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<br />�T��-.��'".�'`�;`:, ��t �nrraw�r'e Inrlebtndnuue,Ne�tsl�ialler r�tbr�n!i 9��NM iit��"Nu:r►",lu{itl�A�;t'�'pP'ti�i�afiVl�ll��Hl�NIl�.U�N ASf UGiA'flt�t�U�
<br /> �'`T"-'"''" "':*' t�WAND{JLAN�,h�t�lndtarral�rrrslt�►aMih�+"I.PiSit�NY'�.Ullii!1tlNiiltl(iA11tIHf711e�►va�flnE�thgtir�t�+�rtyrtenc�rlbe�4lnthe5enurlly __
<br /> -��—� , In�trtiment Nnd loceta��t:
<br /> .--_���� -
<br /> .u�..; .,..�:- , �,.
<br /> '� 1!i�?ll N. f:�:f�(1N� I�NIIP�I� I•�I t�i��► iMr f�r�i{fl? . .._�. .._._��..m_.------.___ _ ,�..._ ,
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<br /> -A.:'.. . .� :C.' �
<br />-- „ '�1""�- WITN�88ETN:
<br /> =.•��. ;
<br /> _�;_;„,�i,:` �:•'� ;, �
<br /> N06iEi�EAS,Borrowsr end Lor�der Nnve MprheU Ihel �+nY rNntN w�ui�uollee ellrlMut�hle tc�th�qroperty shauld conetltute
<br /> -�w�=,�,•- • �=�=+� Kddltlonal saaurlty to the Lenc9ar lar ihe ti►�irsiAn� <;I ltcn Nuly,
<br /> ��.i.+q•M.R'• .: .g..�� •--.. ..
<br />=',':'h,= •-:",.~•-3:,' NOW,THEREFORE,It Is ROreacl thM11hM A�a�nHy Innt�unrhnl nURll t�e N�n�nclh�l henby ac�d daemed ta lnutude che followrtnp
<br /> �'�- : '', provlelons:
<br /> % .. .y,
<br />-. � ' 1. g�Lnm�n of_�il1llm..lr�l.l�lOd�.�.HMn(�I.�oliqcllun Hluf�lM,ll��iruwkr i�unby�bsulutaly Mnd uncbndltlan�lly�eel�ne�II =
<br /> " � .q� rente, Is�uss ��d proflte af ths prop�riy 1� N«n�11uIMi�. I.encler elirll liwva Ihe �IpIH, power end Nuthority durinp the
<br /> - ' ��'~"� contlnuance al ths 8ecuelty Insirum�nl tU aoi11P01 111M rAt11N,leni�er�ncl prnllle o1 the properly�nd nf�ny perao��l prop�rty
<br /> _ ,,._.:
<br /> _ �, loaated th:rcan s�lth or�Ithcse�l l�kln�E�4�r�����n of Ihe prope��ly�tlent�J Irer�t�y. l.ender, howev�r, hereby canKentm to __
<br /> ` 8orrower'e colleotton and rute�►tlon of euah rentd,lenuee nrni 1�rolun aa Ihay aoc�r�e u�ci b�cnme p�y�bfe,ev loi�p ne Ba��:.uer
<br /> ' • le not,sl su�h tlms,In defwlt wlth reepsal to p�Y�»b�����hny In�t�btedndyti eeaured liereby, or In Ih�psrlorm�ncn of�ny
<br /> . apreemenl herounder. __-_-_
<br /> ' 2, dQQQlntrt�}nt Qt ReceL�t r.If�ny event ol del�uli In r�xueui t� Il�e 8eaurlly Inetrument nhall hpve occurred anU be
<br /> contlnuEnp, Lendor, ue a m�ttnr of rlph4 end wllhout ��u11oe to Il�rrov�er nr anyune nlalminp undrr Borrower,and wlthout
<br /> repard to tho velue of the t�uet eatels or lhe Intereet of the Uorrower INereln,Nhall heve 1ha rlpht fo epply lo eny court hsving _..:
<br /> �urladlctlon to nppolnt a rocelver ol the pro�srty
<br /> 3. Blpb,�tg Poaeeeelor�,In cese of default In If�e paymanl of the aelU prinnlpnl Note or Intereet,or any p�rt fh�riof,ae It
<br /> � shall mature,or In the aane o?�alluro to keep or perlorm eny o11he eovenunta or eqreementd contNned In ilre Seeurlty Instru-
<br /> poaeeselon}the ealdrpremlROa he eln deac�lbed e d to�no�t�c�tho rc�nta EI�erAhnmxnnd to apply 1he proc ede fhe eof to fhe -
<br /> � p�yment of tne nlote.
<br /> p, Ao I�I,c_at�oa of Rente,I� eu A And�toll�A��renle collaofed bY I..encle►ar If�e reCelver ehall be ap{�Iled flrst t0 peyment
<br /> - of the costs o}mAnaflement of the property and collocllon ol r�nts,lnuluifln�,l�ut not Ilmited to,roaelver'e feee,premlume ors _�,
<br /> recelver'e bonds and reasonablo attorney'o feen, and thon to the suma e�cu►otl hy iho 8ouwlly In9trurnent.�.ender end the __
<br /> reaelver ehall be Ilable to eccount only tor thoso rante aotually tecelveci. __.__.
<br /> ' .. �i. Gonatructlon of Provlslone,Eaoh of the provlelono conialned In 11Ue Aeelpn�nonl of f�Anl�FildAr and the Seaurlty Inetru• s�-_:
<br /> ment shall, untese otherwlse speclflcally roqulred, be aonetruod In accordenc�wllh NebrueNe law, and In the eveM any ��`.'`
<br /> provlslon hereln or thereln contafnod shall ba detorminod by o court of competent�u►ledlctlon to be uRenforceable,the e�mo
<br /> eh�ll be construod ae thuuph suoh unenforceablo provlolon woro not a pr�r1 her�ol b►lhereof. ��_-.;
<br /> Q, Fffect of Rldor.Exce�t ae spoclflGelly modlfled by or Inconclotont v�llh Ihlt�Aool(�nmont ut R�nta Rlder or by eny other �-
<br /> � uppllcable rldor,all of the torms and provls�one co alnod In tho Socurlly Inelru �ant oliall contlnue In full force and effect.
<br /> N�nt f r nn thn deto f r�t nutod ebavo. "'"
<br /> - IN WITNESS WFIEREOF,Borrower hoe oxecuted ►0 �
<br /> . � " _ . ��I��v � - - =
<br />- ° CLAHR-�1:-l3 ��iUC Eiurrawor
<br /> ^ �' �� / /�
<br /> i
<br /> � uyY t� �U' ���1��.� 9 c� �
<br /> -- " mARY 1�. L��J�CHIJI_T [i��rrawor
<br /> . ✓
<br /> (ea:
<br /> ' •- COUNTY OF HALL )
<br /> On thle z6TH day of SEPTEmBER ��e 94 ,bofort►mo U�o w�da►81 notl n Noter�r nubllp duly aommleelane�l ensl
<br /> quallPledforsaldcounty, porsonally camo CLARI< A,_f�f15CHlfl.1" aNi.�_m���v..f�. I�I1�;(I1111 I s Nll��f�l11U11 ANtI IdIFE_
<br /> � ..,lo tw 1ho�donllcul paroon(A1 whusfl IlAli1L'�(3)IOIF�10 t3Ub9C�l� �
<br /> � lo tho toregoing Inetrumont, and hc/sho/thoy ncknowlodpo tho axaoutlon thoroof to�►o I�ia1h��N1h�1r voiuntary eCt end deed,
<br /> , GRAND I�I.�NU� NI_IiNA[�ItA . . __
<br /> Wltness my hand and Nota�lol Soal at ----- --- •
<br /> In on co«�� tho dnto N�►re�r�ld.
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