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<br /> r' , • ,• cWFnrUonAd aox�ng and bo�nay+�bla v�fth ony lnstafk�wn4 pc�ynx�is to t�come duo duifi��it��ar (�f���dua cnA�paynble o411ie�CreicW��irmw�1'e 1.,.�.-.�.
<br />-?�� � " ��� 's�• the n�maJnin�lem►of thA CrotHt AgieemffM�or (c) !�a Voued�a hNioon payrnent wha:11 v.
<br /> ry A � h ah�ll We In�d�it+on to�rr�r ott+er
<br /> -- -_�,_.,�4 � � m�dui Tl�Oaod of Truet Wao wl�f erxure payn�erd ot ttio�o nriwu�iM. Yiw�hta provt�e�i!or�n ihis pere�re� _�_�
<br /> • . c+ ..�
<br /> - - righw or a�y rGrr�ckee to�vhkh L.encte�may t»entltl0d on nccount of ths dafeuM. Any auch�tlCn by Lender ahNO not be can�du9d as cuif�� w
<br /> ��� dateuH oo as to t�ar Land�r tram any rcnrdy that H oth4srNfAe woulA hrve h�d, ____
<br /> ���_��r' WMRAN1Vi I�FEl15EOF TiT6E. Th1►f0lbWltSg�roVleb(il�iJil�Urlg Io OWi�biei�09 ti�1 C'�SF�r c:�a np-rt�4th4 Dc�d olTiust. -
<br />= C.,=.r:- .y�:'�=•:• -r ?Mk. T�u�tor wurante th�t (a)TNator hotd�good and mWketab4e tltle ai reoord to ths �n tur�q�p1�,hw�nd c�wr ot aW Nans�d
<br /> �7 � � � - oncumtxances olher lhen thoao set to�th In tho ReN Propoaly deeutPtion or In the�ng��ledr�s e�^�or!n�ny tltla krour+u+x
<br />�- '' ' �: �_r�'�;P poticy,tltle r s port,or flnal UBo opinbn Fasued In favor oi,�nd�ocepted hy,L9nder In conneclWn�Mth thb Oeec1 of Ttu�t,e�nd (b)Truala�h�s tl�a
<br /> •� � tu�rtght,puvKer,and authortry to oxecute And deNver t0�b DoAd o!Tiust to Lender.
<br /> .� ,. � . er �.
<br /> _;y.:._ ,,,', p�{��o}�. SubJoct to the oxceptbn In the par0.qraph�bcrve�7rustor wursnis and will torever de�end tt►e titb to Ihe Property�Inst
<br /> �y. , �,��� te�vh�l eielms of all pereon�. In tho ovent erry eticUOn or proceedlrxJ!e commsnceil lhat queetbns Tru�toYe tftle or the Imereet oi Tru�or
<br /> ;*. • �• Lendor undef thls Oeed of Trust,TNator ehdl defend the acUon�t 7rusioYs o��n�. Tru=tor trtay t�'b��Q��nde��oxn c�Ws.�u� �
<br /> ;: ' Londer ehatl be entltled to pert{clpate in the proceoding end to be repreaented In the prooeediny Y
<br />,� , . Trustor wUt ddiver,or cause to Ce dolivered,to I�nder euch InsIIUmente as Lsnder may roque�t hom tkr�e Iles N1Uit0al�t�tln9 �PP����•
<br />-s • Compllaeic�WtIH Lawe. Truator wertant�ihsR thc� Propary snd Trustc�'s uae of tho Prcporty comp
<br /> _t ordinencos,and rogui&Uons of governmentel authodtles. � �e a �ot thls Dsed ot
<br /> E1(ISTIH(i IHOEB4EDNE&S. The tolbwlrx�provlslans ccmcornl�9 exlsUng Indebtedness(the"ExisJng Indohtedness") P
<br /> H
<br /> � � � • Trust. and Inlerior to the Ilen secuAny paymgnt o 1�ra
<br /> ` Exla@n�Uon. 'fhe Ilen of th��Dsod ol Tn�st e°_cu�i�xJ t►�Indehtadnass rtmy be secandary _—
<br /> � oxlsUng obllgaUon to Metropolftnn FaderN Benk. Tha exisUng obll�atbn has a cuRent princip�bda►xe ot epproxh�K�'y SW��►•��'�h�=_ ���+
<br />--- the orlglnN pdnclpN artiount of�60.Oa0.00. Trustot e�Wres�ly covenanb end Rgrees to pay,or see to the paYn'�ent of,the Ex�stlng Indebtedners
<br /> _. w
<br /> � end to prevent nny detault on such IndeDtodnoss,any dotauft undor lhe Instruments dvldondng eucii indebtodness,or any defe�e u 'u�y ��°__.__
<br /> s „ " ancudty documents tor such In�ebtodnoss. �-''
<br />--' No FAodMcation. Tniotor ehell not onta Into any egreement wlth the holde►of any morUc ege,daed ot truat,or other oecwiry�greernor�M'►�ch �'��
<br /> � hes prioriry over lhis Dse d o f Trus t b y w h f c h t h a t s g r oomae�t 1�moditbd,ev�'anded,oxtended,or ranowad wrihnut lhe pdor wrfiten cotbent of
<br /> , Londer. Yruslor ehNl nNtfier roquost rwr eocept anY Nture adveraes uncler any such cs�ocudly�9►c3ement without t he p r br w r i tt e n c o n s e n t o f �a=�.
<br /> . � londor. -__
<br /> �.' � CpE1pEMNATIdN.'fhe following provislons releUng ta condemnaUon proceedin9s tue e part of thls Oeed of Trust __ _
<br /> Appikslfon of N�!ProcMds. It all or any psvt of tha Properly Is condemnod b artbn ot ttw net prooeeda o�ha ew�d beiiAplied taihe �-..
<br /> - purcheso 1���ou ot condamnsUon,Lendar may at fts elecUon raqulre thnt all or any p ..=--
<br /> Indob.edness or tho repelr or raaroraUon of the Properry. The net procoeds of the awud shdl mean the awerd after psyment of dl reawneble —
<br /> � �nUw,nnd nttofn6YS'tens Incurred by Trustee or Lender In connectlon vflth the candemnaUon. __ _
<br /> - � proc�edtnge, H nny proceoding In condomnatlon fs filed,Trustor shaJl prom�otry mUty Lenaier�o wriU�9�°"d irust°�6°"p1Ot�"R"°°°""" i-�
<br /> stops as may be necessary to detend the acllon and obteln tho awevd. Truator may bo the non�ind pertyr In such proceeding,but Londec e1dl _�
<br /> bo sn�Ued to pcuUGpato In tho proceeding end to ba represented In the proceeding by caunsol ot tts own cho�e,and Trustar wW deliver or
<br /> cause to be delivered to Lender such Instrumonls as may be requestod by It from tlmn to tlme ta permit sttch pnrticipatbn. �_.
<br /> IMPOSITION OF TI1�S,FEES AND CHIIRC,E&BY GOYERNM�NTAL AUTF10f11TlE3• Tho tolbwing provblons rdatlng to governmentn!taxee, �-_
<br /> teas and charges ere a part o4 thls Dsa�of Trust: [��::
<br /> Cumnt Tazes.F�as�nd Charp�s. Upon request by Lender,T�ustor shail execute auch documenb in addltbn to thls Oead ot Trust�nd tnka ��;
<br /> whatover other eeUon Is roquested by Lender to portect and contlnue Lendere Ilen on the Roal Pr�pertyl. Tnestor eht�l reknburne lender tor eN ;�.
<br /> " texes, ns doscrfbed betow,together xrlth ell expensas Incurtad In recording,perfacUn9 or conUnuing thls Oeed o1 TNSt, inclu�ing without yr
<br /> ' � Ilmitntfon all texes�tees,documentary sterrips,snd other chargos lor recording or reglstedng this Dood o}Trus� E^ ���
<br /> � Tanes. The toltowing ahell constltute texos to which this secUon appltes: (e)a epeGfla tax upon this rypo af Daed ot Trust ar upon dl or n�ry `
<br />- ' pcut of the Indebtednoss�ocurod by thls Deed ot Trus� (b)a FpeCitia tex on Tnistor wh�h Truator Is nuthorizerJ or�equked to deducthom
<br /> ' " payments on the indebtedness sacurod by thls lypa of Deed of Trust (a)a tax on this rype ol0eed of Trust chnrgenble ngalrnt Ux�tsnder or
<br /> � '. tho hotder of the Credft Agreernent;and (�s speciBo tax on ali or any portlon ot the Indobtedness ot on payments of prinGpai and inlerest __
<br /> ° . . made by Truator. �•
<br /> � 5ubssqusnt Taxaa It any tox to whbh this secUon epplies is enactsd subsequent to tho date o1 thls Oood ot Trust,this event ahatl heve the
<br /> _ sa►rxi ottect os e�Evern ot Dsfault(as d�fl8 ed hba{�axw�to e it nbecorrws dellnquent,or (b)conte�ts the tax�videdrebov V nntha Tnxf e�and .._.�
<br />= �' providod below unless Trustor oither (a)p Ys '�,~
<br /> s �.'��'� Uens sectfon and deposits w it h len d e r c e s h o r a s u t B c l e n t c a r p o r a t e s ura ry bond or othor secudry saUstactory to Lendsr. , ,
<br /> '" SL-C1IAITY ACfIf�AlEtiT;FlNNNCING STATElAEt1TS•The fallowing provlsbns relaUng to this Deed of Trust ns e se�idry egreement ara a peK oi ,;{,j,`:
<br /> ' thls Deed af Trus4
<br /> . Security pgre�mant Thls InsVUmont sheil constitute n socu�ity agreementundnrthe UnMorrr Commerct�l Code aslleme9 d trom ffi�xi o
<br /> • . personal properry, snd Lender aheli hava dl 01 the rlghts of a secured pEUly .
<br /> , n�.
<br /> ' Security InterosL Upon requcst by Lander,Trustor ehNl oxacute finanGng staterr�ents and teke whataver othar aCUon Is requested by Lcnder
<br /> to pertect and conUnue Lenders security Interest In the Rents and Personai Properry. In addl@on to recording thls Deed of Truat In the�od
<br /> propnrty records,Lender mny,at any Ume and wlthout turther nuthorizaUon ftom 7rustor,fl!e executsd coun9erparte,coples or reprochecibn9 01
<br /> this Deed ot Trust as a flnnncing etatoment. Trustor ahall relmburse Londor lor eli oxpenses Incurtod in pariecUng or amUnuing this eoCUdry
<br /> � Interest. Upon dutnul4 Tr�stor ehall assomble iho Persanal Proporty In a manner end nt a pieco rensonabiy conven{ent to Trustor ond Londer
<br /> and mnke It avNlablo to Londer within three(3)doys aftor rocolpt of written domand trom Londer.
<br /> � qddrosses. Tho meiling addre�es of Trust�r(dobtor)and Landor(socured perty)�from wh{ch IntormsUon conrarn!ng lho socudty Inlerost
<br /> , grentod By thls Deed of Trust mny be obtalned(each as roqulrod by tho Unitorm Comrr�rclat Codo),are ns atated on the Iirnt pago 01 thl9 Qeud
<br /> �,;. �, otTrust.
<br /> —_--- -�--
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