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'__..._T_"_„"'____........_.._...�...__--'_'.____'—"__ , . .. . _ <br />-i � RM'116S�O11 N61 EJ(6�lidlV+. 7'rustoo and Lander,arid aar,h oT ti��n,9ha11 ba anticisd to e�itorcn puyment ana periomtianoo 01�ny Inc�oktadnuaa �_ <br />�� " ar ohilnatlo�ie sa�urod by thf9 Qocd ol Trust and ta oxerciso NI righte s�d Raw�re uncter ihie pood of Tncet,un�ler�h�GrecHt Agraar9enS,under <br /> - + •..� eny ot tha Rdited Docun�nt9, or under any mher�groorrient or�ny I�Hro nosiv or I�extter In force;IlOIW!IIIi1fi11tUftd,rouw or Wi af AucN °-•�--_- <br /> ��'�'�:;'.• � �" '` Indobtedness end o:rlk,�ntbne os:curecl by 1hM Deed o1 fruet m�y now or het►�tlo►b�o°.t�u�W��curW,wh�tYNr by mo�,jy�,�d ol YuN, - - <br /> � plodgo,I:on,a;stgnrewnl ar othorwiso. Naithor lho acca�ten�o of this Daod o}Tnist nor Yo antaraonx+nt,whutN!r by court nc!i��7 or n�aeuWiit to . <br />=x - tha powar of eua or other powcxe contNnod In thle l?eed o4 7ivai,8ililil f)fA�U(iitA 0�Ili Wiiy i'ih7iifieT i.�i.:�.l Y�U�:.::1iJ CY 1���«:+'0 5:�1:I SJ r"..'.�'� _ <br />;,�� ;"<�' �•. • ". upon or enforca �ny other sea�rity riow or here�tler huld by TNtl�or I.�ndiw,fi bNnp pgre�d lh�t Tru�and L9ndK,�nQ s�ch of tMm,rh�ll <br />�, .. be entiUod to entorce thls Oeed otTrust and my othsr eecurity r*�w or here�fter h�d by Lusdar ar 7�uaie�In�uch orcf�r�nd m�nnw er thoy or <br /> dthor ol lh�m mey In tholr absolute dlscraUon dotomitne. No remedy contarred upon or reaerved to Trvetao or Lencfw,la InrondaA�O be -_ <br />-� excluslve o1 any other retriedy In thls Daed of Truet or by law pravlded or perrnittod,but e�ch ehNl be curnul�Wa�nd ehW be In�dditlon tn -- <br /> ovory cther remedy glven In thls Oood of Trust or now on c�xeaher exlsting at law or In equfry or by xt�tuto. Every power or remBdy given 6y Ma ___ <br /> ' Crodit Agreement or eny ot ths Roletod Docunx�nts to Trustas or Lan�'ier or to avh�li olther o1 them rtuy be nthenMse enUtled, me�y bs = _ <br /> ', " oxorclsad,concurtentfy or Indepondonty,from umo to tlrc�e and as often es may bo doerned eupodlent by Truetee or l.�nder,�nd rilther of them e _ <br /> . • may purcue Inconslstont remodiss, Nathlnfl In thl9 Deed ot Tiust ehs}I bo construed r�a prohlbftlng Lcnd;,r trom:.�^.�Ing a d�P.c.�ncy judgment �.- __ <br /> egalnst the TrusLOrto the extent sucb acUo��Is pertnit[ed by law. <br /> R�queat For Notles. Tru�tor,on behalt ot Trustor and Londer,heroby roquesta thet n copy o1 any NoUc�ol6efa�R and a copy of any NoUce -`--_ <br /> l� of SNe under this Deed ot Trust 6e malled*.o tham nt the eddrasses set torth In tho flrsi pnragreph of thls Decid oi TrusL = -- <br /> Walver;Et�ctlon of R�m�dHs. A wNver by any party of n braach ot a provlslon of 1hls Deod ot Trust ehe11 not constlutto a w�Uvar of or _.. --- <br /> pro�udica the p�irty�n dghts othen�iso to damand etrlct compllance wlth that provlsbn or eny othtx provlslon. FJectbn by Lender ta pursuo any _ • <br /> remozly provldod In ihls Deed o1 Tnrst,the Credlt Agreenx�nt,In any Related Qocument,or provlded by Ic+w ehNl not exciudn pursuR of arry► _ <br /> ; other��emedy,a�d an otoctlon to make expendltures or to teke actlon to partortn an obllgaUon of Truator unda thls Deed of Trust aRer feNure of = <br />_ • TNStor to pedorm ehall not attect Lendere dght to doclare a detauU ai�d to exerclse eny oi tta ron'ad'�. �=- <br />�o �. . qlpT►te o}Truata�, Trustea ehall hava NI of the dghts and duUes ot Lender es set tarth in thla e�cUon. �""i'- <br /> a . :�.'• PtIWERS AND 08LIDATlON9�F TRUS7EE. Thfl tollowing provlstons relatlng to thd powere and obllgaUon�01 Tru..tee �re pett� thta Doe�'of �.r"� <br />�." ', Trust <br /> �_•.:: <br />�;� Powere o4 YNSta+. In addltlo�to NI powera o1 Truatee erising as a mettw of law,Truatec�shell heve tha powor to tdce tho tolbwlnfl actlons ?+^i' <br /> e <br />_; wlth raspoct to tho f�roporty upon the wrltten raqu0s►01 Londer and TYustor. (e)joln in prepering and Tilln�a map or plat of the Roal Propc+rty, �_�;; <br /> , Including tha dcsdk�stbn ot aVeete or other dghta to iho publlc; (b)Joln In granting eny easornent or creaUng any�oatrJClbn on the ReN Propetty; ,�,*• <br /> � and (c)Joln In any sulwrdinatlon or other agreement attecting ihls Uoed of Tnist or the Interest ot Londer under thlo Geed of Trust 1-. <br /> `"ei.. <br /> 7ruutee. Trusteo shell meet ell quNlflcaUons�equlred fnr Trustee undar appllcabto law. In additlon to the rlghb�nd remadles sat Torth ebove, ��.,,, <br /> wlth respect ta ell or any pert ot tho Propert�),the Trustee shell have the rlght to Torecloso by noUce and sale,flnd Lender ehaA havo the rght to �.•,. <br /> foreclose by Judldnl toreclosuro,In alther cnse In accordance wlth nnd to 4he tull oMent provtdad by appticable law. `�"� <br /> ��:. <br /> 3ucceasor Tru�tee. Lender,st Lenclar's opllon,mey from Ume to Ume appolnt a au�cessoY Trustoo to any Trustea appolnted heraunder by an S".� <br /> . � .L d nA u I o M�a t1 _•f��. <br /> �;,;�^.,-trAzi a�„�:�cd«n��s...r.a:.,�....�,.�r.__. _r._rM-nr�iar�in rha nfnca of rnn recorder of Hell CounN.Nobraska 7he Insirument shAl ,.���-� <br />' cantaln,In aCdiUon to all other mnttera requlred by stato Iaw,tho narnas of the odglnal Lender,Trustee,nnd Tn�ator,the boak and page(or n�_�. <br /> compuler oystern refeignce)v�here lhls Deed ot Trust ts recorded,and lhe name and addross ot tho successor tru»tee,and the Instrument ehNl �"'� <br /> �:,_,.. <br /> be executed and acknovAedged by all the beneticlaries under th�v Dsed of Trust or thelr auccessora In Interest The aucc�sor trustoe,wlthaut ��,^,� <br /> - cnnveyance of the Property,ehall succeed to ell the�Itle,power,und duUes conferred upon tho Tnistee In thla Oeed ot Trust snd by appllcable <br /> � , Isw. Thls procsdure for subslltvUan of trustee ehNl govom to the excluslon of all oiher provl3bns for aubstftuUon. � <br /> [�t�. <br /> NOTIGES TO TRUSTOA AND OTHEfi PARTIES. Any noUce undor thls Deed of Trust shall be In wrltlng and�h�ll be ettecUve when actuNly `"' <br /> � dellvered,or when cleposlted wlth u natlonelly recogntzed ovemfgh�couder,or,If mailed,shall be deert�ed eftecllve whan deposlted In the Unitsd •.,a•,:� <br />- Statos mell firat class,raglstored mcill,postege prepeld,dlrected to ti�e eddressas shown naar the beglnning of thls Oeed of Trust Any party may <br />- chango Its address for noUces undor thls Oeed of Trust by glving tormel wrltten noUce to tha other partlos,spc�clfying that the purpose o}the natice(s "'�-: <br /> to change tha pcuty's eddress. {U co�tos o1 notices ot forodosure from the holder of any Ilan whlch has prlodty over thls Deod of Trust shuN be sant • • <br />- to Lender's addross,as shown near the beglnNng ot tfils Oeed of Truat For natke purposes,Trustor agrees to keep Lender and Tru9tee Iniortned <br /> at ell Umes of Yrusto�'scurtont nddress. <br /> " MISCELL.ANe0U9 PROVISION9. Tho tollowing rr►Iscellaneous provlslons ere a pert o1 thls Deed of Trust <br /> Amondmonta Thts Dc�ed of Trust,togothor wlth any Related Documents,const►tutns ttie entlre undsrotanding snd agroemnnt ot tho parUss as <br />- ' i to the mattere set lorth In thls Deed of Trust. No alterstlon of or arnendmont to thls Doad ot Trust shal!bo ettecUve unlsss glven In wrltlnfl and <br /> slgnod by the parly or perties sought to bo chnrged or bound by the alter6Uon or emendment <br /> {fppllc�bte law.Thls Deed of Truat haa 6een dellvered to Lender aRd vaxpt�d Dy Lend�r tn th�State o!Nebraska. Ttda[lesd of Truat <br /> - ahall be governed by and con�trued In accordan�e wlth Yhe lawa of the State o?Nabnaka. <br /> � CapUon Haadings. Ca�tlon heudings In thls Oeed ot Truat ere tor convenfence purposes only and are not to bc�used to fnterprel or deflno tha , <br /> . provlslons ot lt�ts Deod ot Tru�t. <br /> Mergor. Thera shall be no merger of the Intera4t or estnte croated by thls Dead ot Trust wlth any other Interest or sstate In the Property et any <br /> , � Urno held by or for the beneffi ot lender In any cuQacity,witfiout the wrltten consant of Lender. <br /> w Mut4iple Parttsa All obllgatlons ot Trustor under thls Deud of Trust shNl be Jolnt and severel,and nll referencos to Trustor shall metzn eeah and <br />-• , every Tn�stor. Thls means thnt ench o1 tha persons signing betow Is responstblo for a�l obllgnUons In thls Deed of'frust. '�, <br /> Severabtlliy. If e court of competent Jurisdictlon flnds eny provlsbn of thfs Deed ot Trust to be Invalld or unentorcuabla as to nny porson or • <br /> . { clrcumstance, such finding shull not render that provlslan Invaltd or unentoroeable as to any othar persons or dreum3tancos. II teaslble, any <br /> � such ottonding provlslon shell be deemed to!w modlfiud to be wfthln the Ilmtta ot onfarceabiliry or valldlty;howevor,B tho oftonding prov7sbn <br /> � cunnot be so rrwdlfted,ft shell be strlcken end atl other provls!ons ot this Oeod of Trust In all othor respacts 3haSl remaln vdfd nnd onforCC38b1e. <br /> . � Successoro and�1lastgna Sub�oct to the IimitaUons stated In thls Deed ot Trust on transter of Trustor's Int�rosl,thls Oeed of Tnist ahell be <br /> • � binding upon anG inure to the bonefit ot the pnrUes,tholr sua>essors und asslgn9. If ownershfp of the Property beCOmos vesSed In a person <br /> other thc►n Trustor, Lcandar,without notico to Trustor, may deal wlth Tnistor's uuccessois vdth roterenco to thls Dead of T►uat and tho <br /> Indobtednass by wAy of forbctaranca or extenslon wlthout releasing Trustor irom the eb(IgaUana of thls Deod of Trust or Ilablllry under the <br /> _ , Indebtednoss. <br /> r <br /> . ,. <br /> ' � • .; „ . <br />' _ �� , <br /> �_ �� <br />