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<br /> t{r•? ff���icr ti�,:r,ni�t��,)E�ri;vlFlyd I�y;:n in:nr��� .�{;prnvcd i�y[fudc,n^ai�i Lc:r.uut^��a��t�iltttilc an+.l ir.ni;i:�'•��:::1. r'.nr<;;�:.;�.ii•�! ����� �.�.+..r,.
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<br /> --= ilic pn:u�iumti��.yuircct to niaintnin nioivgaF;o 1�isu�.!n�;e i��efiect,ur ta�tovi�c n io�;�>��esc;�vc,u��til dic ec:��iir.:�a�n2 fe+�tiitrn�;•c;�c
<br /> hi5uranrr,cnds i�i uccord�ince w(ih ri��y writtr.n agrcemen�Geavicen�3orra�er aii:l l.ender oi•applicablc law.
<br /> 9. [tupectlmt. I..crscicr m•its ngcfit inay mai�c rensonablc cnu�ies u�x�n And inspcctions of tiie Froperry.i.caider sbtdt give
<br /> ___ Aarr�wcr nc�dco us thc Nntc at or priar ro an ins�C:ction spccifying rcasanublc causc for thc inspcction. �
<br /> - - - - , 1�:. i;=..:;.'c::;i,^.4:�:�. Thc pracctids of�thy ;tt�r,�rd ar cl��int f�r demn;;cs. dirc.�t ra• conscyuc�itial. in conncction with any :
<br /> candenuwtpon or other taking of any part�f thc Praperty,or for conveyante irs lieu of cundemnation, ATC I]CiY:by:Iti91��1C1I Al](�
<br /> — — shnll be paid to I..endcr.
<br /> In the event of n tatal�uking of tho Propcny,tite proceals shnll be a�plicd to tlte smns s�cured by this Sccurity Instrum.ent,
<br /> wttsther ar not then due, with:►ny excess paAd to Borrower. ln the event o8 a panic�l takins of the Pr�perty in which the fair
<br /> markct viduc of dte Pruperty irnmcdiately lx:forc thc taking is eyual to or grcater than the amaunt af thc sums secared by this
<br />�- —°=� Security[nstrumcnt immediately Uefore the taking,unless Rorrowcr:uid Lcnder atherwise a�ree in wriling,tl�e sums socured by
<br /> — this Securi�y Instrument shnll he reducc-d by thc amount of tl�e proceecls multiplied by the following fraction: (a) the tokll
<br /> amount of the sums securcd immcdiately bcforc the taking, div[dcd by (b) thc fair market va[ue of the Propcny inunediutcly
<br /> -- before the taking. Any balance shnll be paid to Borrower. In the event of a purtiul taking of the Property in which the fair _
<br /> — market vatuc af thc Pmperty immediatety before the taking is less thun thc umount of tlte sums sec�red immuliatcly befora the �
<br /> taking. nnlcss Borrawer and Lender otherwise agree in wrlting or unlcss applicuble law other�vise providcs,the proceecls sh:tll
<br /> be applied to the sums securcd by this Security Instrument whether ar not thc sums arc then due.
<br /> -� If the Property is abandoned by Borrawcr,or if,uiter�iotice by Lendcr to tiorrowar tl��t the condemnor offers to�nake an
<br /> - award or settle n claim for damages. IIunower fuils to respond to Lcnder within 3il days aftcr the date the notice is given,
<br /> -=:v.-� l.ender is authorizccl to collect und apply the pr�ceeds,at its option,either to resturation or rcpair of ihe Property or ro the sums
<br /> -�-���aII—~- securecl by this Secutity Instrument,wliether or not then due. —
<br />-� Unless L.cnder and Borrower othcrwise agree in �vriting, any application af proceecls to principal shall not extcnd or _ _
<br /> - -- "� postpvnc die due date of thc monthly paynients rcferred to in paragrnphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such payments. �„
<br /> - __--== 1 Y.Borrower Not Re➢easerl;Forbeuro►qce By I.ender Nat a Wc�iver.Extension o4 thc time far payment or modification
<br /> --- ---- of amortization of the sums Securcd by this Security Instrument granted by�.rnder to any successor in i�terest of Borrowcr shtill --
<br /> __- not operate to release the liability af the original Harrower or Borrower's successors in interest. L.ender shaU not be reyuired ta ----
<br /> v�_-� commence proceEdinga against any succcssor in interest or refuse to extend dme for payment or otlierwise modify umortiz��tion k,;..,
<br /> �=;R,�,j�.,r� of the sums securcd by this Security Instrument by reason of any demand made by the original Borrower or Horrower's �
<br /> �.. �m�....���11 ;Zt,.�hn g�y+s'�,ynr nf nr nrec�utlC tI1C �f''
<br />___., ,�,_ �,�x;,;, successors in interest. P►ny iorbcarance by T�xuuc, iti ciiciCiBii�b a;�y r.g.,. 'v7 T � -. --
<br /> ....;,v_y�.'� exercise of any right or remedy.
<br />-,�:;:����.,
<br /> .�.,,�� , ' 12. Successnrs utid Assi�ns Bound; Joint and Seve��al Liablllty; Co-si�ners. The covenants nnd agreements o t is
<br /> -,...��,�,
<br /> '�s'"%' Security Instrument shall bind and beneftt the succe�son and ussigns of Lcnder and Borrower, subject to the provisions o
<br /> _.��;r��•}:� , paragraph 17. Borro�ver's wvcn�.nts and a�recments shull be joint and several. Any Barrower who co-signs this Security ��:
<br /> ��:;�.��- Instrument but daes not execute the Note: (a) is ca-signin� this Securiry Instrument only to mortgage, gr:mt and comey that
<br /> '�'-�=ti-�� Bonowcr's interest in thc Property undcr thc temis of this Sccurity instrumcnt; (b) is not personally obligatcd to pay thc sums ___
<br /> ----�..•,�-�+.. -
<br /> _f:_�� socured by this Security Instrument:and(c)agrees that I.ender and any other Borrower may agree to extend,modify,forbeac or �.�:F
<br /> .,., ..y�
<br /> make any accomntoda.ions�vidi regu�d ta the terms of this Security Instrument or the Note�vith�tiut that�3ornxvcr's consent. �t_
<br /> �°M ;�,• 13.I.oun Charges.If the loan secured by this Security Instrument is subject to u luw�vhich sets maximum loan churges, [�:.
<br /> " 'tr-�'`-"`�'.�'-� and tliat law is finally interpreted�o that the interest or other I�an char�es collected nr to be collected in conneetion widti the �,,�
<br /> _---=�-:M�-.�,� ;`�:`.
<br /> ��---��=�� luan exeeed the permitted limits,then: (a1 any such loan rharge shall he reduced by the an��ount necessnry to rcJuce die churge yM;,.
<br />_�='�'��'�=��'`� to the �oermitteci limit: and (b)uny sunn already collected from Bc�rroaer which exeeeded permitted limits will be refunded to E�b�"
<br /> "}T���`'`--�-•-� Borrower. Lender may choose to make this refund by rcducing the princip:il awed under thc Note i�r by making a direct •�
<br />_-��,;�_k�� payment to Borro�ver. If a refund m.�luces principal, the reduction will Be treated as a partial prcpaymen� without any k��,
<br />°��??t=,�;; � prepayment charge under thc Note.
<br />�-�=��'��h,�.,,.J 14.NotEces. Any notice to Bonower provided for in this Security Gistrument tihall bc givcn by delivcring it or by mailing
<br />-:1_-,::.:......�..
<br /> it by tiest class mail unless applicable law reyuire�use uf another method. The notice shall hc directc�to the Propeny Address
<br />-���i,;.��s � .�:� or any other address Borro�vcr dcsignates by noticc w l.cnder. Any noticc to Le:ndcr shall bc givcn by fint class mail to
<br /> - L.ender's addmss stateci h�rcin or any otlur addres;Lcndcr dcsi�nates by noticc to Borro�vcr. Any noticr providcd f'or in this
<br /> - �. � Security lnstrument shall bc decmecf to huvc been given to Borrowcr ar l.�:ndcr wiun given as pruvidcd in this par.�gr.iph.
<br /> :..,����. IS.Gover��tn� Luw; Severabil(ty. 1'his Security Instrumcnt shall be governcd hy fcdcial law und thc law of thc
<br />-�''�M � jurisdiction in which Qic Propeny is laratcd. In thc cvcnt tliat uny provision or clausc of'this Serurity Instniment or thc Note ,
<br /> Y� :.:�� ° conflicts with applicablc la�v,such ronflict shall not affcct othcr provisions��f this S��:urity Instrumcnt or thc Notc which ran bc
<br /> � .. given effect without the ronflicting pmvision. To this end tlie provisions af this Security Instrument and the Note are declareci
<br /> � to bc sever.ible.
<br /> 16.13orro«�cr's Copy.Borro�ver shall be given onc ronfornicd copy of thc Notc.md of this Sccurity Instrumcnt.
<br /> Form 3028 9190
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