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. �,ifi`:1;.�.��+ � ,i.�', 'i.t•:s:?�:�t'�'�...� . .-' . , ;Y: ;i+';,;.; . ,�i� <br /> �° � — <br /> . iru;r� . . . � ... � ��.• . . . _ <br /> � ��� ... .. - � .. l , ' ::�,,��.b5 "''""'"'. <br /> . ..�. �.,.�____ __-=- - <br /> . �. , : � . ,'� ;?�r:;��;�- — <br /> �.� , � � „ - ,. _ .�.....�..�.��.. :..�.....__ -_ �---_. <br /> „ „�. , <br /> . ,.,d ���.,.. .. ., � _._ ........._._. -- �,.-@. <br /> , „_,_. <br /> , . . �::;:.::...,��,��.�.a�d� •. <br /> 'I ,�'�, . <br /> , . , . 's,. ... -- _ ___.r�---- --- ---- <br /> -'"'� .. 1� �ifi�' 1�NEIIFwxY�y�at. ._+a^��r!.�nx�-�ker..,...,..,.,�yr— ° ..� :�� '��rfL.�:i�s�EiM,�.._ �__e...=----- <br />���4 � �� 1 '9'�° �Q�� =� --- <br /> j10. Q�PPO�Jf�P'a E'�IQO11 4A �C�I�t12�1e. If Borrot�cr mc^to CcrYnin aand:ttono, Oorroti�lar ahau have lhe �►gtit to have anicr,:�ment �T"�"�;"r;;r�,r�•;�. <br /> � di-conlL�u�d e9 rs�+y tlr�u�dor to tha c^rt'�r o1: (�)b d�ya (o►our,h othcr �i�dorl c� r.pp"ttb.�f��� nlay °pCIIl�y(Of fG1nEtAtSf,'teflt) [tH�GfJ fiQh7 �"''o — <br /> . 01 Iha k�roper�y �urour.nP to cny poeJCr o1 onl� cont^Ncd tn thl� £ccurtty In�tror�z�m; or (b) cntry o1 n jud;,'racat Cr:orcL�� E��'� £:"� . . <br /> ° l�atnemont.fhoe9 cond:ifone aro that Borrower. (a)poys LQndor atl eumn wi��ch Iho»�voultl 6o d�o undcr tiib Sccurtty In�tru;��nt �nd U�a .,�}.�����_�..�,,�._=-� <br /> Noto ae H no ecceleratton had occurr9d; (b) cures any defaull ol any othor covonant ov ograsment2; (o) payo aN qxpensa Incumd k+ �c,-- =-- <br /> - . . - �ntorchfl Ihly 6K:urity Inslrument, 1noNd{nQ, but not li-nRed lo, roaaonqbte nllornoye' I�a9; n+nd (A/ tnko� euch acibn de I.�n4�+r m�� ��,�,�{,�� t�n= :_:_ <br /> �' r�a9onabry requlrr to atsuro lhat the Iien o} Ihls SocurAy InoWment, Lend�r'a rqhte h Ihe P�opwly and OorrowK'� abMplllbn to p�y th� <br /> cuoi� ccCUrcd by Ih!� S�CUrlty Instrumcnt ohn�� enntlnuo unchenqed. Upon raln�tntement by Darrower, th�9 SHCUrAy Instrumeni and Ih� t�.._:.;�+z.'.•��--- <br />" oblipatlone seCUr�d honby ehall romaln fulry eH�ctHe ae It no occt+�ratio� htd accurnd. kowwer,thff ripht to ninatat��h�A not�ppy h - — <br /> ' ths ct8�01 accetantlon undor pareyreph tY. _=--- <br /> 19. Sete of Nr►te; Changa oi Loan Servlaer. rne Note or . pareai �ni�roe� �n ine ntaro �roaQin.r w�h thb S�CUrAy F_ __—___.— <br /> lnstrument) may b�oold one or more tlmes withoul prlor not�Ce to Borcowar. A e�la m�y rosufl h n chonp� In Iho�ntky (knowtti �s th� �J_,�_Y �__ <br /> ' "lcan Servlcer")thdt co!fect� monthly paymente due under Ihe Note end thls Security InolNment. Thers�leo m�y W on�or mo�ch�s _ <br /> ���'�.� <br /> � . of tho Loan S�+rv�a �nrok+tep to e sule ol the Note. If there Is e change of the Laan Servicer, BoROwer wNl be ek�n wrkt�n notiCe o1 th� �_�..,_ <br /> chanqs h eccordance wlth pareyreph ta abovs and upp�fanbta law. Tha notice wtll stab th� nama 4nd oddro9s of th�n�w Lo�n Sxv�cK _-�__ <br /> and tha addrese to whbh payments should be made. The notko wi!I aiso conteln any other hformalion nquktsd by�pplktbN kv�. R_l��n-�_ <br /> ,�:��.._. <br /> � 20. Hesardoue 5ubatencea. Bortower shall not cnuso or pertnit tho presence, use, dlspoaal, stoapn, or nMas� of any �______ <br /> Hazardous 3ubstances on or N tho PropoAy. Borrower shnll not do, nor ulAw anyone e�sa to do,enythh� aNecthp Ihe P�apaAv that b in �-���,___ <br /> � violatbn of uny E�viranmontal Lnw. Thp precedinp two 5ontoncos shall not nppty to the pre9ence,use, or etorApe on tho Prbperty of ¢maH �����:__ _ <br /> quantitbs of HBrArdous Substancos tNat aro ponerfllly recapnlzed tn bo approprL•te to normal ro:ldent411 uRea ond tfl,matnt�ancs ot ths __=n= <br /> Property. �� <br /> � Borrower ahall promply gNe Lender written not�o ot any Invostipntion, claM, demnnd.lawsuit or othor eott¢n by any QovwnmwltU or �Y-'�w� <br /> regulatory eqency or prkato perty Involving the Property end any Hezardous SuhstanCe or Envlronmentel 1.8w o} whbh Bonowsr hts aClual ,:,��,,-:-�_ <br /> knowledge. If Borcower leams, or Is notified by any govemmentel or regukttory authority, thut any removal or othor remedtatba o!flny ., _____ <br /> Harardoua Subatance aMacting the Property Is necossary. Borrower ahall promptly Cake all neces3ary remedlal aotbns In eccordu�ce wkh "" <br /> Envkonmentet Law. ''`�-—�— <br /> ,.M,r c==--�--- <br /> � As used h lhls paragraph 211, 'Hernrdous Substances" are those substanCC+s defined 86 toxb or hererdoue BuGstanCOa by . � -_ <br /> ..._M.A1-YV..�_—��. <br /> Hnvkonmental Law and tho followinp substances: gasolNe, kerosene, other flammabla or tox� patroleum products, toxfc pe6tiCldes and =___� -- <br /> • ' I herblcidos, volatite soHente. materials contatning asbestos ur tormaldehyde, end radioactHe malorials. As used In thls parapraph 20, -_ __ <br /> "Envlronmontal Law" means federal laws and laws of the Jurisd�tlon where the Properiy ts located that retate to heeRh, setety or ____ <br /> , . � � envkonmental protectton. <br /> NON•UNIFOHM COVENANTS. Bortower and Lender lurther covenant and agrae as toltows: S t _�_ <br /> � 27. Acceleretlon; Remedles. Lender shall give notice to Borrower pr�or io acceierauori IOIIVY�111� �.. �Kyp � <br /> Borrower's b�each of any covE�nant or agreement In this S�curity Instrument (but not p�lor to accel�ration <br /> �� , under paragreph 17 unless applicable law provides otherwlse). The notice shell speclfy: (e) the default; ,: . <br /> (b) the action req�aired to cure the default; (c) a date, not less than 30 days irom the date the nottce Is :� .'� "• <br /> given to Borrower� by whtch the defeult must be cured; and (d) that fallure to cure the default on or + <br /> • betore the dete speclfied In the notice may result In acceleration ot the sums secured by thls Securfty :..��+'. .• <br /> ' � Instrument and sale of the P�operty. The notice shail further Intorm Borrowe� of the right to��Instete aiter � •f,� . : <br /> ' acceleration and the right to brir�g e court actlon to assert the non-existence of e defeult or eny Oth�1' ''r�� . <br /> defense of Borrower to acceleretion and sale. If the default is not cured on or befora th� date speclfled ,;�«�; <br /> (n the notice, Lunder at its option may requlre immedfate poyment In tull of all sums secu�ed by thfs • <br /> Security Ins4rument without further demand and may invoice the power of sale and eny other remediea �� -; <br /> permitted by epplicabie law. Lender shell be �ntitled to collect all expenses incurred in pursuing the � <br /> �emedlea provided In this pa�agreph 21, including, but not iimited to. reasonable attorneys' fees and costs � �•.�� <br /> r��..� <br /> oi tttle evi�.nce. - <br /> If the power of sale is invoked, Trustee shall record e notice ot deft�ult in each county in which eny ; �.,•� <br /> pan of the Property Is located end shall mall copies vf auch notice in the manner presc�ibed by eppllceble ; <br /> . lew to Borrowe� and to the other persons prescribed by epplicable law. After the time requlred by � , �'. <br /> �` ��� appliceble law, Trustee sheli give public nottce of sele to the persons and in the menner prescribed by ; .:��. � ;' <br /> applicable law. Trustee, without demend on Borro►ver. shall sell the Property at publlc auctaon to ths - '' <br /> _ higheat bidder �t the time an�i place and under the terms deaignated In the notice of sale In one or more � + <br /> percels end fn any order Trustee determines. Truatee may postpone sale of all or any parcel of the •�.,, <br /> ry Property by public Announcement et the time and place of any previousty scheduled sale. Lende� or its . <br /> �� d�signee may purchese the Property at any sale. <br /> ,� Upon receipt o4 peyment of the pNce bid, T�ustee shaii dellver to the purchaser 7rustee's deed <br /> conveying the Pro�perty. The recitels in the Trustee's deed shall be prima facle evidence ot the trutti of <br /> . the statements made therein. T�ustee shall apply the proceec�� ot the sale in the following order: (a) to all <br /> � . costs and expenses of exercising 4he power of sale, and the sale,Including the paymen3 of the Trustee's . <br /> � feea actuaity incur�ed, not to exceed 3 °,G of tha princlpal amount of the note at th� time of the <br /> .� declaratlon of detault, and reasoneble ettorney's fee�as permittecD by law; (b) to all sums secured by this <br /> '; Security InaVument; and (c) t+n�r excess to the person or persona legaliy entitled to it. <br /> 22. Rceonveyance. Upon payment ot a11 sums secured by this Securfty Instrument, Lender she�l requost 7rusteo lo reCO�vaY!he <br /> ' ProFOrty end shall surrendor this SeCUrity Instrument and all notes evidencing debt secured by this Sacurity Instrument to Trustee. Trusteo <br /> shnll reconvey the Property without warrantv and without chargo to the Person or persons legally enUtted to it. Such person or persons shnll <br /> pey any reCOrdatlon costs. . <br /> __ ----- �� ....�_.��-�- �----•-- • --'-- -• °- --.�__ ....... ....... �:..e ... �i,.,e .e.,...,,e T,.�ceon and annninf n eur.cascnr ttustos to anr . <br />-- _ - to. auusutuee nua�ee. �cuuen, a� no ..r..�.,.�� ....,� <br /> Truslco nppolntad heroundor by fln instrument recorded in the county in wh�h this`Security Instrumc�nt fs recorded. Wilhout conveyance oi <br /> tha Property, suCCe�sor tNStee shnli succeed to all tho title,power and duties conferrod upon Trustee horein and by upplicabb taw. <br /> � 24. Request for Notices. Borrowor requosts thttt copies of the not�ces of dofault o�d snle bo sent t� Bonawers eddress which <br /> t �s tho PrOpeRy AddreES. <br /> , � 25. Rldera to thls Security Instrumeret. If ono or more ridors flre exetutod by Bo•tower flnd recorded together with this <br /> SeCUrity Instrumont, Ihe covonants and agreements of each such rider shull bo Incorporaled Hto end shnll amend end supplemont tho <br /> . I covanants and aflrooments ol thls Security Instrumont as if the rider(s)were a part of Ihis Security Instrument. <br /> ,� <br /> � � Pig�t ul S iorm�03E 6/00 <br /> t <br /> ' Fi020.LM0(6/B�1) <br /> �j 59 <br />