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" FURTIER ASSiIRA!lGE�;AYI�RNFV�IN-FAG7. The to:lawi�e3�rovloWna rc�Kling to Nrtttier a�s�irmxea a�d st:orrsyt-ln-tact are a pat oi thM� -- <br /> h Uxd o1 Trust. �..:- <br />=='"'m��';,;�;¢;':�c.'"��. Fu�Mauanw�. At�ny tims,�nd from tlme to YRr»�upon requat o9 Lsnder�Tru�or wfN m�k�,axscu��nd dWver�or wiit c�uu�to W <br /> � � mndo,oxacutod or dttlivored,to Lencl[+r oy to I.ender'e deel�nee, and when rsq�iart«d by Leii�wr, cww W Iw Nad,r8c�tdttd, rMfad,or — <br /> - �.' � , rcrr.;,ar�:.d,ra th�c:_�m��p C:��ct cuch Nrrr.a�n�i In.^,�ir.h otflecy end nler.e9�g l.entler�nny tieant�ptopriate,�ny�nd� ouch mortA�qaa� � <br /> ;_.�.,�:t;:...::,,:_'ti;.•...� daeds ot vuot�eecuriry ckade�eecurtry Mgreemente�rnandne et�t�nte�contlnu�tlon et�t�rtwnm.In�b�umwne of tunt�r�wur«nrs�c��tnc�� _ <br /> end other docurr�nb�m�y,In the cioh apinbn ni Lender,be neoeRSVy o�ct�eirabis In ordM to efl�ctu�l�,oom�ilNs,pK1�ct.oo�r�»�or <br /> ' � proserva (e)the oMigatlons oi Trustor undor the Cradit Agreement,thf�D�d of T�ual,ond Itto Retatad Docunx�nFs,Nnd (b)ths N�ns�nd _ <br /> � socurtry Inieraets creatad by thfs Dood ot Truat o�the Property,whelher now owned or hareaRe►ecquked by Trurior. UnWaa prohlWted hy law <br /> -,z'� . • � or agreed to the contrary by Lender In writlny,Tn�ator ahell relmburee Lendcr tor�tl caeta�nd expeneso Incurred In connectlon wlth ttw matNro <br /> rotorrod to in ihls pardgraph. _ <br /> �� AtWm�y-In-Faat If Trustar tails Io do eny of tho thtnge roterred to In the precodin�pWy�t�ph,Lender m+�y do eo tor and In the n�me o1 = <br /> Trustor and at 7ru9ter's expense. For euch purposes,Tru�tor Ix+roby frrovocaD�y sppolnta Landa ra True:ar'o ctta:nM�-In-i•�!lor tie9�urpo!e .--- - <br /> • ot making,execuUng, daifvering,filing,recording,md doing ail ather tMngs u miy be noces3uY or cledrable, In Lender'e eo{e ap nbn,to <br /> � aocomplish the mntters referrad to In the preceding paragraph. <br /> �� FUi.I.PERFORMANCE. H Trustur pays all tho Indebtedness whon duo,temeinetes itn credit Ifne eccounL and otherwlso peAonn9 all the abNgatbn9 <br /> impor,od upon Ttustor undnr this Oeed ot Trusb lartda ehall flxecute and dellver to TYustee a requeat tor tull reconveyance and shdl execute snd _ <br /> dellver to Truator suitablo atatertwnts ot temVnaUon o}any flnancing otetement on fila ovldencing Lenc4er's oocurfry Intere�t In tho Renta and the _- <br /> r Peraonal Property. Any reconveyance tee requked by law shaH bA p�id by 7rustor,N perfNtted by appl{cWle IRw. <br /> � DEFAULT. Eech ot the tollowing,at the optbn of Lender,ehall cons�tute nn event a}dotAUtt("Event of DefwiC')under thb Deed of Trust• (a) _ <br /> Truator cammfts fraud or makos a matottal misropresontaBon et nny lime tn conrtt�clio�i�th itia c�edit��ne i,�ct+unt. Th���n In�u��,ta:exe�r�,a �- <br /> tdse otatement ebout Trustore Income, assoq, IlvbiilUes, or any other sspocts ol Trustor's ftnancid condidon. (b) Trunor does not meet the ,� <br /> repaymeni tertns of tha credit Iine account (o)Trustor'e acUon or Inectbn adv�,r38ty effscts the cof[iteral tor tho aedit I(ne account or Lendere r{ghta <br /> ' In the collatorol. Thls can Inciudo,tor oxa.�npie,falture to mslntaln roquirod inaurance,wa9to or dEr�tructiv�use of the ctwotiing,faNure to pty taxes, <br /> death of ail por�ons Ilablo on iho eccount transter o}tlUe or sg{o of the dwell{nc�,ores+kn of a Iion on tbp dwdiing wiihout our pem�tssbn,torectasuro �;�?- <br /> , . by the ho:der ot another Ilen,or the usA oi tunds or the dw�lling for prohlbtled putposae. _�. <br /> � RIGHTS AHD flEME01ES ON OEFAULT. Upon Iho oceuROnco of nny Hvont ot Dolauft end at any Ume thore�Ttor,lYustoe or Londer,et fts opllon, r+': <br /> �'..- <br /> " �:�'�� may exerclse nny one or moro of tho tolbwing ric�ht�and remedies,in ndditlon to any other riphts or remedles proWded by law: <br /> ` Accatsradon upan D�fauR;Addltion�l Rsan�dlos. IT any event of detault occure uvhbh la not cured wlti�in'Hftaen(1b)days after notlte,as pnr -- <br /> the terms af the Credit l�qreanont securad hereby,Lender mny doclote all Indebtedneas securod by this Dood of TNSt to be due end psy�ble ___ <br /> ' and the eame shall thereupnn become due end payable without eny presenOixint,demand,protest or notico of any kind, Thaeaftet,Lander _. <br /> '�`' � maY� --- <br /> � (a) Efther In per�an or by egent,wilh or wlthout bdnging any acUon ur proceading,or by e recdver sppolntod by n caurt and uvithout ="- <br /> ... . . . . . - iv'yai�Z'v i�o d'�voi�ii.'+'j^v}�1",.°.^.::.:i4.j�°,.nt�Srrv���,nil ia4a rr,+n_ecws�Jnn nt ihq Pronwtv;or anv nart th9t6ol.�fl ft8 OWII IIQRIB Of�fl 1�19 I1L(1'10 ---= <br /> of Trus?ee,and do any acts which it deems necessery or deslrable to prssave the vdu0,marketnbNiry or ientabNity of tho Property,or paut <br /> — . . ot the Propeny or lnterest In the Properry;incresse the U�wrrw irom the Properry or protect the securriy oi tha Property;a�d,wtth or without =_ <br /> teking possesslon of the Properry,sue for or othw+Mse wllect tha rants,Issues and profds ot the Property,It�clud(ng ihose past duo end _ <br /> � unpald,end eppty iho same,less costs end expensea ot oporaUon end colbctlan,to Any indebtednoss secured by this Deed of Trust,ell In <br /> ., such order tts Lender may determino. The entering upon end teking posso:,slon oi tha Proporty,the col{ecUon o4 auci�rents,Issue9 and <br /> • proTits,and the epplicatlon thereot shall not cure or wolve any defauR or notko oi deteutt under this�eed ot 7rust or tnv�fldate�ny acl �._-- <br /> done in response to cuch default or pursuant to such notice of defaulC and,notwlth3tanding tho conUnuance In possox�lan of the Prope�ty 4;��' <br /> or the collecUon,recolpt and appltca8on of renl�,Issue�or profRs, Trustee or Lender shall be entltleA to exercisa overy t{ght proWded for In '' <br /> the Credit Agreement or the Related Uocumenb or by Iaw upon the occurtence of any event of det�ul4 Including tfx�tfght to exercise the �`� <br /> power o}enle; "� <br /> (b) C ommence an a o�on to foroc l ose i h i s O e e d o t T r u s t n s e m ort ga ge,e p p olnt a rocelver or s pecifical ty enforco eny ot the coven�nts �,.,,.� <br /> — hereof;and "' <br /> (o) Dellver to Trustee a vurttton deGaralbn of deTnult and demend tor sate and a written noUca at dotauft anA etecVon to cause Trustore <br /> Interest in the Property to be sotd,which notice Trustee shell cause to be duiy fi{ed for record in the eppropdate oiflces ot ths Counly In _- <br /> wh�ch the Properry is located;and - <br /> � � (d) With respect to all or any part of tho Porsonai Properry,Lentler ehNl havo ull the rights end romodlos o}a secured party under the <br /> . Nebragka Uniform Corm�erclal Codo. �'� <br /> For�iclosura by Pawer of Sata I}Lender elects to forecbse by exercise of the Power of Snle heroln cantalned,Lender ehell notlty Trusteo nnd <br /> shell dapoaN wlth Trustee thls Deed of Trust end the Credlt Agreernont nnd such rocoipts and evidenca of expendlNres made and secured by <br /> this Dead ot Trust es Trustee may requlre. <br /> • . (a) Upon racelpt ot auch noUco from Lendar,Truatoo ahell cause to be rocorded,publ�shed and doiivered to Trustor such NoticA of Default <br /> — . , end NoUce of Sale os then requlrod by law and by thls Dood of Trust. Truatea�hNl,wlthout domand on Trustor,atter such Umo ns may <br /> than bo requirod by law nnd aftor rocardotlon of auch NoBce of Default and eIIer NoUcc�of Saie having been given av requlrod by law,s<dl <br /> tho Properry at the tlme and pince of eels flxed by R In euch Notice of Sale,aither ns a whole,or ln separnto lots or parcds or Itoms e9 <br /> + � Truatee shNl deem expedlent,nnd In such ordor as It may dotorrrdne, at pubtio aucUon to tho highest b:ddor for ca9h In law(ul morwy of <br /> �• , : " iho Untt3d Stutes payabte nt ths tln�e ot eato. Trustee shell dolivor to such purchnser or purchasere thereot its good and suftident dc+ed or <br /> deeds conveying the propurty so sold,but without any covonent or wnrtanry,expross or Impilad. Thu recltels In such deed o}any mattore ' <br />— , or iacb ehall be conGuslvo proof of the truthiulnoss thereof. A�y person, Including vr�thaut limltatlon Trustor,TNSteo,or Landor,may f,�, <br /> purchase nt such sNe. <br /> — (b) As may bo pertnittnd by Iew, e(ter deductlng ell cosb,tees and expenses of Trustee nnd of this Trust,inGuding cosm ot evldenCe of <br /> . titie In connc�cUon with eNe,Trustee shell nppty tha procaads of snla to pnyrrront of (f)ell sums expandad undnr tho tor►ns of this Oaad ot <br /> Trust or under the tetms of the�redit Agroertient not then repaid,Inctudlrtg but not Iimitod to uccrued Interest and lato chargos, (II)NI <br /> � other sums then secured horaby,rand (Iiq tho remalndar,It any,to iha person or persons logaly enUtled thereto. <br /> — (c) Trusteo mny In the mannor proWded by law po�tpone s�le of ell or uny por�on ot the Property. <br /> � �. <br /> v c . <br /> l, „ <br /> , , . u <br /> i ' . . <br /> e . • <br /> i • ;' ., , <br /> � • „ • , <br /> J <br /> � • <br /> F <br />