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<br /> � not Bo c:ccc:,0 tho rn�sci,7um eeriount n t�nd^r tor a IcsY:mGy ro!�tcd mortQr.3a tasn m�y ro�uao tor Borrov:edc e�crae� eccnunR undaw th� �-,
<br /> fcGcrnl�:e31 Catato E�ltl�r�i;;nt PraccdurcZ Rct of 1E�74 Go r.m:nd;:� iron U�n�to i�7�, 12 U.3.C.2:.01 ct C^t!. ("F1=�PA"), an!ns9 Er�nthel Isw ^�+ ��'k-:=`-__
<br /> th�1 e�p1'�� ta tha Fund9 �ctc a I��acr amount. If oo. Lcnd�r m�y, at cny tirrt�,Cof.;cQ cncl ho�tt Fund� L� Cn cr„nunt noJ to [::,�C:i f�•� • , ' i_±..
<br />� lesaer wmou��t. Lender mqy est4nn4u lho nmount ol tunds duo on tho b:�sl� df curren4 data encl roasonpb{a estt�nat�s of ��u��G;tur�es o} _Y;Y��_��„-__ -
<br /> luture E6crnw Itom9 or olhanvlse In eccord�nae wtlh eppl'�cnbla law. ��-----
<br />-- � Th�Funda ahall b• held {n�n Yistttutbn v+hoYa doposite aro heured by a lederal eflen�y,Inslrume+its►ity,or enti;y ({nck�din9 lend�r.k a�:'-��°W-�4 _
<br />- • Landoi Is suCh nn lnntRut►an)or h nny Foderal Home Laan Bank. Londa ah�il oOPN�he funde to pay thq EaCrow Itims. L�ntN► maY not
<br />- � ° Charp9 Borrower lar holdlnp and�pplyhp the Funde,Kanuqiy analyx«ip lilo G.^.croe: CacGUr+t,or vCrttylnQ the EsCrow Items, unie3s L9c'idee k•�''�'*._�� _ _
<br /> !--_--.--- -
<br /> " p�ys 8onowM IntKOSt on th� Func9a��+d �ppNoablo 4w p�rmlts Lendw to rt►�k�tuoh a cha�. Howw�r,Lencbr may requko Hortow�r to
<br />. pay a on�tkne o�uge�or an hdepondent roal ostote tar roportinp eervi��usod by Lsndss h eonnocllon wNh this ban,unless applic�bM kw
<br /> • provWes otRarwisa. Unlesd an aprQement le made o�appl�abte lew requlros htorost lo b� pold, l.ender ehaN not be requirK!to p�y p�_
<br /> Bortowar tny ktterest or eamhpa on liie Funds. Borrower and Lendor may apreo In wrilh�,howwer,lhat Interest ehaN be p�id on the Fund�.
<br /> Londw bhpll pfue t0 Bonower, wRhout Charqe,an annual accounth8 ot the Fund9,showMtp crodks wnd debHs to tho Funds and llt�purpos� __
<br />_ � (or wM�h ear.h debR to lhe Funda wae made. The Funds am p�:da�d as ndd!tlnnel securNq for a0 sums secured by thls Securily Instrum�n6 =-_ _ _ _
<br /> II tha Funds hefd by Lender exce�d the amounts permttted to be held by spp�cabN kw, tender 9h�A account to BortowvK for tM —�
<br /> excess Funds In accordanae wkh tha roquirements oi applicahb law. If the amount of the Funda hetd by Lendor at any tkrM k not tuHfcNM _--�
<br /> to pay the Escrow Itoms when due,tendor may so natily Borroww In wriilnp, and. fn sueh case �onowe► ahatl psy to Lendor tho nimount _
<br /> �• necessflry to mska up the deficlen4y. Barcowsr shell mAke up the doBciency tn no more then hveNe monthy pay��er►ta, at Lendare sob �
<br /> „ � dl3Cretbn.
<br /> �� Upon payment in full ol an sums secured by thts &ec:urlty tistrument, Lender shaU promptry rePund to 8ortower e�ny Funds held by
<br /> l.ender. It, under paraqraph 2t,Lender shall acGuire o�seil tne Property, Londer,Frior to Ihe ecqulsRion or aab of the ProQ!yty,eh!N r99ty -_ _ ----
<br /> eny Funds heid by Lender at the time of acquisition or sale a9 t►credR a9ainat the 6ums 6eCUred by this SecurNy Instrument. ��
<br /> 3. ApplEcatlon ot Peyments. Unbss epplfcebl9 lew providos othervvise, aN paYments roceived by Lender under ParWrcPAa 1 �nd ,- '
<br /> • 2 shall be epplbd: tkst, to any prapayment Charpe3 due under the Note; second, to amounts payabte under parayraph 2; thlyd to hterest ��;
<br /> ' due;(ourth, to pnc�ipol due;and last,to any late aharpes due undar tho Note.
<br /> 4. Charges; (.18118. Borcower shall pay a0 taxas, assessmonts, charges, finos anc9 YnposRions attr�utabie tv tha Proparly whkh .+`__
<br /> may attah prlarity ovar thts Security Instrument, end leasehold payments or ground rents,M any. Borrower shall pey the�e oblpntbrt� h lha °��,:`___ __ __
<br /> mnnner providod In paragreph 2, or if not peld in lhat manner, Bonower shall p�ty them on t(me dkeCty to the person owed p�yment• -
<br /> � . BorrOwer shall'prompty tumish to Lender all notfces of amounts to be pald under th� paraflraph. If Borcower m8kes these p4ymeets __
<br /> dYeCtry,Bonower shnll promptty IurNsh to Lender roceipls evidencing the paymerns. '.� }�'
<br /> - Bortower shall prompty dischargo any Ilen wh�h has priority over thls Securiry Instroment unless Borrower. (a) epree9 in writhp to tha '.. s ;��
<br /> -- ---__ -• .:-
<br /> pflyment ot the obligatlon seCUred by the Iien In a manner accepta b i a io Ln��u'ar, �bi�����d�r='= 9��� ��r ��°�!°� hy, pr datand�aaainst �:�+r_- :
<br /> enforcoment ot the Iien In, legal proceedings whlch In the Lender's opinlon operate to prevent Ihe enlorcement of the Iien; ar(o)seCUres hom
<br /> the hotder of the Iien un egreement satisfactory to Lender subordinstin0 th9 Ifen to ih(s S9curiry Instrument. If Lender detetmines IhBt eny .�
<br /> , part of the Property is sub�ect to a I�n whbh mey attah priority over this Securdy Instrumont,Lender may gNe 8ortower a notice ido�filyh�
<br /> the Iien. Bortower shall setfsfy the lie� or take one or more ot tho actions set fohh abovewithin 10 days of the gNing of not�Ce• ����i�Y,`
<br /> 6. Hezerd or Property Insurence. Borrower shall keep the Improvements now existing or hereotter ereeted on tho PropeRy •�; � _
<br /> • ' hsured agelnst ioas by iire, hamrds Included within the term "extended coverege^ end eny othar hamrds, hcludlnp floods Or 11o0dfnp,lor ,��,i �
<br /> ' �vhfCh Lender reyulres Insurflnca. This tnsurance shall be meintaMed in thp amounts end lor the periods that Lender rBquYea. The Insurance .. ;,,
<br /> curcler provlding tho Insurence shall be chosen by Borrower subJect to Londers epproval whfch shall not be unreasonabry withheld. If � .._���
<br /> Bortower fails to mahtnin coverage descrAed ebove, Lender may, at Londers option,obtafn coveruge to protoct Lendor'3 rlghls In the ,,
<br /> ,�
<br /> Property In aCCOrdance with paragreph 7.
<br /> All hsurnnce policles end renewals shell be accepteble to Lender and shall k►clude e standard mortgage clause. Lender ehsll have lhe �,� � �.
<br /> right to hotd the policies and renewels. II Lender requlres,Bonower shatl prompty give to Lender ali recoipts of paid prem►ums and renewul . ;,�;�
<br /> not�COS. In the event of loss, Borcower shau give prompt not�e to the Insurnnce cartier end Lender. Lender may make proof of bss it not . • ��
<br /> � muae promptly by Borruwer, �
<br /> Uniess Lender and 8orrower otherwiso agree N writing, Insurance proCeeds shall be epplbd to restorution or repaU of the Property �
<br /> damnpod, ff tho restoratian or repeir Is economicalty fegsbie and Lender's security is not lessened. If tho restoration or repalr is not ,�.
<br /> � � economicalry foasfbb or Lenders security would bo lassoned, the Insurunce procoeds shell be applktd to the sums secured by thb Securky I �
<br /> Instrument, whother or not then due, wfth any oxCess paid to Bortower. If Bonower ebcndons tho PropeRy, or does not flnswer wkhh 30 I . J,
<br /> ' days e not�e from Londer that the Insurance carrier hns olfered to senle n clalm, then Lender may collect the hsurance prOCeeds. Lenuer I '��
<br /> ' may use tho procoeds to repaP or restore the Property or to pay sum� secured by Ihis Security Instrument,whother or not Men duo. The • j�
<br /> I'
<br /> 30�day period will begh when the not►ce IS glven.
<br /> � Unless Lond9r nnd Borrower utherwise agree in writing, any eppl�ation of proceeds to principnl shall not extend or postpone the due
<br /> date of tho monlhly poymonts reforred to � paregrephs t end 2 or chnnge the amount of the payments. If under paragreph 21 the Property
<br /> ' 13 acquYed by Londor, Bortowors right to any insurence polfclos nnd proceeds rosulling Irom demage ro tho Proporty prior to the eCqufsRion -
<br /> , shall pess to Lender to the exlont ol the sums seCUrod by Ihis SeCUrfty Instrument Immedlatoiy prlor to tho ncqulsRlon. -
<br /> 6.Occupency� Preseruation, Malntenance and Protection ot the Property; Borrower's Loan ;
<br /> , . Application; L@880h01d8.Bortower shell oCCUpy, dsleblish, and use the Pooperty es Borrower's pr�ncipal resldonCe withh sbcty day5
<br /> efter the executlon of thi9 Socurity Instrument and shell continue to oCOUpy tho Proparty a5 Bortower's principal rASldence lor at least ono
<br /> ' , ��' yoar after the date o1 occupancy, unle�s Lendar olhenvise ng�oos In wtithg, wh{ch cansent sAall not be unreasonnbty wRhheld,or unl�ss
<br /> � extenunling CYGUmstences oxist whiCh are beyond Bortowors control. Bortowor shall not dostroy, damage or Impair the Property,aliow the
<br /> + Property to dotorlorate, or commit waste on tho Property. Borrowor shall be t�default �any IoAeiture action or proceeding,whoth9r civ� or :
<br /> ` � crlmina4 Is begun thot In Londer's good la�th Judgment could result In forteiture of the Properly or othervvise materinly knpnk the Ibn created
<br /> - _ ... .�� er...:...�...�......e�� ...��dur'e aacuritv fntsrost. Borrowet ri�av Cu�e SUCh � delault snd relnstate, (iS provldOd h pefBQ�llph 18, by •
<br /> ------�_--� - -- v� u.w..o�v.e� ............�... _. __..__ .
<br /> � caus(ng thp acllon or procaeding to bo dlsmissed wlth e ruling that, In Londers good Iaith dete�minatlon, procludos �ortetture of the ,
<br /> � Bortower'� fntorost In the Property or other malortll impulrmont of tho Iten croAted by ihls Security Instrumont or Londors security hterest.
<br /> .� Bortowot shull nlsu be In defnult il Borrower,durinp the loen applkntion proCOS9, gave materinly talse or inaCCUrate Nformation or statemonts
<br /> " to Lendor (or In1lod to provide Lender with any materfal Inlormatlon} In connection with Ihe loan evidenCed by the Noto, tnCluding, but not
<br /> � IimRed to, ropro5ontotlOns concorning Bonowor's occupnncy ot the PropeAy� as a principai rosidonco. If this Sacurity InsWment Is on n
<br /> .J IBasohoid. Bonower shall comply with all the provislons ol the leaso. If Bflrrower acqu�res lee title to the Proporty, tho leasohold and tha
<br /> . , I (ea titb sholl not merge unbs9 the Lender nprpes lo tho morgar In writNp.
<br /> v�0��Q�S Form�OY9 0!00
<br /> ' �► � Ft047.LM01l/0�) .
<br /> � So
<br />