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<br /> Cit.�itltt)WNR�:i)'Vi:iNH�I'C�51tt�et Ikitrowt'r 1�:IawGslly zctsed�+f ihc s:�C+tt',fict�hy��anvcyevl and hu+�ha rig}rt��K�ui�F���
<br /> cnuvcy �ha I•'ruprc�y uixf ihui�i��� 1'►'��pCny Is unCUiuud.�ce��l, crctpt !�rr c nmimhrariri�s a►i r�unL t't�ttr�iwcr �ti��itr�inl5 ;�n+l �1l1
<br /> Jaf�ncl�renrr�lly�he Il�le tu�hc Property ugain+t a11 clabnv u�xf demund�,auhJect tu rny encumbramY.r rif t+econl.
<br /> �'t��y tit?('Fl�l•�'X Ii�ti'flt�l[v�!'sN'I'cumy�fhe4 t;nifuint cu��c►tauts Cor aeuiwt•rl s�tic u�Kl ucnt•indfeniu cu�'cu;mtti w(Ih I�+ufictl , _
<br /> vrrirti���iw by Jurissliction t�constllutu u unilurm�ccm�ity Inctrunkn!cavering rt+�l pr<rperty.
<br /> UMlHORM CY)Vk?s�ANTS.}3�u rower suul l.c��ier cnven::nt un6 ugrce u.�folluws: �
<br /> 1. �hyment ot 1'�dncipwf �e�sd Inter�s; Wre�yment �nd l.atc C�tt+rKes. Iiorrower shnl! proinptty pmy wl�en due the
<br /> prE�cipal�f nrxl interest r.n the debt evldenced by the Note and nn}�prepayment ancl lute chnrges due urxier the Note.
<br /> 2. Fwtd9 fur T+a��.w pnd Inqurunee. Subiccc to ngplicab(e tuw ar to a written wuiver by Lcrider. Borrawer shall pay to
<br /> _ __s Lcnder on the day monthly paymcnts arc due undcr Il�c Nate,untii Ihc Note;is paid in full,a sum("Cunds")for.(u)yearly texes �
<br /> and assessm.�nts which may uttain prlority ovcr this Security Tnstrum�nt ns a lien on tl�e Propeny:(b)yearly lcusehoid payments
<br /> or ground rents on the Pruperty,if any;(c)year�y hazard�r property insur�nce premiums;(d)ycurly flood insurance.premiums,
<br /> if nny; (e)ycarly mortgage insurance premiums,if any; and (� any Smns paynblc by Ciorrower to I.cnder, in accordance with
<br /> the pravisians of psr�grnph 8, in licu�f tl�e pa��ment of mortgnge insurutce premiuins.Tl�csc items are called "Escrow Items."
<br />— Ix�xler may, at uny time, collect and hold Funds in nn nmount not to excecd the maxirnum umount n lender for n feder:illy
<br /> related mortgage loAn may require for Borrower's escrow account under the fedPral Reul EstAte Settlement Aroceclures Act of
<br /> , 1974 as uincndcd fmm timo to timc, 12 U.S.C. Section ZL•4!et seq. ("RFSPA"), unless anottier lnw tha4 np��iea to the Funds . _
<br /> scts a fesser umount. If so, Lender m�y. nt any time, collcct and hold Funds in um m�ount not ta exceed thc les�cr amount.
<br /> Lender may esttmatc th�amaunt of Funds due an the basis of current data and m.�sonnble estimates of expenditures af future
<br /> Escrow Iteins or otherwise in accordsnce with applicable law.
<br /> Tlie Funds shuU be held in an insti4ution whose depostts are insured by a federal agency, instrumcntality, or entity
<br /> — (including i.ender,if L.ender is such an institution) 4�r in nny Fcdernl Home Loan Bank,Lender shnll apply the Funds to pay the
<br /> �scrow Items.Lcnder may not churge Borro�ver for holding and applying the Funds,annually analyzin�tne escrow account,or
<br /> verifying the Escrow Items,unless I.ender pays Horrower interest on the Funds and npplicable law permits Lertdcr to make such
<br /> — a chargc. Howevcr, Lender may reyuire Borrowcr to pay n one-time charge far an independent rcal estate tax reporting service —
<br /> ___— used by Lender in connection with this loan, unless applicable law provides othenvise. Unless an ngrcement is made or
<br /> --— applicable law requires lnterest to be paid, Lender shall not be rcquired to pay Horcowcr any interest or eumings on the Funds.
<br /> Barro•��r:stt!i..^.txler ms�sDt�ee in�L.^:ii;2o,�t�WPLP� �tZ�r }nta�ncr c{�I Fu�nai�i nn rhr Fnndc. i.ender�hull eive to Borrower.
<br /> ---- without charge, an annual accounting af the Funds,showing credits and dcbits to the Funds and tlie purpose for which each
<br /> - debit to the Funds was made.The Funds are ptedged us addition�l sccurity for all sums secured by this Security Instrument.
<br />_`?�'� If the Funds held by I.ender exceed the amounts permitted to 6c held by applicable Iaw, Lender shnll account to Honower
<br /> - for the excess Funds in accordf►nce with the rcquiremcnts of applicable luw.If the amount of the Funds held by Lender ut uny
<br /> __.� time is not sufficient to pay the Escroa Items when due.Lender may so notify Borcowcr in writing, and, in such case Borrower
<br />�__= shall pay to Lender the nmour.t necessary to make up the deficiency. Bonower shall muke up the de6ciency in no more than �
<br />��.- twelve monthly payments,ut Lender's sole discmtion. ��
<br /> :___��. Upon payment in full uf all sums secured by this Security Instrument. C.ender shall promptly refund to 8orro�ver any ��,..
<br />.�.,ra� Funds held by Lender. If,under paragraph 21, Lcnder shall acyuirc or sell the Property, Lcnder, prior to thc acquisition or sale ,�;a
<br /> � of the Property, sttnll apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisition or sule as a creciit ugainst the sums secured by
<br /> this Sccurity Instrument. _
<br /> _r.� 3.Applieatton of Fnyments.Unless applicable IuW provides otherwise, all payments received by L.ender under paragraphs ;^�
<br />�-����� 1 and 2 shall be applied: first, to any prepayment char�cs duc undcr the Note; sccand, to amounts payable undcr paragraph 2; '°
<br /> _�_ third,to interest due;fau�th,to principal due;anA last, to uny late charges due under the Note.
<br /> – 4.Charges;Liens. Borrowcr shall pay all taxes, assessments, cl�arges, fines and impositions attribu[able to thc Property
<br /> ---- which may attain priority over this Security instrumcnt, and Icaschold paymcnts or ground rents, if any. Bonower shull pay
<br />'�"" these obligations in the manner provided in parugraph 2,or if nut paid in that mxnner,Barrower shall pay them on timc directly
<br />__�,'�
<br />-��is to the person owcd payment. Bonov�er shall promptly fumish to Lender 311 notices of arnounts to be paid undcr chis paragraph.
<br /> —' If Borrower malces these payments directly,BoiTOwer shall promptly furni sh to C.cnder receipts evfdencing the payments.
<br />_���� Borrower shall prompdy dischurge any lien which has priori:y over this Security(nstrument unless Borr��ver: (a)agrees in
<br /> writing to the payment of the obligntion secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender:(b)contests in good faith the lien
<br /> ��� by, or defends ��ainst cnforcement of the lien in, Icgal proc;.edings which in thc Le:ndcr's upinion op��ate to prevent t{le
<br />_�:� enforccment of thc licn; or(c)secures from the holdcr of the licn un agrecment satisfactory to Lender subardinating the lien to
<br />`-;��„ this Security lnstrument. If Lcndcr deterniines that any p�rt of the Property is subject to a lien which may attain priority uver
<br />:,_s%S� this Security Instrument, Lendcr may givc Borrower a noticc identifying the lien.Borrowcr shall satis�y the licn or take one or
<br /> ` – more of the actions set forth above within l0 days af the giving of notice.
<br />'�'v Form 302it 9190
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