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<br /> W=r I.
<br /> applicablc law may spccify for r�instatcmcnt)hcr"o�L snic of tlic i'i�p�Yy Efur«ant to anp�o,�vcc o£s�ic cm�i,iu.:�i in 2I�i�� , '
<br /> • Szcurity Instrumcnr,ar(b)cntry of n judP�nent enforcin�diis Sccurity Instcumcne. 'Cliosc ccmclitians nco t➢���t}3c,�u�^�r: (n) �
<br />._'�•,;. . . ' . ��:.��tf.:; pays Lender all sums ahich then �vould �e duc under this Security instrument and thc Note as if i�o nceclenidon tr«!
<br /> �,, 4 � _ occurred;(b)cures imy deFnult af nny otF:cr covenants or agreements;(c)pays aU exper�ses incurrcd in enfu�clnF tlds�ecualty __
<br /> .°��?!;=--- Jnstrument,including, but not limited to,reasonnhle attorr�ys'fees; and(d)tnkcs sur,h aclion us Lender may r�asouu��ly
<br /> °'"'���� rcquirc to assure that the licn of this Security inswment,Lender's rights en the Penperty nnd Donower's oblig�tIoie ta pay ttw
<br /> •- -,: ,,;,.;;-,�,� sums secum,d "uy tlus 5ecucity Instrumcnt sl�aU wntinuc unchanged. Upon mfn5��temene hy Ao�rower, ll�i:: Sec���ity °`-.-
<br /> t,-.4,j,�.y.-.�;�--=� ' Instrument and the obligation�secured hereby shadl remain fully effecdve ns if no acceleraqon had accurcecl. Hov�ever.this
<br />_ n'-�`� ���"��� risht to reinstate shall not apply in the case of accclertdon und�r parngraph 17.
<br /> • ��"'���• 19. Sule of Notci,Change of Loan Scrvicea: The Notc or a partial intcrest in d�e Not�itoEcif�er with this Sccurity
<br /> _---r s:,;f:,•-.�;,
<br />_ � ; �, . _ Instrument)may bc s lc�.pr'opr mD��t�mes,wlthout prior nauce to Borrower, A sale mAy result in a change in tho eiuity
<br /> . ' � '• '�`•x''% (krtawn as thc"Loan�erviFeF`')lhat collects monthly payments due under the Note nnd d�is Security instrument. Therc nlso
<br /> ':,.�>:..'.::'.:���`� '
<br /> . ;,r.-r� may bc one ar moxe�hanges of thc l..asm Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note. If there is n ehnngc oY th•s Lowti Scrviccr,
<br /> '� •:'��a,; Borrower will bt given wntten notice of the change in accoedance with paragraph 14 ubuve uad upplicabl�lav�. The n�Nce �-_ _
<br /> `'•�°'�f�'�"�`'+"�`�� ^ will state the name and address of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which payments sliould be made. The notice will
<br />-.``.,`; .` • `•'';�;; ulso contain nny other informauon requ�red by ngplicable lu�v.
<br /> � '',+ 20. Heznrdous Substances. 13orrower shall not cause or pemut the presence,use,dispos�l,storagc,or release of miy
<br /> , •' hrrM
<br />_ ..;.i Hazardaus Substances an or in the Property. Borrower shall not do,nor allow anyone else to do,anydiing nffecting the
<br /> '�.:;,Y,-� . ` Property that is in violation of any Environmental LAw. Thc preceding two sentences shall not apply ro the presence,usc,or
<br /> •''�°'�°•,.•.+,����, . ° storage on the Property of smull quandries uf Hazardous Substances that are genernlly reco�nized to He appropdatc to normal
<br /> �.�c:_ :..
<br /> •• �> residentinl eses sind to mnintenance of the Froperty. _
<br /> . �� • ' ='" Borrowcr shall promptly give Lender written notice of any invesdgauon,cl�m,demand,lawsuit or other:+ction by wiy
<br /> ;''' � "' `'`'�` governmental or regulatory agency or privute party involving the Pcoperty and any Hazardous Substance or Environmental
<br /> � Law of which Borrower has actual knowledgc. If Borrowcr lenrns, or is notified by any governmcntal or ee�ulatory
<br /> . _ . , . authoriry, that any removal or other remediadon of any Hazardous Substance affectii�g the Pro�,rty is necessary,Borcower
<br /> shall promptly take all necessary remedial acdons in acconlance with Environmcntul Law.
<br /> , As used in this paragrnph 20,"HuzArdous Substunces"are those substances deCned as toxic ur hazardons substances by
<br /> Environmental Law and die following subsu►nces: gasoline,kerosene,other flammable or toxic�tcoleum products,toxic
<br /> pesticides and herbicides, volatile solvdnts, materials containing asbestos or farmaldehyde,and radioactivc materi�ls. As
<br /> �•.:''� � ,, used in this paragraph 20,"Environmental Law"means fedcrnl laws and laws of the jurisdiction where thG Property is lacated
<br /> � , that relate to health,safety or environmental protection.
<br /> ��� NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrowcr and I.ender further wvenant and 3gree as follows:
<br /> • 21. AccPlerutton; �temedtes. I,ende�shtiU give notice to Borrower pr4or to acceleratlon fallowing Borrower'�
<br /> ' uicaC�S C+i a��tYD.:.G:+Sit L•:«B:°.�:l2�i:��»��°-C�!�t�tn�tr�.mc»t Ibut not nrior to accclerntion undtr parulp'apb l7
<br /> ' ' unless appltcuble law proviues otherwtse). The notice shall speclfy: (u)the defuult;(b)the actton requlr�id to cure the
<br /> !. defuulh(c)n dete,not less than 30 days from the date the notice Is given to Borrower,by whtch the defaulR must be
<br /> cured;end(d)that faSlure to cure the defAUlt on or before the date specified in We nottce may result in acceleratlon o8
<br /> � thc sums secured by this Security Instrument and sAle of the Pro�erty. Tl�e noYice shall ihrther inform Horrower of
<br /> tlie right to reinstate nfter accelerutton and tt�e right to bring a court action to assert the non-exlstence of e default or
<br /> • any other defense of Borrower to i�ecelerution s�nd sale. If tlae detault is not cured on or before tiic date spec(tied le�
<br /> fhe notice,Lender at Its opNon muy require[mmecliAte payme�at In full of nit sums secured by thls Secudty Instrument
<br /> without further demand und may tnvoke the power oP sale and nny other remedtes permt�ted by applicx�b;e IAw
<br /> Lender shnll be entitled W collect all expenses incurred In pursWng the remedtes provided In thta paregntph 21,
<br /> tncludtn�,but not limited to,reasona�le nttorneys'fees and costs of titte evidence. �.._
<br /> If the power of s�le Is invoked,'lt�ustee shall record A noflce of default in each county In whEch any part of the
<br /> Property is locuted und shall mail copies of such notice in the manner prescribed by applicnble luw to Borrower and to
<br /> .. the oUier persons prescrtbed by appltcuble law After the dme�qulred by nppltcable lew,�ustee ehaU give public
<br /> � � notice of sale to the persons and in the mc�nner prescri6esi by appllc�ble Inw 'IY�ustee,withaut demund on Borrawer�
<br /> � � shall sell die Praperty at public auctfon to 4t�e htghest btdder mt the ttme and place nnd under the terms des[gneted(n
<br /> the noiice of sule!n one or more parccls nnd in any order'IYustee determines. '[�ustee may postpone sale uf nll or nny
<br /> �arccl of the Property by pnblic announcement at the time and plpce of eny prev[ously scheduled sale. Len�icr or Its
<br /> designee may purchase the Property at any sale.
<br /> Upon receipt of paymemt of the price bid,ll�ustee shnll dellver to the purcht�.ser'I1�ustee's deed cox►vcylns the -
<br /> � Property. The recttals In the'It�ustee's deed shall be prima facie ev[dence of the truth of the stutements mede therein. °_�
<br /> � 'Crustec shall Apply the praceeds af the sale in the following order: (a)to nll costs und expenses ef exerclsing the power --�
<br /> �=
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