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F:.�Y .�` 'l f ' if ' L 11)(� <br /> _ . .:h?7j^. ' .F'� i��k,sl' �(S-�dl`; `j� i� _.�� n . ��,L(�I,i.^.,�.t � . . ' ., �."._ <br /> .�r� �� 1 iN�rwv*! •,}� . — <br /> r rv11^. ..'L.-. <br /> . k.. x.. � � ' -- <br /> • �•"?� _ __ .. . � <br /> ��_--,'- -" - — <br /> - - - - .. .__--�-�-- -.— ..__ _ . .! --. . ,. . . .. .. - . <br /> _ , �'�4���� . � . <br /> , . . <br />�,�--_- --=�:� :.._ <br /> a�.r_ <br />�._ _ ..__ � -..===-, __. <br /> ,,., . ,. .,i , :t:+ . . ,• � „s�[.;t•'.•.. . , . . ,.,,. , ..'. �--,_. <br /> -i:�titi�' '_-'-iif�iY�SA'RI . �"'ull:' .�4�..�:.�.1.. �'14i.'�. ��1.":2J-��i,': .,:t"-.�� i} .��'.�;� �i� ',' ; ' '.� � � il�•�f�_. _ .. ..,�1� i�i i ' �„.k_:._:: <br /> ' � u��su�va�!whirh r,I�aU r�,t i;e u+,rr.a�cHiahly witiiheld. Tt liurmwer fafly t��utaii�zeu�r,:r..u.�;4�lck�.iK�1 utH�•:,�,s.��.,::r i��a„.:Z - <br /> Lendrr4 o�ticiri,�htain ccvrraga w pmtect Ixnder y r:ght�in thr.i'rupe►Yy in 8.:corda�cc with�rngraph 7. <br /> All insurar�cc pcdiztas u��d tenewzls sha116a:ucr}xnNle tu Ixnder und tihaf�inclurie a stan6anl m<mge�e�lau.u. 1_rrulc� <br /> - �hr�i have tise ri�ht Io hold the pa�liciee artd renew�la. if I.rndrl royuircs,Borrower nhall prrn[�tly�ive co I.enckr all rn:d� <br /> - ___ __ _ � <br /> oY'p;ud�re�roiums and rencw:��nuticts. Li!he evcnt of in��a,!'1�:rcow•�r shafl Eiat prompt nnticn to the insur�nci c�reier�nd <br /> — t.r�►ckc. Lendrr may mafce pruof of'loss if�xx ma<ie Fn�omp�lY by riorrower. <br /> Unks�Lender wwl 8orrower otherwise agre�in wnting,insui�ance�rocood+sh�1l be�PPlied lo r�ataui�or�of <br /> — the�rc�erty damaged, if the restoration or rcpair is ecnnomlcaily feas�ble and I.,enderb secutity is na lesse-ned. If the <br /> restorntion or nps�ir is not econamlc�lty ieasible or l.encferk�curiry IasssnGd,tt�insuruxt pnxxr.�ls bfu�ll be <br /> � opplied to the sums suu;xd by this Sr.curity �nstrument,whctt►er or not then dae, w�th en,y excesA paid ta Burrowrr. lf <br /> Bortc�wer abandons tt►e Property, or dues not a��swer within 3[1 days a notice fram l.ander that,lhe insuranco�urier h� <br /> ,_�____ _ .-,___� offered to settte u clain�,then Lender niay collcct the insurance proceais. l..cnder may a+se tt►e pra:cecls to rcpair ur rcstoee <br /> - the Fr�:rty o�to pay swns secured by ehis Security Instrumcnt,whett�er or not then duc. Th+:30-day peri�xl will i,egi�e wtwii - <br /> the notice is given. <br /> Unless Lender and Dorrower otheswise ag�e in writing,any appl[�ateon of proceeds to principal shall not extend ac � <br /> pdstpone the duc datc of die monthly paymcnES refetred to ia par•►gnphs 1 and 2 ar cl�ange thc amovnc of'the paymenu. If <br /> � under par.igrapl�21 tlu Property is ncquired by l.ender,8omnwer�rigin to any insurance policies and proceals rcsulring <br /> fsom damabe to the 1'roperty prior to the ucqulsitton shall pass to L.endtr to the extent of the sums secuned by this Security <br /> Ynstrument immediately p;ior to the acquisition. <br /> -- -_---- - 6. ���cs;, Pcw�.v�!EM•, R�!�s��•!+_,�ce and Prottr�ttio� of the l�rauerty; Qorrower's I.�n A.ppllcaHon; <br /> -- Leaseholds. �orrower shall�occupy,estublish,and use the Property As Borroun:r�principal residence within sixty days after <br /> the execution of this Secwity Instrument and shall continue to occupy the Property as Bortaw•er�s principal residtnce for at <br /> -- � _ (c�st one year after the date of occupancy, unless Lender othcrwise agr�ees in writing, w}ticle conxnt ahall not be <br /> - unreasonably wid�helci.or untess extenuating circiunstances exist which are beyond Borrower's•contml. Boirower shall not <br /> desuoy,damage or impair the Property.allow the Property to dete�iorate,or commit waste an the Property. Borrowcr shall <br /> =-_-�°�__�-= ix:in default if any forfeiture actian or procecd:ng,whether civi!or criminal,is beg�n that in L.cnderk good fnith judgment <br /> � � could result in forfeiture of die Property or otherwise materially impair 1he lien ciceated by this Seruriry Instrument or <br /> - _= LenderS seturity interest. Horrower may cure such a default and reinstate,as provided in paragraph 18,by causing the action <br />---�'�------ or proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling Lender's•good faith determination,precludes forfeitm-e of the Botrowcr's <br /> __ --� interest in the Property or other material impairment of the lien created by this Securiry Instn�ment or Lender� securiry <br /> o.,��! interest. Borrow�er shall nlso be in defau!t if Borrower, during thc ioan application process, gave muteriAlly falsc or = <br /> .-^�����;;�,=.,�; lnaccuratc informauon or statements to I.ender(or failed to providc Lendr.r with any material information)in connccuon witF. <br /> ---- the toan �videncea by the Fvore, inciuwng, 'vui uui ii�iiiio� i�, «�rs�ntatiar.s :.zrwss:ng �s's'o::�ets �^-uF°s=^-; ^f`-t�R <br /> __n.,�.,���1�.; � <br /> __:_��:y�.:-, Property as o principal�sidence. If this Security Instru�neut is on a leaseho(d,Bonower shall comply with all the provisions <br /> - = n�� �- ,'' of the lease. Yf Horrower ncquires fee title to the Property,the Icasehold and the fee title shnll not merge unless Lendcr agmcs <br /> ,-v��e��+..� <br /> - ° "��1 • to the mcrgcr in writing. <br /> �•r;,:�.;����: 7. Protection oF'Jxnder's Rlghts in the Pra�erty. If Sorrowcr fails to �erfonn thc covenunts nnc� ngreemcnts - <br /> �.��'. <br /> +�r%.,.,=�v='�'�"'. contained in this Security Instrument, or there is a Iegal proceeding that may signiticantly affect Lender� rights in the <br /> _��;�;;.�';-'r�,',��,t��,, Prope�ty(such as n proceeding in bankruptcy,probate,for rondemnation or forfeiturc or to enforce laws or regulations).then <br /> _�_°--°=�•�����`�.,: Lender mAy�lo and pay for whatevcr is necessary to protect the vatue of the Property and Lender's tights in the Propeny. <br /> `" _ .,,,. �..: <br /> ``'��"%��'`���-�_� �r" Lendee's actions may include paying any sums secured by a lien which has priurity over this Security Instnimen��ppeanng <br /> �.N'�-5i1�'�/�..irr�,K. <br /> "��`=--�- <br />