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' ,.. �" A�,... ;����., � ���'��1�� . , . <br /> ..:T�.=�r•'c'•., ,t 9a• Md Mu1'�'ii'�Il �71L1i• TRUa�'tlR �hall n�ti �t�t�x aontraotie La r�spply 6vatwr �o thir4 �Y"`�°`-- <br /> ' , �5.�t;.'QOi1C� ob ciC'gieb �%o��x��'�aa v�LCilauC �h� �xic�r c�xit�ea ooreean� oP BIDU�87tciXi9�lY. Ko euah ����",." <br /> `*�"���M���� � publia bodl�or�as�a �vaTOR or ��y �uoasoeor ln Lnt�rost �o ragulatian ancl qawrr�rnae ay }.���.,:_-- <br /> _ . . y publia uti7,ity or �atsr oompany. - _- <br /> t.l. " <br />,�t�:;�.•: . ��..:� 39. Ai�DITiasu►L �iLxNas. TRt18TDR sh�ll, ao may b� raque�tad by eENEBICi1lRY lrom ti[nn ;.f, <br /> ���+�'':�` �'�'�' to time, oxsouta �uo oaum�n � and a�vi�t in liling ox zaaording eheroof s� may be necesoasy <br />= in th� eale �ud��nt oP HENEFiCEJIRY to p�riMC� BLNEHiCi!!RY'8 iien upon any or nli oP �he • � • <br /> �t:,. . - Proporty. .. . <br /> � � 23. 007�L.=�YOif 01 R�IfTB/11PF0IM4l�T O� WCAIVEA. With reapaat to ranta, ieaues and � ���'. <br /> ._?�,.•. ` ,; profit0 here�e.gTnec'�" U o�e �r�o y appo n NEP'xCZ71RY hie attorney-�n-Pact (which • . <br /> powex ie coupled wi�h an intezeet givea �or s�ourity and ie irrevoaati�e) to reaeive, aolleat �..•i;.;'_: <br /> and reaoipt fnr all �um� due aad owing Eor suoh �a�, r�nts misd oacupa�ione� as the enme mey <br />: �"'•• :� I aaarue nnd out o� the aniount so aolleated to pay +snd dieoharge all eume delinqueat under the ''�:s�� <br /> �i;�' ,', . .. . µ terme o! thie Daed o! Truet. For tha pus�poea ator�oaid, 8ENE8'ICIl�RY may onter upon and take �, ' <br /> „,•. � poee�0eion o! tha Truet Premieee nn.i/or Property nnd ma:sage e►nd og�erate the eesne and tak0 any "�.t� , <br /> � ac�tiion wniah, in BEHa^F3CIARY*ti golc� judqment, ie aeaeeaary or prcpes to coneerve the vxlue `�:: <br /> oF the eame. DSNEFICIARY mny aleo tnk� poeeeeeion oP and, Eor theao purpoeea, ueo any and , , .,t <br /> '�:, • � nll o� the Pr ��rt ueed by TRUSTOIt ia the atic�n, rent�3. o� Zea�lag thereof or any part ,. - <br /> fiheroo�. T e expense, inaluding nnyl�eceiver e eea incurrsd �ur.r�umnt ra �he powere herein <br /> . .• c�ntained, ehall be aeaured by th�e Deed of Truet. I3ENI��IC�e,RY shall not he liable to <br /> accouat to TAIIeTOR for any ac�ion tnkea pureuant hereto othor than to account for any rente • <br /> _ aatually co118Cted by HEN�FICIARY. To the fullQat e:ctent permitted bj 1aw, TRUSTOR doee <br /> � hareby coneent to the appointment of a Reaoives for the Txuet Premioee by any aourt of � <br /> , compotent juried3ation upon BENEFICIARY'� requeet at any tfine TRQSTOR ie in default or ghall <br /> ,, have boea deolared by BBNEFICiARY to be in dofault under any of the provieione of tha Note <br /> .. or tho provieione of paraqraph 17 above. <br /> , 24. O�L7�l1�CS iiIT� L�,N ffi�lSF1EtD�8 lATSRZ!lLB. TIt�sTOR will at all. timee comply f►nd <br /> ��1 1 nangn a_ Mo_Zl��lt°_.^^-',g�Rti°_ Q �!2� Tr'S9� PY°�tA..3�9 L,^. �.^'�'�2{ ...i�!': �ZZ L^.r���At °�`._7 R�_tn.�o <br /> ' lawe and requiremente qf any gavern�eatal body relevaa►� Co thA Truet Premieee and TR08TOA's f, <br /> ,;: ownerehfp and operation of the Tru�et Pr�nieoe inoluding, v�ithout limitationo all lawe as�d <br /> � •'` �'��; 4u 9 g g , qeneratian, r�monal, trane ostation, atora e �`-'+'� <br /> re latione re ard3n the uee, diacher e p q , <br /> - :: dispoeal or handliaq o£ any isnaecticidee, peetioides, herbicidee and o�her toxic, hazardoue <br /> +��:.�� or dangorous aheml.aa].s, subr��asicea and materials, or the aontairiere in whiah they are ' <br /> ' • ' ehipped, handI.ed vr etored, on or about the Tsust Premiaes. F1ny bseach of thie provieion by <br /> � TRUSTOR will be deemed a defdult undex the Deed of Truat and BENEk'ZCIAxtY vrill be entitled to <br /> • � exeraiae all righCe granted by the Deed of Trust ia the even� of a defnult by TRUBTOR or • <br /> � othorwiso availab'le at law or in equity inaludinq, without limit, the forealo�ure of lien „ <br /> on all or som� uf �he Truet Premiees, expresaly reaervinq the riqht to exclude from euch <br /> foreoloeus�e asiy portiond thereoP which are, have or may become contauniaated by or with <br /> toxia/ha�ettrdoue mater�alo or eubetanees. <br /> �� Ugon reque�t oP HEN$FiCi�►RY, TRUSTOR ehall periodiaally pc�zform and provide BENESICIARY <br /> . .• with th� reeuite o! environmental inepectione or audite. if at ang time, levele of <br /> ,.,�>._ .••. „ contaminatfon oxaead aay rolevant atandard eatabliehed by applicable lnwe and regulationa, f <br /> '� , TIt178xOR ahall prcmptly aorrect the problom. TliUBTOR ohall promptly provide B�NEFICIARY with I <br /> •. aorise of all notiicee reaeived from any federal, etata or loaal governmentnl agenay with <br /> .. r�gard �o �he poeaible or ac�unl violetion of a etntiute thnt would be a violatioa of thie � <br /> oondition. �, . <br /> •• TRUBTOR will not liaenee, authorise, permit, aqree or aoneent to the dumping or �r• . <br />- diepo�al on the property ot any produote, materiale, chemicaie, eubetanaee or by-psoducte, <br /> - . of any nature whateoever, by any third-par�y during the term of the Deed of Trust. <br /> . . ,, eENEFYC3ARY will have tA� riqht durinq the term of the Deed of Txust xo enter the Truet � <br /> - Premieee fos purpoae of i.nepection tGereoP to enEorce aompliance with thi.s aondition and any � <br /> � other term os condition of the loaa. TAIISTOR hereby grante SBN�FICiARY, ite agente aad <br /> ' . e�nployeee an irrevocable and non-exclueive license to enter upon the Trust Premisea, at <br /> �. � „ BSIJEFICIARY'& eole option, to aonduat t�oting nnd to rc3movo or arrango for tho removal of ° <br /> hase�rdoue/toxio �raetee or euba�ances and the ooste of teeting aad ramoval ehall im�nadiatoly <br /> '�� � <br /> � � • I <br /> � . <br /> �•�• .. i <br /> � -�-- - - _. ., ,. <br /> --�--- _.__..._ ...�_.___.,.r_ —...�_._.__—� _ .�- ---,----- <br /> � .. . � ,.. <br /> ___ _=_ _ _ _ -- _ - <br /> - :_ _ _ -,_- <br /> , -- - -�-- - -_ ---- - -- ---_ _ - - _ _ _ _.._..-.__. <br /> �• . <br /> �. � ' ., . <br /> � , ,. . . <br /> � , � .. . <br /> � . " „ �• ' . . <br /> � • ' . ' .. ,. . .. <br /> '�"" � ,. , � , <br /> � • • . o,� , <br /> t . , . . , <br /> � , . . ,. <br /> s „ � " ' , . � , <br /> , . ,., •� -� - . _ -•--- <br />