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<br /> Gs? (�,u:� � ;A��f.�l'�f. .;.��
<br /> _-- -. ��: :.aa�� �� e awe,ordlnance3 end ra�.►ulatlar+s !-�-�-�=-
<br /> �^TM��,° � 0. Haz�rdau�M�lerN�l�.Tn+�!ar ehall kae�the Property In compllancs with al!appil�ab� ^ _ �_
<br /> _�?_',%�� reletin�to Induotrl�l i�yplErr�or envlranmcnt�l protection(celtectively reterrod to hera�n ae"�nvlronmant�l4�we"}.Tra�tor sh�{f - f
<br /> k+Kp Ihe Prapsrty 6ree from��I tulart�nce�deerrt�xxd to ae hax�rdaus ortoxlc undar eny�nvtronme�tal Ln��rn�aollactive+ly ret�rrod to
<br /> ,,_�y,:;V..�� h�ran�s"Haz�rdou�M�t�rlela"�.Tru�tor hereby werr�nts end repre�ante tp Lender that ther�a�re na P��rardou�Mibriats on ar n �
<br /> �-- � - `� �ln!!-r th�?Prn�ert;�.7rustor hereby R�!rsea to Indemnliy and hotd i�armleas Lencler,Its dlroctors,atltcnre,emplqysea and eflasie,astd �- ,;��,
<br /> - -_�,�, � _
<br /> any�ucc�aors ta L�nde'�Int�rut,troro and op�ln�t ony and ell claims,d�mepee,loaa�a and Iicbfllile9 erla►ii9 li�cus���s:,wGn�.��+ -
<br /> the prawnc�. use,dla�osa�or 4nn�po►t o1 s�ny Haxerdoue Mat�riili on,under,trom or about the Property.THE FOR�aOINQ
<br />�_�.:�:�=;� -'..
<br /> __"�j�`;;�, 10. A�nm�nt of R�esb.S'ruetor hereDy eselDns to Lender the r�nta,leauea end protltn o1 the Praperty:provt�ied thnt Truato► �,
<br /> '' ;� �t� • ,• ehe►1,un+ll ths ocr,urronce of en EvoM o}Detaut!hereunder,have the rlptnt to collect and►etaln 9uch rentm,fa�uea and profita es they ��
<br /> =w � .J.r&�" bocome due and psyable.Upofl the ocCUrrence of en Evmnl of Detautt,Lender may,either fn person or by eflont,with or writhout =_-
<br /> �W:e;;�r brin95rp any ectlon or procuedlnq,or by a receiver eppalnted by e cou�t and witi�out r�pard to th�ndequecy ot It�e�ecuriry,enter -
<br /> _ -� -- ;�'�� •° upon and teks poaaeieelon o1 the Property,or any part thereof,In its�wn nama or In the name ot the Truatee,and do sny acb which it R-_--
<br /> ��•.�wiry�1l�l��r.. .
<br /> '�!� deema netoaanry ur deelreble to preeenre the vslu�,merket�bUity or rentabllity o1 the Property,or eny part thereof or intereattheretn, �,W;__.
<br /> ��:��':_�;�;, � �
<br /> _�.�.,,;��.�,,.r��� r inarenae tha incume lherotrom or proteat the aecuriry hereol and,with or wlthout takfng posseaslon o1 the Property,aue for or �------
<br /> ����4s�w+� ••,�;:ti: otharw�ae coll8ct the rente,Iseues end protiis th�reof,includlnp thoae past d�ee and unpatd,end npply the samA,leaa costs and �,-
<br /> == '*_t t_;,i.rL expenaes of operetlon�nd collecUon Inctuding attorneys'fees,upon eny indebtedness securod hereby,all in such order as Lender �
<br /> ': �'}���••�* may determine.Tha entering upo�and teking possesslon of the Property,the colleation o1 such rente,lasues and profite and the �x�'Y
<br /> —..`.�i .�t�%,���� Ro(�.-r_::
<br /> �___.x. ,,......,. epplicatlon thereaf ee t►toressld,ehail not cure ur walve any detault or notice of detauit h6reunder or Invalldate any act done in ty;_Y�-
<br /> ;��-,-���'�"�=M�' reapansa to euch default or pureuant to such notice of default and,noiwitirslendine tho cantinu3nao In possssslon ol the Rro�rry or �_.' Sy__
<br /> �.J_�7�j��;1�.3,:�,•:'',�::.�•, ths oollectlon,recelpl end epplioatlon o}rente, lasues or profits,and Trustee and Lender a7�all be entitled to oxercise every right �1;-,�'_-�
<br /> ,=•�„ - provldedtorinenyoftheLuAnDocumenteor4ylawuponoccurrenceofenyEvenlofDefault,Includingwlthoutllmltationtherightto ••n;_.,��
<br /> ";,�_; . r' exercise th9 pot�ter of sele.Further.Lender's ri4hts and rsmedles under this paregraph shall be cumulative with,end in no way a
<br /> :-;n,r;:�_-°?� •x�:, Ilmltatlonon,Lendor'eslphteandremedie�undera�yasslgnmentoflease5andrentcrecordedogeinsttheProperty.Lender,Yastoe
<br /> . .. and the recelver shall be Ilabfa to account only those rents actunlly rec�rlved. -
<br /> ,, :;4 � 11. Ev�nL W OHauH.The foilowing shall Con3titute en Event of Detault under thfs Deed ot Trust
<br />— �• • (e) Fe11urA to pey any Installment o7 princlpai or Interest o1�ny other eum secured hereby when due;
<br />_^ �.�`� � . ��,; �e : (b) Abrescholo►defaultunderanyprovisloncontalnedintheNote,thisDaedof'frust,anyottheLoanOocuments,orany n
<br /> �. .;, other�len or encumbrance upan the propertv;
<br /> �,;� •� Qc) A wrft of executinn or atiachment or any almllar process ohall be entered against Trustor whfch shall beaame a Ilen on
<br /> the Properiy or any portion thereol or Interdst therein;
<br /> (d) Tt+ere shall be flled by or ngalnst Trustor or Borrower an action under any present or future federal,atate or other
<br /> -n•• : . s�9iuie,iaw or rvyuiaiiiv��i8id8ii�2tS GoR°•t'�sp:C;,:"�L`l:�na;os�±hsr re!!Q!rnr dAbtors:or there shall be appointed eny truatoe,
<br /> -� � recelver or iiquldator of Trustor or Borrower or oi all or any part of the Property,or the ranta,issues or profita therpo4,or Trustor
<br /> - or Borrowar ehalt make any general assignment for the benofit of creditora:
<br /> • (e) The,sale,transfer,lease,essipnment,conveyance or further encumbrance of ali or eny part of or any interest in the
<br /> ` ,, PropeRy, elther voluntarfly or Involuntarlly, without the expreas writt�n consent of Lender, provided that Trustor shall be
<br /> ,, ' � permitted to oxecute e lease ot the Properly thnt doo�not contafn en option to purchase end the term ot which does not excead
<br /> one year.'
<br /> • (Q Abandonment ot the Property;or
<br /> (g) If Trustor is not en indivldual,the Issuance,sale,transfer,asslgnrtsent,conveyance or encumbrance ot more then a totai
<br /> �'� � of.�—parcent of(If a corporatfon)Its issued and outstandfng atock or(If a partnerahip)a totel of percent of
<br /> ' � p9rtnership interests d�tring the perlod thls Oeed of Trust remalna a Iien on the Property.
<br /> � 12. Rem�dNa;AccNeratbn U{wn Dsl�uit.In the event of any Event of Defautt Lender may,without notice except as requlred by
<br /> ,e.�. � • • law,declare all indobtedness secured hereby to be due end payeble and the same ohall thereupon bocomo due and payable
<br /> "'''�" without eny presenUnent,demand,protest or notice of any kind.Theroaker Lender may
<br /> -. � - � (e) Demand that Trustee exercise the POWER OF SALE granted herein,and Trustee ahall thereatter cause Trustor's
<br /> • - - • � interest in the PropeRy to be sold and the proceeds to bo distributed,all In the manner provided In the Nebraske Trust Deeds
<br /> , , Ac�
<br /> • (b) Exorctse eny end all rfghts provided for in any of tho Loan Documents or by law upon occurrence ot eny Event of Qefault;
<br /> . .. and
<br /> (c) Commence an action to foreciose thla Deod of Trust as a mortgage,eppolnt a recelver,or spocitically eniorce any of the
<br /> �� covenant�hereot.
<br /> No remedy hereln Conferred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender Is Intended to bv excluslve at any other remedy hereln,In the
<br /> • � ' Loan Dacumente or by law provided or permi3tod,but each shell be cumulative,shall be In additlon to every other remedy piven
<br /> — °'�-� � hereunder,in the Loan Dxuments or now or hereafter existing et law or in equity or by statute,and mny be oxerCised conCUrrentty,
<br /> ` indapendenity or successively. I
<br /> . . ;�,�,.
<br /> 13. Trustse.The Tru�tee mpy resl0n at any time without cause, end I..�nder may at any tlme and without causa appalnt a
<br /> auccassor or subatitute Trusteo.Trustee sh�ll not be Iiable to�ny party.including wlthout Ilmltotion Lender,Borrower,Trustor or eny �
<br /> ��'�'' • purchaser of tne P�opertyr,for any loss or damage unless due to recklASS or wlliful misconducG and shall not be requlred to t�ke any I
<br /> � � actton In connectlon with the enforcement of thls Oeed of Truat unless fndemnlffed,In wrlting,for all cosb,comp�nsatlon or
<br /> � expenses which may be associatod iherewith.In addillon,Trusteci may become e purchaser at any sale of the Propertyr Qudlclal or I
<br /> i undor the power ot sale grantad horeln);postpone tho seie of all or any portion of the Proporty,es provided by law;or sell the `
<br /> Pro�erty ea a whole,or In separato parcols or lots at Trusteo'e dfocretlon. i
<br /> _� . �� 14. Fe�s�nd Expfna�ti In the ovent T�ustee sells the Praparty by oxorclse of power o4 sale,Trustee shall ba ontiilod to appty
<br /> any sale proceeds first to payment of all costs and expenses af oxercloing power ot sale,Including all Trustee'e feas,end Lender's
<br /> '� end Trustee's ettorney'e tees,actualiy Incurred to extent permitted by appllcable law.In the event Borrowmr or Trustor oxorcl:,os any
<br /> � right providod by law to cure an Event of Qefault,Lunder shall be antitied to rocover from Trustor all co�3s and expensos actually
<br /> �` fncurred as a resuit of Trustor's dotault,Including without Iimitatlon all T�ustae's end attorney's fees,to the extent permltted by ,
<br /> � Appliceble law. I
<br /> ; �� 16. Futun Advancev.Upon request of Barrower, Lenc�er may, at Its option,make addltionai and tuture adv�nces and re- I
<br /> �, _ � edvancesto Borrower.Such advancea and��advancoe,with interestthereon,shall be secured by thls Deed ot Truat At no time shall
<br /> --.-------- . . . _ . ...._._�_�._�_______..���....�.+�n�..�T...o� .,.s in.��„rtinaauma advanced to DroteCt the BBCUffty Of thl9 � _
<br /> �r me pnncipa�amaum o�mo u�uw�a�,no��oav�.w..����•o•••,••••••• ••••_••7����;�pp-. �
<br /> „ Deod of Trust,exceed tho orlginal principal emaunt atated hereln,or�. whfchever Is greater. ,
<br /> 16. Mt�cNtanQOUa Provitlons.
<br /> �� ' (u) Borrow�r Not Reioa��d.Extonslon ot the tlme for payment or modificatfon of amortization of the sums secured by this
<br /> _� Deed ot Trust grented by Lendor to any successor In interest of Borrower sh�tl not operato to release,in eny manner,the Ilability ;'
<br /> ot the oNpinal Borrowor nnd�orrower's auccessors in Intorest.Lender shall not ba royulrod to commonce proceadinfla against
<br /> �r such successor or refusfl to extend time tar payment or otherwiso modify amortlzation ot tha sums secured by thfs Deed of Tr�at ,
<br /> ' by roason ot eny demanas made by the origlnal Borrower and Borrower's ouccossors in interest
<br /> — (b) L�nd�r's Pawtn.Without afiecting tho Ilabillty ot uny othor person liablo top tho payment of any oblipatfon hereln ,.
<br /> • mentioned,and without ottocting the Ilen or chargo oi thlo Deod of Trust upon nny portlon of tho Property no4 than or the��toforo .
<br /> — roleased as security forthe tull amount o1 all unpald obligatfons.Lender muy,irom time to tirne and wfthout notfco(f)releaao mny
<br /> . person t3o{fsblo,(II)extend the moturiry or alter any of the terms of any sucN obllyatlons,(III)flrant other indulgoncos.(iv)release
<br /> -- � or reconvey,or cau3e to be raleasod or reconveyod et any tfine nt Lender'a optton eny parcel,portlon or all ot the Prope�ty,
<br /> - �� ` (v)take or rele�se ony othor qr addl�lanal sscurity for any obllgation horaln mentlonod, or(vf)makq compositfona or dther ,
<br /> _ �p ' errengaments with debtore In relstlon therdt0. � `' �
<br /> �f ,
<br /> r ,. . . •
<br /> �:�
<br />_..�. ,
<br /> ���
<br />