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<br />_-"-'-'--y=-�'•_�' �.L'?�'}.:i�'� �1i111i �'.ilFl�:d ltll�.:.11�r t,fifi�.'1' ill"��� i:I If� {f��1�il:i. t�'t��l�i�: �hi'v".��:.R,1 �;.tJh� iSi �ii �P�) Ici� t''�� !.:41,'. . .., �,, 1 ��j� l�,t ._.._ _
<br /> 4�rcurliy In�1�un���it. I lc���cvtir,tltifv uE�tio��Fhafi i�u:I�i:c:xcrc:is,d�y I.c►u�cr if rx�;r�:�i�L:�ir��idbitci�by I�:�lcr�►t iuv�ar u9 tt�+:+lata
<br /> of thlv Sccuriry InStrw��cut.
<br /> If I.eneitr exertilres Ihis aplic►n, t.et�lCr shtdl give W�rrnwer notice uf'uc�cleratiaut. 'llic nctilire sl�;dl�;r,�viclo u peri+�+1 nf not
<br /> Icss than 3(�ciuya from thc date thc nudcc is�lr,livered ar mu8led withBn which &ar��wcr must ��+ ull sums�ec:urec�by this
<br /> _ ___ : S^c�lrity (n�tmn�Pnt. !f Hm•r��wer fnils to p,�y tl«�e soms prior to tlie expirutlou oi't6�is pciin�J.L.c'�tder m,iy Lrvc�ke,iny remedics
<br /> perntittal by this Security Instru►�ent withoul f�artl�er notice or demund on Borrc�wcr. ---
<br /> 18. Rarro�xer's RIRht to Reinswte. If Bor�awer meets ccrtain conditions. Borrnwar shall i�ava the right to tiave
<br /> enforcentent of this Sccudty InstNn�ent diyconti�tiued at any,time prior to the enrlier oL• (a)5 days (or such nQter perial as
<br /> npplicabfe law may specify for remsEatr,,v�ent)?before�szle qi' ti�e Property pursuant to nny pcwer of snle c�neainr_d in this
<br /> Sccuriry Instrumcnt;or(b)cntry uf a ja��+n�ent enfureing this Securyty Instrumcnt.'fhose conditions are that Borrowcr:(a)pays•
<br /> Lender all sums wl�ich►hen wauld[fe due under this�Se;curicy Instrument and tlic Note as if no atxeleration Eiad occurred;(b)
<br />-- _:- .�- -_� cures nny defanit�f any othcr covcnants or agreem�nts; (c) p�ys nll expenses incurred in enfarcing this Sccurity Instruxr►ent,
<br /> includiitg,but not limited tu,reasonuble uuorneys' fecs; and(d)takes such acaan as I.ender may reasonably require to rissure � -
<br /> --�--� that the lien of this"ac�:urity Instrument,I.cnder's rights in the Property and Borrrwer's obligation to pay the sums se.curecl by
<br /> -- tnis Securicy Instrument shall �oneinuc t�r�changed. Upon reinstatentent by Dorrower. this Security Instrwnent und the
<br /> — obligation�secured hereby shall remain fully effective as if no uccelern,tion had occurrecl. However, this ri�ht to rcinstate shall
<br /> nut apply in the case of acccleration under paragraph 17.
<br /> . 19. Sale of 1Vuie; Change nf Loan Servicer. `Che Note or a partial interest in ►he Note (together with tfiis Security
<br /> =- Instn�ment)may be sotd ane or more times without prior notice to Borrower.A sale may r�sult in a chan�e in the cntity(known
<br /> - - - _ ns the"Lo;,n Scn�icer")that collects monthly payments due under thc Note nnd this Sec:urlty Instrument.There slso may be one
<br /> - or more changes of the Loan Servicer unn;lated to a sale of the Note. If therc is a change of the Loan Servicer, �orrower will be
<br /> given written natice of the Lhunge in accordnnce with pnrabraph 14 above and upplicable law.Thc notice will state the name and
<br /> _- -_- nddress of the new l.ann Servicer and the address to which payments should be made. The notice will also contain zny other _�
<br /> information required by applicaBle law.
<br /> ^ �—�„�� Z0. Hn�na�dous Snbstnnces.Banower shall not c.�+usc or permit the presence,use, disposal. storage, or release�o.f any
<br /> ------ Hazardous Substances on or in the Prope�ty. Sorrower shall n�t do, nor allow anyotte else to do, anything uffectinb the
<br /> ___--_!`',?�' Property th�tt is in violatlon of any Environmental I 3w. The preceding two sentences shall not apply ro the presence,use, or
<br /> �--�°==_=• storage on tl�e Praperty of small quantities of H�tardous Substances that are genernlly recognized to be appropriute to normal
<br /> --
<br />