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<br />;_•:�.;>;,,�.�:..,�z:.- tF�c priuclp�l nmoufii aQtiee unic at fti:tx�ie r�'f11C l�Zi��it�lt�iiii it��.e�i.:iigp�S;i:S�i,S'1:1"::Si::?1:�::f:��{>:i;;:y�i��iC:::f':J}�'::;i.:�.:.:i 1._� ,
<br /> - -��'� by law;(b)to pIl sunis seiured by thls tic�urity 1'nstru►nc►il;nnd(c)�ny�xcry�t+o thx��r�r+�►��}a•pFrMU�s�e�sUy entiU,d �
<br /> �•r��%�:�'_L�.,�_t_.._ .: °:e'."
<br /> - f01If. .:�..
<br /> 22. Rccunveyance. Upon puymcnt of afl �ums secured by ctds Sccurity li�t�u�uc��1,I+l'11lICE Nf18II C2QIlC5I`I�USQCC t0 � _ ;�,�
<br /> =u131��5�-��`�:`•�=��a rcconve� thc Prop:rty und sh�lt surrcnder tl�is Sccucity lnsimme�ie�+n�i�+.�1 notey r.v�denclug eicht sccured by this Security
<br /> ,....
<br /> ..,
<br /> ,:,_
<br /> _
<br /> . .:��_
<br /> =-�----�u Instrument ta'ikustcc. 7iustee sh:di n:cnnvc:y tii�Rcv�re�t�r wii�iut;t w::��.iuiy u�iS ::�Ilh:)UE CIt»i�� !0 Cllr �1^r�n��ar persans ,.-_
<br /> - - Iegally er.titled to it.Such person or parsons shall pay any recordatxo�i costa. � �
<br /> - -- 23. Subs�tltutc 1Yustee. LencZer,Ae its option,mAy from dm�to tiAne remmc'l�ustca w�d uA4wint a suca�ssor lruster:to
<br /> �-F---- any'nustee sppolntcd liereunder by an insuuinent reeordesf i��tho county in wh(cti thfa ficcurity 1nrUY�mcnt is recorded. , d`:_,•
<br /> -�,;�, Without convcyan.e of the Property,the successor trustes stinll succced to ail �he dtle,power and �uties confem:d upon , �.;.���:;;_=
<br /> ;�`;��,,� 'Ih�s:ec hcrcirt and by applicabl�luw. ;.`:�'
<br /> .���sui�w 24. Request for NoUces. Borrower renuescs that copics of the noticvs af dofuult und sule�c scnt to Norrowcr's address . �''�-
<br /> ---'-=�=-== which is the Propcny Address. =-
<br /> -=.�:a�,�:,� 25. I2tdcrs fo thls Seca�rliy I�strum,ent. if one or morc ridcts w'e cxccutr,d by Horr�wer and recorded togethet aith . _-
<br /> ���i� this 5ecurity Instrument,th�covenants•n�id ngre:ements of each such rider shaU be incorpomted into und shatl amend and �, �t�'
<br /> x.�,i,;«�,�;� supplement the covenants und agreemenis of U�Is Security[nstrument us if the rid�r(s)wcre a patt of thix Security Instrument. • �;
<br />--:��:��'�*,� [Clieck:�pplicablebox(es)] ��
<br /> ���
<br /> - � �Ad,justable Rute iiider �Condaminium Rider �1-4 Famiiy Rider �
<br /> � ��
<br /> �`�J�"� �Grad�rated Payment Rider �Pl�ned Unit D�vclopment Rider u�3ivieckly P�.yment Rddcr , �,�--
<br /> :
<br /> �12�"l � •�_1 r ft. ' L..
<br /> '==�b�; `� •�:�►1;.'' �Be�l;��on Rider �Rate Improvement Ridcr �Second i-lome Rider
<br /> =—.'�k�r� �
<br /> �+, �LL .,,�,.,.�� �X Ot3�er(s)�specify] ASSIGNmENT OF RENT ��
<br /> �;�t�f� �. :
<br /> ', � S}�s ��' BY SIGNINd BELOW,Boaowcr accepts and�grees to the tenns nnd covcnunts containcd in this Securlty Insuument �� _�
<br /> 6 � H and in nny rider(s)executed by Borrower and recorded with it.
<br /> ,,S,ar,��>�..yt.,:r%{ -
<br /> t ��
<br /> � ' Wimess: i � s•
<br /> ,; .:�:� qlZ�l�
<br /> . - -
<br /> _��.y;'.�-. . ��i..- _ . ..
<br /> - �� . ' . CLARI A. 80SC U T —
<br /> ., , . . • (Seul) •�'� / dt�o/��Scal)
<br />< `:�
<br /> -Borro�scr P1A . 805CHULT -Aorrowcr
<br /> . . (Scal) _ (Sea!)
<br /> � �•. .. " -Borrowcr -Boro�ver
<br />!-�� -•� ��<r.'.� STATE OF NEHRASKA, HALL Caunry ss:
<br /> . �. .
<br /> „ � � Qn this 26TH day of SEPTEmBER 1994 ,before me,the undcr5fgned,a Notnry F'��bltc
<br /> "' ''" duly commissioned and qualified for stud county,personally came CLARK A. BOSCHULT AND �1ARY B. BQSCHULT.
<br /> • HUSBAND FiND WIFE ,to mc iCnown tv bc d�c
<br /> , • -• • identical persons(s) wliose name(s)are subscribed eo the foregoing instrument and acknowledged ehe execution dtcrcof to
<br /> . be 7HEIR voluntury act wid deed. ---
<br /> � Wimess my hand and notarial seal at GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA in said county,tlie
<br /> " datc aforesui
<br /> My Commis on �AAl��� � �
<br /> � �h����� NotnryR�hlfc --
<br /> •� ' TO TRUSTEE:
<br /> � � . The undcrsigned is the liolder of the note or notes secured by this Deed of Tkust_ Said notc or notes,togetlicr tvith:►II _.
<br /> other indehtedness secured by this Deed of 7Yust,have been paid in ful1. You are hereby directed to cnncel said note ar unte�i _.
<br /> and this Deed af'Itust,which are delivered hcreby,and to reconvey,�vithout wnrranty,nll thc cstatc now hcld by yc�u under _
<br /> . this Dced of'ti�ust to thc person or persons legally entitled thereto. -
<br /> • Datc: —
<br /> �orm 3028 9/90 IPnXC 6��f b�u�ge.�i =
<br />