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<br /> `',•r.,•,��•.=;� �'. •�. es�igne�� oP �11 tinanoiel de�t� end ali u�her inPormdtion furni�itss� by TRttST�R to •.x,.-�;�--
<br />- . BENEDICIAFiY. c"�"°•,
<br />�:��;;:; -: �. . :Y 29. APPOI8IT!ffiIT O! Rs�IViR. TRUBTOR hereby grantie to BENL"PZCil�RY tha �iqht upoa n , ��'•".=��--�J
<br /> z�ii't�v.=..
<br />�' . �• � detault by TRUBTOR, o eeaure nn sea�ivo a oourt appointed Reae�ver Por the 7Crus�t AremieeA. �� � .�r�.���:.:.
<br /> _ . . �� � rrro� oe � �cssv� 6x� ^aaasn�eM) �a�r s$ u�r xs r��s t�r=ox HY ssus�reuu�r �.:=-`
<br />_ . . . 1RTB00'P !lOTICi TO TFWf8T0A. TRUBTOA hereby waives any riqht to notiao for �he nppointment oP � �� '���:=
<br /> a Receiver, but TRUBTOR reeexveo the right to co�zteat, at a iater date, the exietence of . ••`:�:`°;.
<br /> . - TR[TBTOR'8 defaul�. The Receiver ehall hnve Che right to immediately take poedeeeion o� �he , „ �.,,,;�
<br /> . �. �``' Pro art , coAlect ren�a, on a Q a fnrm, r�oh or rovo mnnn cmont com an to ovoraco daii � ' '� -
<br /> F Y 9 9 9 9 P Y Y -:,.`�:�._:
<br />;. • " ac�ivitiea, h�re attorneye and aaoouate, expend lunda for the praaervation of the Property, •:':'f`:s•_
<br /> • ee].1 crapa and othesvrfse control the Property undar direa�ior� oP the Court. All coete eind � �`;«,;_
<br /> eupenaea of the Receiver, iacludir�g feoa and oommiseione payable to the Receiver and the " � '" "' =
<br />- Reaoivem'� attorney'o and accountant'o feee, ehall be paid by TRIIS�OR, and euah repaymont ie ,, . ""' ,. "� -_-
<br />, " . eecured �iy tihfe Deed of Tru�t. � ��•
<br />- ,. � ,.�,-t;..a. -
<br />" . • 30. LITI(iATIOif OOLLECTIOtI 111m �IIPTL7t 1�8 lufD F.II�Ex8�8. HENEBICI7IRY may appear • �.'. '.A"":W°�
<br /> in o: dofond any act on or proce_ ng a� lasJ or n equ ty, purgort nq to nfPca� tho accurity �� '`�
<br /> hersof, and TRUBTOR hereby agreee to pay to 8ENEFICIARY (to tihe full ex�ent permitted by law) ` - _
<br /> i�:�'' all coate, char ee and e noee, inoludin aoste oP enidenae of title and attosne e feee, � �
<br /> , . ,-...:
<br /> 9 � 9 Y' :�ti ,.
<br /> •y� �"� in a reaeonable eu.m, incurred in any such action oz proaQedinge in whi.ch aENEFZCIARY may , �'�'` �'�����"��
<br /> ' ��� appear or defend. Upan the oommonaeme�t of any pxoaeQdinge to aollect the indebtednase o� ��'�`���';� �:�
<br />"�;•':'.'�:;� , ;�: ���-Q-��-,�,,..,.`.
<br /> i��•�:• dieburesemente eECUred hereby, or any part thereof, by faroclosure of thie Deed o£ Truet or ;,.; ' ,-..,�,f� �_
<br /> r:`�.;:�.;: . ti,�.
<br /> ,,,:. , otiheswiae, L•here ohall beaome due and TdiUBTnR agreee to pay (�o the full ext�nt permitted by • �_,W,,,;�-�_
<br /> �, :�� ':. �� � law) a21 aoete, feee and expaneee of euch proceeding, includinq A reaoonable aum aa and Ear � ?�M;��--
<br /> � ' , � an attornay'e feo, as an additional ind�btednoee ha�reunder and under the Note eeoureai herehy '� ',,���"�`---
<br /> • �'t.���ii� and it �.e agzeec� that thie Deed of Trust ehr,ll otand ae oeaurity therefor. It is slso agreed ,. `'�'����'••' -
<br /> }r'.;� that T22U8TOR wi11 pay a�y amount BENEFICIARY m3y inour or pay for any aloetrnct or �'"' �
<br /> ;' . --
<br /> ' ,. aoatinuation of abetrac� of titie, certificato of ineurt�►nce o.r title or other ovider►ae of _' -�'��_�-_
<br /> : . . • .,:
<br /> • �• ; title, eubsequent to thie date, on any of the Property and thie Deed of Truet oha11 seouro ��;; :x ..:.' r ; .•..:�,
<br /> .;
<br /> � � � navment thnraof. d_� _..,syi�-• � >
<br /> _". _._ - _._"- � � ._ .. . :t..`'�ti4 . .._� --
<br /> 31. COPTiH�ING L,Y�lBIbIT7� OS TRIIuTOIt. Without affeoting the liability of TRIISTOA of , °t'�; '��
<br /> ; ' . any other person except any pereon exproealy releaeed in writing) for payment af any � • �,•,�,. ;�
<br /> indebtedneee seaured hereby or Eor performanoo of any obligatian aontai�ed her�in, and "�':�"`-�`
<br /> without affeatiag the rfghte of SENEFICIARY with reepect to any neaurity not expreaely � t�+�"`
<br /> releaeed ia writing, HENEFICyARX may, at any tima nnd from time to time, either before or k�
<br /> aftar the maturity of aaid Note, and witihout notice or aoneent, (a) release any pereon liable .,�.�
<br /> Por payment of all ar any part o� the indobtednese or for performance of any obligationj (b) ,: ,
<br /> . , make any aqxeement extonding the time or otherwfse �ltering the terme oE payment of all or '
<br /> any part of the indebteckteee, or modifying ox waiving any obligation, or eubordinating, �• , ,-"
<br /> moditying or othexwiae dealinq with the lien or oharge hereofi (o� exoroi�e or refraia from
<br /> . exercieing or waive any right BENESICIARY mny haveD (d) aac�pt ndditioaal eaaurity of any ;";,
<br /> ' kins� and (e) relsaae ar othexwise deal w�th aciy property, real or pereoaal seourinq the � ' , „�;; �
<br />� ind�btednea�, inaluding all or any part of the Property hesein deeor�bed. � , . .
<br /> I r j,�.,:. +r.1
<br /> 32. Il19PECTIOlQ A! !lSCS RYOO�RDB. TAUSTOR hereby qrante to SENEFICIARY, ite of£icere . �
<br /> and employeee an BEIdEFiC� 6 eucceeeore and aeaigno, tho riqht to inspect and copy ariy arid � � „�'
<br /> aii roaosdo, raposta, ap�liaationo, formo and aorreapondoaoo in the office of the United ��,;
<br /> �• stntea of 1lmerica, Department of Agriaulture, Agrioultural stabiliaation & Coneervatir�n ' �: ,_
<br /> service (ASC9) which relate to TRUB�OR or the Truet Premisea. � ,.. ;
<br /> � � 33. ERIBA. TRUSTOR reproeents and warrante that the Truot Preminee are not the �y,.� `��
<br /> aeeete of an employee beaefit plan and thnt nei8hor tha I�ote nor the exerciso of
<br /> . BENLFZCIAftY'S righte under the Note and Deed of Trust conetitute a nonexempt pr.ohibited . � t�
<br /> • trnneactioa under the Em�loyee Ratirement inco�e 8eausity Act of 1974 ("ERI6A"). In I °
<br /> additian, TRU&TOR repreaente and wxrrante to BENBFICIARY that neithor it nor uny o� i.to ; �
<br /> pa�ctnere or etockholdere, ae the case may be, will engage in any trnnsaction which would i
<br /> � cauee the Note and Deed of �ruet (or tiho oxerciee by 8$NEFiCiARY of aay of ite riqhte under "
<br /> the Note and Deed of Trust) to be a nonexem�t prohibited transaction under ERI3A. i
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