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<br /> � he�omo due to BEAtE1�ICIJ,b1Y end ehali be �seaured by tihis Deed o£ Truet. Nothiag aontained • ''�:1>t^:';"
<br /> �� heroin ehali be canat�ued c3a rQquiring �ENFBZCYARY to aonduat taota or ias�dortako remon�i oP �"�''��
<br /> Itaeardouo/toxia wacte or ouLietanceo from Ch� Truet Promieee. 8lmila�ly, if BExE�YCYAY2Y etiall - � yv= --
<br />• � " . bagin te�sting oar removel nativitioe upon the Truet Premisee, nothinq contained horein ohall • . .,�.�T��:`��%�--�°—
<br /> , be aonrstruad ao raquiring BENEFICTAAY to complete any suoh activitiav once the oame are �
<br /> �� bagun. fiather, BENEFICIAAY ehall hava the abeolute right to oeaee andtarminate any teating ,� _
<br /> or romoval activitiae or► the Truet Prcunieee, at nny timo and at its aole olootion, without ., ;�F:�_
<br /> •� anyP duty, reeponeibility or Liabilitiy foY aomaletion of the eame. -
<br /> TAUSTaR ehall not inetall or germit tio be isee�alled in tho Txuat Prcmiaoe, Pziablo ., �-
<br /> . �, aebeetoe or any eub�tnnae aontained a�ebestoe and deemed haznrdoue by federal, state os �ooal �.�' �•.
<br /> lawe reepeoting euah ma�erial. Wit2i reepect to any such material cusrently presan� in the , ��
<br /> ' � Truet pramieee, TRU9TOR ehrsll pramptly aomply with euch Eederal, etateor local lawe, rulee, •, ;,�.
<br /> regulatione or ordoro, aC TROATOR'S expenea. Sf TRIIBTOR ehall fail to 0o comply, BENEFiCIARY ��'�',�`=�� �y
<br /> �� •� may declare thie A�sed of Trust to be in default. ��`'•
<br />. � . .:�u:lGe'- -
<br /> ` TRUreTOR will indemnify and hold HENBFICIARY l�armleee from and againet any or all loes, � " '' '"''�-'��
<br />- � . .,•.z,�._=alf��r=-
<br /> . ' . coat, damaqe, expense or liability it may auffeY (inaluding, without liznitntion, attorney s ,. .,...,. __
<br /> feee and coste inourred in the innaeti a�ion, defenee and e�e�tlement of al�ime) th8t ynr�--"
<br /> g f..� ._._:-_--._.:
<br />- BEtJEFICIARY may incur ae a result of or in conneotion �vith thA aeeazti.on of any al.aim .-:�;�.=.:-
<br /> relati�nq to the pre�enco or removol oiF any hazar.douo wasLe or eubstance deecribed in thie `
<br />' esation or a breaoh oP thie seotion by TRUSTOR, any ag�nt or eraployee of TRUSTOA, or any 4,,,,_r,�-,:� �
<br /> predeceesor ar euoaeeeor in intereet with reepeot to the Truet Premie0e. The indemnitiee ,.;. . y.:::• .
<br /> deBCril�ed in thio seotion shall aurvive eany termination, oatiefaction of forecloaure oE thin ... .':.:
<br /> Deed of Truet. "��^`'—
<br /> ,.'�.. , ti���i
<br /> .�` 25. 2�8!!lIDOYQgRT OF PaRSOHAL I�RDPERTtt. Any peraoaal pxoperty remaininq upon the Truot � � ?� �-
<br /> Premises after e Truet PZem flee ae een poeeeseed or occupied by BENEb'ICIARY fol.lowing � '���••.,;���
<br /> Poreolosuse oP thie Deed o� Truet or any deed ia lieu of fozealoaure etsall be ooaalueively t
<br /> � preeumed to have been abandoned b TRUSTOR or an other former owner thereof. BENESICIARY } • � ;":
<br /> .. _ _�_.. ,_ _.___ ,_ __.. „��`�y.. �r ��� .,t�� r.. mgngmnn or anv other fosmer ovmer of L _'_ s�.��i�
<br /> -- attoti tta it'v way ua�i Ia. ouI «� l L j`— _
<br /> . ee�id pereonal property by reaaon of any action which BENEFICIARY in ite eole diacretion �Y; 'F�i�,
<br /> aliooeea to take with reepe�ct to eaid ponsonal property. In no event c�hall �SNEFICYARY be ;;,.;�,�::•, ,
<br /> • requised to take any affirmative action in preeerving, proteating or otherw�ee overeeeing the � ( .: • �_. �
<br /> deploymeat or s�oraqe og eaid pereonal property, nor ehall HENEESCLARY incur any liab�ibity ,'_�''"� ���;'. ' � '
<br /> �: �
<br /> to TRUBTOR or any former owner of eaid peraonal property because of f ailure to take such . •.,�, � "
<br /> � o effirma�ive aation with reageat thereti�. - � '
<br /> 26. H�EaYCIlIRY'8 �IEB CO![�L7►TIVa. All remediee of HENEBIC=AAY are dietinct and , ' �,�:,:
<br /> .�•:�
<br /> � oumulatine to any ot or rame y an r g undox thia Do�d of Truot or afforded by law or ,�;"��
<br /> �� equity and may be exerci$ed aonourrently or independently and as often ae tha ocaaeion ' �,
<br /> � thQre�or ariaee. I! the indebtedneee secured hereby ie now or herenftor, in whole or in �
<br /> parct, Eurther eecured by aeaurity agreamonte, finencfnq etntsmento, p�edqae, coatracte of I '�'r
<br /> , quaranty, aeeiynmont of leaees or oth�r eoouritiee, HENPBICIARY may, ati ite eole option, �.�.•� �. -
<br /> �• � exhauet any one or more of esid aecuriti�s nnd ths seaurity hereunder, eithes concurrently .. ��-
<br /> ` �', ,. �+.�
<br /> ox indepandentiy, and in suah order ae it mny determine. - ��� + �
<br /> - 27. 3IICC8880R9 lllm 1lBBIC�ltB S►�Ik]T l�!!fD 6BV�t1lL L7]1SILIT7f• CAPTIO:�IS. The aovenante and � �� '�
<br /> agreementn here n contia ned eha 1 b.nd an the r q te ereun er e a 1 nure to the respectivo � ' �"
<br /> heira, leqal reproaontativee, sucaeeeore and aeeiqne of the BEN8FICiARY and TRUBTOR. I • -
<br /> • Wherever used, the eingular nnmher ehall include the plural, the plural the eingular, and the �,'.
<br /> . uae of any gea8er ehall be applicable to all gendere. All aovenantr� aad agreemen�e of � � ; .��
<br /> ° TRUBTOR shall be joint and eeveral gronidad, howeves, that nothing contained in thie Deed of I .- f�:
<br /> , Truet in any way ehall obLiqate TRUSTOA'8 epouee to pay the Note or other indebtednees I �� � li
<br /> � I eeaured hereby unleeo suoh epouee aleo eigae the Note. The captiona and headinge of the
<br /> paragraphe of thie Deed of Truet are for c�nvenience on�y and are aot to be used to interprot ',
<br /> ur detino the provieiono horeof.
<br /> i
<br /> • 28. 7lDSIGlQ�1�T OF D� oB TRIIBT. BfiNEFiCiAAY eha11 have the right, irs ite aole � • � -
<br /> �� dioaretion, at any e ur ng e t�sm af thie DQed of Trunt to eell, aesiqn, eyndicato or ; ,
<br /> othorwiae tranefer and/or sliepoae of nll ox any portion of ite intereet in the Noto and this '
<br /> Deed oP Trust and TRUBTOR hereby pormite and consonte to HEtJEFICLRRY' s submisoion to ite
<br />: r .
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