insured against or for lailure by Trustor b elfect the insurance required hereunder.In the event
<br /> ol lpss, Trustor shalf give prompt noUce by mai!to the insurance carrier and Benef►ciary. 6eneficiary may mak�prool of/oss il not
<br /> made prampNy or!n proper form by Trustor.Al!policies of lnsur�nce and any gnd AI!relunds ol uneamed premiums are hereby
<br /> asslgned to Beneflclary as additlonal securiry lor the paymont�l the Indebtedness.In the event ol Benerciary's exercise of the power
<br /> ol sale contalned hereln,or in the event ol loreclosure,all rlpht,dde and lnterest o/Tiustor ln and to any lnsurence pollcy then In fores
<br /> sha/l pass to the purchaser af fhe trustee's se/e or/oreclosure sale.In casa pl eny loss,tha lnsurance proceed4 may,at the opdon of
<br /> Beneliciary,be appfied by Beneliciary upon the In�leb►edness,ar any part thereol,and In such ader and amcant as Benel�clary may
<br /> determine;or s�id insurance procceds,at the o{�tian of Beneticlary,may either be used in replacing a restoring the Trust Property
<br /> partially or!otally destroyed to e conditian sadslactory to 6enelicfary;or said insurance proceeds,ar eny porh'on thereo%may be
<br /> released to 7'rustor. Unless Beneficisry and�rusfor otherwis�eqree!n writing,�ny such appllc8tlon o/lnsurance proCeeds Shall nof
<br /> extend or postpone the due date al the N�te,or any Installments ealled/or thereln,or change che amount ol such lnstallments. H th,s
<br /> Trust Properry!s acquired by Beneliclary pursuanl fo the exerclse o/the powar ol sele or other loreclosure,all right, title and inlerest ol
<br /> Trusbr In and ta sny insurance proceeds payabfe as a result ol damage tp the Trust Properry prior fo ihe sale or acquisition shell pass
<br /> to Beneliciary snd shall be applied first ta the casts and expenses,lncluding attarney/ees,lncurred in coUecting such procaeds,tht�n
<br /> in the manner and in the order prvvided hereln.
<br /> 8. Preserv�tion and Maintenance o!Trust Property. Trustor wil!keep the buildings and ather lmprovements now or herealter arected on
<br /> the 1'�ust Property In good repair and condition and will npt commit pr permit wasfe, wlfl not e/ter the design or structurs/character
<br /> canstituting any building now or her�alter erected on and constitudng tha Trust Properry withput the prior wNtten consent o/
<br /> Aeneli,�iary, wid not do any act or thing which would unduly impair qr depreciate the value ol the Trust Property and will not abandon
<br /> the Tiusi Properry. Trustor will nat remove any fixiures consdt�dng the Trust Property unless the same are lmmediately repleced wlth
<br /> like property subject to the lien and security interest ol thls Deed ol?"rust end o/at least equaf v�/ue and utiliry. Trustor wrfl compty wit�
<br /> a/l present and luture ordinances,regulations and requirements ol any governmental body wh(ch are applicabla ro the Tnist Properry
<br /> and to the occupancy and use thereol. ll this Deed ol Trust Is on a unit in a condbminium w a planned unit development, Trustor shap
<br /> perlorm al!ol TrustOr's obligations under the dec/arations or Covenanls cresnng or goveminq the condominrum or the pfanned unit
<br /> development. rhe bylaws and regula6'ons o/the condominrum or plAnned unit devefopment,snd the constNuent documon�s.
<br /> 9. InspeCtion. 8eneliciary or its egents may,at 811 reasonable dmes, Bnter upon the Trust PrOperty la fhe purpOse 0�inspecNon.
<br /> Beneliciary shall havv no dury to mAke such inspection and shall not be liable to Trustor or to any person in possession il it makes a
<br /> �ails to make�ny such fnspection.
<br /> 10. Protection al Securiry. 117'rustor fails to pnrlorm any o!the coven�nts and agreements contained!n this Deed of Trust,or il any action
<br /> or proceoding is commoncod which doas or may adversvly allect the Trust Propvrty or the lnterest ol�rusror or Beneliciary therern w
<br /> tho fitle o(rrustor thereto, then 6eneliclary, af/ts option,mey perform such convenants and agr�ements,make such appea�ancas.
<br /> delend against and rnvostigafo such sctlnn or prvice�dlnq and take such nther acNon as Beneficlary deems necessary to prolect!ts
<br /> lnferest includ�ng,but not Irmited�a,dlsbursement a/r9esonable attomey lees�nd entry upon the trust Properry to make reparrs.My
<br /> amounts disburs�d by Benoliclary pursuant to thls puragraph 10,wlth interest thareon,shall constitula Indebtedness ol 1"rwstor
<br /> securod by thls Deed o!Trust Un/ess Trustor And Henellciary egree to other terms ol payment,such amounts shall ba payab/e upon
<br /> notice Irom qvno�lclary ro Truslor roquesting peymant thereol,and shalf boar Inrpr@st Irom the date ol dlsbursement af the delault rsra,
<br /> fl any, sat lorih In tha Note,or otharwlse af the hlghest rate permltied by law. Nothing contelned Jn thls pnregraph shaN iequ�re
<br /> E�onolicipry to incur Any expense or tnke any actipn hereunder, truslor Irrevocabty authorizas end empowers Benellclary to enter upon
<br /> the Trust Property as Trustor's agant and,In Trusta's name or otherwlse to perlorm any and all covenants and egreemenfs fn he.
<br /> pvrlormed by Trustor ns haruln provfdad. BonellcJary shflll,at!rs opNon,be subrogatad to any encumbrance,n�n,cla/m w demend
<br /> and to afi nghts and secur�tles lor the peymont Iherepl pa/d or dlschargad by Benellclary under the prbvls/ons he�eol and eny such
<br /> subrogadon dghts shall be addltlonal and cumulative securlry lor thls Dead o/Trust.
<br /> 11. CondemneNon. The proceads ol any award or clalm Iw damages,dlrvct or consaquentlaf,!n connactlon with any condemnptipn pi
<br /> other teking pl the Trust Property,or any part thereol,or la conveyance!n I(eu of or In andclpadan ol condemnallon,are hereby
<br /> asslgnvd to end shall be pald to Beneliclery. Trusror wllf Nle and prosecute,In gpod lelth snd wlth du�d(dgence,1ts ctalm Ipr any such
<br /> award or p�yment,and will ceuse the same to 6e collected end peld to BeneNclery,and,should!t lall tp do so, Trualor I�evocaWy
<br /> autho�izas end empowars 9e,ieliclary,!n the namo ol trustpr or othenv(se,to l/la,prosecute,sattle pr compromise any suCh claim and
<br /> . ro cvllect,�ecelpf Ior�nd rotain the proCeeds. U the Trusf Property!s abendon�d by Tivator,ar,ener noNce by Bensllclary ro Trustor
<br /> fhat the condemnoi ollnrs to makn en eward or SqfNv a clalm lar dam9pv�, Trusbr falls ro reapond b Benellclery►WthJn thlrry(30)deya
<br /> aher the�1at�such nodce/a�mellod, 8enellcl�ry Is euthorizad lo cdlect and npp/y fhN rmr,eeds In the menner indlcated hsroln, rhe
<br /> pmcovds ol any award or clulm mdy,elt�r d�ducllnp eN reaaoneble cosfs and axppnae�,Includlnp ettornsy leea, ,vh�n may hevr
<br /> been fncurr�d by fiannllclAry In tha coflectlon Ihereal,al the aale dlacrodon ol 19anellalnry,bs rolsaasd to 1'ruator,eppllpd b
<br /> roararnt�or►ul T�usf Properfy, o�appll�d ta tho paymont al tha Indebredne�y. Unle�a Benellclpry end Trustor ofherwlas apns!n wNNnp,
<br /> �ny auch applicet�on of pracee+rl+fo Indvbtednesa�half nof exfend or�afpann tha duo dafe of th�Noto or fhp p�ympnf ol�ny
<br /> lnatnUmen��Cnllod lor►hvrnundar,
<br /> 12. 7rusl�r No1 iioloasnd. Lx�nnalon of fha flmp lar payment or nrodlllCntlon o/nny dmvrdxndon ol fhp Indablodne+�prnnfod by BenoNclnry
<br /> fp any�uccns�rar In Infnrpst ol Truafar shpll nof opnr�te►a�alaaso,fn eny menn�r, fhe llab/llty ql Tru�tvi qn�l Truaror'a�uccsaYOr�In
<br /> Infara�r LtvnnllcNrry ahafl not hn re�qulrecl ro cnmmoncr+pr[+Ceodinq�npalnat auah�uCCe�aoi a raluae fa oxtond fima Iw peymenf or
<br /> othorwls�mod�ty nm�rtlrafl�rr al fhe IndobfAdn�aa by ree�on o/any domnnd made by rruafoi and T►uata'a yuccsa�ora
<br /> In lnfnrnsL
<br /> � I a. Flnnncla!InlormHtl�n, Upan roquoaf al R�naMCl�ry, Truabr wlfl provlde ro Bonellclnry, w�thin nlnefy(90)d»ya o/Me cbas ol each IIacN
<br /> yaur ol Truafnr, fh�cqnaolldatod balance shaat�nci atatement nl aernings ol 1'rultor nnd any and nll punrenbr�ol�he Indabtednesa
<br /> svcurod haraby,il dny, nnd wlll provlde nnd dellvei lo BenaNclary buCh pther RnanCIN InlprmnNpn end In auch manne�s�BsnellclAry
<br /> mpy rorrsonnbfy reryuogf Iram flme 10 dr►ro.
<br /> 14, Fl��ancle/Cnvenenfs. In nddlNon ta eny athar llnnnclal cavenants ol Tru�rpr msde in eny athdr egreement,lnstrumenf ar documenf,
<br /> Trus►nr shAll comply wlfh end ahnN cnuso nny end dlf gunrentora ol the Indebledne►as aecured hereby b compty wlfh,or b�!n
<br /> compllance with, fho loflowing llnanclel cov�►nants:(Thl�perepraph shall not npp/y ll covenunts and raqulraments ere not aef
<br /> lorth hornin.)
<br /> . 15. Schodula o/Lonsos. Wirhin tpn(10)days nitvr domand, Tivafpr shnll lumish to�enellc(ery a qchadu/o, cartilled to by�rusfoi,snffing
<br /> •(orth nll le�sns o/tho Trust Property,ar Hny portlon tharvol,Inc/uding!n eech case, thp nema ol�he lenants vr occupenfs,e descNptlon
<br /> ol tha spracn accupiad by such rdnant or o.�cu�ant, Ihe ron►�l peyabla lor such speco,and such other/nlormat;on end documents w►th
<br /> ...........r�..��,rH�n��nc nnr!rnnnnrinc»a pnnF�lirinrv�r1pV IRp40/IAnN►nQllAR�. � ��",�"
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