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Th� <br /> , entering upon and �aking poseeeeion of tha <br /> � ;� �.. , trus� eetate, the caileation of euah rent�s� <br /> iaeuos and profits� and appl�.cmtion theseo€ a� <br /> .5 nfor�eaid ahall not cure or waive any defesult <br /> . � ., or notioe of default hereunder or ir�vali@ate <br /> any aat and in reap�nee to su�h default o� <br /> -"` � ° purssant to nuclh notiae o+� de€�t;�t and, _ <br /> i� '_ � <br /> .�_ . . �� notwitha�anding �he contf.nuanae in poeeeasion � <br /> 4 _ of tlze �roperty o� the ao].leatiAn, reaqipt <br /> � : , �� and ap�+liaation of ront�, ieeues or profite, --- <br /> �. . '.'�'`��� ' Truetee or Benefiaiary may be entitled ta <br /> � ��'����"'� exaroise overy right provided for in any o f <br /> {. . • �i�•- .� <br />- . the loan instruments or by law upon <br /> ocaurrence of any event of dnfau�t� including <br /> ' �� tbe right to �xercise the power of c�a1e; <br /> (b) co�nenc� on action to forealoee _ <br /> _ t:�3� ���d �f Tr�±s*_ ?e a mnrtaage; aonoint a <br /> • rdce3ver, or epecificallgt enforae any o� the <br /> ' covenants hereof; . - <br /> . ' (c) deliver to Truetee a written deela- _ <br /> , ration of default and demand for eale, and a _ . <br /> ` written notice of default and election to R�� <br /> cause Truetore inte�ost in the Property to r:7-.,° <br /> " " be aold, which notice Truetee shall cause to � <br /> ' be duly filed for recard in the official xec- Y <br /> � orda of the county in which the Propcsrty a.e , <br />_ looated. � <br />� � � 13. k'qreclosure bv Powez of Sale. Should Honeficiary elect <br /> to foreclose by exerci�e of the power of eale herein contained, <br /> � Beneficiary shall notiEy Trustee and ehall deposit wi�h Tsustee <br /> this Deed of Tr�ast and the note and euch receipts and evidenae of <br /> � Es�penditures made and �ecured hereloy as Trustee may require, and <br /> upon request of the Beneficiary, the Trustee shall file fos rec�- <br /> ?� � ., ord, fai the Regisi:er of Daeds office in 1:he Caunty where the <br />_ Property is located, a notice of default, satting f orth iche name � <br />=._�a. � of the Trustor, the �ook �x�d Page or pocument No. of th3s Deed of <br />=:�� . Trust aa recor_ded in said Regieter o£ Deede office, the legal de- � <br />'�;''�, � , scription of the above-described rea]. eetate and that a breach of ; <br /> .' . ., an obligation, for which eaid real esta�e was conveyeci ae seeu- i <br /> � - rity, hae occurred, and aetting Sorth the naturc� of such breaah , <br /> ' and the Txuetees election tc eell the real estate to satiefy the � <br /> - �� abligation; and aftar tho lapse of not leas than one (1) month, <br /> a. the Trustee slzall give written notice af the and plaae of � <br />_ eale which may be botween 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. at the prom- <br />�: ; isea, or at the Courthouee in the County wherein auch Property ia � <br />" . . loaated, �iescribing the Property to be sold by its legal deecrip- , <br />�� .� � tion, daid no'tice to be published in a newepaper o� general cir- <br />_ � culation in the County whe�ein euch Property is loca�ed, onco a <br />=_ . _-_.-_-_---_--_°- ---_L a.... ct..e re� .....,00n�,tivo tJOA1fII_ {:}lA laat DI1bliCat�0I1 �O �78 --.- <br /> � -_- ---- ........ ..,.»___----- <br /> �vaas avr ..--'--. ---- � --... <br />` � at least �en (10) ciays, but not mare �han thirty (30) days, prior <br /> � to the sal�; and �he Truatee sha�l than sell said Property at t�e <br />' � � time and placo dosignated :in tho notice, in the maraner prov9.ded <br /> � by law in eff�ct at the fiime of filing said notice, at public <br /> `� auc�ion to th� hi.ghest bidder for ca�h and shall delivor to such <br />; �� purcheser a deed to the PYOperty sold, eonsietent with the law in <br /> . �� � effect at the� <br /> � Upon receip� of payment of the pr�ce bid, TrustoQ ehall de- <br />- .j <br /> liver to tho purchaser, Truetees deed conveying the Property <br /> . q <br /> .;�, ' <br /> 'R <br />