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�ft_/ r .:. �� ��� � t.--i �t cCr,.• . .. � _ . .: i)'� .c. •'��.G • . , . . <br /> � 1'` '.- . i iii -t '<. ;NY /��''�.. . • , • _. <br /> �:I�N - --t,1y �� , _ vp . i�;!•d . �! . " _:t.._` <br /> - �> r. . ./: . . <br /> . .. . ,�-��1� .� ''� . .. , „ . _.. <br /> - �Y. ' ' .'��`j�. � . . . ' .. '� • ,. . - �.. . . �-. .�i4..'J•� _. <br /> ' ' •��t5}}'f(y7J.. v:. . : .r....,_,.. .. ..oa�r:•s�,..,a�tti-�r•��.b� �F fY ._ <br /> `� 1_ .���-rs � �T.� <br /> .�"! ' � � RiL'_S1LL:.._.<.�.._.._�a........�..`�S�_tLl•ZL'_"y`.:.J'.t:ta�i�]�4l�M\��LY1s1Il.'ImCHLletl'u�1f.41SfW(r.NFM��YIV� 't/L�° _ -_�-.•�-` _ ... <br />�f� � . ibiL.a-n �..6 L-�..._�.. <br /> �. 1��� ���'4/�� �� ` ,} <br /> � �. �e�tcctlon o4 Lendcr'o RightG ID SthC F�ropCety. If Borto�vcr Inps to p�Aorm tho covcnanta end c3rc�ment9 cor�t3h�d in , <br /> . .. . „ � .. � r :n Li �i..,� ;- - � <br /> Ihl, S..curity, or thCro i., n iv�nl proCC„�Inp ihnf m�y ��pnilicantty nf4c�t LCr,d�r'c rl�his tn tho PropCrty ("uCh as p p aC�:d p „ <br /> bankruptey, probate,for CondCmn�tlon or forl��turp or lo cnlorco I��v� ar repullUanR), Ihcn Lcnd;r may do nnd�:1y for eahatGVCr b nccc9s^ry � <br /> ' to protee� tho valuo of tho Prnperty anB L�ndefs rlphts in tho Property. Londers aCUons may Includ�pnylnp any cumo scaurcd by n tf;,� _ <br /> wAbh A88 prlority ovcr t►ti9 Soourity Insirumont,nppenrinp In aourt, peying rpa�onAbb attornoy'o Icos anU antaring on tho Propeaty to mt�ke , ���i:�- <br /> repnirn. Aflhouph Lsndor muy tako nclion undor thls pnrnQroph 7,Londer dooa nol havo to do s3o, �� ;' <br /> ' y amounto dlsbvrsed by Lender under thls purnprnph 7 ohall become addltionul debl o} �orcower secured b this Sacur tnsirurnsnb 4,?.•. '°"`"'r�--- <br /> � An Y kY '- .Y.:;�.t=::�:.< <br /> Unlesu Oortowor and Lendor aproo to othflv torms ol pnym�nt, thoso arnounta ehnll bour htorost Irom tho duto ol dlsbursemant 91 ihe Noto • -- <br /> rate and ehau be poyebb, with [nteresl,upan not�C�(rom Lsadar to 8onowa requestinp pnyment. _:,.:J-:r-��-�---� <br /> 8. MOft !t E (116U�l111Ce. II Lender requfred mort a haurortce ta a condkiun o1 mtkh� the btn secur�d by thy S9curRy �r-=°-'=-__ <br /> 9 g a oe yytY �,_--•-_ <br /> Inetrument, Borrowar shall pey tho premlums requlrod to malntaln tho mortpepe Insuranc� In eHscL If, (or sny rea�on,lho mnrtpaQ� fnauranco [ , �,,,„,.�,._ <br /> �� coveraye requYed by Lender tapses ar ceases to be In afteat, BoROwer ahuU pay the premiums ret�uked to obtab cnvuay4 nubsttnCKly k1�'Y_,-'- <br /> equlvo►ent to the mortpaQe hsurence previousy In oNect,et a cost substantlaly equlvalent to the cost to Bortower o1 the mortpapo hsurtnc� �-;,;--=----- <br /> .�t�� <br /> prevlousy In eHeot, from nn aNemate mortpage hsuror npprovod by Londar. If Eubstantialy equNalenl mortya4e fnsuranca cou�n�pa la not �,;,_�___ <br /> ,� aval!�bH, Bortower ehull pay to I.onder eaob month e sum uqual to one-twalfth of tho yeary mortgage Insurancd premium boY�p Q�Id by �?rn-- <br /> --- - <br /> • Borrower when the Insu�nco covornys lapsed or ceased to bu In oNect. Lender wltl accept,use and retetn these peyment� as � iose -°� <br /> reserve in Iieu ol moApaqe hsurance. Loss resorve paymants may no longer be requtrod, et Ihe option of Lender, N mortpap� t�surance — <br /> coverepe(h the amount and tor the p�riod that Lender requkes)provided by en{nsuror approved by Lender apah becomes av�Nn61e�nd b <br /> •�� , obteined. Borrewer shnll pay iho premiums requYed to malnlain mortgage Insurance In etteCt, ar to provide e loss roserw, untA th� �— _ <br /> . requkement for mortgage Inaurttnce ends In flccordance with any written sgreemen!between Oorrowor and Lender oi�oppcabia law. _ — <br /> , 9. II18�IECtlOf1. l.ender or its flyent may meka ronsonable entrles upon flnd Inspectbns ol the Property. Londe►ahaN plvs BoaowK <br /> not�e at the tfine ot or prlor to an hspeotion sr,0ailying reasonable cause tor the hspeatbn. <br /> 10. Condemnatlon. The proceeds of any award or clatm tor damages, dlrec¢ or aonsaquantial, In conn9otbn wkh �ny =_ <br /> „ condemnation or other takinp of eny part of the Proporty, or for conveyance in Ileu of Condemnatlon, ere hereby assqnoal end ahaN ba pab `-`-_"�� <br /> to Lender. �w��n�=_��� _ <br /> In tha event o1 a total taktng of lhe Propert/,the proceeds shull be epplied to the sums focured by th(s Secur�y Instrument,whother or 4��_�= <br /> nut then due,with uny excess peid to Bortower. In the event of n pnrtlal taking o1 the Property h whbh tho fpk markot valu�of tha Propwty =-- <br /> ° Immedlatey batore the taking is equul to or greoter than the amount ol the sums secured by thls Security inslrument h�mediatety before lhe �:`_'�_`_-�--- _ <br /> takhg,unl�ss Borrower and Lender othenvise ugree In writing, the sums secured by thfs SeCUtity Instrumen3 �hRll be rBducDd by ths unount ti��_ <br /> • ot tha pracc�eds muRiplied by the foliawin4 fractlon: (a) the total amount of the sums securod Immediatety betore the talclnfl,dividad by(b)tha __ <br /> � falr maAcet value of the Property Immodfately belore Ihe taking. My belsnce shall be pntd to Bortower.In tho event of n partial takhy of th� r:�-- <br /> Property in whbh the lalr madcet value of the Property Immediatety bofore the tak6ig IS less than the amount of the 6uma secured trrwned4�tsly �'-- <br /> � before the tekh , unless Borrower and Lender othenvise agreo In writin or unless 4ppl�able taw othenv►ss provide9,tho proceedS ehaN ba R='•`�-v <br /> o e ��: <br /> _ npplied to lhe surnL secured by thls Socur(ty Instrument whother or not the sumu are then due. _— <br /> �:. <br /> -----._:_-:._ . �r�,.�_,��.��_ <br /> - It the Property Is abantlonetl by Bortower, or If,efter not�CO by Lentler to dorrower tnat tne condemnor offers io maica an'or 8vtiiv <br /> a c4�kn for dameges, Bonower (alls ro respond lo Lendor within 30 days aker tha date the notke Is gtven,Lender is authorirsd to CoqeCt And � i �%�i" <br /> appty the proceeds, at its optlon,either to restoration or repntr of the Rroperty or to the sums seCUred by this SeCUrity Instrument, whother ,Kd ;� <br /> � � or not then dus. ,��� <br /> Unless Lendo�and Borrowor othervitse agree In writing, any applfcatlon of proceeds to p�Incipal shalt not extend or poStponY th0 due ;��c <br /> , �} date o}tha monthly paymenta relerrod to in parapraphs t end 2 or change tho nmount of such peymenls. ��,�;' <br /> 11. Borrower Not Released: Forbearance By Le�der Not a Walver. Extenston or me ��no ►or paymec:c or � �. <br /> � � modHkation o}amortlzatlon ot the sums secured by Ihis Security Instrume�t granted by Lender to any sucCessor In interest o} BorroNw ahall .�:�-�.` <br /> not operate to releaso the Ilebllny of tho originol Borrower �r Borrowers successors N tnterost. Lender shen not be requked to aommence �, <br /> proceedings egahst any successor In interest or r�tuso to extend tlmo for paymont or othorwiso modtty nmoniretion of the sums 6ecured b► �' <br /> �,�.. <br /> � thls Security Instrument by reason of any demand mado by the orlgtnnl Bortower or Bonowers successors h Interest. My (orbearanCe by r . <br /> Lender in exorclsing eny right or remedy shall not be a walver ot or precludo the exercise ot any ripht or remedy. -, a�' � <br /> 12. Successors end Aesigna Bo�nd; Jotnt and Several Liabllity; Co-signers. Tho covonants and e9reements ot �j;±,, '. <br /> this SeCUrky Instrument shan bind and benefit tho successors end asslgns of Lender and Bor►ower, subJect to the provisbns of peragraph - r •'�;-� <br /> ,. li. Bortower's covenants nnd ngreements sha� be Jolnt and several. Any Bortower who co-signs thts SeCUrRy Instrument but doos not - i. � •�; <br /> exeCUto the Note: (a) Is co•slpning thls Secur(ty Instrument oniy to mortgage,prant, and convey thnt Bortowers interest In the Property under �:;�� • � <br /> the tertns of this Security Instrument; (b) Is not personally obligated to pay the sums secured by this Security Insirument; and (o)agrees that ° <br /> � , Lender and any other Bortower may agree to extend, modiy, lorbear or make any accommodations wkh regard to torms ot this Security �� <br /> Instrument or the Note w(thout that Borrowers consent. '�"' <br /> 13. LO9f1 Che�geS. It the �oan seCUrod by this SeCUrity Instrument is SubJect to a Iew which sets max�mum loan charpe5,and thut i <br /> z law is fhally Interpreted so thut the interest a other loen chargos collected or to bo collected In conneCdon wKh the loan exce6d tho <br />' pertn�tted Ilmits, then; (a) eny such loan charges shell be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce the charge to the permitted I'�rnk; and � ' k, . <br /> (b) any sums akeady collected lrom Borrowor which excoedod permiaed IimRs wlll be rotunded to Borrov+er. Londor mny choose to make I i' <br /> -E thls retund by reduCing the principal owed under the Note or by mnking a diroct peyment to Borrower. If e retund reduces prinClpal, the <br /> , reduCtlon wlll bo treated es n paAlai prepayment without any prepayment cherge under tho Noto. � <br /> 14. NO11C!08. �y notke to Borcower provided lor In this Security Instrument She�l ba pNen by d8lNering it or by maAing R by first i <br /> . cluss mali unless appl{ceble law requlres use of another method. The not�co shaU be dfrected to the Property Address or nny othar uddross �. <br /> OoROwor desfpneins by notice to Lender. My notico to Lender shall be gNen by first c�ass meil to Lenders address statad heraln or nny � <br /> other nddress Lsnder dosfgnp;as by not�o to Borrowor. Any notice provided lor In this Security Instrument shull be deemed to hnvo beon <br /> , gNen to Honower or Lender wh9n given as provlded fn thls ptsragraph. <br /> 96. Gorrerning Law; Severabflity. Thls Security Instrument shall be govomed by feder8l law end the la�v ol the JurfsdlCtion r, <br /> whlCh the PropOrty Is located. In the event th8t any pravlslon or C13uso of thts SeCUrity Instrument or ihe Note con111Cts wRA appliCable 18w. <br /> � such confibt shall not affect olher provisions of Ihis Security Instrument or Ihe Note which can bo givon eMect without the Confl��ing <br /> provislon. To this end the provislons ot this SeCUrity Instrument flnd the Note are decl3red to be Severable. , <br /> 16. Borrower's Copy. Bortower shal bo glven onp ContOrtnnd Copy ol tho Note and 0�this SeCUrity Instrument. <br /> _ _ _ _,_--•_— 17. Tranafer of thQ Proaertv or a Beneticial Interest In Borrower. If ail or eny part of the Property or any interost in <br /> _ _r_ _ _ - - - �- <br /> It IS sold or trunsforrod (or B a benef�iul interost in Borcower Is Soid or translerro�i nnd Bortower is not a nntural person) without Lenders ' <br /> prior wriltpn consont, Lender mny, at its optlon,requlre Immediate poyment In lull of all sums secured by thls Sacurity Instrument. Howevor, <br /> this optian shflll not be oxorclsed by Lender it ezerciso 1s prohibited by lodernl bw us of tho dnto of this Security Inst�ument. <br /> It Lender exorcises this opt�on. Lendor shnA give Borrower notiCe of nCCO�eretion.The notke shall provido a period of not bs5 th8n 30 <br /> ' dayc from tho dnte tho notice is dolNered or mniled within which tho 8orro�ver musl puy a�l sums socured by thls Security Instrument. If <br /> �, Bortower fai1S to ptly these Sums prfor to tho explrGl�on of this po�iod,Londor may fnvol<o nny remedifls po�mitted by this Security Insirumont <br /> without furthar not�o or domand on Bonowor. <br /> i� <br /> � <br /> ���• Pap�7 ot 5 Fo�m ]02E B/00 <br /> + Ft07D.tM0(5/W� <br /> � 59 <br /> - _ I �—_._.__--__'—_._ <br />