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<br /> ,. . aol=i. R�:mtt�a3a �.n �}:s �liZ'1►(iIt:HQ60 t�flli�C; �alzr��,�, !�o pz�,ma ���s�.o o�.i...� . ___ .._��=�-�--=,=`"``
<br /> •';� . . denoe oE �:Yaa �xutkx o� �he ��a4:c�menY.� m�de i:i��exe�n. TsuetPe sYi���. � -�
<br />;_=��_T�+��;Y��,rts;� aBply the praaeedr a� �he snld !.n �I�e �o3x�wing oxr�ers (a) to ---
<br /> cxll ro�aoonc�bl�a c�eetc� �nci ex�A�nee� �t th� �e�.�, inGlud�.ng }aut r�a� _ ,.. __� _ _�._.
<br /> w.�
<br /> r 3.imi,�ed i�n, �.�'�:ia���ae� icae� Q; L►�t ����� ��iat: ]...",: a� �;:� c��:��:. �-= - -
<br /> _ _ -
<br /> =�3����`�+�'�=y gal.e pric�a, reaeonabLe n�torney faar and aoMt� of ti��.e eviden�e;
<br />-�`.'�:'.�: .. , .� (b) to ell eum� edaured by �hie Dned oP 7Crust� dnd (c) �ha ex- -
<br />.�..'1.5�...
<br />.:^�° „ �: cegs, if any, to i�he� perean Ar pora�on� lv�qal.ly en�itled thereta., _
<br /> - Any pereom, ina�.uding Beneffoiary, may purahaoe eaid Prc�perty a�
<br /> _.�;.�__ _.. �aid c�ale. �
<br /> �, - - -
<br /> �'.1t�� ' The pereon aonduating �ho eale may, for nny aauee he or ehe . . � —
<br /> '' �.: deeme expedient, postpone the sale from time �o time unti]. it
<br /> , shall bo complat�d and, in overy eur�h aas�e, natice af poetp�ne-, � --- �
<br /> �,� ' ... ment ehall be qiven by public daca.arAtiori �hereo£ by suah per�on �`-�
<br /> • at the time and plaae laat appointe�d fo� the� se�ld; prov3ded, if
<br /> �•� ' ._ _, ,"� the eale ie poetpaned £or Longer tliaa� one (1� dey beyond the dat� _
<br /> z � desiga�ated in. the notice of ea1e, aatiae theroof ehali i�e qiven 6-- - -
<br /> � ' . in the eame manner aa the oriqinfll notiee of ealn. �:�T�-,�..-�
<br /> . .. ,.����.-�
<br /> : �rf�lf��
<br /> ..�, 14. Remediee No� Exalusive. Truotee and Hen�fiviary, and �_�:=_-�_
<br /> each of them, ehall be entl.tled to onforae payme�at and perfoxm- �y , U,
<br /> ,► ance of any indebtednees or oblige'tion e�cured hereby and to ex- Ez�rG�-===��-�
<br /> �� � erciee all rz.ghte and pawere under thie Deed of True� or under ��
<br /> �_1KAfP'-'..
<br /> ,_„�a:�,:-
<br /> � , any loan inotru�ent or other agreemen� or any laws nor or horeaf- -��,;;:_- -
<br /> � ter enFozced, notw�.thetanding �some or nll of tho indebt�dnese and � �� ���
<br /> � ,:i;;� .
<br /> �. obliqatione �ecured hereby whioh may now or hereafter be other- �;;� ��
<br /> ' wiee secured whether b mort a e deed of tra�t led e lfen, ;����;��=•,�,-,;:;.�<'�_
<br /> _ i Y �3 9 � r B � ► c,:,� 1< < ...�_."1��_
<br /> aogignmont or otherwise. iVoither the acoapzance oi �nia ue�d oi �,q'��}c�}��a�, :�,�
<br /> Trust nos its enforaemen�, whether by aourt aaticn or pureuant to ��',",.;,'�;'�<<�'' ��'`, ,
<br /> �:��. �'..�•:v,
<br /> � the power of eale or other powere herein� contained, Bha7.1 pre�ju- 1:�;;;;'�;��,;,
<br /> �� . dice or in any manner affec� Trueteeg or Heneficiaxys riqht to ": �: �
<br /> � . . � realizo upon or entorce any,other security now or horeafter hald � '�`'�' �
<br /> r. �.r,
<br /> '�`�f��:
<br /> • by Trustee o�c Beneficiary, it being agreed that �ruatee and Bene� . �:�, �•,
<br /> � �,,�:;;..
<br /> ficiary, and eaah of them, ehall be entxtled to enfor�e thie Deed .:��r�.��,':'.;�;,;��
<br /> � oF Trust and any other security now or hereaftor held by the P'�:;;,: � ,,�.�,;y "
<br /> Benef.iciary os Truatee in such order and manner as they, o� �i- , �
<br /> , th�r of them, may in thoir absolute discretion determin�. No F:��� � �:° `r'�i;.r;.r
<br /> . � � " remedy herein conferred upon or reserved �o Trustea ox BOnefica: >''�`;' ' ...
<br /> :��,, ; .,.:�
<br />� ' ary �.s intended to be exclusi.ve of any other remedy herein or by �� ,'..';;,;; •?�
<br /> 1aw �rovided or permitted, bu� eaah ahall be cumula�ive and Bhall `� -- � �a,,:.-.,'�'�
<br /> be in addition to every o�her remedy given hereunder or now or ��� :,.,, ..������;�:`� '�y��
<br /> hereafter exieting at law or in equity or by statute. Bvery ;� ` ;�-. ::}� �.;_ �.
<br /> ' power or remedy qiven by any of the loan inatrumonts to Trustae �: . ��;
<br /> � � .. or aeneficiary or to which either of them may be otherwie0 anti- 'r: .� �' �.: . r, -
<br /> �� tl�d ma be exercised, concn�rrentl or inde endentl f xom time ` �: "`'��'}�-�� �•- ,�:�% -
<br /> , Y Y P Y. : , ��;:;:;.-<,.. .�;�� .. ,.
<br /> to time and ae often as may he dQemed exp�dient by Truatee ox ,`', •�� ' � . :�����.:�.
<br /> �ir.� Beraeficiary, and either of them may pureue i�iconeat.etent remedios. f ��'�; �..;�`�ei;�- ;.r`��,�,
<br /> � ° ' Nothinq he.rein 9h�11 be construed ae prohibiting Benefieiary from i � � :�;. '��:' � `'
<br /> =� � ee�king a defiaiency judgment againet Trustor to the extent euch � � .
<br /> ;:n� ,, . . action is permitted by law. � � '
<br /> ;.
<br />:`,� .
<br /> _ '. 15. RQque�t ior Notice. Trustor hereby requeeto a copy of f ��. �-
<br /> '; any nc�tice o� default and that any notiae oi sale herenrtder be !�. � � .. � . '
<br /> �. u�ailed to Truetor at the address set forth in the fire� paragraph � • �
<br /> of this Deed of Truet. ' ,
<br /> �
<br />- . � , . .
<br />� :ti. • � 16. �ointment of Succeesor Trustee. Senefia�ary may, � ' ,
<br />, .�° from, ti.me to time, by written inetrument exeauted and acknowl� ; � �:��:
<br /> ed.c�ec� by Beneficiary, mailed to Trus�or and reeorded in tho � ��•���
<br /> � � Gounty in which the Property ie located and by otherwiso comply- � . ��
<br /> .. .,,;.
<br />; _�_ ing with the �rovisione of the applicable law of the 3tate of No- •.�..
<br /> - -- �_ _ .�---..-.. . �.
<br /> � - � braeka, eubetitute a succeeeor or succeseoro to tho �ruotoo nnmoci `°--�-- �- �
<br /> , hereira or acting hereunder.
<br /> •,� 17. 5uac�aeora and Aee�.gns. Thie Deed of True�t rspnliop to, , •
<br /> y� and inures to the bonefit of, and btnds all partioe �a�oto, tlioir -���
<br /> heire, 1�ga�ees, deviseea, personal repreaentativoo, euao�oriox� :
<br /> • � and aseigns. The term Bene�iciary sha11 mnan tha owr�oz c�nci .
<br /> ' hoYdo�c of the note, whother or no� n�med as Bmnef�.a3.ary h�srain. ,
<br /> � .
<br /> . � ,
<br /> � „ - .
<br /> "� - - .
<br /> ;� ,
<br /> - - . .. .....------.. ..._. . . -
<br /> --
<br /> --- -
<br /> � � �'-=---- - ---- - ------�------ -------=---�-----�... ..�.._
<br /> __ _�. _ —.
<br />