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� .,. . , '.r �VN��7t614b11trin,rl .� . _ . _ -- ra. , <br /> '�� .�'�- t� _ ......_ <br /> .... <br /> .� _ <br /> .. <br /> _' �, " - 1 .' _ - -- - - --°� - ' _ -- <br /> /:�� .. il�� _ - ---- — -_-- -- --- --------- - <br /> , ____.___ _.._... _ ..__._. <br /> . ._ __ ._.. ._ - __)� _ <br /> - - .. . �� ��'�����n�� --- <br />-... .."�l �{"1;__._ <br />.. .��.'-��.-�.�.-..�.� <br />. . - . ;). }., . ..,� Q.i �l��:R� .r1% 1,; ..u. .._..� �>alY�elC..i ��i"��� �.� �1 �1�.: � I��i.v:i:.�.uj'1 I:.�C. ( .5�..�il'� r.�1 {:�ii . •. l . � b 11, a-__... <br />....---,._._,�__._;.t� Eh�+y�:idy lr'.1��'�!!vE;�dn°8 I����hy fLi1, 1e..'���1•�lu�Im�.�1 t�iiid�� Eir.� ir•n•� °C::E�'.�i:L��t��•.r�•, . ii,•�1, ��y��ii;:: I� „�t� u�c I�:�,I,.. =_�-- - <br /> Nr�s�k or flrr��lln};. I;ir���ht�lt I�;nilcr reqtttrc4 Intitir,�5ics, '1'I�Is l�ivu+.ukt�c,h!�li be�n�+lnt,ili�r�l li�iht:rn�i:t+nis�c+xl t��r Una�rcrl,kl� <br /> ihut l.enc�i�r r�:��uircti. '!h�iu�nr;uic��ea�rrii�r�:iuvi�iiuK�lic; itirut,u��:e�nb�ill itie��lro�ru hy N��u��wee ti�d�Ject tu Iiruetrr's nprirru,,l <br /> wf�ich shal! nut t�e wtnuM�i��hly wllhhclil. iP f��s�ruwzr Tails ti►mulutul�r coveraxo descrlhecl u�ive, l,cikter n�ay, at f�eyuler'w <br /> - _ � uptio�b obt;dn c<��•c�,�gc tt��ortitect l.cndCi•'s�ihhts iu Ilic 1'��iprrEy in ncF•urcL•ui�c wlth pai��grapli 7. _ <br /> All insuruixc �x,ii�:ieh u�x! rcucwuls bl�uU lk ucccptnblc tu I..cixl�r uiKl �liul� includu u htundurQ uiung�gc ciauu-, I,�ixler — <br /> �ha�i iu+ve the rlght tu ho1�1 the rxilicies nnd r�newalti. lt Ixndcr rcqufrcv,Fkrrrnwcr rl�all promptly bive ti�Lender All recclpts of <br /> paid�3remiu�i��;und rencwul not[ccs. In dsc evcm of lotis,B�srrawer sliall give pron�pt nuticc to�1�c inswaiue cun�i�r ancl I,c��Ger. <br /> Lcnd�r muy maY.c pmof oF luss if not maQe prampdy by H�rrower. <br /> Unlcss l..cnder nnd I�urrox�cr othe�wisc ugrcc in wddng, insurm�ce procceds sl�nl! lx:applicd to rest�rntian or rcpnir af the <br /> _. _ <br /> ____, ['ropeety dumaged, if thc restorntion or repair is econnmtc�lty fcasibla nnd Lendcr's secw•ity in nat Icssene�l, If thc restoratian or <br /> repair is not cc:onom{c�lty feasible or l.end:r's security wauld be Icssened, thu insurance proceecls shult bc app icd to the sums <br /> 6ecurcd by this Sccuriry Instrunicnt, whcther or rot then duc, with any exccss paid to Borrower. If Yiorrower abandons the <br /> Pr�perty, or dacs rtat ans�ver within 30 days a notice from I.ender that the insurancs carrier hus offercd t�sctde a claim. then <br /> I.cnder may cailect the insurance pcocu�ds. Lender inay use the procceds to repair or restore the Property or to pay aums <br /> secured by tl�is Security inst�ument,whether or not thcn due.The 30-drzy period will begin whcn ttie noticc is given. <br /> Unless [.ender and Borrower otherwise ngrce in wriNn�, Gny application of pracceds to �rincipal shall not extend or <br /> --� pus*_gnne the due d2te af the monthly payments referred t� in pnra,raphs 1 and 2 or chunge the amotmt of the payments, If <br /> under paragraph 21 thc Property is acquict�l by Lender,Bormwcr's right to nny insurance policics And procceds resulting from <br /> damage to thc Propeny prior to thc acquisitinn shall pass to I.cnder to the extent of the sums secured by this Security Instrurnent — <br /> —__ _ immediltely prior to the acquisition. <br /> 6. Ckti�paaxy.Pc�servatfon,Mafntenunce and 1'ratection of the Property;Borro�ver's Loun ApNlicntton;Leaseholds. <br /> _______._..__.� Borrotivcr ehull uccupy,estublish,nnd u�e the Prope�ly as t3orrower's principal residen�;c within sixty days nftcr the execucion of <br /> ._ this Sccurity Instrument and shali continue to occopy the Property as Bonower's principal r�sidence for at least one ycar after <br /> the date of occupancy, unless Lender otherwise ageecs in writing, which conscnt shall not be unreasonably viithlield, or unlcss <br /> _—.—__::,�� extenuating circumstances exist which arc beyund Borro�ver's control. Bonower shall not destroy, damage or impair the <br /> _=== Property, Allow thc Property to deteriarnte, or commit�vaste on thc Property. $orrower shall be in defuult if any forfeiture <br />_ — �;;;,,,� nction or proceedin�, w4ether civil or criminal, is begun that in L,ender's goad faith judgment wuld result in forfeitureo�the <br /> =%�*�+a�f� Pronertv or otherwi�e materiallv imnair the lien created bv this Sccuritv Instrument or Lender's sccuritv interest.Borrower may <br /> �����':;;;� v cure such A default unc�reinstute.:�s�provideci in pnragrnph 18,by cnusing the uction or proceeding to be dismisscd with n ruling <br /> --_�!�t�u{� that, in Lcnder's good faith determination, precludes forfeiture of the Borrower's interest in the Property or other materisl -- <br /> `�',�,:�;;�� impairment af the lien creatcd by this Securiry D�strumcnt or Lender's security interest. Borrower shnll also be in cicfnult if _ <br /> --'�'v'�""s"' Dorrower,during the loan applicntion process,gave materially false or inaccurate information ur statements to Lender (or failed <br />--���s� to provide Lender with any materi�l information)in wnncction�vith tlie loan evidenced by the Note, including,but not lirnited <br /> ------= to, representations coneerning IIonower's occupancy of the Property as a principal residence. If this Security Instrument is on a �-- <br /> _°�—,���� Ieasehold, Borrowcr shall comply with all the provisions of the Ieasc. If Borrower acquires fee tide to the Propeny, the �- <br />-'��`f".;'!a:µ;E7� Icasdiald and the fee tiEle shall not merge unless Lender agrces to thc merger in�vriting. -Ky. <br />� ��v� <br />_ssa��-�T�=?;� 7.P�vtcctlon of Lcndcr's Rights in the Pt'operty.If Burro�ver fails to perform thc covcnants and agrcements contlined in - °� <br /> .:-:�;•;;.�-� ....;•_ <br /> -.�;�,� this Security Instrument, or there is a lebal proccedin�thut may significantly affect Lender's rights in tNe Froperty(such as a ;���••. <br /> --�•��� proccaiing in bankruptcy,probate, for condemnation or forfeiturc ur to cnforcc laws or regulations), then Lender may do and - <br /> __ 'u��,.� pay for whatever is neccssary to protect the valuc of thc {�roperty and Lender's rights in thc Property. Lender's actions may � ' <br /> _,_,,.,r;��-f, �� inelude paying any sums secured by a lien which has prioriry aver this Security lnstrument, appe:i:ing in court, paying <br /> --___ -r.=� rcasonablc nttorrteys'fces and eniering on dic Propeny to make rcpairs. Aldiough Lendcr may tukc action undcr this paragraph ' <br /> -_=���:�= 7,Lender does not have to do so. <br /> --_-- • �_.� <br /> - - ----- Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall become udditional debt of Borrower +ecured by this <br /> --- =-=- Sccurity Instrumcnt. Unless Borrowcr and Lcndcr agrce to othcr ternis of paymcnt, thcse amounts shall be:u interest from the <br />-=;-�%'t=�"• �` date of disbursement at die Note r.ite and shall be payablc, with intcrest, upon noticc from I.endcr to Bonower rcyuesting <br /> - ,h-.. <br />:.:�;:�":':_..::: pay mcnt. ., <br /> --`..;;;�y�;;:.._, 8.Mortgage I�uurance.If l.eader required mortgage insurance as a condition oi nakin�the loan secured by this Securiry <br /> -;"�='�,.'� Inserument, Bunower shall pay the prcmiums requireci to maintain the mongage insurance in effect. If, for any reason, the <br /> � � mortgagc insurance coveragc rcquircd by Lendcr lapses or ccases to be in cffect, Borrowcr shall pay thc premiums required to <br /> ��.'�-�?���.•• - obtain cover:►gc substantialty equivalcnt to thc mortgage insurancc previously in effect,at a cc�st�ub5tantiaUy cquivalem to thc <br />=:8;;::�."�,`• �= cast to Dorrower of the mongage insurance previously in effect, frorn an alternate mortgage insurer approved by Lender. If <br /> . ... , sut�stantiolly equivalent mongage insurance covcragc is�iot availablc,Borro�vcr shall pay to Lcndcr cach month a sum cqual to <br /> °•� ;������• ,' one-tweltth of the ye:uly mortgage insur~ance pmmium being paid by Borrowcr when thc insurance wvcrnge lapsed or ceasc�l to I <br />� -• be in cffcct. Lt:ndcr will acccpt, usc and retnin these payments as a los� reserve in licu uf mortgagc insurancc. Loys reserve I <br /> - -�:.- ,'....,.;:. Foam3028 9190 i <br /> � *•�d'',�.i:v{j��.. Pogo 3 0l G <br />^'+..��_�',�'.' 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