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<br /> �� =__--__--.-� -------..---.-..--.^-------.. . _ _ _..�--�-----_,,._-.----_-_.:--=..__ --- . . _ � ��
<br />_ � ° oltncL of NI povornrmani;il euthar�Jon app!{oab►o to tho uso or occupart;y o1 Iho Prop9rty. Truyor nu+y conta6t In paod lalh ury such law, ,�: �.�.;,
<br />= ardinanco,or rogulauon and vAlhhald compilenco durinc�eny proceading,lnc(udinc�epnropri�te opp��la,sa lo►ag as Yiuetor h�a rAti!iad Lander .
<br />- • . In writing prlor to doing so and oo long ae,In Londer's cob opin!on,Loiidat'e Intorast3ln tho PropoKy aro��m►copardlzod. L.�:nder mey�nc��iro •���_�``
<br /> Tru9tor to post adoquate securlty or n eurory bond,re�eo��bty e�tlelactory to Landef,to protsct LendM'�IntuaM. -='---��
<br />- � 0ishj to Proteot, Tr��stor agroo�noilhor to abflndan n9r lonvo unctttundoct tho Proporty. Tructor ehall do eil othor u9t�,In addiLOn to ihoaa act�
<br />- " aot torth abova in thls cacUan,whkh h�m tha chnrecta end uso ot the Froporry aro ratsonebty necxsa�uy M p��ntar.t Qu�3{��a�erva li�a Raa�ry. �.�_�K_,'.��
<br /> DU�0!i SAL.L-CONSENT OY LEN[1ER. Londc�r mny,at Its opUan,dectaro Inmodl�tery dua�nQ p�yaWe dl eume esaured by thFe D�ed a1 Trust �._:=_=-�.i__.
<br /> ' upon tho eaki or uansier, vrtthout tho Londor'o prior wTftton consont,of ell or nny pert ot tho Red Property,or�ny Intereft In tha,ReN PropeAy. A :-,._;,;;
<br /> a •` •_.
<br />- ' 'salu ar transfar�means the convey�nco of Real Property or Any righL Utle or intercat thFxeln;whether{eg�l,beneticl�!or equltabfo;w�wther voluntery �..k•�a_��E
<br /> • or Involuntery;wf�ether by outright anb,dead,InstNlment ea}a contr�t,lend contrect,aontr�et tor daed, leseehold Intereat wlih�term gfexta than ,..v�=:`--,-,__
<br /> ° throe(3)yenrs,lonso-opUon conUact,or by sn1e,assk,�nment,or transter of any ber�eflcld Interesl In or to nny I�nd truet holding tlW to the ReN ��_:;_,`�._-
<br /> Properry,or by any athor mothod ot convayance of Reai Prnpaty Intorest I}eny Trvatar Is a carpontlon,putnerahip or Omted fitbNlry comp�ny, : �_,.;',':��
<br /> � Iranstor elao InGudss sny chang�In mmarch!p ot maro then ttventy-fiva percent(25%)o}the vatfng etock,parinerehip Intore�U nt IimFted II�bNiry . ;^��
<br /> company Interests,as tht�case may bo,of Truator. However,thls opUon shall nol be exorclsed by landor B ouch exerclae 19 prohibttad by toderd ; . +,.;.;_�c'
<br /> �. �-...__
<br /> !nw or by Nobraske Inw. , �. �E`",
<br /> - TAXES AND UENS. The tollowing provlslons rolnllng to thu taxes end Ilens on thA Propurty ara a part oi this Deod of Truat ��..t�'i�i�:
<br /> ��'' PaymenL Tru3tor sheJl pny when duo(and In oll ovents prtor to do:lnquency)All texes,opeclal texos,assessm�nts,chargns(Including watef �:..!�-'�;.`_'.-
<br /> and sewer),flrtos and imposlUons levlod agalnst or on account o11ho Properry,and ahtUl pay when duo ell Gdms tor work dane on or for ���;:,°._:;
<br /> services rendered or mAtedel turn!shed ta tho Properly. Trustor ehall malntaln tho Properry free ot a!Ilens having prlorUy ovor or equd to the �� �o:.:�'�
<br /> - Intorest of Lender under this Deed oi Trust,excopt for the Ilan of taxes and assessments not du0,oxcept tor the exlstlny Indebtedness�etarred �; ;�,.;;-_
<br /> to betow,and excep4 ss oYherv.�se provtdad In thh Q�ad of Tru�t. -�°�••=`�
<br /> Riyht To Cont�st Trustor may wlthhold payrtsent of nny tax,assessrreent,or clalm In contlucUon with a good taith dlspute over the obligaUon ' ��`'"•
<br /> ;�_::+r7:;�
<br /> to pny,so iong ns Landor's Interest in the Pro�erry la not Jeoptvdized. If a lien erises or Is fited ae n resuft of nonpayment,Trustor ehNl wflhln ��. -_
<br /> � fitteen(15)days nfter ihe Ilan arisa3 or,If a Ilnn is filod,with!n filtosn(16)days after Trustor haa notico of the fliing,socure the dlscharge of the
<br /> _ �� Ilen,or If requested by Lender, deposit with Lendur cash or a sutlicionl corporato suroly bond or other sscudry sutistactory to Lendor In an
<br /> emount eutticfent to discharge the Ilen plus any costs or other charges that could eccrue as a resuft o}a�orc�closure or eale under the Iien. In '.',;�;",;''
<br /> any contest,Trustor ehNl dofund itsalt and Lendor and ehsll saUsty any adverso Judgment boforo eniorcement against Yne Prop�ty. Trustor
<br /> ehall name Lender as en addiUuna!oblig�under eny surery bond Nrnished In the contest procoedinga ,.t,•..
<br /> Evldan�e of Payment Trustor ehall upon demand turnlsh to Lender saUsfactory avldenco of paymant ot tho taxes or assessments artd ehall .�
<br /> ' nuthodze the appropdnto govsmmental ott1clN to detivor to Lendor at nny tlme e�vrltten etatwnent of the texes and essessrr�enb agefnst the „ ;-"
<br /> „ Properry.
<br /> NoUce�Y ConstnccUon. Trustor ehall notity Lender at Isast fifteen(ib)days before nny work Is commenced,any services ere turnishud,or any
<br /> matedals are supplied to tho Property, It Any mechenlc's Ilen, materlaimen's Iton,or othor Ilen could be assorted on nccount of the wotk,
<br /> _ rarv�cn.q.or materials.Tnestor wlll upon requa3t ot Lendor furnlsh to Lender advnnce assurances saUstactory to Lender that Truotor ce�and wiil �
<br /> --_ :_._
<br /> — pay the cost of such Improvements.� �-
<br /> PROPERTV DAk1At3E INSURANCE. The following provislana relaUng to Insudng the Properry are a pert ot thls Dsed of Truat '
<br /> • Malntenance of Inaurartca. Truetor shall procure and melnteln policles of flre Insurence with standerd exlended coverege endarsements on e
<br /> {�,,;. replacemont basis for the full Insurnble vNue covedng ell Improvementa on tho ReN Proporty in un nmount aufflclont to nvoid eppl�atbn of any �
<br /> cofnsurance clause,and with a etnndard moftgageo clauso In fuvor of Lender,together with such other hAZard and Ilabllriy Insurnnoe as Lendor
<br /> , � may reasqnabty require. Policlss shali be wrltten In fortn,amounts,coversgos and basls reasonabty ecceptable to Lendnr and issued by e
<br /> company or companles reasonably acceptable to Lender. Trustor,upon request of Lender,wiil deltvor to Lender tram Ume to Ume the poAcles ,
<br /> ' or certiflcates of Insurnnce In torm satlsfactory to Lender,Including sUpalatlons that coverages wfil not be cancelled or din�lnished without et ,,,
<br /> - least tan(10)days' pdor written notice to Lander. Ench Insurance policy also eh�li Include an endor�emant providing that covercge In tavor o1
<br /> � L.onder will not be ImpNred In eny way by any ect,amission or defauft of Cirantor or any other person. Should tho Real Properry et any tlme
<br /> � become located In an nrea destgnatod by the Dirtictor of the Fedorel Emorgency Management Agency ns a speclal Ilood hezerd evea.Trustor
<br /> egrees to obtNn and ma�nteln Federeil Flood Insurance to the extent such Insuranco Is requirad by Lender end Is or beoomos svNlable,tor tho
<br /> : �� torm ot the Ioan nnd 1or the tull unpaid pdncipal belancn ot the loan,or the maximum Ifmit o1 coverage that Is nvellabte,whlchever Is le�s.
<br /> �� ' AppilcaUon of Proceed�. Trustor shali promptty noUfy Londer ot any loss ar damage to the Property. Lender may mako praot ot tos9 ff Trustor
<br /> teils to do so wlthln fifteen(15)days of the casuelry. Whether or not Lendor's securiry Is Impnlred,Londer may,at Its ek�ctlon,recdve end retaln
<br /> the proceeds of any Insurence end eppiy the praceeds to the reductlon ot the Indebtedness,payment of any IIAn sttectlng the Property,or the
<br /> - •'��, ,� restoraUon and repelr of the Proporry. It Lender eiect�to epply the proceeds to restoratton and repelr,Trustor ehall repdr or replaco the
<br /> — damaged or destroyed Irnprovements In u manner satisfactory to Lendor. L6ndor ehall,upon satlsfactory proot ot such axpondlturo,pay or
<br /> reimburse Trustor from the proceeds for the reasonnble cost of repnlr or resloratlon it Tn�stor Is not In default under this Daed of Tnist Any .' •,
<br /> , proca�da which have not been disbursed withln 18o days after thalr recefpt end whlch Lender has not comnttted to the repalr or testoratbn ot ����
<br /> the Proporry shall be used 11rst to pay nny amount owing to Lender under thfs Deed oi Truat,then to pay accrued interest,and tho remaindor,it
<br /> eny,shall be epplled to the princlpal balance of the Indabtedness. If Lender holds any proceeds attar paymont In tull of the Indebtodnass,such
<br /> ' procoeds shail be pald to Trustor as Trustor's Interests may appear.
<br /> Unexpired Insurance ot Sata Any unexplred insurunce shtill Inure to the benoflt of,and pass to,the purchaser of the Property covere�by thls
<br /> Deed of Trust at any Wstee's sate or other sale held under the provislons of this Deed of Trust,or st nny foreclosure sele ot such Propsrty.
<br /> • Compllance with ExisUng Inde6tednes�.s. Oudng the perlod In whlcli any F�dsUng Indebtedness describnd balow Is In a1fecl,compDanco wlih "
<br /> the msurance provislons cantNned In the Instrurrwnt evidanGng such Exlallng Indebtedness ehall consUNte compllAnce vrith the Insurance �����
<br /> provlslons under this Deed of Trust,to the extent compllance wlth the terms of this Deed of Trust would consUtute a dupllcaUon of Insurnnce ;'•J'�
<br /> requlreenont tl any proceeds fram the Insurance become payabie on loss,the provislons In thls Doed oi Trust tor division of proceeds ahell t
<br /> � apply only to that poNon of tho procoeds not paynblo to the holdar ot tho F�dsUng Indobtednoss. �,
<br /> EXPENDITURES BY LENDEFI. If Trustor F�fis to comnty with eny provfalon of lhis Deed of Truat,Inciuding any obligAtlon to mNntNn ExlsUng �r',
<br /> Indobtadness In good standing as roqutred below,or if any ac9on or proceoding 19 cammonced thet would materially efieCt Lender's Intoresb In tho !•" '
<br /> Property,Lender on Trustor's behAli muy,but shaii not be required to,take uny acUon thflt Lender deems epproprfata. Any arraunt thnt Lendar s
<br /> oxpends In so doing wfll bear Interest at tho rate chArgad under the Crodh Agreement fram the date Incurted or ptttd by Lendor to the dato of
<br /> repayment by Trustor. All svch expensos,at Lenders optlon,will (a)bo pnynb;e on damand, (b)be added to the balance of the credit Ilno flnd be
<br /> � '
<br /> � .
<br /> �
<br /> � .
<br />-� ., . .
<br /> �
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