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<br /> `� �c9� � r!I r°Y�' ����� ���"'^�"`�.r�..,.r._ - -- _
<br /> ,Ji,'�li'�iS H)rvJ� rm,ur_-- --
<br /> f , „ ._i . - ----
<br />:�'_ . . � .. p�xo�.it•e S:a Sene��i.cia��►. �Ienei�i�iar�r, howevox, txe�et�y �orae�nf:e to ��'-'�:�.,���__.�-,.;'-�'_f..
<br />"���'�` ''��� � ' Txu��u�o c:�11.ec�3.on and retez�tion o� 9uch xon��, ier�ue� d�1d —___ -
<br /> �..�._�,�,., .�,. _.�_
<br />---•��-�,�.�sw:.� _a�.,.
<br /> =�,�rc:�y,. profits as they eaacxu6 and boaome pr►yable, eo loriq ee �rurtt�r. ia�
<br /> np�, u� ��xexi �i.u�c�, ir, �a�an�t. vsit� xoo�C��� ta ���°i:t e� +�s� �.rs� -__ -.___�-- . .-
<br /> R. . . �. _.,.
<br />�":;�;..K,;��;� deutednese s�aured heraby, or in tho performarnce o� ar�y r�c�ren;a�xa� ` _ --
<br />_�,:::;�::����:•�,.;;. hereunder. If any event of defnult deecribad hc�reaftex 9.n re-
<br /> -_. � �,., � �pe�t to �hie Deed of Tr�aet sha11 have accus-red And be cantinu- _
<br /> ,_a,,,��;� :::,....,:� :
<br />��,:���- ��.i••�� . i�g, Dgne�iciary, as a matter of right and wi.thou� no�fae to
<br />�•. �� " �� Truetox ox anyone clafming �xnder Trustor, and without re�gazd to
<br />�-y����--�-° �• �he value of �he trust caetate or t�he inter.est of the Truetor
<br />'-'�";., :• therein, �hall have fihe riqht to app�.y �o any aQUr`c ha�rrfr�c� �r.�tis� �- - -
<br />:.:.G_t,N . —
<br />=n-' �� � � �� diction to appaint a receiwex of �he Property.
<br />'-�'. . . ., -
<br /> :1 . .
<br /> �i�.� ` 9. Tns�ectione. Bene€�ciarlr, or its ag�nts, xepresenta-
<br />�= , tives or workinon, are authorized �o enter at any reasana�le titae
<br /> ., .�,. .. .
<br />��' �.`.'
<br />_�;;,;,� ;�•;;. ::. upon or in any �art of the Property �or the purpose of inspect mg
<br />-{''" '"9':: :.`.'i...' ':�' �bae e�rne a�nd �ox the purpose of performing ang af the aats it fs
<br />-¢ •,.,;! ;..,._ . =__ _ _ - --
<br /> =.�,;;a:.•.;,,� authorixed to perf4rm under the terms of a�ny loan inetruments ----
<br /> ;, :�� � � ex�cuted by Truator. ---- -- - -- -
<br />_�: r��,.�t
<br /> 10. Transfer of Pxopertv. If all or a�ay par� of the ��.,.-'
<br />� »�. I fI' Propelty or any interest of Trustox therein ie eold, transfer�xed �~��
<br />"�' � - ° ' . or further encumbered without the express ox wr3.tten coneent of --���-��`����
<br />_,; ,, �. Beneficiary, Beneffaiary may, at it� oole option, d�clare all • -,;"�- -- -
<br /> ,�:.».L=_
<br /> .<:� . � eums seaured by thf a Deed of Truat xo be immpdiately due and pay- `�`�.�R --.'�-
<br />. ; " � � able and proceed to the x�eme3iee available to it under the de-
<br /> ;.: �..
<br /> „ fault provieione aontained herein. �`:"��a �
<br /> ,�.. :
<br /> ,.
<br /> ..
<br /> �,,::�; �, -;�.�rx°.
<br /> � ` ' 11. �vents of Default. Any of the following evente sh�all ���:` ,c� •++�'-_
<br /> •� bo deemed an even� of default heraunder: �";"" "•-• �
<br /> �;�'�'.
<br /> . . . �...`�o r
<br />. •• (a) Trur�tor ohall have failed to make �'���'� �
<br /> � p�yment or any inetallment of interest, prin- �`
<br />_� . � cipal or principal and interest or any other �
<br /> � sums r�ecured hereBy when due; �x� . ,
<br /> . � ..:�,;
<br />_ .:� " (b� The�e hae occurred a breach of or �°;is '�
<br /> default under any tarm, covenant, aq�eeanent, � `� `
<br />_,;,,,;. _ condition, provision, representatfon or war- ����_��, _
<br />_. .. ranty contained in thie Deed of Truet, the � :� . . ��
<br /> �� � - �- note or any other loan inetrument aecured �*�. �%"w- �
<br />„. , .,.. i ,
<br /> , hereby f �'' . '�
<br /> . , ' � �--�:�
<br /> (c) There has been a default by the ,; '�„
<br /> ' „ Trustor S.n th� paym�nt of any prior or Bubse- ! ,. ��r=.
<br /> "�, quent lien or encumbrance in respect to a11 ; ' �� :
<br />--�, or any part og the Pro�erty; � -,,� .
<br />=�;,.� � t� ;
<br /> (d) Trustor shall file a voluntary pe- ' " �
<br />',�: ,. . tition in banksuptcy or ahall be adjudicated � .J
<br /> ,� banlcrup� or insolvent, or shall make an as- , �
<br /> .. signment for the benefit of creditore in re- � ,
<br /> � " apect to the Property; or an aation to en- ; � : "
<br /> � . force� any lien or encumbrance or judgments �
<br /> aga,inst the Proper�y ie commonced. �
<br /> ,� 12. Acc�l�ration Upon Default. In ths avent of any de- �
<br /> fault, Elene€i.ciary may declaxe a].1 indebtednese secured hereby to I . �
<br /> �� �.. be due aad payable, and tho same shall thereupon become due and � '•
<br />:•'� � „ payable without any presentment, demand, pro�e�t or notice of any I `y
<br /> . � �� kind. Thoreaftez, Beneficiary may: � ;
<br />_�� --- -- _
<br /> -__ _ ____
<br /> ------- -
<br />=� � (a) ei�her in person or by ag�nt, with i �^ T
<br />. .. or withont bringing any action or proceeding, , ,
<br /> .� ., or by receiver Appointed by a cnurt and with-
<br /> � out regard to the adequacy of any security, ,
<br /> � enter upon and take poesegeion of the , �
<br /> Proparty� or any par� thQreof, in its own
<br />_ � namo or in the name of the Tru�te�, and do
<br /> � any acte whir,h i� doeme neQeseary and �..
<br /> - deeirable �o preserve the value, '
<br />- m�rke�ability or rentability of the Praperty, ; •� •
<br />_' '.'! , .
<br /> ., . �� „ 3
<br /> .
<br /> �
<br /> ,�. � _
<br /> ' i ,
<br />