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a • <br /> ,.. _ ...... ..,. ..T . <br /> • . ..., „ . . .�..�n... . -,.,.., . <br /> � . . .:.:....:: . :... . .. . .. ... ....,... ,.. .. r <br /> � .....,. . ....,.,.�..,.,�,�,....�...,:..:... . �.... � � ..;.,.,......�. .�......,.�,�.....,.� .... . .... . , � . .. . � <br /> � ......, . ... .. ,.. � . � • - . <br /> . � � �. � ....... .............. ���� � � �� ... ... ,rc—,._, <br /> . RE-R�CU�s����� �O�=�o� ��`��°�3�� <br /> (d) Bene6ciary may elect to cause th T st Property or eny part thereo ro s under power ol sa/e,end!n such event, <br /> Beneficisry or Trustee shall give such notice o(default and noBce ot sele as may be then requlred by law. Therealter,upon the <br /> ezpiration of such brr►e and the gnring ol such no8ce of sale as may then be required by law,Trustea,at the dme and prece specfned <br /> by tha nodce of sale,shall sefl such Trust Properiy,or any pert thereof spec'�fied by 8eneficiary,as pubffc aucrr.on ro che hrghesc <br /> bldder for cash rn lawfuf money of the United States ot America. (lpon receipt of payment of the price ad,Trustee shep 8pply th9 <br /> praceeds!n the following order.•�)ro the cost and axpenses of exercising the power al sale and o/the sale,Including but not Nmlted <br /> to,wstee's/ees or not more than a50p.00 plus one-ha►f of ane percer►t of the gross sa/e price,end reasonable attvmey fees.Q�t� <br /> d�e Inds htedness,and(ri!)the excess,if any,to the person or persons legally endded therero. <br /> A!!costs and expenses lncurred by Bene�iciery ln entorcing any right under thls Or�ed ol Trust,lnc/uding without IimitStfon,abstract a tide <br /> fees,9�pra/sal fees,premiums for tide insurance,ettomey fees snd couK costs,shall be arrd constlh�te Mdebfedness secured hereby. <br /> 27. Dutles ol Trustee. Trustor agees that: <br /> (a) Dudes and obligaUons o/Trustee shall be determined solely by the express provislons ol this Deed a(Tiust and Trustee shall not be <br /> liable except fpr th�pertormance pl such dt�es and obligations as are specificalty set forih herein,and na rmplied covenants or <br /> obligatlons shall be imposed upon Trustea, <br /> (b) No provislon of thls Deed of Trust shal!require Trustee to expend or risk its own lunds,or atherwise incur any hnancla/o6figatian!n <br /> ihe performance of any of its dud�s hereunder,or in the exerGrse of any of its rlghts or powers. <br /> (cJ Trustee may consult with counsel of lts own chaasing and the advrse of such counsel shad be full and complete authoriza0on and <br /> � protectlon in the respecf of any actian taken or suffered by it h�reunder In good/alth and reliance thereon,and <br /> (d) 7'rustr�e shall not b�liable for any acHat taken by ft in good faith end reasonably believed by!t b be authorized a wlth/n Its <br /> discretlon or rights ur powers conferred upon it by thls beed o/Trust. <br /> 28. Se�urity Agrriement and Fixture Filing. This Deed ol Trust shall consdtute a securlty agreement and�ixture filing under the provisions o/ <br /> tha tiobmska Uniforr:r Commerc/al Coda with respect to thase lixtures described In the preambles hereol as consG�tuetng a part ol the <br /> Trust Property,together wi:h all other property of Trustor,eiHrer slmr7ar or dlssimllar to the same,now ar h�res/ter located st or pn the <br /> Trust Fropeny. <br /> 29. �utu��e Adti�anc:es. Upon requost ol Trustpr, Benel/ciary,at Bene�rclary's opdon,prlor b lull reconveyance of the Trust Property by <br /> Trvstee ro Trustor,may make future edvances to Trustor.Such luture edvances,wlth lnteresf thereon,shal!be secured by thls Deed o/ <br /> Trust.At no dme sha/!the princlpal emount af fhe lndebtedness secured by thls Deed o/TrusC,not!nc/uding sums advanced ro protect <br /> the security,exceed the tat�l sum of 3�,QS1�.,.�1�.Advsnces of dlsbursements made by 9enefiNary b protect the securlry, <br /> und�r the terms hereo(, whlla dlscreNonary,shal!not be deemad to be op�ona/advances. <br /> 3p. Reconveyance. Upon payment o(�ll lndebtedness secured by thls Deed of Trust, BenerCiary shall request 1"rustee to reconvey the <br /> Trust Property and shall surrender this Deed o(Trust and a!I notes evidencing Indebtedness secured by this peed o!Tiust b TrusteC. <br /> Trustee�hali reco.r�vey the Trust Pmperiy wlthout warranry and wftnout charge to the person or persons legally entltled therefo. Such <br /> person or persons shall pay all costs of recordation,il any. <br /> 37. Subsfitute Trustee. BcnerciAry,at irs optipn,mey fro.m tlme to Nme removo Truste�3 and appoint a Successor Trustee to any rrustee <br /> appanted hereunder by an insWment recorded in the county in which thls Deed�f 1'rust Is recorded. �thout conveyance pl the Tivst <br /> Properiy,the Successvr Tru�tee shal!succeed to al!title,power and dudes canlerred upon Tivstee herein and by applicable few. <br /> 32. M/sce/laneous Rights ol Benehciary. Beneflciary may at any time and from dme to time, wlthput nptica,consent to the making ol any <br /> plet of the Trus`r Property or the craation of any�asement thereon or any covenants restrlcdng use or occupancy thereal or agree ro <br /> a/ter or amend the terms of thls DF+ed of Trust.Any persona/properry remt�ining upon the Trust Properiy after the 1"iusc Property has � <br /> been possessed pr occupied by Beneficiary,its agent ar any purchaser fallowing Trustee'S sale,loreclosure,or under&ny deed In Ileu ' <br /> of l�rusiee's sa/e or fore��losure,shall be conclusively presumed to have beren abandaned by Trusfor. <br /> 33. Nntice to Trustar. Trusror hereby requests that a copy of any notice of de(au!t and nodca ol sele made or executad by Trustee pursuant <br /> ro the provlsiar�s hereol be sent to Trustor at its malling addreSS set forth horeinabove. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEF;EQF, this Deed ol Trust has been duly executed the�ay and year lirst above written. <br /> �Q$� ' ION <br /> //r - <br /> STATE OF NE�HASKA J uase . err <br /> )ss. ' <br /> couNrr oF. H�1� � <br /> x ��/ <br /> pn thls�day oC s,�., 191�,,ba�ore me,a notary pubNc!n and lor sald counry,persanelly'ceme,Rt��,a p 7,1,,..,I. <br /> Merrick , ,,,,,,,,,.. . ,and � <br /> o�—..�- �,knowir ta me to be the IdenNcal persw►s who <br /> signed the foregoing Oeed ol Trust and acknowledged the executlon thereof to be thelr vo/untary act and deAd,end the vo/untary act and <br /> deBd ol S81d COrpOrBdOn. ` <br /> WITNESS my hand and notarfal seal an thls tha day and year last ebove wdtten. .. <br /> (SEAL) <br /> �i�Kww�s�rwrMr� c mu�,�...,..r�� �..,.,_._ <br /> �w►�c� <br /> �Ml�.4 M�M,��M� "a.,r P',w` <br /> � <br /> �uy oom�wabr�.pv«: � <br /> STATE pF NE9RA5K�; ) <br /> )S�. <br /> COUNTY pF ) <br /> On thls day o/ , 19 T,bv/or�me,a notary pubdc 1n end lor asld counry,personally came <br /> ' and ,known ta me to bs ths Identicel psrsona who <br /> algned the lorepolnq Deed ol Trust end ecknawledged the axeout/on thar�ol to be thelr velunfary acf end dssd <br /> W/TNESS my hand end r�oter�p/aepl on thla tho dey and yoar leat abovs wNtMn, <br /> (SE'AL) <br /> n�x.,y� <br /> R <br /> ��w,�,....�..p,►..• _. <br /> t <br /> , ' . :u, <br /> . -.,�:.. <br /> `M: <br /> � �'', <br />